Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1402: The one who killed you, Ye Fan!

In the palace hall of Shuoyue, Shaoyangyou rubbed the talisman between his palms, thinking:

"Why didn't the chieftain see me?"

Shaoyang You knew that he existed like a big leader, and he was afraid that he knew his intentions the moment he left. The reason why he didn't see him was naturally because he was busy playing chess.

"Perhaps, the thing that touched my heart is just trivial to the chief... or maybe this is the capital of the chief..."

Shaoyangyou didn't dare to think about it, the latter guess was too scary and unrealistic.

With the cultivation of the chieftain, the entire Primordial Primordial Realm can only be compared with three or four people. How can he be able to provoke people who are afraid of the capital of even the chieftain?

Moreover, the Da Kui capital gave the talisman, I think it is not a big crisis, right?

I'm thinking too much about myself.....

step, step, step~~~

While Shaoyang You thought for a while, outside the main hall, Shaoyang Zhang walked into the main hall again and bowed:

"Master, the Ascension Conference is about to be held. Among the many worlds under my jurisdiction under the Moon Moon, there are many people who are expected to ascend to the sky this time."

The Hunyuan Prehistoric Realm is boundless and complex, and there may be many great realms in every inch of the tiny void.

On the one hand, it is used as a place for disciples to test, and on the other hand, it also draws from its source to bless Shuoyuetian.

And the Ascension Conference is the conference where the Nine Heavens of the Immortal Realm absorbs many outstanding people from the Hengsha Great Realm.

"The Ascension Conference..."

Shaoyang You restrained his thoughts and said indifferently: "This time, Elder Zhang will preside over the conference. You should go to Mingcang Mountain to observe the ceremony on behalf of the teacher! If there are outstanding people, don't be stingy, even if you put them in the door wall."

As a human being, he would not care about these acquired ants in the lower realm.

However, before more than a dozen primal chaos, a supreme person from the mountain and sea world was born in the Ascension Conference.

In just a dozen or so chaos, that person was promoted to the ultimate level of Daluo Jinxian, and he was the eleventh Supreme Elder of Shuoyuetian in the highly-ranked Nine Heavens of the Immortal Realm.

Even, Yin Yin was called the number one sword immortal in Shuoyuetian, and was highly regarded by the three chiefs, and even taught him his unique swordsmanship.

After that, the Ascension Conference was taken seriously by other Supreme Elders.

Although Shaoyang You looked down on those acquired ants in his heart, he couldn't help but take it seriously.

Shuoyuetian, and even all the Supreme Elders of the Nine Heavens of Immortal Dao, and even the chiefs, all form factions.

Any one of the Supreme Elders is the head of a big power that can deter many big worlds. Although they are an alliance, they secretly compete with each other.

"Yes, the disciple understands."

Shaoyang Zhang bowed and stepped back.

"Hmph, Zhang Yan......"

Seeing his apprentice disappear into the sky outside the main hall, Shaoyang You snorted coldly, feeling the pressure faintly.

That Zhang Yan's promotion was too fast, and he was faintly trying to cover him, and he had to make him feel jealous.

"If not..."

Shaoyang You gritted his teeth slightly, and suddenly his heart moved. He sensed the void passage leading to the sea of ​​blood that he was in charge, and was touched.

"Where is the evil barrier, so bold?!"

Shaoyang You suddenly stood up, his face cold.

Many Supreme Elders of the Nine Heavens of Immortal Dao are in charge of a passage, passing through the eternal blood sea scorched earth battlefield.

His Void passage is the only way for him to pass through the Blood Sea Battlefield, and among them are the many great realms he conquered, which are the fruits he prepared for himself and picked when he was about to break through the Primordial Primordial.

That's his inverse scale!


Shaoyang You suppressed the distracting thoughts, stepped out in one step, and disappeared into the hall.



The copper coffin crossed the long river, and the waves were set off. One of them seemed to be a big world, and it was unparalleled in terror.

Ye Fan overlooked the long river, and there was a trace of solemnity in his deep eyes.

This channel formed by a long river is even more terrifying than the previous sea of ​​​​boundary. You can see the broken big world in every bit of waves, and there is even a big world that is ups and downs.

Vaguely, you can see countless demon-like beings among them, constantly mourning.

The breath of decay and death permeates the air, the desolate and decaying air is surging, and it is just a passage. I don’t know how many time and space have been buried.

How many great worlds have been swallowed up by the gods?

Among the heavens and the world, is there such a tumor?

Where is the future of Huang Tiandi?

"In this passage, it seems to communicate with the great world where I am..."

Ye Fan frowned slightly.

But it was in the water of this flowing river that he felt the great world he was in.

It is as if from this long river, you can directly cross time and space and go to the time and space source of your own great world.


During the crossing of the copper coffin, the long river surged, and the passage was instantly filled with loud noises.

"Who dares to trespass the forbidden area!"

A figure shrouded in divine light, wearing an immortal gold armor, suddenly appeared, straddling the middle of the long river, blocking Ye Fan's only path.

"Something familiar..."

Ye Fan muttered to himself slightly.

The aura emanating from this figure in the armor of immortal gold is somewhat similar to a quasi-immortal emperor he once killed in the chaotic time and space.

However, it was even more tyrannical, and faintly, the specious Immortal Emperor aura had escaped.


Ye Fan sat cross-legged on the copper coffin, his expression calm and indifferent.

As the voice drifted, the five fingers of Xuan Huang's mother's anger were already sticking out.


As if chaos had opened up, the sound of the end of the universe filled this desolate and broken passage.

The boundless and terrifying power smashes through endless time and space, covering all visible and invisible subtle places.

"Da Luo?!"

The ruthless eyes under the armored existence mask instantly froze.

Even if he is infinite, after all, innate, enough to run rampant in the lower realm, but facing Ye Fan at this time, there is no chance to resist.

Before his thoughts fell, he was already covered with everything, as if the palm of the sky was pressing down, crushing the indestructible Immortal Gold Armor.

He squeezed it tightly in the palm of his hand.

After tens of millions of years of cultivation, Ye Fan's current strength is already unpredictable. This immortal gold life seems to be able to fight against the Immortal Emperor, but to him, it is not worth mentioning.

With just one strand of his hair, he could cut off countless quasi-immortal emperors.


As the armor shattered, the existence let out a painful roar, which was about to explode directly!

"A dead man?"

Ye Fan was thoughtful, pinched with his five fingers, and strangled him to death on the spot.

The quasi-immortal emperor who used to be able to capture the essence and blood of 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 souls in just one breath, is now self-destructing, and he can't hurt him in the slightest.


The blood essence of the quasi-immortal emperor's ultimate powerhouse swayed down, and a wisp of it fell and dyed a large swath of river water. In one of the broken small worlds, many demons roared and swallowed.


Ye Fan put his five fingers together and put away the blood essence.

Although the blood essence of the Quasi-immortal Emperor was of no use to him at this time, for many younger generations, it was somewhat of a treasure.

Worst of all, you can also feed the Black Emperor.

"Break into my forbidden area and kill my fighters..."

At this moment, at the end of the long river, above the boundless fog, an indifferent and cold voice shook the long river:

"Shut up!"


The voice rumbled like the sound of the sky, stirring up a rolling wave, and countless broken fragments of the Great World were shattered one after another.

Shaoyangyou's voice was cold and his expression was furious.

This passage is not only leading to the many great worlds he suppressed, but also hidden in it that cannot be known by outsiders.

Something in it, anyone who knows it, is going to die!

Even his once most beloved disciple, after knowing the secret, was shattered by him, throwing his corpse into the chaotic time and space of the sea of ​​blood and scorched earth!

"Shaoyang You..."

On the copper coffin, Ye Fan looked up.

I saw that at the end of the boundless and endless boundless sea and the long river, a great seal of chaos that covered the boundless ten directions and pushed the irresistible chaotic seal rumblingly came.

Wherever he passed, the void collapsed and folded, and large swathes of the Great World wreckage shattered, but turned into the power to bless the Great Seal of Chaos.

The Immortal Immortal Suppressing Death Seal!

This supreme supernatural power of the Nine Heavens of Immortal Dao lies between the supernatural power and the spiritual treasure. Once it is released, its power will increase with the destruction of all things, and it is almost boundless.

Ye Fan analyzed the weakness of this magical power from the eternal light, and naturally he would not sit back and watch it exert its strongest power.

So, at the next moment, Ye Fan raised his arm and squeezed his five fingers together to strike a Heavenly Emperor Fist!


With a single punch, he was amazed by the past and present, and he was approaching its peak.

In a ten-thousandth of an instant, it has already pushed the endless river and crossed the boundless void.

He punched hard and hit the Great Seal of Chaos!


The brilliance of the years shattered, and the boundless river completely evaporated and disappeared. Along with it, there was the broken world and endless grievances that had been buried for many years.


In the fog at the end of the long river, Shaoyang You raised his eyebrows, and the person who came was actually a big Luo Jinshu.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

Among the shattered space-time fragments, Shaoyang You stood with his hands behind his back and looked indifferently.

On the other side of the long river, and in the shattered chaos, a young man sat cross-legged on a copper coffin, his black hair spread like a waterfall on his perfect body, and under the peace, there was an unparalleled aura that looked down upon the world.

Immediately, in his heart, he only felt that his fleeting years were unfavorable.

Since the incarnation was beheaded from that side of the lower realm, it has encountered Xianqin people's slaughter successively, and Wang Zhong has no enemies.

"Tens of millions of years ago, my father killed you incarnate..."

Ye Fan sat on the copper coffin, letting the boundless space-time debris swept through, motionless.

He looked at Shaoyangyou with a light There was no joy or anger in his eyes.


Shaoyangyou's eyes shrank suddenly, and boundless memories came to mind instantly.

Tens of millions of years ago, he used this passage to go to a peak lower realm, wanting to seize the source, where did he expect to be killed by an incarnation of an unknown Daluo.

This boy seems to be his son?

It's only tens of millions of years, but it has become a big Luojin number?

How short is tens of millions of years?

How could this person be able to accomplish such a feat?


On the copper coffin, Ye Fan's expression was indifferent, and his words were concise:

"The one who killed you, Ye Fan!"

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