Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1405: The robbery of cosmic promotion!

Ye Fan spread out his palm and asked Shaoyang You.

This Hunyuan Prehistoric Realm is very strange. Several supreme beings split time and space, spanning the long river of time and space, and each radiates all realms.

In fact, there is no such thing as a past or future in this Hunyuan Prehistoric Realm!

The epochs where several great masters are located all cover the past and the future as one!

All are the origin, all are the end, both the past and the future!

Although they coexist, they do not overlap.

The base camps of several major forces are not in one time and space at all!

And the land of the sea of ​​blood in the sky is more like a forbidden place divided by several great powers, leading to the battlefields of various eras!

In what era did Emperor Huang Tian fall into?

Where did that drop of blood come from?

Ye Fan may have guesses in his heart, but he still needs confirmation.

However, the existence above Daluo is almost impossible to search for souls. Even if you do it by force, you can only get a few words.

And a large Luojinshu who has lived countless chaos, how much experience in his life?

It is impossible to get the information you want to know.

"Hahaha! You want to know?"

Shaoyang You laughed miserably:

"I'll tell you all, I'll tell you all! Hahaha!"

Shaoyang You Yuanshen's evolved face showed a cruel and malicious look, as if he had no intention of concealing it.

speak directly:

"There are many epochs in the Primordial Realm of Primordial Yuan Dynasty, namely the Xianqin Human Dao Era, the Taihuang Xian Dao Era, the Cangzhi God and Demon Era, and the Magic Dao Jidu Era"

"The place of the **** battle of the gods is the battlefield of several supreme beings, and it is also the ultimate battlefield of several ****! Countless years ago, the great leader fought against the Demon Venerable.

Shaoyangyou's eyes were sinister and sneering:

"Thousands of millions of years ago, Huang stepped out of that realm and stirred up the wind and rain. Unfortunately, he was not as lucky as you, and he ran into the Jiuzhong Demon Abyss head-on."

"Magic Venerable Nine-layer Demon Abyss"

Ye Fan's expression was calm, and his eyes did not fluctuate.

He naturally knew a thing or two about Shaoyangyou's mind, but he couldn't be hostile to the tyrannical enemy, and wanted him to go to his death.

However, he already knew the danger of this trip, and he would not care about the danger.

"You guys will all die hahaha!"

Shaoyang You Senran laughed:

"I'm waiting to see you die"


Ye Fan closed the palm of his hand and put Shaoyangyou's primordial spirit into the cauldron of the mother of all things, refining and destroying it:

"That will disappoint you."

Daluo's traces are all over time and space, and it is extremely difficult to erase, but it is not indelible.

"There is something wrong with this man's words"

Ye Fan overlooked the long river of time and space, and thoughts were turning in his heart.

What Shaoyang You said was not true, so naturally he would not believe it all.

That drop of blood may be the drop of the Demon Venerable, but it may not be unintentional, and as an elder of the Immortal Dao, how could this Shaoyangyou take action to suppress the land eroded by the Demon Venerable's blood?

The ever-changing situation of the perfect world, which also hides secrets that he does not know.

On the other hand, Emperor Huang Tian is very likely to fall into the Jiuzhong Demon Abyss.

However, this long river of time and space is too vast, too dangerous, and how far apart the Nine-layer Demon Abyss is. At this time, he is drifting with the current, and the possibility of being able to float to the Nine-layer Demon Abyss is too low.

And I want to find a void passage to the Jiuzhong Demon Abyss on the boundless and boundless river of time and space in the ten directions.

easier said than done.


The water of time washed away the copper coffin, Ye Fan closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, thinking about the gains and losses of the previous battle.

Shaoyang You is by no means as unbearable as he has shown in battle. If it is not because he knows all of Shaoyang You's supernatural powers and secrets, and his fighting habits, even if he is able to defeat him, it will not be so easy.

And if there is no Hunyuan system, even if it is better than him, it may not be able to catch up with his vertical world golden light.

The battle between Daluo is different from before.

Although he had several trials with his old father, it was not a battle at all.

Regardless of the years in the long river of time and space, Ye Fan didn't even know where he was or where he was going.

It was not until Ye Fan figured out the gains and losses of the previous battle several times that he suddenly moved slightly and opened his eyes.

I saw that in the depths of the endless, immeasurable time and space, a huge boat with a dark body and a length of hundreds of billions of miles slowly emerged.

And as the boat emerged, there was a mighty strife of soldiers rising up.

It turned into a hunting flag with a height of millions of miles on the boat!

The flag was black with a gold border, as big as the sun and the moon, and there were two large characters with unknown characters engraved on it.


He never knew the words, but the moment he saw the big flag, the meaning of these two words came to his mind extremely deeply!

"It turned out to be the Xianqin Era?"

Ye Fan muttered to himself.

I saw that on the deck of the huge boat, under the banner of Hunting Black Dragon, one person stood with his hands behind his back.

Its stature is not tall, but it is like a sacred mountain that reaches the sky, and it is like a volcano that has not erupted for thousands of years.


While Ye Fan was watching, the man seemed to feel something in his heart.

Look up as well.

Just saw the depths of the boundless time and space, a copper coffin followed the wave, and a white-clothed boy sat cross-legged on it.

The young man had black hair like a waterfall, his body was crystal clear and flawless, and his spirit was restrained and domineering.


And in the next moment, the moment he saw the face of the white-robed boy, his complexion changed drastically, and the terrifying aura erupted like a volcano that had accumulated for thousands of years:

"Master Emperor?!!"


The perfect world was extremely noisy, and the terrifying ripples flowed down from the broken abyss above the sky, and instantly swept across the nine heavens and ten places, and the ten thousand heavens.

In an instant, the stars flickered, and the galaxies stopped flowing.

Hundreds of suns hanging high above the sky are crumbling, like a candle in a gust of wind, as if it will go out the next moment.

"Above God?!"

"The dark breath is boiling! There is movement from the sky!"

"Who is fighting?"

Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, Ten Thousand Dao Heavenly Provinces, countless Supremes, True Immortals, and Quasi Immortal Kings in the mirrored world all stared in shock.

This movement is too terrifying, faintly, you can see the terrifying blood waves swaying in the cracks in your sky, and the terrifying monsters in it.


Above the supreme divine court, the old Bodhi tree shivered, and its leaves swayed "shasha".

After Qian Wang stepped into Myriad Realms, the cultivation base of this old Bodhi tree was already one of the highest, and he felt far more profoundly than others.

As the aftermath dissipated, it could even sense that the darkness that had long been suppressed and wiped out had a sign of re-emergence.


Under the linden tree, Gu Shaoshang did not lift his eyelids.

As soon as the words were uttered, the clouds swayed across the sky, as if it turned into an invisible palm, suppressing the scattered aftermath.

"Master, will the two Heavenly Emperors be in danger?"

Old Bodhi tree asked worriedly.

This breath is too terrifying, even if the two didu are outstanding people who have pushed the ages, he can't help but be a little worried.

After all, in the legend, a drop of blood eroded the supreme existence of the Immortal Emperor and was above the gods.

"Maybe, maybe not."

Gu Shaoshang opened his eyes, and his deep eyes looked beyond the endless time and space, as if he had penetrated everything and saw a collision beyond the distant time and space.

When he was proving Dao Primordial, his Dao Accumulation was imprinted in front of the heavens, time and space.

All know the power of the world.

The Great Emperor of Antarctica, the Demon Lord Jidu, he naturally knew it.

These are also two ancient antiques that have been enlightened for a long time. They may not be as good as the Queen Mother of the West, but they are far from being comparable to Fengdu.

"What kind of world is above God?"

The old Bodhi tree swayed its branches, and his mind remained unsteady.

"In the land of heaven, reincarnation cannot be reversed, time and space do not exist"

Gu Shaoshang looked casual and spoke slowly.

The Primordial Realm of Hunyuan is different from the vast continent. The five eras within it are balanced with each other, neither parallel nor superior.

Xianqin is not the past, Xiandao is not the future, and magic is not the present.

They are each now, and each is the future.

Before he became Hunyuan, what he knew was only the time and space where Xianqin Era was.

Even the Taoist Karma, Xiongba and others were involved in the Xianqin Era.

"Master, are you really not going?"

The old Bodhi tree asked.

Gu Shaoshang lowered his eyes and kept his mouth shut.

His palms slowly spread out, and as Dao Yun circulates, an immeasurable world is slowly evolving.

The prehistoric world is about to evolve again.

Vaguely, you can already see the stars and celestial bodies that have evolved out of it.

"When Lao Tzu becomes enlightened, all the devil's plans and the Great Antarctic Emperor will all kneel down and lick Lao Tzu's boots!"

A voice that seemed to fill all the hope in the world, and all the evil voices swayed in Gu Shaoshang's heart.

In the depths of the perfect world, the demon incarnate is furious.

He is the way of heaven in a perfect world. The aftermath of these two people swept over, and of course he was the most angry.

He was transformed by all of Gu Shaoshang's evil thoughts and evil intentions, and then absorbed immeasurable demonic intentions. He is the most extreme of all Gu Shaoshang's incarnations.

Even the wounds of the dead are not as extreme as him.

Especially after becoming the Heavenly Dao of the Perfect World, it is absorbing negative power all the time, which can be described as extremely extreme.

Just a trace of the aftermath that escaped unintentionally can cause him to boil with anger.

"Even if the world is promoted, you are not allowed to make mistakes."

Gu Shaoshang lightly tapped the demon incarnation.

At this time, the incarnation of the inner demon is the heaven of one With every move, he has the perfect world, the heaven and the state, and the superposition of Hengsha's immeasurable parallel universe.

Even the power of all immortal kings, great emperors, and quasi-immortal emperors born in it can be used by him.

But there are pros and cons. In this battle, it is better to say that if you win, if you lose, the universe will be annihilated, and all spirits will end.

He didn't want to, the front foot would promote the perfect world, and the demon incarnation of the back foot would ruin a whole world of creatures.

"I can't bear it, I can't bear it! I can't bear it!"

The demon incarnate jumped like thunder, causing the boundless starry sky to roar in unison, and all the heaven and earth were shaken.

Gu Shaoshang lifted his eyelids and pressed his palms in a virtual state.

Then, in the depths of the world, the demon incarnation of a world of heaven was overwhelmed to the ground:

"Among the heavens, the least indulgence of the Demon Dao Hunyuan is the way of death!"

The Dao Tribulation, not only the Great Law will have it, but also the Heavenly Dao.

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