Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1379: If the monkey refuses to accept it, neither do I!


The blood-stained golden monkey angrily scolded Changtian and filled the world with anger.

In the Immortal Realm, Li Qingshan's face was bitter, the Bull Demon King's eyes were spitting fire, and the Lion and Camel King sighed.

All the struggle, at this moment, seems like a joke.

"Hun Yuan, what's the use..."

The macaque king looked up at the sky, and suddenly the words Kong Xuan had whispered in his heart.

At that time, he only thought that Kong Xuan was arrogant and arrogant, and he knew it at this time. Now, Kong Xuan may have known about his mood.


Li Qingshan clenched his palms tightly and was momentarily lost.

I thought everything would be settled, but I didn't expect it to end like this.

"If I become enlightened and lead all beings, then all beings in the world can become Buddhas by reciting my Buddha's name. What's wrong?"

The Buddha, who is as high as the sky, sees compassion and compassion, and sighs lightly:

"Wukong, what's wrong with being a fighter to defeat the Buddha?"

When the Buddha opened his voice, the boundless Buddha light slowly spread in the ten directions, and a trillion Buddha kingdoms could be faintly seen emerging.

Sun Wukong stood in the turbulent chaos, and drops of blood fell from his hair.

The fire of obsession in the golden eyes and fire eyes is about to come out.

At this moment, everything he had experienced since his birth flashed through his mind.

Stone-shattering and shocking fossil monkeys, galloping and jumping and the arbitrariness in Huaguo Mountain, the unruly after supernatural powers, the breeze that haunts the Heavenly Palace, the silence under the Five Elements Mountain...

The fire of obsession in the golden eyes and fire eyes is about to come out.

His obsession is so deep that even if he becomes a Buddha in battle and becomes a Daoist of Wukong, he still cannot cut him.

However, why cut it?

If you can't cling to what I am, I like what I like and hate what I hate.

What supernatural powers do I cultivate and what avenues do I become? !

"My old grandson was originally an iron and stone with heaven and earth, and jumped out of the iron and stone, is it to be an iron stone again?"

Sun Wukong paused word by word, as if speaking to the Buddha, but also to his own heart.

With his voice drifting.

All kinds of thoughts, all kinds of emotions, in the end, turned into uncontrollable anger and burst out in his heart.

This anger is the obsession that was suppressed by the Five Elements Mountain countless years ago.

It is a thousand struggles, but still can't change the unwillingness of everything.

It was him who was dissatisfied with that Buddha sitting in bliss!


At the moment of anger, the monkey jumped up from the boiling vast sea of ​​chaos.


In this leap, the cultivation base that Monkey had cultivated all his life burned, and the calamity that he had contained before burst out.

Straight as the first light that pierces the eternal darkness.

In a ten-millionth of an instant, it crossed a thousand trillion miles of chaos, and with a flick of its long arm, the boundless brilliance once again "turned into" a golden hoop rod.

Just like when I was ignorant and ignorant countless years ago, I am facing the mighty Buddha.

Hit it with a stick:

"The Tathagata! Eat my grandson—a great deal!"

A stick was swung out, and trillions of smoke and dust rolled around, and the universe in ten directions collapsed.

All of Sun Wukong's paranoia, all his unwillingness, and all his dissatisfaction, were all revealed in the most flamboyant and decisive manner.

This stick, whether or not the Tathagata dies, he himself will fall into complete silence like a burnt candle.

I don't know when to return.

"It's okay, it's okay!"

As high as the sky, the Buddha, who seemed to cover all the dimensions of time and space, saw this stick and suddenly sighed:

"Everything is impermanent, the living will come to an end, if there is no birth, there will be no death. This extinction is the most joyful..."

As he said that, his protruding Buddha palm actually retracted to his chest.

The next moment, in the sight of countless powerful vibrating eyes.

This Tathagata Buddha, even under the decisive blow of the unparalleled demon king Sun Wukong, put his hands together in front of his chest and did not make any resistance.

Just as he was still mortal years ago, he cut flesh to feed the eagle.

At the last moment that dominated all the general trends, he actually made the same decision as he had made before endless years!

At that time, the meat could be cut and fed to the eagle.

Today, too!

Countless people were silent, unable to understand.

Li Qingshan and the others were even more confused and didn't know what to do.

There is absolutely no Daluo in the world who can be killed by the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, and even Sakyamuni at this time cannot.

But he still did it.

What does he want to do?

In the complex vibrations in the hearts of countless people, only the great Buddha folded his hands together and recited the name of the Buddha:

"Amitabha.... Good! Good!"

The next moment, that terrifying stick that was enough to shatter countless great worlds and blow up any great Luo Jinxian.

Then from the height of time and space, it crashed down.

With a tyrannical attitude of destroying everything, he smashed heavily on the head of the Buddha.

At this moment, in the great red sky of the thirty-three days, many giants of Primordial Primordial couldn't help leaning over.

Many gods in the heavenly court were even more shocked, staring closely.


It seems like thousands of years, but in fact, one tenth of a millionth of a moment is less than a moment.

A sound that sounded like a cracked bronze mirror echoed in the hearts of thousands of myriad beings in the immortal world.

The golden body of the Buddha was broken!


The golden hoops circulated vigorously, and the Buddha's golden body was broken and mottled.

Cobweb-like fissures began to appear on the Buddha's forehead and radiated down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In an instant, it covered the entire body of the Buddha.

At this moment, the Buddha, who was as high as the sky, seemed to be a broken porcelain that had been shattered and glued together.

It looks startling.

"How can the Tathagata attain the righteous fruit without going through all kinds of hardships?"

The Buddha put his hands together, his eyes dimmed.

On the broken and mottled gold body, pieces of gold foil-like objects fell off.

The blood of the red gold Buddha flows down with the robbery current.

A single stick of Sun Wukong is enough to smash any big universe, even the original universe like Earth Immortal World will be turned upside down and plunged into the end of the era.

No matter how tyrannical the golden body of Tathagata Buddha is, he absolutely cannot bear this stick.

But there is no sadness or joy on his face, only the meaning of compassion is stronger.


A stick smashed the Tathagata's golden body, and Sun Wukong, who was burning with golden flames all over his body, lowered his gaze from the heights of time and space.

"I still lose...still lose..."

After the Buddha's golden body that the monkey saw shattered and disappeared completely dissipated, it also turned into a ray of spiritual light and flew into the thirty-three days away.

In the previous confrontation, even if he had transformed into a free **, he could only persist until now because of his burning essence.

With the last blow, he had no more energy left.

"Seventh brother..."



In the immortal world, the heavenly court, and everywhere in the blessed land of Lingshan, there is a sound of sighing.

They know that in this battle, it seems that both are lost, and both of them have fallen.

However, after so many years of Buddhist planning, there is bound to be a backhand.


In the land of bliss in Lingshan, in the Daleiyin Temple, many Bodhisattvas and Buddhas recite their names.

"My Buddha is merciful!"

The white-robed Avalokitesvara held the clean bottle in his hand, sighed softly, and sat down on the lotus pedestal.


Threads of Buddha fire burned from his body and turned into a heart lamp above his head.

The heart lamp burns, illuminating the boundless light, swaying the vast world, all past and future time and space.

"My Buddha is merciful!"

A group of Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Arhats, and Bhikkhunis in Daleiyin Temple all bloomed with Buddha light and recited Buddhist scriptures.


In the entire Earth Immortal Realm, countless souls shook their hearts.

Looking up, I saw the Buddha's light on Mount Sumeru suddenly appearing, and then the countless Buddha kingdoms of countless billions of constant sands appeared all around Lingshan.

The immeasurable Buddha's light outlines a Buddha's light and shadow that is comparable to the entire immortal world and is immeasurable.

Xi Niu He Continent, Nan Zhan Bu Continent ...... and even the countless ancient stars in the thirty-three days away, all were shrouded in the shadow of the Buddha outlined by the Buddha's light.

The endless chanting sounds emanated from the buddha kingdoms of millions and millions, echoing in all the unknown places.


All avenues are shaking, and billions of laws are buzzing.

The Earth Immortal Realm, the millions of universes near the Earth Immortal Realm, and even the countless universes outside the Journey to the West universe.

All have the sound of the Buddha, and all are illuminated by the Buddha's light.

That Lingshan World Honored One became enlightened countless years ago, and his previous life was the number of Da Luo, and the world covered by his Taoist body is immeasurable.

It may not be the most powerful Luo in the past, but the world covered by his Taoist body is definitely the first among all the big Luos in the past!

Therefore, at this moment, the immeasurable Buddha light of the great world suddenly appeared, almost illuminating the endless sea of ​​chaos!

The immeasurable Buddha's light swayed vertically and horizontally, and the sound of Zen singing hummed and vibrated.

Towards the original universe of Journey to the West, the Earth Immortal Realm runs through!

"Proving Dao Primordial?! Is there any Supreme Proving Dao Primordial!"

"Another Hunyuan giant?"

"The Buddha's light shines, could it be that great Buddha, Sakyamuni?!"

In the endless infinite multiverse, I don't know how many Daluo's existences were disturbed.

There are also many Daluo who saw the Buddha light and suddenly knew who the person who practised the Dao this time was.

There are so many Taoist bodies of the World Honored Spirit Mountain, and those who know his name do not know how many.


The sound of Buddha's sound and chanting reverberates in the immortal world, and even in every world where the Buddha's light shines.

Countless Buddhist believers in the immortal world bowed their heads and saluted the Buddha.

Countless people looked up.

I saw that in the boundless and immeasurable Buddha's light shadow, the golden light became more and more intense, and the Buddha's rhyme became more and more incomprehensible.

In the end, there seems to be a great Buddha who seems to be composed of all the beauty, all kindness, all compassion, and all majesty in the world.

out of nothingness.

The mighty Buddha came out of nothingness, like ten faces.

Looking up and down and ten directions, you can see the front of the Then, while all beings are watching, the stalwart Buddha took seven steps to the four directions at the same time, pointing to the sky with one hand and paddling the ground with the other, and sang leisurely:

"I am the only one in the sky and the world, and now I have finished my life!"

The stalwart Buddha exhaled, and the rumbling sound of the Buddha exploded in the hearts of all living beings, and radiated to the trillions of immeasurable worlds.

It is not only to achieve Hunyuan, but also to achieve Hunyuan Wuji!

Even, for countless Bodhisattvas, to open the path of Primordial Yuan together!

"Good, good..."

In a house in Chang'an City, Gu Xuanshang folded his hands together and stepped out of Chang'an City.

step, step, step~~~

Gu Xuanshang took one step at a time, the moon white monk's robe turned red, and the sound of a calm and distant sigh echoed in the hearts of all beings:

"The monkey doesn't accept it, and I don't accept it either!"

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