Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1373: Kong Xuanzhan Xingtian

The blood of the Buddha soaked the ruins of the mountains.

Moonlight Bodhisattva, the Four Great Diamonds had a bitter face, and a trace of horror remained in his brows.

The five joined forces, and they were defeated in one blow!

Xing Tian danced with dreadful power, and the horror was beyond imagination.

With an axe, the immortal golden body of the five people was broken, and a shield froze the time and space of the ages, suppressing them all here!

"Sentence Day"

Moonlight Bodhisattva folded his hands together, opened his mouth, and the golden Buddha's blood poured out like spring water.

Before many calamities, when Xingtian responded to calamity, his cultivation was not as profound as it is today, although he has experienced that many calamities.

I just saw Xing Tian ascended to the sky and attacked, but was slashed by the Great Heavenly Venerate, and subconsciously felt that he was nothing more than that.

The same is the big Luo Jinshu, that is, he is not as good as himself, plus the four big diamonds, it is right to have the power of a battle.

Who would have thought that it was a one-hit defeat!

"Haotian can hurt me, but it doesn't mean you can too."

The headless giant's navel was slightly opened, and he uttered a boundless, heroic and domineering sound, which shook the shaking galaxy.

The giant has no head on his neck, and his body is covered with mottled scars, but it does not affect his incomparable fighting spirit in the slightest.

"Cough cough!"

In the sound wave, the faces of the five Buddhist experts all turned white.

This Xingtian's body is unbelievably tyrannical, and the words that he spit out can shake the universe, time and space, and their injuries are too serious to bear.

"It's not impossible!"

In the sound of rumbling, five-colored brilliance radiated, and Kong Xuan, dressed in white, paced.

All time and space, the void seems to not exist in front of him.

With just a single step, he traversed a distance that was enough for an ordinary Daluo to run for a thousand days.

Before the pronunciation, it was still in the other world, and in the next instant, it was already in the Changyang space.

The Changyang World was the place where the Great Heavenly Venerate condemned the Heaven of Punishment before many calamities.

Its vastness is enough to accommodate Xingtian, which is comparable to a multiverse aggregate, and its vast nature is not comparable to that of ordinary universes.

Among the calamities, along the way, only here is the most vast time and space, almost comparable to the 33 days, the eighteenth level of the nether hell.

"God of War"

Kong Xuan glanced at Xing Tian at leisure, but his expression did not change much.

Xingtianzhan Datianzun's fall made him famous, but he didn't seem to care.

"Kong Xuan"

Xing Tian was not surprised, a cold color flashed in his giant eyes:

"You can give it a try, your five-color divine light can't touch me!"

Xing Tian and Kong Xuan naturally knew each other.

But knowing is not necessarily the same.

In the Taiyi flood years before many calamities, Kong Xuan was the peerless No. 1 monster across the flood and desolation, but he was only a little witch of a small tribe of the witch tribe.

He had heard of Kong Xuan's name for a long time, but unfortunately, until he brazenly targeted the Daoist as Daluo, he was not qualified to fight against Kong Xuan.

By the time he reached his peak, Kong Xuan had already disappeared from the world.

"It seems that challenging the Great Heavenly Venerate gave you the illusion that you could fight me."

Kong Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly and smiled lightly:

"Then take action and let me see how much means you have, is it comparable to the former Dayi!"


Xing Tian's eyes narrowed, his words were concise and cold:

"The monsters are all damned!"

The icy sound waves spit out by the giant resonated with the heavens and the earth, forming an appalling terrifying storm, which suddenly blew the Moonlight Bodhisattva and the Four Great Vajra millions of miles away in front of him without a trace.

Then, he slowly got up, and his boundless body soared again!

Fill the world and occupy all the ultimate majesty!

Just getting up, this side of Changyang World, which is comparable to the size of Earth Immortal World, shook violently, as if it had been lifted up by it!

The boundless earth, the mountains and the four seas, the stars in the sky, and the vast galaxy, all swayed at this moment.

This giant seems to be the center of this big world. When it moves, the world is shaken!


The boundless space and time are all bent and tensed under unparalleled strength, and will be completely shattered almost in the next moment.


In the roar of the world's death, Xing Tian held up the giant axe, and with a bang, he was separated from the vast world and slashed towards Kong Xuan!

In the year of Taiyi, the Lich was the mortal enemy!

As soon as we meet, it is naturally a battle to the death!


Boundless mighty force shattered the sky!

Time and space are tearing apart, the universe is shattering, and all things in the world are turned into fire and feng shui under the axe, and then shattered into absolute nothingness!

Its power is long, its power is vast, and its terror is unparalleled!

At this moment, all the real and the illusory are all broken, all the non-existent, visible, invisible, are all split!

This axe is like the axe that opened up the heavens and the earth at the beginning of the primordial primordial chaos!

Vaguely, it can be seen that in the nothingness that shattered into boundless chaos, the great world of Fangfang was born and shattered!

This is the axe that opens the sky, and it is the strike that destroys the world!


In the face of this peerless axe, Kong Xuan let out a soft whistle, and his black hair fluttered up.

While hunting in white clothes, behind him, five-colored brilliance rose up and went straight to the bullfight, like an indescribably huge peacock opening its screen.

The five colors rotate the five elements, and the boundless world rises and falls in it!

Suddenly, the five-color divine light converged into an incomparably bright light.

To the axe that opened up the world,

Brush past!

Blue, yellow, red, black, white!

The five colors blend together, dyeing everything you see into colorful colors, and the beauty contains endless murderous intentions!

The five-color divine light is nothing to brush, it is the diamond bracelet, if he is not concerned about the face of Daozu, he can also brush away!

Back then, he used this divine light to swipe the two Western sect masters, the quasi-daoist, out of them!


Everything turned into ashes, and the endless mountains in Changyang World instantly disappeared into particles thousands of times smaller than dust.

The stars in the sky shattered into absolute nothingness in an instant.

For Daluo, all time and space are no longer bound, even if Laojun's condensed path of calamity is enough to carry the battle of Daluo.

But it was still shattered under the collision of the two!

Visible to the naked eye, the long river in the sky was wailing at that time, and the terrifying ripples spread out in both directions, smashing into the past and the future!

crush each other!


The five colors of light flow.

When the red light falls, nothing will be killed, the yellow light falls, and all light disappears, the black light turns, no one can escape, the white light passes by, and all vitality disappears

All the great experts in the Earth Immortal Realm looked sideways.

I saw that the five-colored rays of light were turning, and countless great universes were shattered under the axe.

But between the rotation of the five colors, the world is endless and endless!

Forcibly, the axe that spanned the universe and opened up the sky was shrouded in it.


In one ten-thousandth of a finger, the axe awn disappeared.

That huge axe like the ancient sacred mountain, under the extreme struggle, was forcibly brushed away by the five-color divine light!


Kong Xuan's arm trembled, and the five colors flowed, swiping towards Xing Tian head-on.

I want to brush Xingtian away together!

"Battle! Fight! Fight!"

Xing Tian growled and roared, not caring at all about the disappearance of the axe.

With a wave of his hand, the endless force between heaven and earth turned into a big axe again.

He slashed away again, and greeted the five-color divine light.

Immediately, the five-color divine light fell again, brushing away the giant axe.

Xing Tian kneaded the chaos and turned it into a big axe to chop down again.

The five-color divine light falls again!

After a few repetitions, Xing Tian was completely angry, and his scarlet eyes spurted out 30,000 miles.

The quaint and mottled big shield shook violently and resisted it.

Stepping out one step, it is like a stalwart body formed by many great universes, hitting Kong Xuan!

Road to simplicity!

Xing Tian's way of fighting is extremely rich, and this collision contains an unknown amount of supernatural powers.

With one shot, ten thousand roars, the law shattered.

Under this collision, the immeasurable laws were all shattered, and the power of the Great Dao was shaking and escaping.

Under a hit.

All realms are empty, even the five elements, yin and yang have disappeared!

The momentum of this collision is extremely domineering, covering all dimensions of time and space, where everything is in the air, and there is no space and time, no one can escape!

Whether you are a fairy, a Buddha, a god, or a demon.

All hit!


Kong Xuan's indifferent expression finally changed.

The arrogant peacock finally faced the **** of war Xingtian in front of him.

He looked at Xingtian, who came from the broken nothingness, and held the five-color feathers again, and let out a sigh:

"If I had known you were so brave, I should have gone to the door when you were in your prime."

After a sigh, Kong Xuan waved his five-colored divine light and swiped towards Xingtian!

Under Xing Tian's collision, it is impossible for anyone to escape, not even time and space exist, no matter where you are, it is difficult to avoid this.

Covering all dimensions and occupying all possible collisions!


The five-color divine light lit up and pressed again.

The big shield that Xingtian was wearing disappeared instantly.

But its fighting spirit is getting more and more fierce!

That incomparably majestic and hidden body shone with light, as if the muscles and bones of a trillion horned dragons were twisted and tangled.

Heavy impact on the five-color divine light.

The five-color divine light, together with Kong Xuan, who was hunting in white, slammed into the air!

Boo! ! !

With a long whistle, the Changyang Realm was completely shattered and shattered!

Kong Xuan was thrown out in the absolute nothingness, and unconsciously revealed the true body of the peacock.


In the sound of continuous explosions, the huge peacock's body burst into pieces!


In the boundless chaos, Xing Tian let out a long sigh and disappeared into the He had already fallen, but the fighting spirit still remained, maintaining most of his fighting power.

But it's not real.

After this collision, there is no spare energy to maintain.


The turbulent chaos set off a boundless wave of destruction, centered on the world of Changyang Mountain, and spread in all directions with a bang.

Wherever you go, all worlds are destroyed.

This road of calamity is shattered inch by inch.

The great powers who survived in the calamity retreated one after another, and fled away in the boundless wave of destruction.

Because, with the destruction of Xingtian's body.

A peacock that seems to contain all the brilliance of the world.

In the center of the storm, Nirvana is reborn!

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