Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1403: Ye Tiandi Daluo's first battle!

On the copper coffin, Ye Fan looked indifferent, flicked his fingers, and the boundless yellow gas filled the universe.

His movements seem to be soothing and natural, like flowing clouds and flowing water, but wherever he passes, he covers all the brilliance, stirring up the boundless waves of the sea of ​​​​boundary, and countless vibrations and flying.

And along with his movements, a supreme and powerful aura surged up like an unparalleled heavenly emperor to suppress rebellious ministers.

Wherever you go, you must bow your head!

Zhong Shaoyangyou's expression changed, but he laughed angrily:

"You're going to kill me?!"


Shaoyang You stood indifferently, thousands of supernatural powers overflowed between his fingers, radiated out, and evolved into extremely bright avenues, changing the chaos of time and space in the ten directions.

In an instant, thousands of great worlds emerged in chaos, and under the squeeze of each other, this boundless void channel was almost collapsed and shattered!

"Chaos conceives my body, and ten thousand things cast my soul! Born sacred, born to be detached! How dare a mere ants clamor with me?"

He stood in the boiling and turbulent airflow, straight as the center of all worlds, the Immortal King who ruled thousands of great worlds, with a sturdy and aloof figure:

"Even if you achieve Da Luo, you will still be an acquired ants! Just like the famine in the past, it's ridiculous and over-the-top!"


The rumbling sound of the sky rippling through the boundless Dao Yun, Shaoyang You stepped,


The fist was like the divine axe that opened up the earth and the sky before, tearing the endless chaotic airflow.

Wrapped in the boundless force of thousands of great worlds rolling down, it smashed into the boundless void.

Suppress it!

Thousands of immortal light gods are entangled vertically and horizontally, and countless great worlds are crushed and collided.

Impressively, it is Shaoyang Youde, the leader of the Nine Heavens of Immortal Dao, the supreme immortal art of the King of Jade Purity, the Taigu Panwang Kaitian Jue!

"ridiculous beyond measure"

On top of the copper coffin, Ye Fan's eyes lit up, stunned, and he spoke cold words:

"With you, is it worthy of humiliation?!"

Ye Fan was furious, and the palm of his hand that slammed into Eternal Time and Space suddenly clenched up, bursting out the Unparalleled Heavenly Emperor Fist.

Far away from the boundless void, I suddenly greeted the Taigu Panwang Opening Heaven Art!

Ka Ka Ka ~

Two boundless and terrifying breaths agitated, and the mighty breath filled all the subtle corners, and the boundless river water evaporated for it, and one of the connected great worlds in the time and space were all boiling for it.

Shake the ancient time and space of many great worlds!

Even this void passage, where there are countless chaos, made an unbearable groan.

All phenomena are destroyed, time and space collapse.

Fang Fang's broken world was completely shattered, and the demons transformed by many slaughter resentments wailed and shattered in the ripples.

The two supreme figures of the Great Luo Jinshu take action, and those who are less than Jinshu will change their colors, and there is no existence in the acquired world that can survive.



Terrifying ripples spread across the ten directions of the universe, all in nothingness.

Behind Ye Fan, at the end of the endless void passage, the ancient land of heaven was turned upside down, and the blood was surging into the sky.

At the end behind Shaoyang You, a boundless vision also appeared in Shuoyuetian, one of the Nine Heavens of Immortal Dao, which alarmed many of the great powers.


The eleven supreme immortal mountains hanging from the top of Shuoyuetian all have deep and indifferent eyes.

On Cangming Mountain, a sword immortal in white who was presiding over the Ascension Conference, raised his long eyebrows even more:

"The Taigu Panwang Kaitian Jue, this Shaoyang You is really doomed, and the fleeting years are unfavorable."


The void stood in the midst of the shattering, Shaoyang You was frightened and angry, staggered back, and shattered the trillions of miles of void behind him:

"You actually know the Taigu Panwang Kaitian Jue?!"

He was terrified.

Between the collision between the two, this Houtian Daluo named Ye Fan actually seemed to know more about this ancient Panwang Kaitian formula than him.

Being caught off guard, he suffered a big loss.


Above the copper coffin, Ye Fan suddenly stood up and put away the copper coffin with his sleeves.

Without a word, after stepping a trillion miles, another punch shook the boundless void, shattered thousands of chaotic airflows, and completely tore this passage, revealing an incomprehensible upside-down chaotic time and space.


Shaoyang You's killing intent was boiling, and he stepped out likewise.

The body is like a great sun bursting with dazzling immortal light, and among countless immortal arts, Shaoyangyou trembled his arms and flicked [.] with his ten fingers, as if to compose a song of immortality destroying the world with ten thousand paths as strings.

Vaguely, it seems that you can see the immeasurable world of Hengsha was born and died for it, and all sentient beings in it, all unknowing dead things, spiritual things, have been shattered into ashes!

woo woo hum~

In the shattered and chaotic void, there seemed to be the voices of ten thousand immortals singing, ten thousand gods praising, and ten thousand worshiping.

All kinds of magical sounds sounded at the same time, without any tangible or intangible things as catalysts, they echoed directly in Ye Fan's mind.

In a trance, all the broken and chaotic void disappeared.

An indescribable and magnificent great world manifested, and the streamers of the immortal realm illuminated everything, and even illuminated the dark and evil land of heaven with the cracks of the broken passages everywhere!

"Song of the Nine Heavens Destroying the World"

Ye Fan's eyes lit up, and then the obscurity faded, and Ang Zang Wei'an's body stagnated slightly.

This lag is almost not even one trillionth of a moment.

How short a trillionth of a moment is, any mortal or practitioner can hardly notice it.

But Shaoyang You was very keen to capture this moment:


At this moment, he stepped over all the restrictions, turned into a golden light of the vertical world, and easily crossed the unknown distance.

In that one-trillionth of an instant, a Taigu Panwang Kaitian Jue was played.

Head towards Ye Fan!

Punching like an axe, cutting through the ages, even if there is a multiverse, he is sure to tear it directly!

Any big Luo will suffer irreversible damage from this blow!

"not good!"

But at the moment when this punch fell, Shaoyangyou felt hairs in his heart, and an extremely strong warning sign appeared in his heart.

It was as if an invisible big hand grabbed his heart fiercely!

In fact, everything is true!

At the moment when he punched like an axe and evolved the Panwang Kaitian Jue, Ye Fan, who should have fallen in the melody of the Nine Heavens of Immortal Dao.

But suddenly opened his eyes!

At the same time, an indescribable dazzling golden villain emerged from one of his eyebrows, holding a three-legged and two-eared Xuanhuang Ding that was three points smaller than that.

Thinking of Shaoyangyou's eyebrows, he slammed away!

Primordial spirit holding the tripod to kill!

Ye Fan, who has already parsed out all the magical powers of Shaoyang You from the "Hunyuan System", how could he be fascinated by the Song of Destruction?

Even in the years he sat cross-legged on the copper coffin, he had fought with him countless times in the sea of ​​his heart.

Know all his fighting habits, all the secrets of supernatural powers, and even know the strength of each of his supernatural powers and attacks!

"He is proficient in all my magical powers?!"

Shaoyangyou hummed in his head, unbelievable.

I saw that splendid and extremely bright golden light along the supernatural power lines that formed the Panwang Kaitian Jue, avoided his Yuqing Nine Heavens Body Protection Technique, and slammed straight into his eyebrows!

"You don't want to kill me!"

Shaoyang's eyes were about to split, and the fairy light that burst out from his body burned out like a flame.

It is faintly visible that an infinite world has expanded and contracted hundreds of billions of times in his body, bursting out!


In an instant, everything came to a standstill.

How terrifying is the power of a long-standing great Luojin number to completely burn the source?

Even if he was as strong as Ye Fan, he really fell into an instant stagnation at this time.

The little golden primordial spirit with the same appearance as Ye Fan, holding the cauldron of the mother qi of all things, has touched the place seven feet in front of Shaoyang You's forehead, and the extremely sharp and terrifying mysterious yellow qi has torn apart his indestructibility. Flesh.

The indestructible frontal bone manifests the primordial spirit that resembles the boundless starry sky in its skull!

But at this moment, everything came to a standstill, including Shaoyangyou himself.

No, Shaoyangyou can still move a little.

In this brief moment, which Daluo could hardly catch, his head with glaring eyes rose three feet tall.

Then, the golden light flashed and wiped off its neck!


Scarlet gold blood spurted out trillions of miles, streaking across the shattered chaotic airflow like a golden rainbow, and even sprayed out over the sky where reincarnation never returns!


At the same time, his stalwart body also played its final role.



In the extremely terrifying explosion, Ye Fan was forcibly blasted out 6 trillion miles.

The cauldron of the mother qi hanging on the top of the head was smashed with two feet and one ear, and the black and yellow qi was dimmed to the extreme.


But Ye Fan didn't have time to take it into account. Between the steps, the blood spurted and the aftermath of the terrifying explosion had not really spread.

Unleash an unparalleled Heavenly Emperor Fist and smash away!

"Ah! Ah! Ah!!!"

In the shattered and collapsed void passageway, Shaoyangyou's head with wide eyes and angry eyes let out a terrifying howl:

"A mere ant, forcing me to come here, forcing me to come here!"

In the rumbling sound waves, Shaoyangyou's anger, hatred, and murderous intentions could not be washed away by the Tianhe Rivers.

He never dreamed that he escaped the Xianqin Rentu, and that Wang Zhong was actually planted in the hands of this "acquired ants" who had never looked directly.

Until now, he didn't know how this "Acquired Ant" could understand him so well, as if he knew all his magical powers!


Ye Fan said nothing, his expression was cold and indifferent, the Heavenly Emperor Fist shook the boundless chaos, and smashed Shaoyangyou among the boundless fragments of time and space.

The Great Luojin Count is too difficult to kill, even if he is as tyrannical as him, he cannot relax in the slightest.

"This hatred and this hatred will last forever!"

The only remaining head of Shaoyang You dragged the red-gold blood flowing down 30,000 miles from the broken neck, turned into a golden light, and rushed straight into the boundless chaos.

But in an instant, he cast the golden light of the vertical world, trying to escape into the moonlight.

The golden light of the vertical world is the first escape technique of the Nine Heavens of Immortal Dao, and it can span across a hundred thousand worlds in a single thought.

He relied on this escape technique to escape the Xianqin slaughter and Wang Zhong's pursuit one after another.

Ye Fan, who was chasing and killing, suddenly scorched his eyes, evoked the Primordial System in his body, and displayed the second function of the Primordial System:

"Deprive Shaoyang You of the Golden Light Technique!!"

Gu Shaoshang's Primordial Primordial System in exchange for a chaotic inextinguishable aura plus one of his favors naturally has more than analytical functions.

Its second function is that it can briefly deprive a person who has been parsed by the system and does not exceed his realm of supernatural powers!

At this moment, Ye Fan will temporarily deprive Shaoyangyou of the Golden Light Technique of the Vertical Realm!


Ye Fan's thoughts turned so quickly, almost at the moment when Shaoyang You's head escaped.

An indescribable and indescribable divine light suddenly lit up.

The next moment, all the light dissipated.

Shaoyang You fell down from the chaos in shock, and looked at the Heavenly Emperor Fist, which struck him fiercely, with bloodshot eyes:

"Big Chief save me!!!"

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