Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1378: Taking one step back can lead to enlightenment, and I will not retreat!

A long whistle moved in all directions, and the rolling sound waves seemed to swept across all directions like a trillion dragons and beasts. All the chaotic voids were shaking wildly, setting off boundless waves.

Kong Xuan strode out with endless rays of light, behind him the five colors of blue, red, yellow, white, and black pierced through time and space like a divine sword that reached the sky.

His expression was extremely serious, and his eyes were burning and boiling.

In the battle of the big Luo, if the gap is too large, the winner will be divided in an instant, just like Kong Xuan suppressed other big Luos in the five-color divine light.

However, if they are different from each other, the duration will be beyond the imagination of mortals.

For example, the battle between Gu Shaoshang, who had not yet entered the half-step Hunyuan, and Feng Xiaozhong, who was caught in the calamity of enlightenment, and the battle between the World Honored Lingshan and the Taoist Wukong, thirty-three days away at this moment.

He and Hong Yi seem to be different, almost all of them have reached the point of no progress.

It is not impossible for the battle between the two to spread for thousands of years.

But Kong Xuan seems to be determined by one blow!


Just as Kong Xuan stepped out, the five-color brilliance behind him suddenly merged into one.

The five-colored divine light is colorless, but it seems to contain all the colors in the world, bursting out a terrifying force that is enough to shatter millions of worlds.

Around the brilliance, the endless void and chaos all collapsed, all the brilliance, all the tangible and intangible matter, all seemed to be absorbed by the brilliance of five colors.

There is no longer any existence between the two, the void dimension, the time and space, the causal fate... All the visible and invisible, all the laws of the Dao, are all rewritten by the divine light!

In an instant, the ten directions of the universe, heaven, earth, time and space were completely darkened into a boundless nothingness.

Absolute nothingness!

Only the divine light that burst out with stalwart power, wrapped in immeasurable terrifying power in the rolling sound waves.

Suddenly, he slashed towards Hong Yi!

"The innate five colors, that is, the origin, the end, and the evolution... But he is a great man, a pity, a pity, a pity..."

In the endless distance, Hong Yi, who seemed to be close to Chi Chi, shook his head slightly, as if he was sighing.

At this moment, everything around the two disappeared, and the space-time void seemed to fall into the dimension under the oppression of this divine light.

It is more similar to a line connecting two people and nothing else.

And that divine light originates from Kong Xuan, and will surely end where he is.

There is no escape, because there is no escape.

Only to meet, only to accept!

After sighing, Hong Yi walked calmly, his body was like a void with the sun and the moon, and the word "easy" was outlined like a dragon and snake between the steps.

"Easy Dao has no boundaries, Dao Slaughter God!"

Hong Yi let out a long roar, as if the passage of the billions of billions of the world was opened for him, and an immeasurable torrent of power poured into his body from nothingness.

He is a slaughterer of the gods, and can communicate with endless dimensions, a big world with the number of Hengsha!

The next moment, endless power superimposed down.

Hung Yi punched again!

The strong and tyrannical breath rolled and moved, and the boundless space-time that was compressed into a straight line by the divine light spread out again.

There seems to be an infinite world emerging.


As if all worlds collapsed, in the sound of terrifying explosions like the explosion of the heavens.

Hong Yi Na condensed the three thousand avenues, boundless surprise, and the terrifying fist prints that gathered the power of all worlds slammed out.

The power of this punch was immeasurable, and it was difficult for Hong Yi to issue it easily.

Just like Kong Xuan's five-color divine light united into one, all of them condensed all the essence of his avenues and cultivated the strongest magical powers in his life.

Massacre Shinto!

Innate five-color divine light!

When the two collided, everything seemed to come to a standstill.

There is no aftermath of the collision of supernatural powers, no ripples from the collision of the avenues.

It's as if the road of calamity formed by condensing the eternal river has become an eternal picture scroll!

The sound is too loud to the limit, but it is silent, and the color is too strong to the limit, but there is no color!

Stab it!

After a long time, a cracking sound echoed in the ears of all living beings.

The timeless picture was torn apart.


At this time, the earth-shattering sound of terrifying explosions echoed in the sky.

Earth Immortal World, thirty-three days away, all the great powers are paying attention.

The Queen Mother of the West pressed the platform lightly and looked down.

I saw that in the chaotic void that completely turned into nothingness, Kong Xuan staggered and stood with his hands on his chest.

In front of him, a five-colored divine light vibrated gently.

But there is no Hong Yi figure!

"Datu Shinto..."

Kong Xuan caressed his right chest with his left hand, and his beautiful face was white and bewitching.

"I didn't lose!"

He smiled, put down his hand, and a deep fist mark was branded on his chest.


The five-color divine light exploded.

Hong Yi stepped out of it, staggering unconsciously.

Among the five colors of divine light is an immeasurable great world, and anyone who is brushed into it will have to suffer the crushing and rolling of millions of great worlds.

Even he couldn't bear it.

"I didn't win."

Hong Yi sighed softly.

At the last moment when the two collided, Kong Xuansheng received a fist of the Great Massacre from him and swiped him in.

At that moment, he discovered that Kong Xuan really already had some Hunyuan Dao Fruit and could be promoted to Hunyuan at any time.

But at that moment, he couldn't stop it.

If Kong Xuan was promoted to Primordial Primordial at that moment, and he was brushed into the five-color divine light, he would naturally be doomed.

"How can I give up..."

Kong Xuan spread out his palm, and five feathers of various colors lay in his palm.

"My mother is noble and clean, not more than the phoenix tree, not eating unless it is practiced, and not drinking unless it is Liquan..."

Kong Xuan raised his hand, and the feathers fluttered in his long sigh.

Go with the wind with himself:

"A step back can become a mixed yuan, and I will not retreat!"

Hong Yi bowed slightly and said:

"Let's go friendly!"

In this battle, Kong Xuan was not victorious, and he was not defeated either.

"Kong Xuan... lost?"

"That's enough, let's be relieved... It's a pity, sigh!"

"When he returns again, maybe..."

Earth Immortal Realm, thirty-three days away, many great powers have feelings in their hearts.

Kong Xuan is the first peacock after Fengzu, the first peacock since the beginning of the world.

If he was willing to step back a little, everything might be different.


In the void battlefield thirty-three days away, Sakyamuni put one hand on his chest and sighed softly.

Immediately, the Buddha's palm fell, and the five fingers pressed down on all time and space.

Put Sun Wukong under heavy pressure!

"Ha ha!"

The monkey coughed up blood and did not forget to laugh, and raised his arms like a sacred mountain that reached the sky, holding up the unparalleled Buddha's palm that was like the sky.

At this point, the amount of robbery is broken.

He's finally turning around!


In the perfect world, in the supreme divine court, under the Bodhi tree, Gu Shaoshang lightly pressed the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree:

"What a stubborn peacock..."

Kong Xuan is a man of arrogance and perfection. He would rather not advance half a step if he is not perfect, but if he takes a step back, he can win and become enlightened.

The phoenix is ​​not a phoenix tree, it does not eat unless it is practiced, and it does not drink unless it is a Liquan.

Even Gu Shaoshang was a little surprised.

"It's a monkey..."

Immediately, Gu Shaoshang frowned slightly.

At this time, it seems that the situation is very good, and after the doomsday is over, the monkey is about to gain the upper hand.

But he knew something.


As Kong Xuan dissipated, the road of calamity was completely disintegrated.

Heaven and earth are withered, the void is silent, and all things are falling!

The boundless robbery qi rose into the sky in an instant, piercing through the heavens and the earth like a trillion black dragons, rushing straight into the boundless void thirty-three days away.

Hong Yi bowed and sent Kong Xuan his last journey.

It also disappeared from the void.

And the next moment, this amount of calamity, 5.6 billion chaos, 10000000000000000000000000000 trillion years, the parallel universe of Hengsha, countless living beings, and the terrifying calamity accumulated among countless powerhouses.

Under the watchful eyes of countless people, it rushed straight to the distance of thirty-three days.

It poured back into the body of the monkey who was coughing up blood under the palm of the Buddha, but still didn't retreat!


Under the palm of the Buddha, the monkey whose back was curved like a bow let out a roar that contained endless pain and joy.

Endless calamity poured into it, the Monkey King, Daoist Wukong... the four incarnations flickered one by one, and they returned to one.

The monkey's spine, which was bent to the limit, slowly propped up.

Hold up the golden Buddha palm that is heavier and more terrifying than any big universe.


The monkey held his arms up to the sky, and under his blood-stained hair, the veins were squirming and beating like a dragon.

In the infusion of that boundless calamity, his power rose uncontrollably.

A large universe with a high level of one party, the power of the transition and evolution of trillions of trillions of years, and the vastness of the change of doom.

The boundless mighty power that burst out at this moment even closed the gap between him and Sakyamuni!

So big and immeasurable, the stalwart Buddha's eyes lowered, watching the monkey who was unwilling to fight hold up his palm as if he was holding up the sky.

A sympathy appeared on his face.

"Everything is predestined..."

He sighed softly:

"Wukong, by this time, are you still not enlightened?"

As the Buddha sighed softly, the boundless calamity of energy actually flowed backwards at this moment, pouring back into the real body of the mighty Buddha!


Immediately, immeasurable Buddha light swayed vertically and horizontally, reflecting the vast universe, the world of Hengsha, and its origin came to an end.


During the thirty-three days, all the great masters were shocked and seemed to understand something.


The Buddha sighed softly.

The raised palm flipped and pushed, and the monkey was pushed out a trillion miles away.


The monkey smashed the boundless chaos, boundless time and space, and swayed a huge wave.

At this time, the monkey was very The golden armor was broken, the crown was broken, and the golden hair was blood red.

Countless lights and shadows flashed in his mind.

The old gentleman transformed the Hu, Sakyamuni became enlightened, the calamity was condensed, the Buddhist layout...and the reverse current of the calamity at this time.

Was this already arranged?


The monkey struggled to get up, and the blood mixed with Dao Yun spurted out thousands of miles.

"It turns out... it turns out!"

The monkey's chest rose and fell, his eyes were scarlet, and the endless violent aura seemed to be gushing out from his chest.

It turned into a long howl that resounded throughout the world:

"My old grandson - dissatisfied!!!"

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