Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 1391: Future generations are not necessarily invincible to predecessors!

Those twelve gods and demons are not even ordinary Daluo.

But it was when Pangu proved his strength, his understanding of other avenues.

Space, the five elements, wind, thunder, rain and electricity......

"...... Twelve Ancestral Witch?"

On the Taoist platform, Gu Shaoshang couldn't help straightening up, flames ignited in the indifferent eyes, and the fighting spirit surfaced in his heart.

See the hunter happy!

To this day, even though he has been proving the Tao, and being respected by the heavens, Gu Shaoshang's nature is still joyful when he sees a battle. Whenever he encounters a strong person, the first thought that comes to mind must be to invite a battle.

Fighting against the strong, I don't know when, it seems that it has penetrated into Gu Shaoshang's marrow and soul.


Twelve stalwart gods and demons roared in the sky.

A boundless, tyrannical formation was formed around Zhou Qing.

Faintly, it turned into a boundless majestic, stalwart figure of an indescribable giant **** and demon.

The stalwart figure is unbelievable, the stalwart is unscrupulous, and the wisps of breath burst out as if to shatter thousands of great worlds and break through the shackles of Da Chitian.

It is faintly visible in that breath, the power of endless grandeur and stalwart generates countless great universes, great worlds!

It is the beginning of the Taiyi, the real body of Pangu who is the first of the boundless gods and demons!

In a trance, the primordial giants in Da Chitian, and even Gu Shaoshang's deity, seemed to have witnessed with their own eyes the man who was known as the number one **** and demon before the ancient chaos, and who killed three thousand chaos gods and demons. The real Pangu!

Shocked for a while.

And Zhou Qing's palm slashed, and under the blessing of the gods and demons of the Twelve Ancestors, it turned into an axe but not an axe, a knife but not a knife, an immeasurable and indescribable huge blade. :

"Break up the world!"

The rumbling sound shook the sky.

That is enough to accommodate more than twenty Hunyuan giants, and to some extent Da Chitian, which is countless times larger than Earth Immortal Realm, was instantly flooded with Daoyin.

Every inch of space, every moment of time, is mourning, shaking, and worshipping.

That palm was as straight as the giant axe that Pangu had created before the endless chaotic calamity!

Pounced down, everything turned into nothingness, any tangible and intangible matter, the Dao Accumulations of other Hunyuan giants, were all directly cut open!

And that terrifying, yet implying terrifying power of the transformation of all things, is like thousands of galactic rivers pouring down!


Gu Shaoshang couldn't help but exclaimed as the boundless mighty force rolled down.

That Zhou Qing fell with an axe, but it was not only boundless fierce and tyrannical, which also contained the source of pure, straight and holy strength!

Under the blessing of the Twelve Ancestors, Zhou Qing suddenly burst into the brilliance of a bit of strength!

And under the slashing of his unrivaled fleshly body that is number one in the heavens, he even surpassed it!

Even to a certain extent, it showed the style of Pangu, the first person of the thousands of chaotic gods and demons in the past!

How to keep Gu Shao's heart and blood from boiling, how to keep him from being happy!


With a long sigh, Gu Shaoshang also burst out with boundless might.

His way, Martial Dao is the skin, the beginning is the bone, I am the core, and all Dao is only me.

Whether it is the physical body or the primordial spirit, all other different powers, the power of myriad supernatural powers, are all one!

My control is all my way!

In the next moment, his palm, which covers the avenue of his life and contains all the power, slowly protrudes.

Between the invisible and the visible, there are no myriad ways, just like the absolute nothingness before the opening of the epoch, with a bang!


I saw that between the flawless five-finger kneading, in the turbulent river of martial arts, the most powerful and powerful fist marks were unparalleled.

Then, the boundless space and time were smashed, and he wanted to push thousands of great worlds horizontally, and met Zhou Qing's palm that seemed to open up the world!

Many Hunyuan giants looked sideways.

I only felt that the Wuzu fist imprint contained the boundless Taoism, Hengsha's countless magical powers and martial arts.

If so, the way is between the fist and the palm.

"Zhou Qing's fellow Daoist and the twelve ancestor witches, the way of the flesh is the first in the heavens, indelible, and boundless, the ordinary Hunyuan is far incomparable, and even has the style of the **** Pangu in the past..."

Zhenyuanzi narrowed his eyes, and his heart shook:

"This Martial Ancestor is not inferior at all..."

Who is Zhou Qing?

Before the three calamities, it started from the small world at the end of the sky and ascended to the immortal world directly into the calamity, and the cultivation base rushed forward.

After World War I killed the Stygian Sect Master, Kunpeng Ancestor, Huang Feng Dasheng and other old-fashioned supernatural powers, almost all of them were invincible, and they could be called the protagonists of the moment!

The Great Heavenly Venerate asserted that it is almost no less than the Pangu Zunshen who proving the Dao Primordial Primordial!

This Martial Ancestor's year of enlightenment was only a fraction of that, but he was so arrogant, which naturally touched his heart.

"Horrible and terrifying!"

Witnessing the two of them make a move, the tyrants in the big red sky were a little shocked in their hearts.

And in the vibration, it seems to have a clear understanding.

Whether Zhou Qing or Martial Ancestor, the power that burst out at this moment has already stood at the peak of Hunyuan.

Even if it is the place where the Taoist ancestors were cultivating, the 33-day-high Chitian, at this time, could hardly bear the collision between the two!

And this is not even a division of life and death, but just a discussion.

In the middle of the Taoist platform, the Taoist Taiqing sighed in the chaotic airflow, and swayed the Taiji diagram to separate the yin and yang.

These two giants who have been infinitely approaching Hunyuan Promise confrontation, Da Chitian cannot bear it.

If he doesn't make a move, Da Chitian, and even the big world outside it, the big universe will face extinction again!




The two made their own shots, but they were not just killing.

Under the shroud of that boundless mighty force, it was as if the two infinite multiverses wanted to collide directly, more like the undisguised burst of their ways!

In the next moment, the two battled each other in the big red sky, rolling over all the subtleties of time and space, stirring in the boundless and insignificant places.


In the great red sky, the boundless chaotic energy boils.

Between the collision of the two, Da Chitian's boundless land covered by the Taiji map made an unbearable wailing sound.

Hunyuan, the ancestor of Dao, has the blessing of 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000Au00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001nb1nfqfqfqqqqqqqq.h, can collapse countless universes.

Gu Shaoshang and Zhou Qing are innumerable chaotic and unparalleled heroes that are difficult to be born.

Even though the two of them were just trying their hands, the boundless ripples emanating from them also formed a terrifying wave that was enough to collapse the immortal world and shake the boundless chaos of the entire Westward Journey universe!


After one blow, the fist and palm dissipated, and the Taoist platform under the seat of Gu Shaoshang and Zhou Qing shattered into ashes.

The figures of the two of them went backwards.


After retreating, Zhou Qing suddenly stood up and uttered the first syllable that was like the first syllable uttered by Venerable God Pangu before the opening of the cosmos era.

The body was shocked, and the rolling chaos was condensed, and it turned into an immeasurable amount of divine thunder.

But it is the legendary Dutian Shenlei!

"Everything is false, only I am true!"

Gu Shaoshang stood in the turbulent chaos, hunting and dancing in a black robe, bursting out with supreme majesty.


His arms go straight up, straight like a sacred mountain before eternity, towering to the sky, setting the world.

Another example is that on the first day of Taikoo, he stood in Lingxiao to master life and death, and between the rumbling pressures, the five decays circulated, the six paths manifested, and escaped the appearance of the unity of all realms.

Wherever it passes, the ten directions collapse and perish:

"The future will win the present, and I will beat Pangu, too!"

The rumbling sound of the sky is mighty, and Shu Wushang's aura shakes the four poles and ten directions.

Gu Shao is sad and has no worries, let alone depression. There are thousands of strong people and outstanding people. Even if it is Pangu, the first **** and devil in the legend of the ancients, he has only respect and no fear!

The latter is not necessarily inferior to the former, and the latter may not be better than the former!


With a single punch, it penetrated the eternal sky, the boundless chaotic void.

Strike across the immeasurable body of the gods and demons!


The stalwart gods and demons composed of the twelve ancestors seemed to let out a silent roar, and once again swung a boundless and terrifying axe!

"Sit and talk, and stop when appropriate."

In the aftermath of the boundless and terrifying magical power, on the Taoist platform, the Taoist Taiqing shook his head slightly.

The next moment, between the two terrifying and boundless supernatural powers, a Taiji map that is immeasurable and capable of carrying all worlds emerges.


Between the circulation of yin and yang, there seem to be thousands of great worlds rotating, and the heavens of constant sand appear.

Before the two fought, they forcibly blocked their attacks.


As if the bubbles were punctured, the vibrations of the Tai Chi diagram dissipated together with the boundless supernatural power ripples.

Zhou Qing's sleeves and robes were flying, and there was a hint of surprise in his calm expression.

Gu Shaoshang shook for a while, and his expression was slightly moved.

The two made their own shots and collided with one and a half blows, but they didn't seem to be able to distinguish between them.

"Is he already at this level at this time?"

Zhou Qing flicked between his sleeves and sat down on a chaotic Taoist platform, shaking his heart.

He knew how invincible Gu Shaoshang would be, but he didn't expect that he, who had just achieved Primordial Yuan, had already become so tyrannical.

Gu Shaoshang was even more surprised.

The two collided with one and a half blows, and he didn't take much advantage. Even if Daoist Taiqing didn't make a move, he would at most have the upper hand.

This Heavenly Dao sect leader is so tyrannical, much stronger than that of Sakyamuni.

Although he is hiding something, this Heavenly Dao sect master may not be able to do it with all his strength.

"But you can't underestimate the outstanding people in the world."

Gu Shaoshang calmed down and slightly cupped his hands:

"The sect leader is immeasurable, and Gu admires it in his heart."

On the Taoist platform, Zhou Qing shook his head, expressionless:

"If there is a life-and-death battle, Zhou's chances of winning are very small, and Martial Ancestor really deserves the title of the first person to fight in the heavens."

For some reason, he knew the story of this Martial Ancestor better than other Hunyuan giants, but he didn't expect that he was already so strong just after proving the Dao of Hunyuan. UU reading

"You all come to Da Chitian, but you still talk about Taoism."

Daoist Taiqing shook the dust slightly and spoke softly.

"What Daozu said is."

Gu Shaoshang both converged their minds and nodded.

The difference in cultivation between the two seems to be a battle of life and death, and it is definitely not a short period of time to decide the winner.

In this big red sky, it is even more impossible to fight against each other.


Years have passed, and in a flash, three thousand years have passed.

Countless creatures in the Immortal Realm have long forgotten the terrifying power in the calamity.

On this day, in Nanzhan, Datang, Chang'an, and the imperial city, Li Shimin walked out of the place of retreat.

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