Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1346: The trend is on me?

"Finally, we have come to Earth Immortal Realm!"

Beyond the sky, Han Li breathed a sigh of relief and stepped into the Immortal Realm in a dazed and ignorant manner.

"No, not good!"

The next moment, Han Li's expression changed instantly, and he felt an invisible force enveloped his heart, and immediately fell into a trance as he plunged into the Immortal Realm.


A loud noise suddenly came from a mountain range in Nanzhan, and endless dust and dust rose up, spreading like a huge mushroom cloud.

Rolling dust covered the sky.

After a long time, the disgraced Han Li climbed up from the deep pit, looking in a trance:

"Where is this? Who am I? Yes, I'm Han Li, a Qi training disciple who just joined Qingyunmen?"


A green vial rolled out under his feet.

Han Li instinctively reached out and grabbed the vial, vaguely feeling that the vial was very important to him.


The boundless ocean poured down from the fairy mountain, and slapped heavily in the East China Sea, causing waves of thousands of feet.

Huaguo Mountain is located on the bank of the East China Sea. It is the ancestor of the ten continents, the dragon of the three islands, and an ancient fairy mountain that has existed since the beginning of the world.

This mountain is as high as a pillar of the sky, with protruding peaks and rugged rocks, among which the flowers and plants are lush, and the spiritual energy is abundant. It is faintly visible that the spirit beasts are running in the wild, and the cranes are soaring in the sky.

More, it is a group of monkeys.

These monkeys are swarming in groups, and most of them are actually enlightened.

"This is Huaguo Mountain?"

At the foot of Huaguo Mountain, Li Qingshan built a pergola and looked at the distant mountains, as if he was looking for something.

He followed Gu Shaoshang, but he kept the memory of his past, but it was limited to the memory of mortals.

He looked away from a distance, and he could see a strange stone on the top of the immortal mountain that was swallowing the essence of the sun and the moon.

The strange stone was three feet six feet five inches wide, two feet four feet wide, and had nine orifices and eight holes, just as he remembered.

"You don't have to look, that monkey hasn't been born yet."

Gu Xuanshang sat cross-legged on a tiger leaping stone, slightly dumbfounded, and said: "In the calamity, the deeper the calamity, the deeper the deception, this monkey is extremely decisive, and directly cut off a whole body of Dao fruit, leaving only the The nature is so real, and it is determined to compete with the Tathagata!"

Talking about the calamity is the road to the Westward Journey, and endless creatures can enter the calamity. However, the reactions after entering the calamity are different.

Like the gods and Buddhas in the sky, the memory of supernatural powers is not lost, and the past is forgotten, and the cultivation base still exists.

There are also those who forget their past and at the same time deceive their supernatural powers.

Even more like this monkey, he directly cut off the fruit of the Tao, leaving only the true nature.

The difference among them determines the benefits that can be obtained in the end.

The deeper the calamity, the greater the achievement after the calamity.

As for Gu Xuanshang, he was originally transformed by Gu Shaoshang's kind thoughts, and the honor of Hunyuan transcended the calamity.

"The great sage has already been half-stepped, and it is said that the three corpses have been chopped up, but he gave up like this?"

Li Qingshan was a little unbelievable.

How difficult is it to achieve Daluo, and it is even more difficult to cut off three corpses. Just to fight, can you give up everything?

"If not, how can you compete with the World Honored Spirit Mountain?"

Gu Xuanshang's expression was flat, not surprised, and said slowly:

"The World Honored Spirit Mountain has arranged a lot of calamities to take the lead, and this monkey turned into a divine stone that opened up the world, and it has survived to this day, but it has only accounted for three points of luck.

There are still seven points in Lingshan. If the monkey wants to become enlightened, it will inevitably have to travel west. Otherwise, we can only watch the World-Honored One preach the Dao. "

Speaking of which, he had no choice but to sigh that the World Honored Spirit Mountain's savings were too deep.

Even, he suspects that the World Honored Spirit Mountain has already passed the ordinary enlightenment calamity, but is just at the gate of the source of transformation.

Even if Daoist Wukong was deeply robbed, he was far worse than him.

One is going to endure eighty-one calamities, and the other is sitting on Lingshan to wait for work, and the two are judged by each other.

If there is no external force to intervene, how difficult is it for Daoist Wukong to compete with him?

This is also the reason why Daoist Wukong seeks foreign aid.

"I couldn't compete in the first place, and if I cut off Dao Guo, wouldn't it be even more difficult to compete?"

Li Qingshan shook his head, unable to understand.

It is absolutely impossible for him to make such a choice.

"If the Dao fruit is cut off, it will not disappear."

Gu Xuanshang threw the small stone in his hand and splashed a small bubble in the stream.

Daoist Wukong's obsession was hard to dissipate, so he stepped back and let the World Honored One become enlightened, and his obsession could no longer be eliminated.

Back then, being toyed with and suppressed under the Five Elements Mountain was almost his deepest obsession.

Once the obsession is eliminated, the calamity is overcome, and the fruit of the Tao is retrieved, he can become enlightened almost at the click of a finger.

Otherwise, nothing.

"Then how strong is the World Honored Spirit Mountain, and can he force the great sage to take a risk?"

Li Qingshan looked back, his heart a little heavy.

Perhaps because of the memory of his previous life, he has a natural affection for Sun Wukong.

"There are countless kalpas who have attained the Dao, attained the Mahayana Dharma, and those who wish to attain the Buddha Master are powerful."

Gu Xuanshang also admired:

"It's almost as good as when I was back then!"


Li Qingshan's dignified expression suddenly collapsed, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

Deliberately saying that he was bragging, but also faintly felt as if what he said was true.

"Let's go around him."

Gu Xuanshang retracted his gaze and stood up.

"Aren't you going to Huaguo Mountain?"

Li Qingshan felt that he couldn't keep up, didn't he say go to Huaguo Mountain?

"This monkey slashed the fruit of the Dao, and it is still empty. A little bit of spiritual wisdom joins the avenue. Seeing a human being turned into a human, seeing a monkey turning into a monkey, if you and I go up, I guarantee that there will be no monkeys jumping out of the stone."

Gu Xuanshang waved his hand and said:

"I don't care what the monkey looks like, but the monkey should be more pleasing to the eye!"

"Can it still be like this?"

Li Qingshan smiled bitterly, only to feel that he was really ignorant like a boy.

"Spiritual roots are nurtured and flowed out, and the mind cultivates the Dao! How can he cut off the Dao fruit without harvesting?"

Gu Xuan smiled sadly:

"You still want to teach him the method of cultivation, can't you? Think about it, Lingtai Fangcunshan, where is Xieyue Sanxingdong?"

He didn't care about the monkey's appearance, he was afraid that he would not break up with him if he found the Daoguo in his previous life.

This Daoist Wukong cut off the fruit of the Dao, but turned it into a mountain of square inches, and taught himself to practice the Dao. It can be said that he is his own master.

The way of cultivation does not necessarily require anyone to intervene.

It is instinctive for Daluo to make up his own heels. If the Taoist Wukong does not want others to know his own heels and feet, it is the place to learn Taoism.

Who can really know where the Daoist Wukong learns the Tao?

He who dares to fight against the World Honored Spirit Mountain will naturally not be a weak person.

"Is it the heart?"

Li Qingshan pondered for a moment, and enlightenment rose in his heart.

Lingtai is the heart, and square inches is the heart.

A slanted moon, three stars, the same heart.

Lingtai Fangcun Mountain, Xieyue Sanxingdong, refers to the heart!

The name of Sun Wukong, his magical powers, and his avenues of practice were all taught to him by himself!

"This is what Big Brother Gu said, to make up one's own footsteps?"

Li Qingshan was a little confused.

Involuntarily sighed.

The myths he knew in his previous life were plausible, true and false, and no one knew exactly how.

"Yes, it is also interesting to go to Fangcun Mountain at this time to see the monkey cultivating place."

Gu Xuanshang flicked his sleeve robe and floated away.

Li Qingshan didn't know what to think, he stopped for a long time, until Gu Xuanshang's back almost disappeared, and then he followed up with big strides.

The sun rises and sets, and the moon rises and falls.

I don't know how long.

On this day, the nine orifices on the top of Huaguo Mountain suddenly cracked, and a stone monkey jumped into the sky, shooting two golden rays of light to sweep the ten directions and four poles.

For a time, up to the Lingxiao Hall above the sky tower, down to the eighteenth floor of the underworld, all of them are bright.

In the mountain of bliss, the Buddha smiled with a smile:

"When the amount of calamity rises, the general trend is on me!"


The Buddha smiled, and the boundless light illuminated the nine heavens, and the sound of the rumbled Buddha shook the three worlds of heaven, earth, and human.

At the moment when the indescribable calamity qi appeared at the moment of the Buddha's light, it was raging and raging, setting off a boundless frenzy.

Vaguely, the void folds above the Lingshan Mountain, and the layers of ripples blow in the four directions, reaching the Southern Zhanbu Continent, the land of the Eastern Land.

In an instant, the void seemed to be condensed into one, and the ten directions of space seemed to be superimposed together.

There is only one westbound road left, and if you want to climb Lingshan, this is the only way.

For a time, the heavens and the earth were shaken, and the expressions of the gods and Buddhas all over the sky changed.

These two real people who should be robbed all have actions.

In the highest place in the universe, in the Hall of Lingxiao, the gods gathered together, as if there was a meeting.

Suddenly, Clairvoyant and Shunfeng Er hurriedly stepped into the hall and knelt down on the ground: "Da Tianzun, we have already found out that the one who disturbed the heavens and the earth is the one-day stone monkey born on the shore of Dongsheng Shenzhou, proud to come to Guohuaguo Mountain!"

"That stone monkey was born with supernatural powers, unlike ordinary people, I'm afraid it will be a big monster in the future!"

Clairvoyant Shunfenger knelt down on the ground, and many gods had different faces.


Above the throne, Da Tianzun's eyes were half-open and half-closed, and he waved his hands with little interest: "How can a small monkey be considered a big demon?"

"That's what Your Majesty said."

All the gods in the hall nodded in agreement.

Although they have been robbed, they do not need to prove the Tao like the Taoist Wukong.

No matter how they win or lose, they are invincible.

Even if the Great Heavenly Venerate has an appointment with the World Honored Spirit Mountain, it is still unknown how much he will contribute.

Above the East China Gu Xuanshang stood with his hands behind his back, in the sea breeze, the moon white monk robes hunted.

"It's a big trend for me!"

Gu Xuanshang couldn't help but sighed, the World Honored Spirit Mountain's methods were quite clever.

Let him have to admire.

In his eyes, he can penetrate the boundless calamity.

At this time, seven points of luck in the great calamity is in Lingshan. As time goes by, the number of Qi of the World Honored Lingshan will increase. On the contrary, the three points of luck that Sun Wukong had just cut off Daoguo will pass away.

And if he travels westward, he will face the calamity of all the calamities of this amount of calamity!

If you do not break the calamity, it is difficult to climb the Lingshan Mountain. If you break a calamity, the World Honored Lingshan will be one step closer to breaking out of the calamity.

The so-called trend is in me, not just talking.

To be able to force the monkeys to ask for foreign aid, naturally the balance is too tilted, and the monkeys think they have no chance of winning.

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