Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1410: Immortal Qin, God Machine 0 Refinement

"Infinite Multiverse......"

Gu Shaoshang's eyes drooped down, and he saw that under the vast sea of ​​clouds, thousands of Taos floated and vibrated, Daqian roared and vibrated, and the universe jumped rapidly.

As large as the Ten Thousand Dao Tianzhou, parallel universes with the number of Hengsha, as small as the stars, sun, moon, grass, trees, sand, and stones, unimaginable changes are taking place.

The promotion of the world, the transition of the universe, originally spreads from subtle to comprehensive.

Evolving to all spirits, the origin of each creature is increasing.


Earth-shattering, chaos shaking.

The Myriad Realms portal above the heavens and the earth that stood in countless epochs shook, and the collision of laws also affected other great realms.

"What is the Immortal Emperor and his old man going to do?"

Somewhere in Huangtian Prefecture, I watched a small grass rise to the sky, branches and leaves cut through the void like a sword, and a roaring tiger leaped into the mountains and born with two wings.

A true immortal strong man sucked in a breath of cold air.

It's just a piece of grass, it seems to have become a beast, and it has the breath of immortality.

That tiger has mutated even more, and turned into a poor man!

"The sky is turned upside down, the sky is turned upside down!"

On top of an immortal mountain, seeing the fragmented mansion following the expansion of the immortal mountain, a supreme sighed.

All existences rooted in the origin of the world are expanding, but the man-made cave dwellings are not expanding.

Except for the humanistic city forged by Gu Shaoshang, almost all the cave dwellings above Yiying Xianshan were pulled to pieces by the source.

"Promotion! Promotion!"

"I broke through!"

"Supreme, supreme realm!"

All things in the world have undergone drastic changes, and the human beings who occupy the heaven and earth will naturally not remain unchanged.

Even without Gu Shaoshang paying attention, he naturally grabbed the biggest chance for this side to be promoted!

The foundation, the physical body, the perception, the lifespan, the origin... It's almost an all-round improvement!

For a time, I don't know how many people made breakthroughs and set foot on the realm that has been trapped for countless years!

Even, some people broke through the realm of quasi-immortal kings!

"In this chaotic year, the rules of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths were weak and weak, and the same rank was not able to defeat the foreign realm. It was the father who entered the foreign realm and underwent the baptism of the complete Taoist law before he really swept everything..."

Above the giant city of Desolate Heaven State, Little Stone stood with his hands behind his back, with a slight emotion.

The tyranny of the world is related to every creature in it.

Once the promotion is successful, everyone will benefit, and even become the advantage of the monks of this world to crush other worlds!

"My origin has improved..."

In the barren state, Chu Feng's heart trembled.

In the promotion of this universe, he felt the improvement of the source, and the completion, although it was very small for him, it was not enough for him to break through the Immortal King.

But if it falls on ordinary people, it cannot be ignored.

This great change is destined to be remembered in history!

In the shock of his heart, Chu Feng raised his eyes and saw that the divine light lingered and the immortal light shrouded the countless portals of the world, and the long rivers of time and space were boiling.

Ten thousand Taos contended, and in the vibration of the law, he faintly saw the phantoms of millions of immeasurable worlds.

And among the countless phantoms of the great world, a figure is either arrogant, or cold, or aloof, or peaceful, or with a clear fighting spirit, or a figure floating like a fairy.

They are all responding to this great change in the world.

Those stalwart figures seem to be imprinted on the nodes in the world, pushing the laws to roll in, colliding with the laws of the perfect world itself.

Chu Feng knows that those figures are the many immortal kings in ancient times, and they are also the promoters of this great change!

Of course, it is also the biggest vested interest.

"Promoting the promotion of the universe, the completion of heaven and earth...such a good fortune..."

Chu Feng sighed slightly.

Although he is also an Immortal King now, and he thinks that he will not be inferior to any ancient Immortal King Great Emperor, however, he came too late.

He was not able to participate in this drastic change that radiated all the worlds and the heavens, countless living beings in Hengsha, all eras and all time and space from ancient times to the present.

The initial promotion of the world has already benefited countless living beings. As the promoter of the promotion of the world, it is conceivable that the good fortune is great.

Rao is such a calm temperament as Chu Ultimate, and he can't help but feel a little regretful.

"However, the promotion of the world cannot be accomplished overnight, and even thousands of years may not be over. Perhaps this Heavenly Emperor is not without a chance..."

With a move in Chu Feng's heart, he looked at the ten thousand guards, where time and space are so high, the supreme divine court that cannot be covered by the long river of time and space.

According to legend, there lives the most powerful person in this world, the Immortal Emperor Wushuang!


The endless, infinite, multivariate, chaotic sea is vast and boundless, yin and yang, fate, cause and effect, the long river of time and space... everything is tangible and intangible, all abstract concepts, all inversions and confusions... all-encompassing.

At this time, a big wave appeared in the chaotic sea somewhere, and the monstrous chaotic energy spread endlessly in the ten directions, stirring up a rolling storm, which was extremely terrifying.

The initial promotion of Perfect World shook the Chaos Sea.

It can be seen faintly that under the vibration of the laws of countless great worlds, the world of the perfect world is expanding uncontrollably.

Just like an embryo that is being conceived, it develops slowly, and it grows and expands every moment.

"One side is expected to be promoted to the top multiverse of the infinite multiverse..."

At a certain moment, a will from nowhere rippling slightly, emitting vibrations, surprises, envy, and greed:

"...I really want it..."

In the endless infinite multiverse, Daluo does not know how many people, Hunyuan, and even the giants in the boundless realm of Hunyuan, the number is not small.

In contrast, the number of infinite multiverses is extremely small.

The value of a big world where one party can breed Hunyuan is naturally immeasurable.

"Unfortunately.... already has a master! Shakyamuni, Fengdu's lesson is not far away, it is better not to provoke..."

Another will vibrated slightly and communicated with it:

"That Martial Ancestor is not an ordinary Hunyuan giant, so he can't be provoked..."

"That Feng is nothing but an idiot who became Hunyuan by relying on the Great Heavenly Venerate Conferred God List, and that Sakyamuni was only initially promoted to Hunyuan. It is great to defeat them, but it is not too much to provoke!"

That greedy will sneered, ignoring the other will, and slowly fell silent in the sea of ​​chaos.

The promotion of the universe is not a simple matter. If you can't be promoted and offend a Martial Ancestor, it is naturally not worth it.

But if the promotion is successful.....

"If I can be promoted..."

Another will whispered to itself, and slowly fell.

He had no intention of fighting.

Two wills, or more than two wills, all fall into silence, or retreat, or they may be eyeing in the dark.

In a subtle place that no one has seen, a stream of light leaped across the long river of time and space and disappeared into the darkness.

The streamer is incomparably small, and the speed is fast, and it seems that there is an invisible force shrouding it.

Crossing the long river of time and space, it did not disturb the will of the Chaos Sea that was watching this side.


"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate, your uncle! You dare to attack your Dao lord with the guts of the sky..."

I don't know how long it took before Duan De regained a trace of spiritual wisdom:

"Waiting for the Daoist to prove the Dao Immortal Emperor.... Immortal Emperor, wait, should the sneak attack on the Daoist......"

Duan De was suddenly sluggish, speechless and choked, this thought was too terrifying.

"...Where have I been? Which time and space? Which universe?"

After a while, Duan De put a terrifying thought behind him and began to observe his situation.

At this time, he himself seemed to have not formed, not even an embryo, and a warm breath flowed around him, wrapping him.


Duan De was stunned.

The reincarnation seal he cultivated each time required millions of years of time to be reincarnated once, and after that, the past will be forgotten.

It will be remembered over time.

This time, he was actually in the mother's body and woke up without the embryo being formed.

Many memories, but not a trace of forgetting!

Even, he could faintly feel that in the reincarnation seal that exists in the depths of his soul, all his power!

It seems that in a moment, it can be recalled.

"Could this be the mystery of the last reincarnation of a hundred lifetimes?"

Duan De was a little confused, and always felt that there were some mysteries that he didn't know.

But then, he didn't think much about it.

Faintly, he heard a voice from outside the "maternal body":

"It has been thousands of years since General Meng Tian fought with the champion Hou of the Divine Han in time and space, but the follow-up Terracotta Warriors cannot be delayed! Once there is a loss, there will be no mercy under the law of Shang Jun!"

"This time my old Qin body builds there must be no flaws!"

A cold and majestic voice sounded.

"As ordered!"

One after another, the voices are uniform:

"If there is a mistake, you must take a knife and cut your head!"

"Master Dao is reincarnated in the barracks?"

Duan De cautiously "looked".

I saw that the place I was in was a strange place that was cold and dark.

Surrounded by dense crowds, there are some human figures cast like divine gold, under the wrapping of a stream of light, surging towards the only hole that emits light.

The human faces made of divine gold were all the size of a child, with their bodies and facial features tightly closed and lifeless.

However, Duan De could see that there was a flash of light between the eyebrows of that statue.

"I actually, reincarnated into a human appearance?"

Duan De frowned slightly, curiosity in his heart.

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded in his ears:

[Xianqin, Heaven's Secret Hundred Refinements, Hongzi Camp, Guidance of Workshop No. 860, Respect to Veterans]

What the **** is this?

Duan De was stunned for a moment, and a message flowed down his face, which was captured by him.

It turned out that he had come to a great power called Xianqin.

This force named Xianqin seems to be fighting all his life, and the veterans who died in battle are countless.

At this time, it is the magic machine Hundred Refinements, a workshop under the Hongziying, which is a place to build the body of the old Qin people who died in battle.

[Under the command of Hongziying, there are a total of 81 martial arts that can be loaded.... Please choose a veteran]

"Martial arts, load?"

As soon as Duan De's mind moved, many martial arts options appeared.

However, before he could choose, he heard that icy voice explode:

【alarm! alarm! 】

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