Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1361: Amitabha

"You monkey don't want to be mad! Back then, it was because of Lao Jun's face that you made a scene. If you step into Lingxiao again today, you are guaranteed to lose your monkey brain!"

Hearing this, the Heavenly King of Chiguo was furious.

This monkey was obviously in trouble, but his tone was still so cold and hard, he only regarded the four of them as little scoundrels.

You must know that they were still above this monkey when they became enlightened, and they were also the characters who stirred up the wind and rain back then.

"You monkey, don't dare to go to Beitianmen to provoke the North Pole You Shengzheng, Xitianmen to provoke Taiyi Tianzun, do you want to provoke our four brothers?"

Duo Wen Tian Wang also gave birth to anger.

The Four Heavenly Gates of the Heavenly Court are all important places, and they are the only way to go straight to the Thirty-three Heavens, the Lingxiao Palace.

Although the four of them are not as prestigious as the three-day clan, they are not small characters who can be bullied by anyone!


The monkey sneered and said no more.

Just leaning forward, the golden hoop on his shoulders was pressed down.

The stick was initially no thicker than the mouth of the bowl, but in an instant it became so large that it expelled thousands of hectares of smoke and dust.

Wrapped in the sound of thunder and rumble, it was as if the mountain was toppled, and the sky was crushed, and it was crushed to Nantianmen.

"Monkeys are crazy!"

The four heavenly kings shouted in unison.

The King of Growth released the Qingfeng Divine Sword, and the sword energy rushed into the sky with thousands of miles of sword energy.

Heavenly King Guangmu shook his head with the Primordial Umbrella behind him, covering the sky and the sun in front of Nantianmen, trying to block the golden hoop.

At the same time, the silver spear in the palm grows when it sees the wind, and it pierces the monkey's chest with boundless sharpness.

The other two heavenly kings also shot at the same time, and under the blessing of the gods behind them, they shot out brazenly.

For a time, the qi in the sky was surging, and the void was shattered. The mighty divine light shone on the sky, and the rolling ripples swept the boundless storm and swooped away.

The Four Heavenly Kings are also accumulated years, and this move is like a stone-shattering shock.

It shook the world in an instant, and even the great power dojos in the thirty-three heavens roared and vibrated.

The Four Heavenly Kings and the Great Sage Monkey King confront each other!

Many great supernatural powers looked sideways, looking at the scene outside Nantianmen, which seemed to be very familiar.

I saw that in the turbulent turbulence, the five people fought one after another, shattering the whole world, and the Nantianmen shook.

In the end, the golden ape waved the cloak behind him like fire, swept away the long stick, and shook the Qingfeng Divine Sword.

Swinging open the silver spear that pierced the universe, he smashed the Primordial Umbrella that covered the sky and the sun with a heavy blow.

"You never look at succession when you become enlightened, the Four Heavenly Kings, you are not my old grandson's opponent!"

In the turbulent airflow, the monkey carried the golden hoop stick and looked down at the four kings with ugly faces outside Nantianmen:

"Thousands of tribulations ago, you were probably also a person, but once you were on the Conferred God List, until now, you are already a waste!"

After all, the monkey stopped talking.

He strode out and walked towards Nantianmen.

The Four Heavenly Kings looked extremely ugly, and they mustered Yu Yong and wanted to intercept them again.

Might as well come a high-pitched long howl from the sea of ​​​​clouds:

"Monkey, you can go anyway, this place will be handed over to Lao Niu!"

In the rumbling voice, the mixed iron rod came from the sky.

The Ang Zang giant man who was like an iron tower stepped forward, staring closely at the four kings.

"Powerful Bull Demon King!"

The eyes of the four heavenly kings were gloomy, and they did not dare to neglect.

Compared to Sun Wukong, who was far from his peak at this time, this old cow was even more dangerous.


Sun Wukong stepped on the clean floor of Nantianmen, but suddenly stopped.

No one intercepted him in front of him. He should have traveled all the way and went straight into the Tusita Palace to retrieve his golden body.

At his speed, no one seemed to be able to stop him.

However, he stopped.

Because it seems to be far away in the sky, and it seems to be on the Mount Sumeru in the hearts of all living beings, and it suddenly shines brightly.

A round of indescribable light of wisdom and enlightenment slowly spread, as if it included the thirty-three heavens and the eighteenth hell.

All-inclusive, everywhere.

"Tathagata Buddha!"

Outside Nantianmen, the Bull Demon King was moved.

Just outside the halo of that round of wisdom and enlightenment, an indescribable Buddha appeared in the Three Realms, in the hearts of countless sentient beings.

It is like the ancestor of all Buddhas, the end of all compassion.

It is the World Honored Naling Mountain, Sakyamuni, Tathagata Buddha!

"He, is he going to succeed?"

The Bull Demon King buzzed in his head.

Even though he seemed to have this scene in his memory, he was shocked when he saw it with his own eyes.

But then he woke up and shouted at the monkey in front of Nantianmen:

"Monkey, go and get the golden body, let me block him!"

"The Tathagata"

In front of Nantianmen, the monkey bowed his head slightly, and an indescribable fierce light burst out from his bright golden eyes.

"The Tathagata!!!"


Outside the Nantianmen, the heaven and the earth collapsed, and the mighty world jumped into one.

The eyes of countless powerful people froze slightly.

As soon as he saw Nantianmen, the monkey's palm was tensed, and he howled in anger.


It seems to cover the past at the same time, and the outside is generally.

It is wrapped in the supreme ferocity that is enough to shatter the world and destroy the universe.

It slammed straight into the top of the Lingshan Mountain, as if the giant Buddha that took over everything and covered everything went away!

It was as if he hadn't heard the cry of the Bull Demon King.

The Bull Demon King's expression changed, followed by a long sigh, helpless.

The biggest obstacle to Monkey's achievement of Hunyuan is his obsession. This obsession has plagued him for many eons, and it is difficult to escape.

If at this moment outside the Nantianmen is a Taoist Wukong or a Buddha who is fighting to defeat the Buddha, maybe he will take the golden body first, and then face the Tathagata.

However, the monkey in front of him is the most profound obsession of Sun Wukong.

His biggest and only thought was to defeat the Tathagata.

Zhanbuzhou in the south, outside Chang'an in the Middle Earth.

The winged Dapeng flicked his wings and turned into a human shape, and fell to the ground with a thud, his body trembled non-stop, and his arms were drooping like noodles.

Flying this way, he even used up the strength to suckle. At this time, he only felt that his two wings did not belong to him.


The Demon King of Chaos lay on the ground and vomited again and again.

Rao is also a big monster, and he can't bear the speed of flying away.

Dapeng spread its wings for 90,000 miles, and its wings spread for 180,000 miles.

And how fast the Dapeng spread his wings before, it was trillions of miles in an instant, and he almost lost his soul.

"Third brother, rest for a while!"

Li Qingshan also swayed, carrying the demon king who vomited repeatedly, and stepped into Chang'an City.

Looking for Gu Xuanshang and leaving.

Li Qingshan had spent many days in Chang'an before, so he naturally knew where Gu Xuan was injured.

Carrying the Demon King of Confusion, he crossed several long streets in succession, and finally came to the courtyard where Gu Xuanshang was.

He pushed open the door and entered, and saw Gu Xuanshang sitting opposite an old monk under the old tree in the small courtyard.

Seeing the old monk sitting down and sitting, old and unrecognizable, the wrinkles on his face can't hide the sadness.

Just looking at it, Li Qingshan felt as if he had eaten Coptis chinensis, suffering to the point of heart and lungs.

For a time, I only felt that time was suffering, and I couldn't help but cry.

"Qingshan, wait a moment behind the door."

Gu Xuanshang, who was wearing a moon white monk's robe, made a sound at the right time and woke up Li Qingshan.

"Huh? Yes, Brother Gu."

After being awakened by Gu Xuanshang, Li Qingshan was in a cold sweat, and he didn't dare to look at the old monk again, and slowly exited the yard.

He is only half a step away from Daluo at this time, and he often hangs out with a group of Daluo immortals, so he is quite familiar with Daluo.

But none of them are like this old monk. Just a glance will affect their primordial spirit and soul.

Obviously, this old monk is actually a far larger being!

In this world, is there any monk who is stronger than the Buddha?

Li Qingshan's heart sank.

"The old monk appeared this time, did he teach me?"

Gu Xuanshang spoke slowly, with a hint of caution in his eyes.

Among the heavens and the world, there are naturally some monks who can be stronger than the World Honored Lingshan at this time.

For example, in front of this old monk with a sad face and full of compassion.

Introduce Buddha, Amitabha.

This Amitabha Buddha is also said to be an old antique from the age of Taiyi, the supreme giant before his enlightenment.

It is said that he cultivated in a good dream and transformed the heavens and the world in his dreams.

In his dream, every grass and every tree is him, every flower and one stone is him, the sun, moon and stars are also him, and all the heavens and the world are him.

Countless sentient beings, from emperors, generals and ministers, to immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons, down to merchants and pawns, men, women and children, all of them are him.

The father is him, the mother is him, the wife is him, and the children are him!

Even more terrifying.

His dreams seem to be connected to the heavens and the world, and can even overlap.

In other words, everyone you have seen may be this Amitabha Buddha.

The old monk in front of him, Gu Xuanshang had seen before, was an old monk at the previous water and land conference.

Even he didn't expect that the seemingly ordinary old monk was actually the incarnation of this one.

If it is said that the number of incarnations of the Lingshan World Honored is the first in Daluo.

The number of incarnations of this old monk is the number one in the heavens!

"The old monk's morality is shallow, where can he teach the Master?"

With a sad face, the old monk who looked at it like eating Huanglian shook his head slightly and said:

"It's just that the thought arises as a predestined relationship, and the predestination comes."

"Why does the old monk fight me? Although I am called a master, I don't really believe in Buddhist scriptures."

Gu Xuanshang glanced at the old monk and said:

"The so-called Dependent Origination and let alone listen to me!"

For this old monk, he was quite cautious in his heart, but he was not afraid.

In fact, he has gone all the way to where he is now, and he has long lost his fear in his heart.


Hearing the words, the old monk folded his hands together and said:

"So, as the Master expected, the old monk came here to be a bad guest."

"Speaking of which, that monkey was born and raised in heaven, and it is considered to be a half son of Taiqing. The reason why it has the meaning of becoming a Tathagata and becoming enlightened is probably related to the old monk."

Gu Xuanshang was not annoyed when he heard that the old monk was going to be a bad guest, he was just thoughtful.

Faintly, he seemed to know something.

The one in front of him, it is said that the year of Taiyi was the one who had a dispute with the three Taoists, Laojun Huahu, and it could not be said that it was related to this old monk.

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