Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1347: big game

This calamity, and even the many calamities that have been experienced, seems to be for the Tathagata to become enlightened at this time!

Gu Xuan suddenly realized something in his sadness.


Standing behind Gu Xuanshang, Li Qingshan felt the existence of Lingshan.

This road of calamity is at his feet.

Somewhere in the world, a thought seemed to arise in his heart. After walking this road and climbing the Lingshan Mountain, he could become enlightened.

The urge was indescribable, and he couldn't help but want to pursue it.


Gu Xuanshang lightly patted Li Qingshan on the shoulder and stopped him.

"Big Brother Gu"

Li Qingshan was shocked and came back to his senses.

Suddenly, cold sweat appeared on his forehead, and he almost lost himself again.

"Crisis is everywhere, and early contact is also good."

Gu Xuanshang retracted his palm and said lightly.

Dangers are everywhere in the calamity, except for the existence of the Primordial Series, everyone may be fascinated by the calamity, and do all kinds of irrational things in a trance.

However, being able to return after a calamity is a rare practice for any Daluo.

For a cultivator like Li Qingshan who has not yet ascended to Da Luo, the benefits are even more immeasurable.

This time, Li Qingshan doesn't need to do anything, just survive, and he will have the opportunity to attack Daluo.

This is also the reason why many practitioners, knowing the danger of the calamity, still step into the calamity.

"The road to calamity is not the substance, but at the feet of everyone. Lingshan is not in Xiniu Hezhou, and it may be everywhere."

When he came back to his senses, Li Qingshan seemed to understand something in his heart.

He has a clear mind, and under Gu Xuanshang's several instructions, he has gradually understood the essence of this calamity.

"There is no fixed number of calamities. The reason why the end of this road of calamity is Lingshan is only because that World Honored One has the general trend."

Gu Xuanshang looked down at the rolling East China Sea and said indifferently:

"If Wukong can dominate the general trend, the end of the road can't be Fangcun Mountain! If Kunpeng can dominate the general trend, the end of the road will be the Demon Master's Palace. If the old devil of Ming He can take the lead, the end of the road may be Netherworld. The sea of ​​blood!"

The general situation cannot be changed, but the small situation can be changed.

Otherwise, how could all these many tribulations vying for dominance are all for the sake of going to Lingshan?

That would be too funny.

In fact, before the three calamities, at the end of the road was Tiandao Sect, and at the end of the road was the Great Venerable Zhou Qing!

Lingshan is only the end of this calamity.

"I see."

Li Qingshan nodded, expressing understanding


The airflow flipped, blowing up the clothes and hunting.

Li Qingshan looked at it from a distance, and saw thousands of mountains competing for beauty, and thousands of mountains rose together, guarding the immortal mountain under his feet like a group of dragons worshiping their ancestors.

Above the immortal mountain, the secluded forests are lush and green, and the landscape is extremely harmonious and unified.

"This is Fangcun Mountain?"

Li Qingshan's heart was slightly clear, and he couldn't help but raise a touch of anticipation.

He was sent to Fangcun Mountain by Gu Xuanshang. According to Gu Xuanshang's words, he helped the monkey so much, you just go, you should have your own magical powers.

Li Qingshan turned his thoughts in his mind, and heard a desolate Taoist song:

"Watching chess is rotten, lumbering, walking slowly along the valley at the edge of the cloud. Selling salary and wine, laughing wildly and enjoying yourself. Cangjing is high in autumn, resting on the pine roots of the moon, recognizing the old forest at dawn, climbing the cliff and crossing the ridge, holding an axe to break the withered rattan."

The sound contains the sound, with the open-mindedness and freedom that penetrates everything in the desolation.

"Lingtai Fangcunshan, Xieyue Sanxingdong, the Great Sage asked Xiangxin, the way is not to be false to others and to ask for yourself! Is this woodcutter also transformed by the Great Sage's mind?"

Li Qingshan was thinking about it, and saw a woodcutter with a steel axe appearing on the edge of the forest.

With his slightly restored cultivation at this time, he didn't find out how the woodcutter appeared.

"Old immortal, old immortal! The disciple starts."

Suddenly, Li Qingshan watched helplessly, a 15-foot-tall monkey jumped out of nowhere and stopped the woodcutter.

"Brother Gu is indeed right!"

Li Qingshan has an eyelid.

This one person and one monkey seemed to appear suddenly, he stared closely, but he didn't see where they came from.

It was as if their minds moved, and they appeared.

Li Qingshan leaned up, only to see that monkey hairy face, Lei Gongzui, five short stature, but a pair of eyes that contained a lot of wisdom, and they turned sly, and at first glance, they were slick.

He knew that at this time, the great sage really lost his dao fruit and did not remember the past.

According to what Brother Gu said, his previous achievements have been transformed into this Lingtai Fangcun Mountain.

"Hey! Brother, are you also going to find Patriarch Subhuti?"

The monkey had just said goodbye to the woodcutter, and when he saw Li Qingshan, he couldn't help but be overjoyed:

"You go with me, and if you get a benefit, you will never forget the grace of your guidance."

"It happens that I am going too, so let's go together!"

Li Qingshan did not refuse, and let the monkey drag him to the Fangcun Mountain together.

He also wanted to know what Patriarch Nasubhuti looked like.

One person and one monkey each had their own concerns, but the speed was quite fast. After a while, they turned around a few hills and came to a cave.

The cave house is built on the mountain, it seems to be integrated with this immortal mountain, this side of heaven and earth, completely natural, without the slightest artificial carving.

When they came here, they saw a little boy open the door and come out.

Standing under the peach tree outside the door.

Li Qingshan thought for a while, how does this Fangcun Mountain look similar to Huaguo Mountain, especially, the cultivation place of Fang Xiandao Patriarch, with peach trees all over the mountains and plains.

There is definitely something unreasonable.

"Xiantong, Xiantong, the disciple is here to visit Taoist immortals, and also ask Xiantong to pass on it?"

The monkey bowed his head and bowed his head, but it was also quite decent.

"Even if you are visiting Dao Xue Xian, come with me to meet the Patriarch."

The boy glanced at Li Qingshan, but didn't say anything, and led the two into the cave.

Li Qingshan breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help but admire, Big Brother Gu still had a big face.

Otherwise, how can he enter the Samsung hole.

Under the guidance of the fairy boy, one person and one monkey turned around the front hall of the cave and came to the main hall.

I saw the patriarch sitting in the hall, but he was not the old man he imagined, but a handsome young man with a serene and peaceful temperament.

That patriarch was wearing a golden cloud-light Tai Chi gossip robe and a purple-gold crown on his head. Dao Yun flowed all over his body, his aura was calm, and he looked like a master of Dao.

Li Qingshan didn't recognize him, but if he came here as an immortal from the Earth Immortal Realm, he would be able to see through it at a glance. This Daoist was clearly the appearance of Daoist Wukong.

He beheaded Daoguo, but Daoguo still exists in his heart.

If someone wants to take advantage of the opportunity, it is the blood on the face of being pitted.

"Who's next?"

The patriarch glanced at Li Qingshan lightly, and then said.


The monkey knelt to the ground immediately: "Master Mingjian, the disciple is from Huaguo Mountain in Dongsheng Shenzhou, and came here to seek immortals, and wants to ask for the ability to live forever!"

Li Qingshan touched his nose and bowed his hands in a salute: "The same is true for the disciple!"

"Dongsheng Shenzhou?"

The patriarch raised his eyebrows slightly: "Then Dongsheng Shenzhou is separated from this place by two major seas, and the distance is boundless and far away. How can you be able to cross the sea?"

"The disciple made a raft and came with the wind."

The monkey answered honestly.

Li Qingshan complained in his heart.

How far apart is Dongsheng Shenzhou and Xiniu Hezhou?

Even if the Daluo Immortal has to walk for eight thousand years, a monkey can cross the ocean with a raft?

"It's decent."

The patriarch nodded slightly and accepted Li Qingshan and the monkey.

And gave the name, Sun Wukong.

As for Li Qingshan, it seemed that he had been forgotten, and the patriarch did not take the path for him.

Next, Li Qingshan stayed in this Fangcun Mountain.

The road to rebuilding began.

Because of Gu Xuan's injury protection, his memory was never completely forgotten, and when he came to this Fangcun Mountain, he began to recover his memory.

Naturally, he first picked up his own nine transformations of the gods and demons, as well as the one-style Taichu Shenquan Dao once taught by Gu Shaoshang.

He never cut off Daoguo, and of course his progress in regaining his cultivation was extremely fast.

But what made him stunned was that this monkey's cultivation was hurricane, much faster than his recovery!

In a small courtyard somewhere in Chang'an City, Gu Xuanshang sat cross-legged under an old tree.

After sending Li Qingshan to Fangcun Mountain, he slowly opened his mouth and said:

"Why do you hide when your old friend comes to visit?"

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from you."

The void moved slightly, and the time flowed down like water, turning into an invisible substance with a strange and chaotic existence on its face.

But it was the master of time and space who had dealt with Gu Shaoshang.

As the master of time and space, He is extremely sensitive to time and space. The road of this calamity is transformed by the long river of time and space. Of course, it is impossible to hide from him.

"You are really everywhere."

Gu Xuanshang shook his head slightly.

Time and space are everywhere, unless it is specially isolated, and the avenue is a world like the gate of eternal life, otherwise He is everywhere.

"The old gentleman is quiet and inaction. As the saying goes, if the law does not prohibit it, there is no correction. He never said that he would not let me come. Of course I can come."

The Lord of Time and Space appeared, looked at Gu Xuanshang, and said:

"It's Martial Ancestor, you have a ray of kindness incarnation, and you have to participate in this amount of calamity, I'm afraid that you are not able to catch it. This amount of calamity is involved, but it is not small."

"What time and space daoists know, you may as well speak bluntly."

Gu Xuanshang's expression The Lord of Time and Space can be said to be a know-it-all among the heavens and the world, and there are few secrets that he does not know.

"Don't say it, don't say it."

The Lord of Time and Space waved his hand and said, "There are some things that can't be said, and there will be trouble if you say it."

The reason why He can walk through all worlds and know all the secrets that makes people helpless is because he never talks nonsense, in addition to his special role as the master of time and space.

"There are things that can't be said, and of course there are things that can be said."

Gu Xuanshang was unmoved.

The Master of Time and Space is notorious and obviously not a professional one.


The Lord of Time and Space thought for a while, and then said:

"This calamity, or in other words, the many calamities in this universe, is originally a game between two great men." m.

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