Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1342: Gu Xuan is hurt!

Drink, wake up instantly.

This scene is so creepy!

Li Qingshan stared blankly at the young monk with red lips and white teeth on the stage, and couldn't help rubbing his eyes: "I really drank too much to see Big Brother Gu?"

Li Qingshan felt a wave in his heart. Although this monk had no hair and was dressed in white, his appearance was astonishingly similar to that of his elder brother Gu.

However, unlike Big Brother Gu's domineering indifference, this monk is elegant and gentle.

It's like an eminent monk.

Xiao An was also a little curious and followed Li Qingshan's line of sight.

I saw a young monk in a moon-white monk robe sitting on the altar.

The monk was slender, with red lips and white teeth. He sat still like a mountain, but he had a calm and peaceful aura on his body.

Like the bright moon in the sky, Gao Jie out of the dust, as dazzling as the sun, people unconsciously set their eyes on him.

"Qingshan, do you know this master?"

Xiao An hesitated for a moment, but still asked.

She cultivated the way of bones, and she was originally the enemy of Buddha, but seeing this young monk at this moment, she couldn't help but want to get close.

"Well, know, know."

Li Qingshan was in a daze and wanted to shout, but he couldn't believe it.

You know, the last time he also saw with his own eyes this big brother Gu from his own family took action against Buddhism.

How did you become a monk at this moment?

"This is the only Great Master recognized by the Tang Dynasty's monarchs and ministers in the Tang Empire, the Three Burial Masters, commonly known as Gu Xuanshang!"

"Wangzhi makes people feel relaxed and happy, and can't afford to think about it. It really is an eminent monk, an archmage!"

"Thirty-six road and water conferences are all up to him."

Naturally, it was not only Li Qingshan who came to watch the waterway dojo around, but there were also some people who knew the inside story and talked with each other.

Li Qingshan listened carefully, and he had already confirmed the identity of the person on the stage.

However, what makes him puzzled is, what does this big brother Gu want to do?

Could it be that he wants to go to the West to learn scriptures?

He was curious in his heart, and wished he would go to the stage at this time, pulling him to ask clearly, but he did not dare to go up, for fear of messing up his plans.

"Qingshan, watch the changes, I feel that the Buddha's power is coming together, and there will be a great monk."

Xiao An squeezed Li Qingshan's palm and whispered.

She has cultivated the Tao of Beauty and Bones to a very high level, and even the former White Bones Bodhisattva cannot surpass her realm at this time.

The sensitivity to Buddhism's breath is still above Li Qingshan.

Li Qingshan nodded, dragged Xiao An around to find a restaurant with the right line of sight, and waited quietly.

In a flash, another seventy-seven and forty-nine days have passed.

During these forty-nine days, there were more and more monks and Taoists in the water and land dojos, and the sound of chanting and chanting came one after another.

Although Li Qingshan did not understand this scripture, he also knew that no matter Buddhism or Taoism, there was no shortage of scriptures to save the dead.

In fact, in his opinion, these sutras are useless. If there is no one underground, if they recite it thousands of times, it is impossible to re-enter the cycle.

"Brother Gu has been sitting in meditation for years, it's really amazing."

Li Qingshan held the wine glass and shook his head: "Fortunately, today is the first day of the waterway dojo, so it should be over!"

"There has been a change."

Xiao An said softly.

Li Qingshan raised his eyebrows and looked.

Seeing that on the altar near the center, an old monk with white eyebrows suddenly stopped chanting sutras, folded his hands and bowed to the highest altar in the center, saying:

"In one sitting for a year, the old monk recites the Sutra of Rebirth and Death 30,000 times, the Amitabha Sutra 30,000 times, the Ksitigarbha Basic Vows Sutra 30,000 times, and the Great Compassion Mantra 30,000 times, a total of ten Buddhist sutras. Twenty thousand times"

The old monk was dignified, like a statue in a temple, and even if he opened his mouth, his figure did not move at all.

Only the long eyebrows fell, swaying in the wind:

"Dare to ask the Master, why don't you say a word, don't read a word?"

The old monk's voice was sonorous and powerful, like a sword slashing at a golden bell, and it rang loudly, covering the entire water and land dojo, and it rang in the ears of thousands of monks and Taoists at the same time.

The sound of chanting sutras suddenly stopped.

The group of people stopped together and looked at the three-burial mage who was above the highest Buddhist platform in the water and land dojo.

They come from many countries, and they are all eminent monks enshrined by a country, real people, with high status, and the cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism is exquisite.

If it weren't for the great Tang Dynasty and other reasons, they wouldn't even come to Chang'an City.

But when they recited the scriptures to save the dead, the three burial masters did not say a word, which was a bit too much.


There seems to be a wind blowing above the altar.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, the three burial mage who kept his eyes closed from the beginning to the end slowly opened his eyes.

No edge, no brilliance, as warm as water.

Gu Xuanshang's eyes fell, swept over the crowd, and said:

"Masters, real people, how many people have transcended the undead by reciting the Buddhist scriptures 100,000 times?"

"Amitabha, the old monk is not talented, one scripture can save one person, 120,000 times, he has already saved 120,000 people!"

The Baoguang cassock that the old monk was wearing shone slightly, and the Buddha's light flashed from the sky, and it seemed that countless dead souls could be seen bowing and thanking him.

"Master Mingjian, there are not as many monks as Jinchi. It takes only ten times of scriptures to save one person. After a busy year, he saves more than 11,000 people."

Not far away, a middle-aged monk responded lightly, neither happy nor angry.

"Back to the three burial masters, the little monk saved more than 3,000 dead souls"

"Master, the little monk saves more than a thousand dead souls"

"The poor monk is ashamed, but he has built a thousand-layered pagoda, not as many as the masters."

Seeing the three-burial mage open his mouth to ask, all the monks opened their mouths, either peaceful, or indifferent, or compassionate, or with lustful faces.

And so on.

On the contrary, a group of Taoist priests stood on the sidelines, allowing many monks to speak without saying a word.

Just watch quietly.

"Good, good!"

Under the sunlight, Gu Xuanshang nodded slightly and said, "You are the masters of the Tao, and the undead in the city are almost gone!"

"Three Burial Mage's words are serious!"

The Master Jinchi folded his hands together, his white eyebrows moved slightly, and seemed to be somewhat useful, and said:

"Dare to ask the Three Burial Mage, how much does it take you to save the undead after sitting for a long time?"


Gu Xuanshang responded honestly.

"What? There isn't one?"

All the monks were in an uproar.

Although they hadn't heard the three burial masters speak before chanting the scriptures, they didn't expect that he really didn't say a word, and he didn't save a single person.

"You Zen masters, please be quiet, the three burial masters want to come, don't have a good opinion!"

The Master Jinchi spoke slowly, suppressing the clamor of many monks.

Only then did the monks calm down, their eyes refocused, and they fell on the monk in white, with a faint oppression.

"I don't dare to stand tall!"

On the Buddhist platform, Gu Xuanshang waved his hand slightly, but looked out of the water and land dojo, and said softly:

"Where is Marquis Lantian?"

"Yun Ye is here!"

Before Xuanshang could finish his words, Yun Ye, dressed in brocade clothes, appeared on a high-rise building outside the land and water dojo.

He didn't even look at the other monks, and bowed to Xuanshang:

"Yun Ye has seen the Three Burial Masters!"

"Dare to ask, how much has I accumulated undead in the Tang Dynasty for thousands of years?"

Gu Xuanshang asked again.

"Back to the mage!"

Yun Ye straightened up, a look of sadness flashed across his face, and said:

"For 1300 years, I, the fallen soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, and the people who have not entered the cycle of reincarnation, have been 38.693 billion."

Yun Ye clenched his fists unconsciously.

Thirteen hundred years ago, when the Tang Dynasty was founded, it offended a large number of immortals.

After the war, many generals died.

But where did he think that the gate of the underworld was completely closed to the Tang Dynasty, and after 1,300 years, the soldiers who died in the battle would not be able to return.

In the land of the Eastern Land, one could even see the sight of a hundred ghosts traveling every day.

Many civil servants and military generals in the Tang Dynasty are not weak to immortals and Buddhas, but what about their former colleagues, colleagues, and their own people?

Is it to beat them to ashes?

Therefore, this boundless undead has plagued Tang monarchs and ministers for thousands of years.

until now.

"so much?!"

The expressions of all the monks changed, a little unbelievable.

Although they could feel that there are many undead in Chang'an City, they did not expect that there are so many!

Even if the people who have died in the Tang Dynasty for thousands of years are added together, it is only this number!

After all, the Tang Dynasty established the country with martial arts, and martial arts practitioners have a long lifespan. There are not many longevity people, but there are countless people whose lifespan exceeds a thousand years.


Master Jin Chi's expression also changed.

As the host of the Guanyin Temple, his Buddhist practice is naturally as profound as that of an Arhat. However, Purdue Undead is not that simple.

If the orthodox enters the cycle of reincarnation, there will be six cycles of reincarnation to wash away the merits and demerits of one's life and go away naked.

However, if for some reason one cannot be like a reincarnated person and wants to escape, the Zen master who is free from him has to wash away his sins, so that he can communicate with the underworld and escape from the undead through Buddhism.

With 30 billion dead souls, there is no one in the world who can wash away their sins!

That heavy sin karma can almost turn homework into fire!

Even in the lower realm of Arhats, Bodhisattvas will frown when they come to the world!

"Good, good!"

Amidst the horror of many people, Gu Xuanshang sighed lightly, with compassion in his eyes, and said slowly:

"This time in the waterway dojo, all the mages have contributed a lot, and I will do the rest for me!"


As soon as he said that, Chang'an City suddenly made a sound of shaking.

The immeasurable Buddha's light, Tao Yun burst out from the monks in the water and land dojos, and the Taoist platform under the Taoist priests!

Like a thousand dragons, it soars straight into the sky!

In an instant, the entire sky above Chang'an City was covered with overlapping rays of light.

Buddha Yin Dao Yin is a masterpiece!

The expressions of many monks and Taoist priests were shocked, as if they had recited the Buddhist scriptures and Taoist scriptures thousands of times, and at this moment, they sounded at the same time!

The sound of boiling for a while is about to break through the sky!

"Hell is designed for people! If people can't enter, why is it necessary for the underworld to exist?"

On the altar, Gu Xuanshang sighed softly and folded his hands together:

"Good, good!"


As Gu Xuanshang's voice drifted, the void behind him suddenly became slightly dense, as if folds were baked by the high temperature.

The next moment, with the sound of earth-shattering vibrations, a jet-black torrent shot out from his body and shot straight into the sky!

boom! !

The void shook, and the dragon energy in Chang'an City boiled and roared.

wow wow wow~

The endless cries of ghosts and gods resounded throughout Chang'an City, and even the entire Tang Dynasty.

"This is!"

In the restaurant, Li Qingshan was suddenly shocked.

I saw that in the black torrent, there seemed to be immeasurable ghosts, and the faces of the undead appeared!

The 30 billion undead had been injured by Gu Xuan and suppressed in his body!

This is amazing!

Li Qingshan has long known from Qingniu that Earth Immortal Realm is the center of Myriad Realms, and most of the souls in it are strong men from other realms!

It can be said that any creature in the immortal world has the potential to become an immortal!

Its karma, its karma, is far greater than that of ordinary creatures in other worlds!

The karma of 30 billion undead is simply frightening!


In the shaking of heaven and earth, an undead walked out from the black torrent.

In the light of the Buddha and the sound of the Tao, he disappeared into the darkness, but he escaped into the cycle of reincarnation.

Then, a hundred thousand, a million, a million

In the end, the endless undead disappeared into the void, the innocent body escaped, and the karma remained.

It turned into a boundless karmic fire, like a falling river, covering the monks on the altar.

In the karmic fire, Gu Xuanshang was neither sad nor happy:

"Good, good!"

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