Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1384: The leader is out!


In the turbulent chaotic airflow, Mount Sumeru, which was stained with Buddha's blood, disappeared into an endless and far-reaching place under the eyes of all the powerful and complex.

Chaos is endless, and the ten directions are infinite and far-reaching. Under this pressure, many giants of Primordial Yuan can no longer find the location of Mount Sumeru.


At this moment, in the boundless void, a dazzling golden light suddenly lit up again, filling the four poles and ten directions in an instant.

"Is there any change?!"

The expressions of the great powers were touched, and they all restrained their emotions.

I saw that in the chaotic sea lit by the golden light without blooming, a small tree with colorful colors, faintly bright and extinct, rose like a big sun, and the splendid rays of light illuminated the three thousand worlds in the ten directions.

"Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree?!"

"The Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree of the Daoist Zhun!"

"Does the Daoist Zhunti have to return after a calamity?"

Thirty-three days, many immortal Buddha Taoist temples were in an uproar for a while, and many great masters suddenly stood up, shocked beyond words.

Before the endless years, when the Holy Mother of Human Race had not taken the last step, the strongest in the Taiyi Great Desolation was Hunyuan Wuji.

And the Daoist Zhunti was one of the oldest Hunyuan Wuji.

After that, he fell at the end of Taiyi because he pursued the way forward. To this day, I don't know how many calamities have passed.

"Prospective Daoist?"

Looking at the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree blooming with colorful divine light, the expressions of Li Qingshan, Bull Demon King and other Da Luo in the Taiji Diagram were shocked.

Although this Daoist quasi has suffered countless calamities because of his fall, no one dared to look down on him.

The second leader of the Western religion, according to legend, is an old antique of the same generation as Daozu and others in the age of Taiyi. Who dares to look down on it?

In the big scarlet sky, Zhou Qing and others were also a little shaken in their hearts, but they were also slightly stunned.

This quasi-reported Daoist will not return early, and he will not come back late, but his return at this time is obviously a plan of Buddhism!

Sakyamuni was suppressed by the ancestors of Wu, and there was a quasi-daoist born!

"That old monk has a lot of calculations!"

The Queen Mother of the West narrowed her eyes slightly and looked into the endless sea of ​​chaos.

There, on top of a magnificent holy mountain shrouded in endless faith and divine power, there was a merciful gaze down, first glanced at Da Chitian, and then fell on Gu Shaoshang next to the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree:

"Since Martial Ancestor has mastered his thoughts, he won't stop my junior brother from returning, right?"

Gu Shaoshang put one hand behind him, pressing the trembling Seven Treasure Tree with one hand, and said lightly:

"Whether the Daoist Zhunti returns or not has nothing to do with me!"

On the top of the holy mountain, in the ancient temple, the old monk's face is still bitter:

"Then ask Martial Ancestor to return the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree!"

"Why do you want to pay back what Gu someone got with his ability?"

Gu Shaoshang pressed lightly with his five fingers, pinched the trembling and roaring Seven Treasures Tree, and looked at the old monk.

Although this Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree fell to the bottom because Daoist Zhunti had not yet returned, it was much stronger than that five-color divine light, and it was an eight-star innate treasure in the evaluation of the All Heaven Mirrors.

Since it is in his hands, it is not so easy to return it.

"A chaotic innate Hongmeng inextinguishable spirit..."

The old monk let out a long sigh.

At the same time, with a flick of the finger, a purple torrent roaring across the boundless chaos and nothingness came straight to Gu Shaoshang:

"Wu Zuruo is still not satisfied..."

There are waves in the calm, although the old monk has no joy or anger, he reveals his attitude that he is bound to win.

Gu Shaoshang raised the corner of his eyes, and was about to refuse, when suddenly the voice of the Queen Mother of the West rang in his ears:

"Just accept it when you see it, it's not good if the old monk is really angry..."

"Never mind."

Gu Shaoshang thought for a while, but raised his hand and caught the inextinguishable spirit that whistled.

An inextinguishable rhythm is also a source of two trillion billion, and it is not a loss.

call out!

And the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree, which he had held under his palm for a long time, let out a jubilant cry, and with a single jump, it crossed the ancient and dead chaotic void.

Unleash the immeasurable Buddha's light that illuminates thousands of candles!

"But it has nothing to do with me!"

Gu Shaoshang shook his head slightly, but he stepped out and came to the ruins of the original fairyland.

When he fought against Sakyamuni, 99% of the power was gathered in each other, and the scattered strands easily destroyed the Earth Immortal Realm.

However, the difference between the infinite multiverse and the multiverse is that it has a hint of indelibility.

At this time, after the battle ended, a ruined one was reborn again.

Gu Shaoshang stood on the Kunlun Mountain, and saw the earth, fire and feng shui surging in the vast immortal world.

It doesn't take long for everything to be back to normal.

"The old monk is for the return of the Daoist Zhunti..."

Gu Shaoshang sat on the top of Kunlun Mountain, his eyes opened and closed, and he understood everything.

At this point, the plans of these giants could not be concealed from him, of course.

That old monk, for the return of the quasi-daoist.

When Sakyamuni preached the Dao, the Buddha's light flooded all worlds, and it became invisible to pave the way for the return of the Daoist.

But if Sakyamuni succeeded in proving the Dao, Hunyuan Wuji, and condensed the fruit status comparable to the Three Emperors with the luck of the Buddha's door in the world, it is impossible to say who will be cheaper in the end.

This was the reason why Taiqing sat and watched him strike Sakyamuni sideways.

The reason why he made his move is not without seeing the reason for this.


Just when Gu Shaoshang turned this year, the endless chaotic sea made waves again.

I saw the sound of Zen above the dull and dark chaos again making a great sound, humming, as if thousands of Bodhisattvas were chanting sutras and hundreds of millions of Buddhas had praised them.

The dazzling light that swayed in an instant spread endlessly in the ten directions, and it was boundless.

Among the many great worlds that had regained their calm due to the end of the battle, the situation resurfaced, and Myriad Daos appeared in the sky, whistling and humming.

An ancient and desolate avenue, reappeared, re-blooming!

Re-run through the number of Buddhist kingdoms of Hengsha, endless Buddhist believers.

In between, a grand and solemn, sacred and solemn voice of singing reverberated in the vast universe and the hearts of countless living beings in Hengsha:

"Half Buddha, half Dao, and half immortal, who understands Confucianism and Buddhism is a quanxian. The seven treasures, the wonderful tree, the ninth-grade lotus, leads the western half of the sky..."

In the rumbling sound of Zen sound and Buddha light, a group of people paced out from the emptiness and silence.

At the beginning, the figure of the Taoist person was blurry and seemed illusory, but as he stepped out, the immeasurable Buddha's light poured in backwards, and he disappeared into the figure.

After the sound of singing slowly fell, it also completely walked out of the illusion.

Faintly, it can be seen that behind the person, a golden body of two feet has emerged, holding all the treasures of Buddhism, and the treasures are solemn.

But its deity is dressed as a Taoist.

"Good, good!"

The Daoist Zhunti stepped out, and after receiving the Seven Treasures Wonderful Tree, he bowed his hands in all directions and said:

"I must have mentioned you fellow Daoists!"

The Taoist smiled warmly, looking at it like a spring breeze, but the great powers were quite unlucky in their hearts.

The reputation of this quasi-proclaimed Taoist is no different from the duo of the masters of space and time.


On the top of Kunlun Mountain, Gu Shaoshang's eyes narrowed.

The Daoist Zhunti at this time was only different from the previous Shakyamuni in his cultivation, and he did not have the merits and achievements of Hunyuan Wuji back then.

Obviously, he blocked the path of Sakyamuni's realization, and also disrupted the old monk's plan.

If this quasi-daoist cannot return, he will be the peak, and he will not be in charge of Buddhism, and he will become the supreme power of Hunyuan Wuji comparable to that of the Great Heavenly Venerate!

"Martial ancestor... Gu Shaoshang!"

Daoist Zhunti seemed to have sensed something, turned his gaze, and saw Gu Shaoshang on the top of Kunlun Mountain as well.

The smile on his face did not diminish, but he sighed:

"It's really terrifying!"

Now that he has been resurrected, he knows everything that happened before.

I also know that it was this Martial Ancestor who made his move that prevented him from returning to the peak directly.


Gu Shaoshang looked calm and noncommittal.

The Daoist Zhunti looked around, his eyes swept over the Hall of Lingxiao, Kunlun Mountain, Li Mountain, Tiandao Mountain, Longevity Mountain...etc.

Finally, he looked towards the extreme west, the skinny old monk on the top of the mountain.

"Senior brother, return to your place."

On the holy mountain, the old monk with a bitter and yellow face had a rare joy on his face, saying:

"One hundred and eighty million kalpas, I miss my brother very much."


The Daoist Zhunti restrained his smile and bowed respectfully to the west:

"Senior brother is incompetent, brother Lao is bothered..."


In the big red sky, there was a humming sound on the Taoist platform surrounded by the chaotic airflow next to the Taoist Taiqing.

A light hum shook the big red sky, and swept the boundless chaotic sea, and instantly wiped out the Buddha's light in the sky.

Daoist Zhunti's expression changed slightly, and he looked at Da Chitian:

"After years of separation, the sect leader is more and more unfathomable!"

The Daoist quasi was also touched in his heart.

Thousands of eons later, his fellow Daoist who was only slightly better than him back then was already unfathomable.

A group of Hunyuan giants in Da Chitian only felt a chill in their hearts, and an immeasurable sword intent swept through their hearts.

However, it was unexpected.

There was only a light snort on the platform, and there was no other action.

"Zhunti Daoist friend has returned after all the calamities, it is really gratifying to congratulate."

The Taoist Taiqing sitting in the center smiled slightly and said:

"The grace of fellow Daoist who tried the Dao back then is over!"

Zhou Qing and other late-stage Hunyuan had doubts in their Xiwangmu and other ancient Hunyuan giants, but they knew it slightly.

Before the year of Taiyi, there was only Daluo in the world. Pangu used his strength to prove the Dao of Hunyuan Wuji. Although he failed and turned into the Great Desolate Continent, he also opened up the road on the Dao for future generations.

And until after the year of Taiyi, when all the great powers have become Hunyuan Wuji, there is no way forward.

How many talents can pursue the highest path, and Zhun mentions one thousand two hundred and ninety-six aspirations. If they want to break through, although they fail and die, they also have a great reference for everyone.

It's a blessing.

However, it would be a joke to say that Laojun cares about this cause and effect.

Daoist Zhunti shook his head, and was about to be humble when he suddenly felt a shock in his heart when he heard a light rebuke that contained boundless silence in indifference and peace:

"The grace is over... Counting on my apprentice, but you deserve my sword!"

In the platform that was shrouded in the chaotic airflow, the indifferent voice that came from nowhere in time and space reverberated again.

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