Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1362: 1 palm for you, 1 palm for me

The Receiver or Amitabha, also known as the Buddha of Infinite Light, Buddha of Infinite Light, Buddha of Infinite Longevity... It is the ancient great power who became enlightened in the past long eons.

The Western religion that he once opened up was the original Buddhist sect, and he could be called the true master of Buddhism.

If it is said that the old gentleman transformed Hu for a reason, it should be on this old monk.


The old monk was noncommittal and didn't seem to talk too much about his thoughts.

He just said lightly: "Sakyamuni's becoming a Buddha is of great significance to my Buddhist school. Although the old monk knew that he was an evil guest, he had to come and block the way of the Master."

No other meaning was revealed between the old monk's words.

But Gu Xuanshang remembered what the Lord of Time and Space said before, and vaguely knew the cause and effect.

This old monk may be one of the few great supernatural powers in the world who can compete with Laojun.

However, compared to the large number of disciples under the Sanqing Sect, this old monk was a bit bleak.

If you want to stop him, you can only incarnate.

According to what the Queen Mother of the West said before, the two sect masters of the Western religion and the Daoist Zhunti all fell once in ancient times because they failed to take the last step.

Obviously, the gap between Buddhism and Taoism is not small.

It is difficult to say that there is no difference between Mahayana Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism, and the reason for the division of Buddhism.

The thought turned only for a moment, and Gu Xuanshang responded:

"The old monk Daoguo is far above Gu someone. If you have any advice, you can't ask for it."

This old monk came and went without a trace, even he couldn't find it, and he was obviously a giant of the same rank as Laojun.

Even if it is a ray of incarnation, it should not be underestimated.

However, the opportunity to see such an old antique shot is more meaningful to him than the amount of robbery itself.


The old monk recited the Buddha's name lightly, and the old palm emitting a faint golden light slowly protruded out:

"The old monk's tricks don't dare to talk about any teachings, but it's worth seeing if you look at it like this..."


Before the old monk opened his mouth, he pressed his palm lightly on Gu Xuanshang:

"Where you offend, look to Haihan, Haihan!"


With the launch of the old monk's palm, the world suddenly changed dramatically.

There seemed to be a breeze blowing in Gu Xuanshang's small courtyard, and then, the old tree that had grown for decades, grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, it was as if winter went to autumn and spring came to summer.

The floor of the courtyard, the rockery, the pond, the house, and the portal were all mottled in an instant, as if thousands of years had passed by.

Gu Xuanshang sat quietly, with a calm expression on his face.

Looking up, I saw the sky is high and the earth is far away, Chang'an City, South Zhanbu Continent, four major continents, and even the immortal world, thirty-three days, westward journey to the universe.

It's all gone!

This old palm with golden light suddenly occupied all dimensions between heaven and earth, everything is always, everything is possible!

That palm is getting bigger and bigger.

In Gu Xuanshang's eyes, every inch of bones and muscles looked like a huge galaxy spanning billions of billions of light-years, and every moment, there was an indescribably drastic change.

Either for a moment, or for thousands of years.

That palm is already immeasurable, and its most subtle particles are as big as the thirty-three heavens, covering the big world and the big universe as many as Hengsha!

All kinds of time and space, but a wisp of dust in the palm of your hand!

It seems that this one contains another endless infinite multiverse sea!

"If I become a Buddha, and there are hungry ghosts and beasts in the hells, I do not attain proper enlightenment...  

"Suppose I attain Buddhahood, and the people of the heavens in the immeasurable and inconceivable Buddha worlds of the ten directions, upon hearing my name, throw their five bodies on the ground, bow their heads in salutation...

"If I become a Buddha, all the bodhisattvas in other countries will hear my name, and they will not be able to attain the first, second, and third Dharma forbearance..."

Gu Xuanshang heard the sound of Zen singing, as if thousands of Buddhas praised him, hundreds of millions of Bodhisattvas recited sutras, and countless Buddhist followers bowed and worshipped.

Back then, the great formation of the Tathagata formed by the Five Great Kings of Ming Dynasty and the Tathagata of Treasures was already noisy, but at this moment, the sound resounding in Gu Xuanshang's ears was simply more than the tens of billions of generations back then!

This is almost the infinite infinite multiverse, and countless Buddhists, Bodhisattvas, Buddhists, the voices of Zen singing from endless years sounded instantly!

Hearing the sound of Zen singing, even if it is only one tenth of a million fingers, one side of the universe, everyone under Da Luo will be converted into Buddhist believers!

Even Daluo can't resist a snap of his fingers, and he will become the most devout Buddhist believers together with the past, present, and even the future!

In peace, there is great terror!

The palm of this old monk's understatement is more terrifying than any kind of magical power.

"Good monk, good monk!"

Gu Xuanshang couldn't help but praised.

This old monk had a peaceful and compassionate demeanor, but his shot was a terrifying mess.

However, he didn't do anything else, his mind was empty, and he let the sound of boundless Chan singing envelope him.

In a trance, Gu Xuanshang seemed to see an indescribable stalwart creation.

That is a Buddha!

A huge Buddha beyond anyone's imagination.

The golden light shrouds the boundless chaos, and the light of wisdom behind the head is boundless and infinite.

Look again, where is a Buddha.

That is clearly the endless infinite multiverse itself!

This is a gigantic Buddha phantom comparable to the entire infinite multiverse itself!

"Immeasurable Light, Immeasurable Lifespan, Immeasurable Buddha, Immeasurable Amitabha!"

In the trance of Gu Xuanshang's moment, the palm of the Buddha with a hint of sadness pressed down like that of an old monk:

"Everything has a law, and it is regarded as such!"

Boom! !

The huge and unfathomable pressure cover pressed down, as straight as ten million, and the billions of universes were superimposed and pressed down at the same time!

All the words in the world to describe weight are not enough to describe the enormous pressure Gu Xuanshang was under at this time.

"It's a good one to look at..."

Gu Xuanshang smiled and let himself fall into the boundless silence.

Boundless and boundless grotesques were poured into his mind in the Buddhist chanting chanting.

At this moment, Gu Xuanshang seemed to feel the tens of millions of layers of mist, which enveloped him in a mass of mist.

In a trance, Gu Xuanshang had a dream.

It was the first time he had a dream since he stepped into the cultivation path.

It's still a long dream that spans thousands of lives, ten thousand lives, one hundred thousand lives... It seems like a long dream that has no end.

In the first life, he was abandoned by his parents in a year of great chaos and became a beggar. He scrambled for food with wild dogs on the roadside, fought desperately with refugees, and fought thieves...

For decades, he has committed all kinds of evil, and finally met an old monk, who finally became enlightened and escaped into the empty door.

In the second life, he became the king of a country, and he loved Buddhism very much. He built 380 temples in his life, and recited sutras and worshipped Buddha every day...

In the third life, he was full of heroism, a young man named Hou, wealth and honor at his fingertips, surrounded by beautiful women and family, but unexpectedly fell into rebellion in his later years, his family was slaughtered, and he was disheartened and escaped into an empty door...

In the fourth generation, he was a scholar who had been studying hard for ten years in Han Chuang and was unsatisfactory.

The Fifth....

The sixth ......

The seventh...  



This dream is extremely long, as if it will never end.

He is sometimes a peddler, sometimes a dignitary, sometimes an emperor, sometimes a master, sometimes a prostitute, sometimes a rogue horse bandit...

Some were abandoned by their parents, some were betrayed by their brothers, some were killed by adulterers...  

In the end, they all escaped into the empty door.


At this time, Li Qingshan had just left the courtyard.

He was a little anxious in his heart, but he also knew that with the mysterious old monk blocking the way, it was difficult for Brother Gu to escape in a short time.

He couldn't help but look back, only to see that the two seemed to be enjoying each other.

There was not a trace of arrogance at all, like a peace negotiation.

"How should it be?"

Li Qingshan was troubled.

Because he has already seen the huge Buddha that manifested on the Xiniu Hezhou.

And the golden giant stick that smashed into the sky for hundreds of millions of miles.

"The Tathagata!!!"

The sound of a long howl shook the eight deserts and four poles, the thirty-three heavens.

Countless creatures looked up from the sky.

I saw a golden giant ape wearing a fiery cloak, raising the golden hoop like a pillar, and smashing across the Buddha who seemed to be sitting cross-legged on the highest point in the sky.

In front of the huge and unfathomable Buddha, the golden ape was almost invisible.

Even waving a golden hoop like a pillar of the sky is dwarfed by that.


On the edge of the rolling Tianhe, the big man in the golden armor looked excited, and couldn't help rubbing the nine-toothed nail rake on his waist.

On Mount Kunlun, Yishen looked at the west, stunned, and behind him, a crescent shovel jumped from time to time.

Outside the Nantian Gate, the Bull Demon King couldn't help but raised his head and roared in the sky.

The four kings beat the head and the mouse away.

Outside Chang'an City, Dapeng's eyes widened in anger, lion and camel's whiskers and hair were stretched, and macaques jumped up and down...

On a floating island on the edge of Lingxiao, the long sword behind Lu Dongbin buzzed, wanting to step, but stopped.

In the Lingxiao Palace, Nezha held the fire-pointed spear clankingly, he hesitated to speak, and his expression was desolate.

In the Erlang Temple in Guanjiangkou, Yang Jian, the true monarch of the sage, wiped the three-pointed two-edged sword that flickered lightly, as if he didn't realize it.

For a time, many gods and buddhas in the Three Realms shook their heads, some sighed, and some said that they were beyond their control.

The World Honored One has planned many calamities, and Lao Jun has acquiesced, so why do you need to fight?

How did you fight?

In the world, it is never that you are unwilling, if you are angry, your resistance will be useful.

The strength is not as good as the person, the strength is not as good as the person.


On the Lingshan Sumeru, the Tathagata Buddha sits on the golden lotus, and the treasure is solemn.

He saw that the golden monkey was so that the color of compassion in his eyes became stronger, and he couldn't help sighing:

"Crazy! Idiot!"

The next moment, the Buddha palm, which seemed to be enough to encompass the heavens and the earth, slammed down.

Xiniu Hezhou, the four continents, the stars in the sky, and even the entire immortal world were shocked.

Many great powers in the Immortal Realm, no matter where they are, all look at them intently.

Even in the Great Red Sky above the Thirty-Three Heavens, there are also a few eyes down.


In an instant, the Buddha's palm, which envelops the eternal time and space, and the power of the vast universe, is pressed down.


The Tianzhu is bent and the divine iron is broken.

Above the nine heavens, a cloud of blood mist,


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