Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1360: Golden monkey steps on the gate of heaven

As soon as the big Tianzun's golden mouth opened, there was a flow of law and Taoism, and it turned into a three-foot plain yellow law in the hall, floating in the air.

"Taibai, let's go."

Da Tianzun lowered his eyes and said, "Let him solve it himself, don't bother the widow."

The gods were suspicious in their hearts, and they had no choice but to remain silent.

It was the King Totali, who had already taken a step, withdrew the steps he took without a trace.

"Taibai's life."

Taibaijinxing, who was serving on the side, bowed slightly, caught the falling decree with both arms, and responded respectfully.

Ripples flashed in his heart.

Knowing that, the Great Heavenly Venerate had no patience to play with the monkey, so he directly sent a decree to let the Buddha come to subdue the demon.

After all, according to the previous rules of calamity, there will be a lot of immortals and gods in the heavenly court who will get a little bit of gas.

After receiving the decree, Taibaijinxing left the Lingxiao Palace and headed towards the west sky.

The Great Heavenly Venerate didn't care either, he glanced at the gods in Lingxiao Hall lightly, and said:

"A measure of calamity does not stain the heavens, as long as the gods perform their duties, they will not touch the body for a thousand eons......"

The Great Heavenly Venerate's words were calm and light, but all the gods in the hall were shocked and bowed to respond:

"Follow the decree of the Great God."

Among them, there are some clear-minded people, who already think of the previous Emperor Fengdu.

Fengdu is in charge of the Yin Division for an unknown amount of kalpas, and his mind is inevitably active.

When Ksitigarbha King was introduced into the Nether for several calamities earlier, he had already committed the taboo of the Great Celestial Venerable. This time, it is hard to say that there is no acquiescence of the Great Celestial Venerable.

Otherwise, since all these countless tribulations, how could anyone in the existence of the Heavenly Court Great Emperor series have fallen?

"Fengdu has gone through calamities, and the return date is uncertain. However, the Yin Division cannot be without a master for a day. I also ask the Great Heavenly Venerate to appoint the new Nether Master."

At this moment, in the corner of the hall, King Qin Guang, who was inconspicuous at all, walked out and fell to the ground, trembling.

He knew in his heart that everything in the underworld could not be concealed from the Great Celestial Venerable, who illumined the heavens, but he had to speak out.

"The date of Emperor Fengdu's return is uncertain, and he really needs to choose the next Lord of the Yin Si."

Among the group of gods, a tall **** with bare feet, white eyebrows drooping but no hair on his forehead slowly opened his mouth to respond.

All the gods moved in their hearts.

The old immortal who spoke was Daluo Jienian, a great immortal with bare feet, and he was considered to be a high-ranking person in the heavenly court.

"Could it be that this old man intends to take charge of the Yin Division? Is he worthy? That is a Hunyuan fruit. Although he is the last of the emperor, he is also the emperor..."

Even more sneered in the heart, ready to block at a critical moment.

The Conferred God Ranking is boundless and boundless, and can accommodate countless immortals, but the position of Primordial Primordial is very few.

Compared with the number of immortals and gods in the heaven at this time, it is enough to grab a head-scratching position.

The Barefoot Great Immortal bowed slightly, thinking in her heart.

His qualifications are enough to take over the position of Yin Si, however, many things are not enough.

From his point of view, the fall of Fengdu may be due to the fact that he has an affair with that Theravada Buddhist sect, and it also means that the Great Celestial Venerable wants to arrange his true confidant.

After all, before the ancient times, Heavenly Court was seriously understaffed, and any crooked melon and cracked date could be on the list of gods.

For example, there are a lot of immortals and gods in the court today, and there are many of them who have truly cultivated to the half-step Hunyuan.

For example, Yang Jian, the real monarch of Erlang, who is not only known as the first **** of war in the heavenly court, but also the nephew of the Great Heavenly Venerate, how it fits.

He stood up this time to sell well.

If that Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun ascended the throne, he would have to owe him a favor. When there is a vacancy next time, he will have a better chance.

As for whether the next position vacancy will be very long, it is not very important for their existence without disaster and disaster, immortal and immortal.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} "What does Daxian think?"

Above the throne, the Great Celestial Venerable is noncommittal.

There was an immortal who quietly glanced at him, only to see that there was neither joy nor anger on Da Tianzun's face, and no one knew what he was thinking.

When Barefoot Daxian heard the words, he was slightly startled: Could it be that I thought it was wrong? Or do you want me to speak up?

"This should be decided by the Great Heavenly Venerate..."

Thinking about it, he said aloud:

"However, Xiaoxian wants to elect Guan Jiangkou Erlang Xiansheng Zhenjun to take over the throne of Yinsi Emperor."


"The Holy Monarch?"

"These bare feet..."

As soon as Barefoot Daxian's voice fell, the other immortals who had been ready to reject it for a long time were slightly startled, and hurriedly swallowed the prepared remarks.

If the Xiansheng Zhenjun wants to take over, they have absolutely no opinion.

After all, this Great Celestial Venerable is notorious for attaining the heavens by himself, not to mention his own nephew.


The Great Heavenly Venerate laughed dumbly and said:

"Everyone knows that Erlang is at odds with the widow, so does Daxian not know it?"

Barefoot Daxian saw that Datianzun was not angry, and his heart was calm, and he said again: "Datianzun rules the heavens, and the candle illuminates the world, how can he be troubled by such troubles? In Xiaoxian's opinion, Xiansheng Zhenjun is more suitable. ."

The other great gods also knew it in their hearts, and this time there was no chance.

"Erlang is eager to seek the Tao, and is not suitable for the position of Yin Shi!"

But he didn't want to, on the throne, the Great Heavenly Venerate restrained his smile and waved his hand to reject the proposal of the Barefoot Great Immortal.

Seeing that the gods were startled, they said slowly:

"Go on, let Taishan Fujun take over the post of Fengdu and take charge of the ghosts and gods of the Yin Division!"

"...Your Majesty is wise."

After the group of gods were stunned for a moment, they could only bow their heads and worship.

Above the throne, the Great Heavenly Venerate's eyes were indifferent.

He never liked Fengdu just because of his friendship with Theravada Buddhism, not because of cronyism.

For him, the heavens and the world, countless creatures are his children, all his heirs.

Where did the distant relatives come from?

The will of God has been difficult to ask since ancient times.

Among the heavens and the world, who knows the heavens?

Da Tianzun's eyes drooped down, far and unfathomable.


Above the sky, scarlet red fluttered like a fire cloak, heading straight for the heaven.


The Dapeng spread its wings, and the Peng Demon King soared up to nine days, circling uncertainly.

On Dapeng's back, the Bull Demon King stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the sky, his mind turned.

This battle of Sun Wukong going to heaven was the first confrontation between him and the World Honored Naling Mountain in the calamity.

In his memory, which is not true or false, in this battle, the Dao Fruit has not yet been found.

The golden body was taken away by the World Honored One and suppressed under Mount Sumeru.

Only then will the Three Burial Mage take action...

He didn't want Sun Wukong to go. However, Sun Wukong was so strong, even if he told him everything he knew, he couldn't shake his heart at all.

Thinking of this, he sighed in his heart.

Daoist Wukong turned into the fruit of the Tao, and the victory over the Buddha turned into a promotion. The previous experience that this monkey retrieved was the Great Sage Equalling Heaven.

In addition to his own obsession, no one could persuade him to turn back.

He originally wanted to let Sun Wukong lead the calamity first, and divide the calamity. However, Sun Wukong, who did not take the golden body or the fruit of the dao, could not achieve the cultivation realm of triggering the calamity at all.

How can it be?

"Tell me, how did this battle turn out?"

Li Qingshan asked while carrying two demon kings who were fighting.

"The great sage asked the question knowingly."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} The Demon King of Chaos smiled bitterly, begging for mercy again and again: "Sacred Master, a small cultivation base is shallow, and I can't stand the storm of this battle... .."

The Demon King of Chaos is afraid in his heart, there is no chance of winning in this battle.

"I'll ask you!"

Li Qingshan carried the Demon King of Confusion and asked again, "Did you see a man named Three Burial Mage in the book that day?"

Of course, Li Qingshan would not be unaware of the result of the havoc in the Heavenly Palace.

However, it is said that with his big brother Gu, it is impossible to remain the same.

"The Three Burial Mage..."

The Demon King of Confusion thought hard about what he knew, and wanted to cry without tears: "In the Book of Heaven, there is no mention of the Three Burial Masters participating in this battle..."

He is not a know-it-all, not to mention that the myths that have been passed down to later generations are already indistinguishable.

Even if the details are small, how many people will specifically collect these ancient myths?

Can he know that these are not easy?


At this time, the Bull Demon King, who had his back to the two, said, "This calamity is the burst of Wukong's obsession, and it is difficult for outsiders to intervene. I am here just to make the monkey recover a little more, so that he will not lose so much. It's just miserable..."

"This is the amount of calamity, even if you know it, it's hard to change..."

The Bull Demon King's voice was still calm, but Li Qingshan heard a trace of unwillingness in it.


Li Qingshan put down the Demon King of Chaos, and he was somewhat unable to start.

The strength is not as good as a human being, even if there are thousands of calculations, there is nothing that can be done.

Just as they couldn't go to heaven to retrieve the golden body for Sun Wukong before, they couldn't get rid of Sun Wukong's obsession at this time, so that he wouldn't fight the Tathagata.

And even if he didn't go to face the Tathagata, the golden body would still fall into the Tathagata's hands.

As Sun Wukong said, it has to be done.

If he does not cut off the Dao Fruit, the golden body, and the past, he will not have the qualifications to enter the calamity to compete with the World Honored Spirit Mountain and enter the calamity, but he will inevitably fall behind.

The so-called slow step, step by step, is like this.

For a while, everyone was silent, only the shrill wind whistled.

After a long time, the Bull Demon King stepped out and went straight up to nine days, and said loudly at the same time:

"Third brother, go back to the eighth brother and go to Chang'an in the south of the east to find the third burial master... Only if he makes a move, maybe there is a chance to change all this!"


Dapeng spread his wings and circled, slightly hesitant.

Li Qingshan couldn't help but shout for peace:

"Brother Niu, how about you?"

In the sky, the wind is whistling, and the Bull Demon King has disappeared.


Dapeng suddenly let out a long roar, spread his wings for 180,000 miles, and headed for Nanzhanbu Continent.



A ray of golden light broke through the void, and suddenly fell outside the heavenly court.

"Who is coming, dare to go to the Holy Land of Heaven?"

The general guard stationed outside Nantianmen was immediately alert and shouted for the people who came to stop.

However, he said that the guardians of the Nantian Gate were the Heavenly King Zeng, the Heavenly King Chiguo, the Heavenly King Duowen, and the Heavenly King Guangmu.

"The four heavenly kings are so forgetful, do they forget their old friends?"

When the golden light was collected, Sun Wukong appeared under the scarlet cloak.

The Four Heavenly Kings' expressions changed when they saw it: "Is it you monkey again?"

The monkey's golden hoop sticks against his shoulders, walks through the sky, and his tone is rebellious:

"If you know each other, get out of the way, otherwise, don't blame the old grandson for not remembering the old feelings!"

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