Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1385: Great battle!

Indifferent and cold voices rippled through the hearts of many Primordial Giants.

The meaning of endless cold in the voice is filled with the limit space that anyone can sense.

"Tongtianjiao's main shot?!"

All the Hunyuan giants in Da Chitian were horrified.

In the endless infinite multiverse, the most tyrannical existence, before the trillions of kalpas, is the legendary Hongjun Taoist who is the incarnation of Qi, the one who controls the power, and the one who fits the Dao.

And after the immeasurable calamity at the end of Taiyi, it has been replaced by the Three Purity Daozu.

Some people say that the Taoist ancestor of Taiqing is respected by all worlds, some people say that Amitabha is boundless, some people say that the great celestial master of Yuanshi suppresses all worlds, and some people say that Rahu, the ancestor of demons, controls innumerable kalpas, and all worlds are the strongest.

Among the various opinions, the one who kills the heavens first must be this Tongtian sect master!

His words were even more shocking than the nominal ruler of the heavens and the world, God Xuan Qiong Gao.

"Tongtian sect master shot"

On the top of Kunlun Mountain, Gu Shaoshang, whose eyes were half-closed, suddenly lit up and swallowed hundreds of thousands of miles of sharpness.

Among the heavens and the world, the Dao is the highest, and even the incarnation of the "Tai" who is detached cannot go beyond the scope of the Dao.

But even so, Wanjie recognized that these supreme giants are not comparable to ordinary Hunyuan.

At the moment when the Universal Venerable of All Realms opened his voice, he faintly saw the terrifying scene of Ten Thousand Realms returning to the ruins, the destruction of the heavens, and the end of everything.

He is the end, he is the demise, he is the end!

"The confrontation of Taizhi!"

Gu Shaoshang's eyes opened and closed, and he looked at the endlessly distant Chaos Sea in the West Pole.

The low-key and outrageous old monk had to take action this time.

Even if the Daoist Zhunti before the Myriad Tribulations was a giant that was not inferior to the Master of Tongtian, there are rumors that in the year of Taiyi, the Daoist Zhunti once struck down the devil with a pestle and beat the Master of Tongtian to Kui Niu.

But at this time, he had just broken the robbery and faced the Tongtian sect master at this time with the Primordial Cultivation Base.

Even if it is a casual sword, it is bound to fail!

There may be none at all!

"Beyond the power of Primordial Promise?"

Daoist Zhunti's expression was moved, and at the same time when the Tongtian Sect Master spoke up, a shadow was cast in his heart.

A big crisis that seemed impossible to resist swept in.

But what moved him was the stalwart power contained in the words of Tongtian Sect Master.

Vaguely, he could feel the mighty power contained in these words, as if to erase him from the end of endless time and space, the root of myriad ways!

It's as if the worldly mortals erased the graffiti left by children on the sand table at will!

"Is this too"

Zhunti Daoist was amazed in his heart that he had already fallen so far behind.

Just a word from an avatar who doesn't know where he is, and he can hardly bear it.

In the Earth Immortal Realm, which had just recovered in less than a few moments, Master Xuandu, who had a calm face and a detached attitude, frowned deeply.

Just as he was about to release all the sentient beings in the Tai Chi map, he froze slightly.

"Tongtian Taoist"

And at the moment when the Tongtian Sect Master opened his voice, in the West Pole, on the immeasurable holy mountain, the bitter old monk raised his eyebrows, and already shot!

Resolute, beyond anyone's imagination.


The old monk's palm lightly protruded, and there was an invisible substance, boundless and boundless, and the stalwart power that was invisible to Da Luo swept the endless chaotic sea and the great world of Hengsha!

In an instant, the endless infinite universe sea was changed, and the laws of ten thousand ways were redefined.

All chaos is the method of transforming the Buddha's light, all colors are only one kind of Buddha's light, and the tens of millions of Hengsha universe is replaced by immeasurable Buddha kingdoms!

It's bizarre, everything is upside down.

It is as if all the tangible and intangible existences have all fallen into a good dream!

For a time, no matter where he was, he fell into a dream the moment he saw the old monk take action.

In a trance, a big dream swept all living beings, all chaos, all great worlds!

All heavens and ten thousand worlds, but a big dream!

Gu Shaoshang had the experience of seeing this way, but he was not dragged into a dream.

But the endless chaotic sea, many big Luos, have all fallen into the dream, even if he is awake, as far as his eyes can see, everything has changed!

When I open my eyes, the sky is turned upside down, the universe opens up, and when I close my eyes, I see spring, summer, autumn and winter again, sunrise and sunset, vicissitudes of life, and the changes of ten thousand realms, and it is already the era of shattering, and all worlds return to ruins!

In a trance, it was as if another endless infinite multiverse had descended, covering the original endless infinite multiverse!

And all of this is true!

Even if you die in a dream, you are really dead!

A single thought in a dream can slaughter all sentient beings in the heavens and the world!

This is truly invincible power!

"Big Dreams Thousands of Autumns"

Gu Shaoshang looked up and saw that outside the boundless and boundless world, there was a gigantic and unbelievably gigantic Buddha who was slowly pinching his palm.

In the palm of his hand, the Daoist Zhunti sat cross-legged.


A tyrannical voice that contained an infinite end in the calm rumbled and vibrated.

Among Gu Shaoshang and Da Chitian, several giants who had never fallen into the dream state instantly became dead silent and fell into the boundless darkness and silence.

In a trance, in the boundless darkness, a huge sword energy rose up from nowhere, tearing apart the eternal darkness and emptiness!

That sword light contained boundless ferocity, extreme sharpness, and tyrannical tyranny to annihilate all beings, and it also contained the determination to slash the sky and slay all beings.

In the throes of that sword light, the unparalleled dominance of "I am the ancestor of the vast universe, and the gods of all worlds, I am respected" burst out!

It also contains the meaning of breaking through the chaos of all worlds and killing everything!

Thousands of trillions of seal characters flickered, and a big word "slash" was put together!

Impressively, the Sword of Immortal Slaying!

Stab it!

Void, Wan Dao was completely torn apart in an instant.

In the dream world, millions of great worlds were instantly shattered, and all the great universes were pierced by sword energy, shattered, and turned into complete nothingness.

In an instant, I don't know how many big universes, the big world completely collapsed into complete nothingness!

"Good, good!"

The mighty Buddha, as big as the infinite infinite multiverse, sighed softly and said:

"Everything has its own way, if you want to kill a buddha in a dream bubble, then kill me!"

The voice of the Buddha was so unbearable that it shook thousands of billions of great worlds and swayed, and the minds of all the greats were buzzing.

Immediately, there were countless large universes, encasing countless sentient beings that were trillions of times larger than those large universes, and greeted the incomparably brilliant sword light like moths flying into the flames.

Gu Shao, who was staring attentively, couldn't help but frown a little:

"This old monk"

In the light of his eyes, there are thousands of billions of immeasurable worlds that meet the sword light, sentient beings as many as Hengsha.

No matter men, women, young or old, chickens, ducks, pigs and dogs, every plant and tree are all transformed by that old monk!

As he said, if you want to kill, kill me!

chi chi chi~~~

The light of the sword runs through, shattering the great world of Hengsha, and smashing countless creatures, but it is still fierce and undiminished, and it slashes towards the big Buddha!

The big Buddha was immeasurable, and the sword light was nothing compared to it.

But that cruel and extreme killing intent is something that no one can ignore!


The immeasurable Buddha sighed softly and said:

"Fellow Daoist killed me a thousand times, isn't that enough?"

clang clang ~ ~

In the atmosphere of thousands of destruction, the Sword of Immortal Slaying clanked loudly, interpreting a cold and biting sound of killing without the slightest emotion:

"not enough!"

"Good, good!"

The stalwart Buddha no longer said any more. He gently lifted the palm of his hand, which was enough to hold up the boundless chaos.

Pinch to the sword light that kills everything:

"So offended!"

At the moment when the Buddha probed his hand, they recited in unison:

"Praise Amitabha Buddha, praise immeasurable light, immeasurable life, boundless light, unparalleled light, flame king light, pure light, joyful light, intelligent light, unceasing light, unthinkable light, incomparable light, super sun and moon light king Buddha!"


Boundless monstrosities circulated, and the time and space of ten thousand worlds were reversed and shattered, and the innumerable great worlds that had evolved in the dream world hummed and vibrated.

At this moment, even the general Primordial Giant seems to be thrown into confusion by the twisted avenue.

Only Gu Shaoshang, Zhou Qing, Zhen Yuanzi and other Hunyuan can be called top giants, as well as a group of Hunyuan Wuji giants.

That immeasurable Buddha's palm actually grabbed the sword light that ended everything!

At this moment, even in the big red sky, the inactive Taiqing Daozu, and the stalwart existence behind the last Daotai that seems to exist in the chaotic divine light, but also does not seem to exist.

He also cast his eyes and looked into the infinite thousand worlds in the dream.

"The time has finally come!"

Just at the moment when Tongtian sect master and Amitabha Buddha really collided, in the endless and far-reaching chaotic sea, the old Taoist priest holding a broken jade butterfly in one hand suddenly stopped and sighed in disappointment:

"The three disciples are finally going to meet!"

In less than a ten-thousandth of an instant, the old Taoist stepped out in one step, and he had already crossed the vast chaos where the existence of Daluo had to run through tens of thousands of chaos.

Came to the Westward Journey Great Universe, the Great Origin Universe, that is, the Earth Immortal Realm.

Thirty-three days in the Lihentian, in the palace of Tusita!

Qing Niu, who was not affected because he was in the Tusita Palace, looked at the old Taoist in horror, his big copper bell-like eyes almost fell out:

"you you"

With a thud, the number one hob meat in the Three Realms, who dared to attack Kong Xuan brazenly, and even dared to shout at Lingshan, knelt down!

Daoist Hongjun would never take a shot at a cow, so he walked into the Tusita Palace unhurriedly.

chi chi chi~~~


The gossip furnace was burning brightly, and the boys with golden horns and silver horns fanned their banana fans, which were taller than them.

In the fire of the nine-hole gossip furnace, a strange stone with nine orifices and eight holes is also in perfect harmony with the gossip furnace, and it is blooming with brilliance.

Vaguely visible in the divine stone, a golden monkey hugged his knees like a baby.

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