Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1390: Please teach the Lord of Heavenly Dao!


The hearts of the Hunyuan giants in Da Chitian were shocked, and they all looked at Gu Shaoshang.

Guess the meaning of Taoist ancestors.

Is it that Martial Ancestor knows the inside story, or is it...

Gu Shao looked at his nose and nose with his nose, and looked at the eyes of everyone as if nothing, and quietly said, "Why does the Taoist ancestor look at me? Gu someone knows nothing about immeasurable calamities."

His mind turned around.

All kinds of information emerged in my mind, turning into a ray of inspiration, vaguely, and there was speculation in my heart.

But he wasn't quite sure if that was the case.

Daluo is not omniscient, and neither is Hunyuan.

Whether it's Daluo or Hunyuan, the existence of each other is the biggest obstacle to restricting their omniscience and omnipotence.

Omnipotence and omnipotence is a refutation.

Infinite and immeasurable calamities involve the heavens, trillions and billions of immeasurable realms, the great Luos of the number of Hengsha, many giants of Hunyuan, and even Taiqing, Yuanshi, Tongtian, Luohu and other supreme and powerful incarnations.

Its intricate complexity is by no means accessible to anyone.

Even "Tai" itself cannot know everything because of each other's existence.

However, the realm of Taizhi is equivalent to the supreme avenue, comparable to the endless infinite multiverse itself, and maybe you can see something.

"The immeasurable calamities cover all heavens and ten thousand realms. The cause is the evolution of the calamities of a certain great world. If you don't know it, you just don't know it!"

On the Taoist platform, Taoist Taiqing shook his head and smiled, but he didn't force it, he just said lightly:

"The calamity is everywhere, and the amount of calamity is all-encompassing. When it starts, where it starts, and when it starts, there is no need to go into it."

The old Taoist looked calm and didn't seem to care too much.

The latter sentence was addressed to the other giants in Da Chitian, as well as the emperor wearing the flat crown.

"What Daozu said was that it was me who was photographed."

The emperor wearing the flat crown nodded and said no more.

The other giants seemed to be thinking about it, but they didn't ask much.

They are all old antiques that have survived countless eons, and their clarity of mind is far from comparable to ordinary people.

Taiqing just glanced at Gu Shaoshang, and they knew that the origin of the immeasurable tribulations in the future will inevitably intersect with this Martial Ancestor first.

But no clearer message is needed.

Gu Shaoshang also knew this, so he was not interested in talking about them.

The vast continent is already chaotic enough, so there is no need to lead this group of old antiques.

Although there seems to be Dao's eyes hanging down above the vastness, it can suppress all the giants, but it is better to avoid trouble after all.

A group of Hunyuan and even Hunyuan Promise realm can stir up the wind and rain, and he will have a big head.

"In this calamity, all the things that happen together are complicated, so I don't want to talk about it."

Daoist Taiqing retracted his gaze, and seemed to have no intention of talking about the matter of calamity.

Just a fluttering sentence, ignoring other powers who seem to have doubts, and changed the subject:

"All of you are giants on one side, immortals who do not grind Yuanyuan. It's not easy to get together this time, and the old way has already thrown a brick to attract jade. Why don't you talk about the way of Hunyuan?"

"The Taoist ancestor was too modest, too modest."

A group of mixed yuan giants did not dare to neglect when they heard the words, and they opened their mouths one after another.

Even among them, there is also the great power who wants to ask Daoist Hongjun, the demon Rahu, and he can only shut his mouth.

They all knew that Daozu did not want them to speak.

But there are still some doubts in his heart.

"In this way, let this seat throw bricks and attract jade..."

After the Queen Mother of the West swept through the giants of mixed yuan, she slowly spoke:

"Since the beginning of Taiyi, many gods and demons have been diligently seeking the Dao, to Pangu Zun, who has proved the Dao Hunyuan Wuji, and the Push Dao is the respect of all Dao. Later, the source of Qi Dao, Hongjun Daoist, gathered in the Zixiao Palace and gathered three Thousands of gods and demons are in charge of the power, and the avenue is hard..."

As the Queen Mother of the West, the most respected person from Taiqing and below in the Great Chitian, the most powerful person in the cultivation base, as soon as she opened her mouth, all the great powers naturally gathered together.

But what makes everyone shake their heads is that the Queen Mother of the West began to talk about the birth of the gods and demons since the beginning of Taiyi, when all things were confused.

Since the first chaotic **** and demon came into the world, until the gathering of countless gods and demons, to Pangu's demonstration of Taoism, to the three thousand guests in Zixiao Palace, until this time.

Several avenues have changed, and several earth-shaking changes have been mentioned.

"The avenue changes......"

Gu Shaoshang's eyes flickered, thoughtful.

Before Taiyi, everything was mixed with nothingness and nothing, there was no flood, there were no worlds and heavens, and there was only nothingness and chaos.

At that time, many gods and demons bred in the chaos were aimless, and there was no way to practice, wandering in the boundless chaos every day.

Until later, the strongest among the countless chaotic gods and demons seemed to have captured the "Tao".

In other words, that thing is mysterious and mysterious, empty and empty, and it was by no means a word for "Tao" at that time, but a word for Tao, which was made by Taiqing Daoists.

After that, the strongest man moved on the Great Dao, wanting to become the Primordial Primordial Promise, his strength shook the boundless chaos, tearing apart the boundless chaos.

However, the strongest person at that time did not know that there was still a Hongyuan Wuji difference between Hunyuan Wuji and the peak of innate gods and demons.

Hongyuan is the only way for chaotic changes and the evolution of all Taos, and its importance is no less than that of ordinary people who conceive and give birth in October.

Without this process, the consequences are self-evident.

In the end, Pangu succeeded and failed.

He succeeded in proving the Dao of Hunyuan Wuji, but because of this, he died, and his fleshly body turned into the Great Desolate Continent.

But Pangu's failure was like a bright light for future generations.

After that, there are finally gods and demons, proving the Tao.

Luohu proves the way of calamity, Hongjun proves the way of Qi, Nuwa proves the way of creation, the Queen Mother of the West proves the most wonderful way, and the ancestor of the Three Purities proves the first Xuanyuan......

After that, many gods and demons talked about the difficult road ahead, and under the gathering of Taoist Hongjun, they jointly discussed Taoism in Zixiao Palace.

In the end, Hongjun absorbed thousands of Dao Accumulations with Qi Dao, took charge of Strength Dao, and became the second Hunyuan Wuji!


The Queen Mother of the West explained the changes in the way of cultivation, which attracted the giants of the Primordial Yuan to explain their own way.

For a time, the Dao Yun in the Great Red Heaven seemed to transform into immeasurable great worlds, but it was you Hunyuan who explained their own way, evolved the universe, heaven and earth, and all things are forever.

It is a pity that the origin of Dao, and even the foundation of your Hunyuan, will not be easily revealed.

However, there are more than 20 Hunyuan statues in Da Chitian, and there are even old-fashioned Hunyuan Wuji like the Queen Mother of the West, and unfathomable characters like Taiqing Daoist.

They acted together and said that for any existence, it is an unspeakable great fortune.


Between the circulation of the boundless Dao Yun, I saw that one side of the great world was born between the palms of your hands, from the creation of the heaven and the earth to the evolution of all things, the circulation of all things, the transformation of all things, the vicissitudes of life, the changes of humanity... Extremely turning.

"Every fellow Daoist is doing the Dao, why did the Martial Ancestor not move?"

At this time, on the Taoist platform not far from Gu Shaoshang, Zhou Qing tapped the big universe in the palm of his hand and said slowly.

The other Hunyuan giants who were acting on their own also looked at Gu Shaoshang with great interest.

This Martial Ancestor may have attained Taoism not long ago, but his achievements are by no means comparable to ordinary Primordial Primordial.

Even the position of Hunyuan fruit and the position of the emperor of Yinsi fell into the hands of Emperor Dongyue, which is extremely painful.

Everyone is naturally very curious about his martial arts.

"When it comes to the derivation of all things, I'm not as good as fellow Daoist Zhenyuan, when it comes to subtle changes, I'm not as good as Mother Li Shan, and when it comes to the way of the flesh, I'm not as good as the leader of the Tao of Heaven..."

Gu Shaoshang did not refuse, but smiled lightly, and swept over the giants of mixed yuan, before saying:

"Martialists, this is the way to protect me and find the truth. It has no effect of evolution, and there is no magic of biochemical transformation of all things..."

"Oh? What is the way of the Martial Ancestor?"

Zhou Qing's eyes were faint, and he seemed very curious.

Zhen Yuanzi glanced at Zhou Qing in surprise.

This Tiandao sect leader seems to be a little too curious about this Martial Ancestor.

In the past three eons, he had never seen anyone so curious about him.

"Martial Dao, my way!"

Gu Shaoshang slowly raised his eyebrows, looked at Zhou Qing, and said:

"Everything is false, only I am true! The way of martial arts is the way of killing, which is only between fists and palms, not in tongues. Can the sect master of the Tao teach me?"

Zhou Qing was curious about him, of course he didn't know it.

However, he could not detect a trace of malice from Zhou Qing, and it was not easy to attack.

Taking the opportunity of practicing martial arts, I can just take a look at the details of this Tiandao sect master.

As a proving Taoist three calamities, he surpassed most of the old-fashioned Hunyuan and was close to the giant of Hunyuan Wuji. Naturally, he was also very interested.

Moreover, it is said that this Heavenly Dao sect master used the innate twelve earth shackles to combine the real body of Pangu into the fleshy earth shackles.

The way of fighting is equally unparalleled.

"Teach me..."

Zhou Qing's eyes lit up, but she became silent again, as if she was holding back her emotions, and she seemed to have long expected:


Zhou Qing's words are concise and concise, and his actions are not at all sloppy.

The voice was still floating, and he raised Ruyu's palm and slashed at Gu Shaoshang!

With just a light palm, the folded and folded space in the big red sky shook itself.

Filled with an infinite and tyrannical force, it spread to the unknown places in the ten directions.

Da Chitian, at this moment, was completely propped up!

Several Taoist platforms not far from Zhou Qing stretched out a boundless distance in an Zhen Yuanzi shook his head, his sleeve robe swayed, and he retreated far away.


As soon as Zhou Qing moved, a boundless terrifying suffocating suffocating aura surged up, reaching the sky like twelve trails.

In the faint, in the boundless and terrifying evil spirits, twelve imposing gods and demons appeared.

The illusory shadow is boundless, and the fighting spirit is high and boiling.

Even compared to that in Changyang Mountain, the fighting spirit of the headless war **** Xingtian is even more terrifying!

Just as soon as it appeared, the fierce fighting intent that was fighting the sky and the earth rolled through the boundaries of time and space, blowing the boundless storms of Hengsha for thousands of calamities!

It is said that the twelve drops of blood essence left by Pangu, who was said to have been incarnated in the early days of Taiyi, were born from the tyrannical gods and demons who were not born in chaos, but were born with great Luo!

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