Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1404: 6 Great Supremes, 5 Time and Space!

"Big Chief"

The mournful sound ripped apart the void.

Even though he was in a desperate situation due to the disappearance of the golden light in the vertical world, Shaoyang You never gave up his struggle.

At the same time as the screaming scream, the divine light in the only remaining head soared, and the Tao Yun manifested numerous immortal techniques, intertwined vertically and horizontally in front of the head.

And its primordial spirit jumped out from the back of the brain, and turned into a streamer and was about to escape.


The Heavenly Emperor Fist shook down, tearing apart countless criss-crossing magical powers, and shattering the rare head!

Ye Fan's murderous heart is on the rise, especially can the magical powers that he has developed in a hurry be able to stop him?

One punch shattered Shaoyang You's head, and the remaining power of the Heavenly Emperor's Fist crossed the chaos and crushed Shaoyang You's escaped Primordial Spirit!

It's about to kill him in the fist!


Shaoyang You roared angrily, and the primordial spirit burst into flames, instead of retreating, advancing towards Ye Fan:

"If you want to kill me, you will also die!"

Shaoyangyou's cultivation is not bad, but he did not expect that Ye Fan knew him so well, and Ye Fan was forced into a desperate situation by one step.


At this moment, among Shaoyangyou's burning primordial spirit, a talisman with a bright blue light suddenly jumped.

Immediately after a huff, the dust turned into a multiverse and expanded infinitely!

In an instant, the azure light bloomed brightly, illuminating everything in the boundless chaos of the void.

In the one-trillionth of an instant, the remaining primordial spirits of Ye Fan and Shaoyang You were shrouded in it.

"Big Chief!"

Shrouded in azure light, Shaoyangyou's primordial spirit twisted fiercely:

"Hahaha! The big leader shot, you are doomed!"

Ye Fan's expression was indifferent but cold, his head was full of black hair fluttering, and the killing intent filled the world. He didn't care about the blue light at all, and he opened his mouth and let out a light rebuke:



The billowing blood and energy seemed to pour down, completely drowning Shaoyang's hideous primordial spirit!

At the same time, the dazzling azure light expanded from the boundless into the smallest and smallest, and disappeared into the boundless time and space with the primordial spirits of Ye Fan and Shaoyangyou.

"This is"

Ye Fan's eyes condensed as the blood collided with the blue light.

In a trance, it seems to have seen a stalwart, sacred, immeasurable existence, sitting in the sky above the sky.

As if, smiling slightly at him.

In the next moment, Ye Fan only felt that the light and shadows were turning around, the years were boiling, the time and space were reversed, and everything went crazy backwards.

Just like the feeling when he reversed the time and space back to the ancient times.

It seemed that he had been thrown into the turbulent flow of time and space.

Deviated from the time and space where it was supposed to go.

"Big Chief"

Under the pressure of blood and energy, Ye Fan held it in the palm of his hand, and Shaoyangyou, whose primordial spirit had not yet been destroyed, showed an unbelievable expression.

Daluo is almost immortal, even if Ye Fan has an absolute advantage, it is not an overnight thing to destroy him.

Just as Gu Shaoshang repressed the Five Great Kings and wiped them out, it took millions of years.

"That person is the leader of the Nine Heavens of Immortal Dao?"

In the boiling time and space, Ye Fan frowned slightly.

That one exists stalwart and sacred, and its aura is incomparably tyrannical, far exceeding him at this time.

But its aura is sacred and clear, and the owner of that drop of black blood that eroded the Immortal Emperor and caused countless dark turmoil in the perfect world was definitely not him.

"Shaoyang You is amazing"

On the top of Cangming Mountain, Zhang Yan looked up, and saw a scarlet infestation in the moonlight sky, as if the world was bleeding, and the Shaoyang Immortal Mountain was even more eclipsed.

Shaking above the sky.

Shaoyangyou, on the verge of falling?

"The Chieftain gave up on him"

Zhang Yan lowered his eyes, and there was a hint of vague surprise in his eyes.

In the Nine Heavens of Immortal Dao, the Daluo formed by the innate gods and demons has a higher status than the acquired Daluo.

Even though his combat power faintly surpassed that of Shaoyang You, his status was not comparable to him.

The leader of the family who pays the most attention to the rules and follows the foot, actually gave up on Shaoyang You?

Not only Zhang Yan, other Supreme Elders of Shuo Yuetian, and even many great masters of Immortal Dao Jiutian, there was a touch of surprise in their hearts.

Of course they wouldn't think that it was the big leader who couldn't save them enough.

Such a stalwart giant, as long as you think about it, even taking a shot at this time is enough to save Shaoyangyou.

The only possibility is that Shaoyangyou was abandoned by him.

"Brother is too much"

In the Antarctic Sky, in the grand hall, the white-robed Taoist shook his head slightly.

His apprentice brother is really just to the extreme, he pays attention to it, and he doesn't even bother to cover it up.


The emperor smiled dumbly, and under the sleeve robe, the perfect crystal palm gently protruded.

The slender index finger tapped.

It is convenient to cross the boundless void in an instant and press on the void passage that has been completely broken.


The shattered chaos leading to the **** battlefield of the gods shook violently.

Time and space went against the flow, the destruction dissipated, and the broken passage under the battle between Ye Fan and the two reassembled at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Ji Du, you are so brave!"

The majestic, grand, and indifferent divine sound of heaven poured down like a trillion rivers of heaven, shaking the Antarctic Heaven, the Nine Heavens of Immortal Dao, and even the countless large and small realms of the entire Taihuang God Realm.

With the majesty of the emperor, the azure light that Huang Huang can't look directly at fills the ten directions, swaying endless clouds.


The Great Demon God of Jidu?

In the Nine Heavens of Immortal Dao, many great masters have changed their color.

In the Primordial Realm of Primordial Primordial, even in the heavens and the world, in the endless infinite multiverse sea, there is only one devil **** named Jidu!

According to legend, he became enlightened in the prehistoric years of Taiyi, and his vicious name is second only to that of the Great Demon God of the Demon Race of Ten Thousand Realms, Rahu.

The unparalleled Demon Venerable who sits in the Jiuzhong Demon Abyss of the Hunyuan Realm.

"I've always been courageous, Antarctica, did you know that?"

The sound of Jie Jie's strange laughter sounded from a subtle place in the void channel that Shaoyang You was in charge of, and the endless demonic energy that stirred up filled the world in an instant.

Collision with that endless azure light, the chambers stand against each other.

"Counter Capital"

On Cangming Mountain, Zhang Yan looked up.

I saw that the void passage that had already been revealed under the blue light, somewhere in a subtle place, actually communicated with the time and space where the dark demon world that could not be directly looked at!

That's right, it's time and space, not the world!

The Primordial Realm is immeasurable, and the masters are like the sand of the Ganges River. There are six ancestral dragons that are half dead and half alive!

And these six supreme beings are not in the same time and space!

This time and space is the Xiandao Nine Heavens that govern the Hunyuan Realm and radiate the Prehistoric Realm, which is the Xiandao Era.

Before a few calamities, it was the original Ancestral Dragon Era, and now the Xianqin Era together with the Great Desolate Realm, radiating the Primordial Realm.

And in the time and space after many calamities, it is the Jiuzhong Demon Abyss that suppresses the world, and the Great Demon God of Jidu is honored!

The same is true for several other great figures!

The six supreme figures are like dams that block the long river of time and space. They do not meet each other.

There are also Hunyuan Realm and Prehistoric Realm in each time and space, but only the superposition of five time and space is the real Hunyuan Prehistoric Realm!

This Shaoyang You is actually related to the Era of Demon Venerable where the Great Demon God Jidu is located?

The other big Luos in the Nine Heavens of Immortal Dao also suddenly realized that Shaoyang You actually secretly communicated with the Great Demon God.

"Ji Du! You bewitched the great Luo under this throne, and you will pay for it with three demon gods!"

At the extreme end of the sky, the emperor wearing a mian spoke indifferently.

In the rumbling of Tianyin, he reached down an immeasurable flawless giant palm, neither slow nor slow, but with an irresistible might under the endless blue light.

It ripped apart the universe, crossed the Antarctic Sky, the Nine Heavens of Immortal Dao, the Great Desolate God Realm, and penetrated into the depths of the endless void.

Towards the infinite distant future time and space to explore!

With one palm, push the endless time and space away!

"Just give it a try!"

The evil and vicious demonic sound ripped apart the universe, setting off a tumultuous tide of annihilation.

Like thousands of galactic rivers pouring up, surging towards the time and space where the Nine Heavens of Immortal Dao are located


Time rolls on like a tide, and the water of years beats like a big wave.

The ten directions are endless, and the endless river of time and space is derived from two directions, flowing forever like an endless end.

Each drop of water contains the concept and imprint of a space and time, which has happened, or will happen in the future, or is happening, or even everything that may happen but has not happened.

In this long, unpredictable river without light, a copper coffin drifts with the flow.

Ye Fan crossed his knees on the copper coffin, overlooking the long river.

Any long river of time and space is an unimaginable creation. Before he became an Immortal Emperor, he had already reversed the time and space back in chaos, so naturally he would not be unfamiliar.

But in comparison, this long river of time and space is even more terrifying and incredible.

It is so big that it is boundless and unpredictable, and it even contains something that makes him jealous.

"This is"

Ye Fan's eyes were deep and uncertain, and he could vaguely see that the timeline of the six splendid banks covered everything, faintly radiating countless time and space, like a dam across the long river of time and space.

However, what surprised Ye Fan slightly was that among the six time-space lines, one was relatively dim, and it was entangled with the other time line, as if a war was going on.

"The timelines of the six stalwarts are superimposed on each other, and one of them is the previous emperor"

Ye Fan's expression was dignified, and he was as tyrannical as the emperor, but there were actually five others?

Daluo can go beyond time and space, and the long river of time and space is not a dangerous place.

However, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is different when the timelines of the six supreme powers collide with each other.

Even if he is as tyrannical as him, he does not dare to make any big changes at this time.

I don't dare to make a move easily, I can only temporarily go with the flow.

Because with one move, it is possible to break the balance of these six timelines, causing unimaginable backlash.

This is also the reason why in this Hunyuan Prehistoric World, only the place where the **** battle of the gods can enter other time and space.

The long river of time and space in this world is a forbidden place!

"Big Chief, Big Chief"

Shaoyang You was a little lost, his body was broken, his soul was dim, and his mood seemed to have fallen.

For a time, even the struggle gave up.

"Who is the owner of that drop of black blood that erodes the world? Where is Emperor Huangtian?"

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