Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1409: Perfect promotion!

"Boundless Heavenly Venerate, your uncle......"

Duan De only felt severe pain in the back of his head, and an unimaginable huge force poured into his body from the back of his head.

Rao is that he has become a quasi-immortal emperor, and he can't bear it.

Many secret realms exploded in an instant, "crackling", and the Yuanshen was black in front of the entangled mess.

Duan De bit his mouth full of silver teeth:

"When the Daoist returns from the calamity, and the world is complete, I must find you..."


In the vibration of time and space, Duan De's body instantly turned into a streamer and was bounced into the rolling turbulent time and space.

However, it directly motivated the power of the ninety-ninth world accumulated in the Seal of Reincarnation to carry out the hundredth reincarnation.

It is extremely difficult to seal the reincarnation, often requiring tens of millions of years of precipitation, and then living for countless years.

The pain he suffered in this way can be imagined.


Faintly, Duan De seemed to hear an uncontrollable cry of pain in his heart.

In the next instant, he involuntarily disappeared into the turbulent flow of time and space.


"Why the Immortal Emperor?"

Under the Bodhi tree, Chen Zhan smiled wryly and shook his head.

Although Duan De was also infinitely approaching that threshold, how could he resist this Immortal Emperor's finger.

It was bombed directly into the unknown time and space.

"The ninth reincarnation of the Red Dust Immortal, the hundred reincarnations become the Immortal Emperor! It seems simple, but in fact it is equally difficult. If you are not careful, you will lose everything."

Gu Shaoshang sighed softly:

"How could I care about the little things?"

The reincarnation seal that Duan De repaired came from above, and the magic of the reincarnation of a hundred times surpassed the methods of other great emperors and immortal kings. However, reincarnation was not an easy task.

Cao Yusheng, Du Jie Tianzun, Duan De... The imprint of the Hundred Ages will inevitably erupt in the last life.

But I don't know if it's made him or someone else.

"What the Immortal Emperor said is..."

Chen Zhan frowned, puzzled.

"Have fellow Daoists ever heard that Fa has Yuan Spirit?"

Gu Shaoshang opened his palm, and a strand of Dao Yun floated up.

Chen Zhan looked up and saw that there seemed to be a million trillion runes intertwined in that strand of Dao Yun, which seemed to be a tyrannical magical power.

The moment he looked up, a ray of spiritual light, Linghui, was born in the Dao Yun intertwined with the ten thousand trillion runes!

"Fa has soul..."

Chen Zhan nodded and understood the meaning of Gu Shaoshang's words:

"Does the method practiced by Tianzun Du Jie actually have a soul?"

All things can become enlightened, no matter plants, trees, bamboos, stones, or birds, beasts, insects and fish, naturally, supernatural powers can also become enlightened.

Although Chen Zhan had never seen such an existence, he was not surprised.

However, the method cultivated by Tianzun Du Jie can be infinitely close to the Immortal Emperor, doesn't it mean that the method of reincarnation is very likely to be a Daluo series?

"Before the death of Cao Yusheng's master, he said that Emperor Huangtian would bury him in the future. How can he be an ordinary person? However, I reversed the time and space and brought back the great powers that passed away in the era of Xiangu, Emperor Luo, etc., but I have never seen it. To Cao Yusheng's master......"

Gu Shaoshang lightly flicked his fingers and flicked the wisp of Dao Yun that he had evolved at will into the vast sea of ​​clouds:

"I opened the gate of the world before, how could it flee in a panic?"

Gu Shaoshang's expression was subtle.

When he reversed the long river of time and space, he had already discovered something, and he didn't care about it at the time, but the reincarnation seal was good for Duan De.

Afterwards, he opened the portal of Myriad Realms and revealed the supreme supernatural power.

It was only when the Dharma spirit felt the crisis, it escaped from the mountains and rivers and went to the portal of the Ten Thousand Realms.

"Great Emperor, Great Emperor!"

At this time, the Black Emperor, who escaped from the portal of time and space, flew up to the Supreme Court and ran under the Bodhi tree:

"Did Xiaoye go to the sky? Did the Great Emperor Wushi also go?"

It seems that Duan De is not worried at all about disappearing.

"After tens of thousands of years, there is no progress?"

Gu Shaoshang frowned and glanced at the **** dog.

The black emperor stopped immediately, scolded endlessly, and did not dare to refute.

Heart is also really helpless.

How high is the threshold of the Immortal Emperor? Where is it that you want to be successful?

Its cultivation is also considered diligent, and many treasures of heaven and earth have been eaten, but it is simply unable to take that step.

"Huh? Where's Duan De? Where did this wicked fat go?"

Seeing Gu Shaoshang frowning, the **** dog tilted his head, as if he had just discovered that Duan De was missing:

"Great Emperor, I'm going to find Duan Quode......"

Saying that, it has disappeared.

"This lazy guy..."

Gu Shaoshang shook his head unceasingly, the temperament of the Black Emperor would be irreversible.

Chen Zhan also shook his head. Among the many immortal kings and emperors in this world, the Black Emperor is also the biggest wonderful flower.

Backed by Ye Fan, Shi Hao, the Three Heavenly Emperors without Beginning, and Immortal Emperor Wushang, the chance is the best in this world, but the cultivation level is still unsatisfactory.

Among the many immortal kings, although they are not at the bottom, they have no advantages.

"The time is coming, it's time to start transforming..."

Gu Shaoshang didn't say anything more. With a wave of his sleeve robe, the world roared, and the supreme source of the world shook.

The endless, mysterious and complicated Dao Yun swept across the nine heavens and ten places, and the ten thousand Dao Tianzhou.


Floating in time and space, the gates of time and space in the epoch suddenly shook, becoming as huge as the sky and the earth.

In places where ordinary people can't see, everywhere in the great realm where the perfect emperors have set foot, there are laws that are attracted, and the laws of Dao aggregates that are different from this realm roll in.

It is to add a background to the source, and it is the most terrifying training.

In the depths of the world, the incarnation of the inner demon blends into the source to grasp the balance.

"The world is expanding, expanding!"

"The Dao Yun is deeper, the spiritual energy is stronger, and the practice seems to have become easier! I have broken through! Supreme, Supreme!"

"No, my mountain gate is torn! Formation, formation!"

In the Ten Thousand Dao Tianzhou, countless practitioners were extremely shocked to find that the Tianzhou was expanding everywhere.

Small grasses towering into the sky, big trees soaring into the sky, folded leaves cover the sky, and the mountains and rivers are irresistibly towering to the sky!

Sea levels are growing, continental shelves are spreading!

"Upheaval, great change..."

Chu Feng, who stepped out of the realm in the mirror, was shocked, and he looked up at the sky.

I saw that the stars were expanding, the starry sky was more vast and deep, the universe was undergoing an indescribable transition, and countless celestial bodies burst out with starlight that was thousands of times stronger than the original.

Under the Supreme Divine Court, the hundreds of great suns that Gu Shaoshang picked from the sky skyrocketed with the promotion of the world.

Even in the boiling real fire of the sun, the essence of real fire such as the three-legged golden crow, the big day real dragon and so on can be seen faintly!

Desolate Tianzhou, Jiuli Tianzhou, Daoyan Tianzhou, Void Tianzhou, Ye Tianzhou, God's Tomb Tianzhou...... all began to transform, began to expand, expand!

Great changes have taken place in many Tianzhou, and the gates opened on the mountain are torn apart with the expansion of the fairy mountain.

However, the city where Gu Shaoshang once evolved has changed with the changes of heaven and earth, the small city has become a big city, and the big city has become a giant city!

"The bigger the world is, the deeper the Dao Yun is, the more creatures it can benefit. Compared with the creatures in the small world, there are naturally many more possibilities..."

Chen Zhan looked down at the Wandao Tianzhou under the sea of ​​clouds and couldn't help but sigh.

It is difficult to raise a true dragon in shallow water, and there is a greater possibility in the vast world.

In the God Tomb World where he was originally, the current God Tomb Tianzhou, the most powerful person is only comparable to the Red Dust Immortal, that is already the limit.

And after integrating into the chaotic time and space, after the perfect world, there will be an opportunity to be promoted to the Immortal King, quasi Immortal Emperor!

Gu Shao has been hurt for eternity and the long river of time and space. After salvaging the sea of ​​​​boundary and evolving into Ten Thousand Dao Tianzhou, he can carry the Immortal Emperor!

However, even if the Jiehai coefficient was salvaged and evolved into Wandao Tianzhou, it would carry at most five heavenly emperors.

And if Gu Shaoshang can succeed this time, the world can be promoted, and the background between heaven and earth has skyrocketed, and the Immortal Emperor is no longer the limit of this world.

The creatures in this world are even expected to be promoted to the legendary realm above the Immortal Emperor!

"The world changes, the universe sublimates..."

Gu Shaoshang's eyes opened and closed. In this world, the ancient time and space, the Ten Thousand Dao Tianzhou, and the Hengsha parallel universe are all circulating in it.

Perfect World, Longevity World, Primordial Continent after Ascension, Emperor Domination World, Daojun World, Martial Tomb World...... The Dao Yun collision in the immeasurable world of Hengsha, all of them were destroyed by him. insight.

Gu Shao wanted to be promoted in the world, but he had to let the perfect world devour the origin of other worlds.

Instead, it absorbs the Taoist aggregates and unique laws in the heavens and myriad worlds to perfect the law road of the perfect The law road is the source and the inside and outside of each other. The perfection of the law is the expansion of the source, and also That is, the sublimation of the world.

In the endless infinite multiverse, the universe is endless, and the multiverse is also uncountable. However, when it reaches the level of the infinite multiverse like Journey to the West, the number is greatly reduced.

Such a world can carry many Hunyuan, and even the existence of Hunyuan's infinite series is promoted.

Such a series of universes, with different strengths and weaknesses, is already the highest-ranked universe in the endless chaotic sea.

There are also many giant dojos in the universe sea.

In any infinite multiverse, there are Hunyuan and even more giants sitting on it.

The Great Universe of Journey to the West, the Great World of Conferred Gods, the Great World of the Gate of Eternal Life, the Great Luotian of Yuanshi, the Great Desolate Realm of Primordial Primordial, the Vast Continent... There is nothing better than this kind of world.

"Eternal hurry..."

Chen Zhan no longer sat upright, stepped into the sky, the power of the Great Dao suppressed the outsiders, and balanced the balance of different laws.

The promotion of the world is not the promotion of all spirits.

It takes time, never years.

Gu Shaoshang is still sitting under the Bodhi tree, occupying the center of the world, like an immortal mountain, bearing the erosion of the laws of all realms and ten thousand ways, colliding and standing still.

One multiverse, wanting to be promoted to the infinite multiverse, is much more difficult than Da Luo's promotion to Hunyuan.

The collision of Myriad Dao, the vibration of the origin of Myriad Realms, and the evolution of the universe, even for the giants of the Primordial Promise Realm, are not simple things.

No one could imagine how much Gu Shaoshang had to bear at this time.

But his expression remained flat.

This is also a way of practice for him.

Bear the weight that others can't bear, and then you can achieve the fruit that others can't! Fu Pin Chinese

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