Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1341: Little monk with red lips and white teeth


Rows of soldiers rushed from the city, pushing back the left and right crowds, and surrounded the blue-clothed youth.

"Marquis Lantian, Yun Ye!"

Huang Chao's face suddenly turned pale, and he recognized that the person who came was one of the top dignitaries in the Tang Dynasty, Lantian Hou Yunye.

But he still gritted his teeth and said, "I, Huang Chao, have been from the Tang Dynasty for generations. I'm loyal and kind. How can I say anything against my bones? Lord Hou has a high position, but he can't slander me in vain!"


Looking at Huang Chao, who looked brave and loyal, Yun Ye smiled dumbly.

In the "history" he knew, this fallen scholar named Huang Chao was a symbol of the Tang Dynasty's transition from prosperity to decline.

Even in this immortal world, which is completely different from history, he will not take the person named Huang Chao lightly.

Huang Chao was filled with grief and indignation. Seeing Yun Ye chuckling, he couldn't help but say, "Dare to ask the Marquis, do I, Huang Chao, make you look down on me like this?"

"The selection of scholars in the imperial examination is not only based on cultivation."

Yun Ye glanced at Li Qingshan slightly, raised a bit of caution in his heart, and said indifferently: "Someone Yun has an opinion on you, and he won't engage in favoritism and cheating on the important matters of the imperial examination!

If you can't hit, there is a reason why you can't hit! "

"I am a commoner, of course I can't compare to the crowd of Zhu Zimen in Chang'an City!"

Huang Chao's heart is sad and his eyes are full of unwillingness:

"A poor family wants to share the spring breeze with Gongqing, it is indeed my delusion!"

Huang Chao's voice was loud, and it spread far and wide, causing the crowd divided by the soldiers to stir up slightly.

The Tang Dynasty has been established for more than a thousand years, and the inevitable class solidification.

The resources obtained by the sons and daughters of the nobles after the big clan are not comparable to those of the poor, and under the same competition, few can compare.

A fallen scholar like Huang Chao, I don't know how.

"Yellow Nest"

Li Qingshan put his hands around his chest, but he was a little interested.

Although Huang Chao's cultivation was not weak, it was nothing compared to that of Lan Tianhou.

But at this time, he still wanted to agitate the emotions of the scholars around him, so as to fight against it, rather than capture it with his hands, and he still had courage.

"The sassy west wind fills the courtyard, and the fragrant and cold butterflies are hard to come by!"

Huang Chao saw that Yun Ye was silent, and the crowd around him became more and more boiling. He couldn't help but sing:

"If I am the Qing Emperor in his year, I will be rewarded with the peach blossoms!!!"

Why? !

Why can't I be treated in the same way as the royal family when I wait for the poor family?

Are we going to be inferior? !

The sound of Huang Chao's poetry can be heard outside Chang'an, dozens of miles away.

There are even more demagogic thoughts in it, so that people who hear this poem can't help but feel injustice in their hearts!

"The newspaper and the peach blossom bloom together?"

Yun Ye sneered and said, "Do you think it's unfair? Do you think Gongqing's children have been given too much preferential treatment? Their resources far exceed yours?"

Yun Ye's voice was like thunder, instantly covering the crowd outside Chang'an City, suppressing all the noise.

"Thousands of years ago, I waited for the beginning of the Great Tang Dynasty, pacifying thousands of mountains, destroying ten thousand demons, fighting against hundreds of kingdoms, and fighting against immortals and gods! How many princes bleed? If you don't give it to your own children, do you want to give it to you?"

Yun Ye's cold eyes fell on Huang Chao, and said indifferently:

"The Tang Dynasty couldn't help Buddhism, but people who believed in Buddhism couldn't take the imperial examinations, and couldn't join the army. Could it be that you, Huang Chao, didn't know?!

Or do you think that you invited the general trend to worship at home, and the supervisor does not know? ! I am in charge of the Tianjian, I don't know? ! "

The sound of thunder roared loudly, causing the onlookers to be shocked.

The Tang Dynasty has been a country for more than a thousand years. It dominates the eastern land, and all countries come to the dynasty. It can be called the first human country in the south.

Although it is limited by the power of immortals and Buddhas and cannot be isolated from belief, no one can believe in religion, whether in the military or in the DPRK!

If Huang Chao really believed in Buddhism, he also invited the Bodhisattva to worship at home day and night.

If you still want the imperial examination, that's really a wolf's ambition!


Yun Ye stepped forward and kicked Huang Chao to the ground:

"If I am the Qing Emperor in his age? You are also worthy?!"


Huang Chao was caught off guard, a mouthful of blood spurted three feet high, and was almost kicked to death by Yun Ye:


He struggled to say something.

"take away!"

Yun Ye, however, was too lazy to pay attention to him. With a wave of his hand, the soldiers dragged them into Chang'an City like a dog.

The crowd of onlookers were all silent, and they all retreated, not daring to touch the bad head of this Marquis.

Yun Ye waved his sleeve robe and glanced coldly at the monks in the crowd:

"The Tang Dynasty can't help the monk, but don't make a mistake! I, Yun Ye, supervise the world, no matter whether you and other elders in your family are immortals or Buddhas, if you dare to violate the laws of the Tang Dynasty, you will be executed without mercy!"

Yun Ye's expression was grim, and the monks and Daoists in the horrified crowd changed, but they didn't dare to say anything.

All the princes of the Tang Dynasty were all masters, and they even fought with a group of immortals and gods who supported the Hundred Kingdoms a thousand years ago.

That Great Tang Human Sovereign not only beheaded big demons, but also killed gods and immortals!

After saying that, Yun Ye walked away with a flick of his sleeve, followed by a group of soldiers.

And until Yun Ye's shadow disappeared, the stagnant flow of people outside Chang'an City slowly recovered.

"What a great Tang Lantian Marquis!"

Li Qingshan couldn't help but sighed, this Marquis Lantian was not a simple character.

Huang Chao was planted in his hands, but he was not wronged at all.

Chang'an City is very large. As the capital of the first empire of Nanzhanbu Prefecture, it is the largest city in the East.

Even when Li Qingshan stepped into it, he was a little surprised.

The road extending in all directions spreads in all directions with the majestic palace as the center, and the tall buildings one after another extend all the way as if to spread to the end of the horizon.

On the street, there is a constant flow of traffic, and sometimes powerful warriors come and go on alien beasts, and the flow of people is very dense.

All kinds of heaven and earth treasures, spiritual medicines and instruments are everywhere, and there is even a scholar who sings and sings with poetry.

"Nine years ago, the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea killed a young Kunpeng. The ancestor of Kunpeng was angry and killed five thousand real dragons in one day, and the dragon's blood stained the banks of the East China Sea."

"The emperor's decree, the south is looking forward to the coming of all countries, and many big countries are all offering heaven and earth treasures."

"Your Majesty takes pity on the soldiers, and invites Buddhist and Taoist experts to Chang'an City to open water and land dojos to save the dead souls."

"It is said that not only real people from Taoism have come, but also Bodhisattvas from Buddhism have come to Chang'an City."

"All nations come to the DPRK, land and water dharma meeting? Buddhist Bodhisattva, Taoist real person"

On the street, Li Qingshan moved slightly in his heart, capturing a lot of information.

During this time, the city of Chang'an was turbulent.

The emperor Li Shimin called all countries to come to the dynasty, and invited Buddhist and Taoist cultivators to come to Chang'an City to hold a land and water dharma meeting to save the heroes of the Tang Dynasty who had fallen for thousands of years.

At this time, Li Qingshan realized that the Lantian Hou Yunye was not dispatched for a mere yellow nest, but to deter the Buddhist and Taoist masters who had gathered these days.

"However, how powerful is the power of the immortals and Buddhas in this immortal world, how can this Tang Dynasty be so hard-hearted?"

Li Qingshan was curious.

In the immortal world, Buddhism and Taoism are like the sun in the sky, and the heavenly gods are as numerous as stars. No matter how strong this Tang Dynasty is, it cannot be an opponent.

Where did they come from?

You must know that the Tang Dynasty has been established for more than a thousand years, and the Buddhist and Taoist families have spread for many calamities, and the giants of trillions of chaos!

"Weird, weird!"

Li Qingshan moved in his heart and took out a side of the classics.

But it was when he parted with Gu Shaoshang that year, Gu Shaoshang transformed the world he was in into a book that he carried with him.


He shook his hand slightly, and a white light hung down from the scroll.

In an instant, the white light turned into a beautiful woman in white with bright eyes and white teeth.


The beauty in white held Li Qingshan's palm, and there was only him in her slightly empty eyes.

"Xiao An."

Li Qingshan held the girl's cold palm and said with a smile: "The prosperity of this fairyland is far away from us, this time we have to take a good stroll!"

Looking at the girl, Li Qingshan only felt that all the troubles in his heart had disappeared, and all Buddhist, Taoist, and Daluo schools were left behind.


The girl nodded quietly, her face soft.

"Fresh Jiaolong meat, originating from the East China Sea, is the descendant of the real dragon, the meat is delicious, and it can also assist in the practice of martial arts."

"The best saber, made by the master craftsman in the army, is forged with the blood of the four spirits, such as the real dragon and the phoenix, and it can kill immortals!"

"Mo Qilin's young son, a good mount, cultivated for thousands of years, must be a good help!"

The street is very lively, and the sound of hawking is endless.

Li Qingshan took Xiao An and walked through the streets, having a lot of fun.

Li Qingshan loves fine wine and delicious food. Every time a restaurant stops, he must drink a hundred jars of fine wine and ten tables of delicious food before he is willing to move.

Xiao An just followed quietly, watching him eat, watch him drink, and watch him cry out for good wine.

In a flash, it was more than 30 days, and Li Qingshan had eaten all of this street before he stopped.

"Chang'an City extends in all directions, and there are many streets. Even if I eat hundreds of restaurants a day, I'm afraid I will eat it for three to five years!"

On the front eaves of a restaurant, Li Qingshan carried a jar of wine and took a sip:

"Although this wine is not as good as the Kunlun Mountains, the wine in this world can make me drunk!"

"Then eat for three or five years."

Xiao An wiped the moist corners of his mouth for him and said softly.

"Ha ha!"

Li Qingshan seemed a little drunk, put down the wine jar, pointed to the towering Taoist platform in front of him, and said:

"Then what kind of land and water conference is held there? Let me go and see if there is such a monk who has learned from the scriptures!"


Li Qingshan stood drank the fine wine in the jar and burped, then carried another jar and went down to the restaurant.

Shakingly walked towards the water and land dojo.

Datang was forbidden to fly, even if the immortals and Buddhas could not vacate here, Li Qingshan could only walk.

Xiao An followed behind him.

The choice he made, she never said right or wrong, just accompanied him.

The two walked towards the water and land dharma meeting one after the other, and saw that there were Buddhist altars and Taoist altars everywhere on the spacious street.

Among the many Buddhist platforms and Taoist platforms, the tallest one is on top.

A monk with red lips and white teeth sat cross-legged.

Seeing that monk, Li Qingshan's scalp suddenly exploded and his eyes widened:


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