Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1372: 5-color divine light and diamond bracelet

"Why didn't he agree!"

For a moment, the silver horn disappeared together with the golden horn boy in the five-colored divine light.


The next moment, I saw the five-colored rays of light turn, thousands of mountains, and the boundless starry sky all shattered!

Immediately, it turned into a bright stream of light that pierced through the ancient darkness, and went straight for thirty-three days.

"I rely on it!"

Li Qingshan, who was dragged away by Han Li, couldn't help but put his hand on his forehead and let out a foul language.

I really don't know how to express my emotions.

Kong Xuan is not stupid, how could he agree?

Han Li also had a black line on his face.

These two boys really lost Daozu's great face.


Just at the moment when the time and space were shattered, and the five-color divine light rushed straight for thirty-three days.

A huge roar descended like thousands of Tianhe Rivers, and the many ancient stars swayed by the mighty sound waves swayed like flames in a gust of wind.

"The thief and the bird, bullying your grandfather is too much!"

A majestic green bull, resembling an ancient sacred mountain, appeared in the sky, roaring furiously.

Just like Kong Xuan ignoring the cry of the golden and silver boy at all, he never threw the diamond bracelet until he was thrown out for thirty-three days.

"Bah! Look around!"

Qing Niu roared, and the majestic arm formed by the condensed thousands of stars slammed under his command.

Throw a white, silver diamond bracelet!


In an instant, the time and space in Earth Immortal World froze.

It's as if the tens of billions of worlds fell into the Earth Immortal World at the same time, the indescribable terrifying force oppresses the endless void, making the time and space of the Earth Immortal World enough to carry Daluo's battle to make an unbearable moan!

Shockingly moving!

Except for the previous shot between Emperor Fengdu and Gu Xuanshang, the subsequent evolution of the calamity is now in the path of calamity that Laojun kneaded.

Earth Immortal Realm has not suffered any major fluctuations.

And at this moment, Qingniu was extremely angry, and he made a bold move in the Immortal Realm.

He threw out that diamond bracelet and wanted to kill Kong Xuan!

For a time, Sakyamuni and Sun Wukong, who had long since left the immortal world in the battle, and were fighting in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, all looked sideways.

Especially the latter, just a glance, the back of the head is aching.

Back then, when he was proving Dao, he thought that his mana was boundless, so he was smashed by this diamond bracelet, and his head was almost smashed.


In the chaotic sea illuminated by the Buddha's light, the stalwart Buddha narrowed his eyes and sighed.

"What's wrong with being a fight to defeat the Buddha?"

"My grandson, I want to do it, and I am also the ancestor of ten thousand Buddhas, the master of ten thousand Buddhas!"

The Monkey King, the Great Sage Equalling the Heavens, the Taoist Wukong, and the Buddha standing in the Quartet, one in the past, one in the present, one in the outside world, and one in parallel.

Covering all dimensions in all time and space, attacking the mighty Buddha.

Until now, he was covered in blood, and he was seriously injured several times. Almost the essence of Daluo's innocence began to burn.

But its paranoid and unbridled meaning has become more and more scalding.

Die, don't accept it!


The Buddha no longer speaks, and his five fingers open and close, as if pinching up hundreds of millions of Buddha kingdoms.

Towards the past and future, parallel ten directions.

All pressed down!

The blazing and dazzling rays of light poured out in all directions like an endless river, and the bright and clear diamond bracelet was at a speed that even Daluo could not imagine.

A jump, it burst into the void of trillions of miles.

Hit the peacock in the head!

Wherever you go, time and space collapse and fold, all things return to ruins, and the universe must return to before the universe opened up!

Its power is magnificent, that is, even if there are tens of billions of big worlds blocking it, it seems to be able to penetrate the domineering at one go!

This diamond bracelet is absolutely different from the purple gold gourd and the suet jade vase.

Although the purple gold gourd and the mutton fat jade vase are also innate things, one is Laojun Shengdan, the other is Laojun's water-boosting thing, and it is not a treasure at all.

And this diamond bracelet is a treasure that Laojun refined when he transformed Hu.

It can be called the unparalleled attack!

Qingniu's full strength erupted, burning almost all of his strength.

The power of this moment, even beyond the scope of the Great Luo Jin number, infinitely close to the power of the Primordial Yuan!

"Brother Niu is so bold!"

Li Qingshan, who fled into the void, smacked his tongue secretly.

That's why there is a hob meat like Qingniu who dares to take a shot at Kong Xuan.

"You bastard, I have already spared you once, how dare you refuse to forgive you? Your mere cultivation of Daluo Xuanshu is a treasure in your hands, so what can you do?"

The huge peacock in the space of the road of calamity flutters its wings and makes a sound of light reprimand

"I'll give you some more pain today!"

What kind of person is he Kong Xuan?

The ancient times were all over the world, and they even dared to raise their hands to the Western leader, and even brush them off!

Not to mention the green bull?

The diamond bracelet is the ultimate treasure, so what?


In the next moment, the peacock's dharma image was shaken, and it suddenly turned into blooming feathers of blue, yellow, red, black, and white.

The five-colored feathers and feathers are uncertain, like the origin of the five elements that existed in ancient times, and in one move, the power of the five elements in the space was shaken at this moment.

The Five Elements is one of the original avenues that make up the heaven and the earth, and all things are contained in the Five Elements.


Just at the moment when the five-colored feathers shone on the sky, a palm that was as white as jade, as warm as it seemed to contain all the beauty in the world, slowly protruded out.

With a light grip, he pinched the five-colored feathers that spanned the eternity of time and space.

Then, the calamity powerhouses among the many calamities, the great powers in the immortal world, and the countless immortal mountains and blessed lands beyond the thirty-three days were all shocked.

I saw that in the void space filled with calamities, a tall and handsome young man dressed in white paced out.

In the face of the attack of the diamond bracelet, Kong Xuan's real body came out!


Kong Xuan picked up the five-colored feathers and shook them lightly in front of his chest, spreading them out like a fan.

Then, Xuan He shone to the extreme five-color divine light.

Straight to the bullfight with a bang.

It rushed towards the sky, traversing the immeasurable void space, as if to smash all the diamond bracelets and brush away!


This shaking is like brushing off the entire immortal world, thousands of trillions of immeasurable beings, thirty-three days of gods, demons, gods and Buddhas, and all kinds of heaven and blessings!

The momentum was so great that it even faintly overshadowed the brilliance of the diamond bracelet!


The big world with the number of Hengsha shakes and shakes, and the mighty power of the five elements boils at this moment.

And it is different from the vajra bracelets that come from sideways, shattering all voids, and time and space.

In the place where the five-colored divine light radiated, the whole world dimmed, and everything seemed to freeze, as if it had become a beautiful but lifeless picture.

The next moment, the five-color divine light collided with the white diamond bracelet.


Big sound and hope, the elephant is invisible!

At this moment, there is no color in the world, and there is no sound.

Everything seems to have disappeared, turned into absolute nothingness, absolute emptiness!

It seems like a ten millionth of a finger, and it seems like a million years.

All the colors reappeared and appeared in everyone's sight.


Then, a loud noise like the opening of the universe and the end of heaven and earth resounded throughout the universe, blasting in the ears of countless sentient beings, gods and Buddhas all over the sky.

"it turns out"

Li Qingshan took a deep breath.

I saw that above the sky, the five-color divine light like a peacock opening its screen was spinning endlessly, buzzing.

And above the blue sky, a white diamond bracelet twirled, making a clanging sound.

The diamond bracelet that the green bull had charged with a single blow could not injure Kong Xuan?


Thirty-three days later, Qing Niu let out a loud cry and fell on his back, his muscles and bones shattering like a thousand stars.

"The Taoist method is really amazing"

Above the sky, Kong Xuan, who failed to brush away the diamond bracelet with a single blow, sighed slightly and put away the trembling feathers.

The diamond bracelet is something of the Taoist ancestor, and he naturally dare not accept it.

He spread out his hand, and on the jade-white palm, a shocking crack spread from the tiger's mouth to under his wrist.

With a shock, the palm of his hand was almost abolished.


The diamond bracelet squeaked softly, and a tyrannical breath burst out. It seemed that the blow was ineffective, and the diamond bracelet was touched.


Under the shock of the diamond bracelet, it is about to strike down again.

"Xuandu, do you want to be my enemy too?"

Kong Xuan's sleeve robe flickered, his hands behind him, he didn't care about the diamond bracelet at all, and spoke lightly.

"Or Daozu, his old man, who is dissatisfied with me, Kong Xuan, and wants to beat it?"

"King Daming is joking"

As Kong Xuan's voice drifted, Master Xuandu, who was wearing a simple Taoist robe, stepped out, waved his hand, and called back the diamond bracelet that was unwilling to shake.

"The achievements of fellow Taoist Xuandu have advanced again, and Kong Xuan is afraid that it will be too late."

Kong Xuan's indifferent eyes moved, and he looked at Master Xuandu.

This Taiqing heir, the eldest disciple of the Taoist ancestors.

Although his enlightenment was far behind him, it was already something that should not be underestimated.

"King Daming exalted, Xuandu's virtue is shallow, and he can't be praised."

Xuandu squeezed the diamond bracelet, shook it lightly, and left.

Quite a few people have passed through the robbery, and they are not in the slightest.

Kong Xuan's eyes were dim.

If this diamond bracelet is in the hands of Master Xuandu, if it is played, the power is probably ten times, a hundred times more powerful than this Dao Qingniu.


A drop of blood that had dripped at an unknown time flowed upstream and sank into the long-lasting scar on Kong Xuan's palm.

Many great experts know that this Daming King is not really invincible, at least he can be injured.

But there is also a great talent in the heart such as Kong Xuan's cultivation base, if you want to cover up the injury, no second person can see it.

But he calmly exposed his injuries.

But it is self-confidence, even if he is injured, he is invincible in this calamity!


Kong Xuan put away the five colors of divine light, and while the sleeve robes trembled lightly, he paced into the calamity, and walked towards a boiling and turbulent void.

But it went to Changyang Mountain!

Changyang Mountain is as high as trillions of miles, towering to the sky, and countless stars revolve around it.

The headless giant sat cross-legged, with a trace of golden Buddha's blood on the Qian Qi on his side.

Around him, hundreds of millions of mountains have turned into ruins.

The Four Great Vajra, Moonlight Bodhisattva, all sat cross-legged, their faces looked like golden paper, and were dying of serious injuries.

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