Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1436: I have 1 knife but not 2, please taste it!

Among the heavens and the world, what is the most prosperous?

The four swords of Zhuxian kill the unparalleled, the magic of the god-killing spear is unparalleled, the Eastern Emperor Bell shakes the heavens, the Taiji map has evolved thousands of times, and the Pangu banners are torn apart.

But this is not the sharpness in Gu Shaoshang's eyes.

In the endless infinite multiverse, under the supreme avenue, the one with the most sharp edge is naturally a human being!

In Hengsha Wanjie, some people call the human race the orthodox of heaven and earth, some people call the human race the spirit of all things, and some people call it, natural disaster!

Humanity and luck can give birth to the three emperors, can hold up the Great Way of the Emperor Wa, can radiate the heavens of all realms, and are as strong as the demon clan, the witch clan, the dragon clan, the Cang clan, etc. are all at a disadvantage!

Its sharp edge, the heavens and the world, who can match?

At this time, the boundless human Dao luck was born, and the Xianqin human Dao luck, which was intertwined with iron and blood, was naturally unparalleled in the world, and the sharpness of the heavens and the world was unparalleled!

Gu Shaoshang came this time to use Xianqin as a knife to cut through the devour of the perfect world by the Heavenly Dao of the Primordial Primordial Realm!

Cut off all the entanglement of cause and effect, and the avenue is handed over!


Xianyang City and the trillion-billion world it was connected to vibrated at the same time, and the endless humanistic aura burst out when Gu Shaoshang's palm fell.

Like a trillion real dragons, the immeasurable space-time ring converges towards the bottom of Xianyang City.

"What is the emperor going to do?"

In the distant void, Wang Tong and Hei Huang were crushed to the ground by the rolling human breath without any resistance, and their hearts were horrified.

Even Meng Qi couldn't help but hold the Thunder Saber in one hand and the Divine Sword in the other.

What is the breath of humanity?

In essence, it is the breath of countless human races in the heavens and the world, the Hengsha universe.

Xianqin has not yet unified the fate of the heavens and the human race, and the first emperor has not yet combined the fate of the three emperors.

With Meng Qi's cultivation at this time, he could even see the inexhaustible human aura inside.

That is one after another, or domineering, or elegant, or iron-blooded, or ordinary, or indifferent, or cold, or tender, or ruthless atmosphere, which together constitute the torrent of humanity!

All-inclusive, all-encompassing!

"The background of this immortal Qin is so terrifying?!"

Meng Qi sucked in a breath of cold air, and he sensed it slightly, and he could feel the breath of no less than thirty Daluo in the torrent of humanity!

Of course, Meng Qi didn't even think that his breath was contained in this torrent of humanity!


The ten directions are infinite, and in the vast imaginary sea, countless dragons of humanity rise to the sky, charging towards the ring of time and space.

Then, in the shocking gazes of many people, the boundless human spirit woven into a layer of indescribably huge sky!

"What does the emperor want to do"

The **** dog's heart is hairy, this scene is too spectacular.

The boundless human energy has run through many dimensions, and condensed how many dimensional spaces. After the sky curtain formed, it seems like the intersection of thousands of great worlds and infinite dimensions.

Nothing but real, vague and clear, seems to exist and yet doesn't seem to exist.

And behind the sky curtain composed of the dimension dimension, between the endless flow of light and shadow, a sacred eye is gradually outlined, which is like the Tao like the sky, but it is warm and contains popularity.

That infinite torrent of humanity, the breath of the trillion-dollar world, actually just formed a bead curtain that covered those pair of eyes!


The **** dog's body froze, and the moment he saw those eyes, his mind was clouded, and all thoughts disappeared.

"I'll see your Majesty!"

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty!!"

Everywhere in the big world, countless old Qin people cheered in unison, shaking the big thousand.

"Cut the world with a sword"

Behind the beaded curtain of the sky, a smile appeared in the majestic eyes like the intersection of heaven and man:

"That's the teacher, I have no opinion!"

The sound of the sky is rumbling, flowing from the endless void, rippling in the heavens of all realms and the dimension of Hengsha.

Immediately, all the visions disappeared, and there was nothing in the boundless void.

The endless torrent of humanity, with the disappearance of the sky, was completely integrated into that immeasurable space-time ring.


In the next moment, Gu Shaoshang's palm drooped down, grasping time and space.

Condensing the emptiness into reality, pulling from the boundless void, a divine sword was pulled out from the ring of space at that time!

That divine sword is immeasurable, it is the intersection of the virtual and the real, and the condensing of humanistic destiny.

On the one hand, there are Songhai and Sangtian, the rise of the wild human race, the blue thread on the road, several changes, how many changes, and the evolution history of the human race.

On the one hand, fighting with demons, fighting witches, fighting dragons, fighting against immortals and Buddhas, and trying to compete with gods and demons is a long and arduous journey!

In the faint, you can see that between the divine swords, there is the unparalleled emperor who traverses the nine heavens and ten places, suppresses all phenomena, controls the eight deserts and six places, and the four extremes and ten directions. There are gods who sweep Liuhe and kill invincibles

There are feather fans and scarves, the romantic scribes who vanish in the ashes while talking and laughing, there are people of high morality who seek immortality and imitate Taoism, and there are people of high morality who don’t care about the world, there are great virtuous monks who are merciful and ancient Buddhas, and there are killings without calculation. ruthless evil devil

More, it is the mortal pawns who are busy and run around all their lives.

Thousands of humane atmosphere, no doubt.


Nine Heavens of the Immortal Dao, in the palace tower of the Antarctic Heaven, the Great Antarctic Emperor, who was watching from Yiqi, frowned slightly, and his indifferent eyes flashed with ripples:

"Gathering people's qi and luck, and deriving magic swords, it's a big battle."

The white-robed sword immortal who was playing against him also seemed to be aware of it. The immortal sword on his back vibrated slightly, and he seemed eager to try:

"It's really a big battle!"

"Hahaha! It's interesting, it's interesting, fighting with the sky is so much fun!"

Beneath the Jiuzhong Demon Abyss, a wild and chaotic magical sound echoed in the layers of Demon Abyss, arousing its boundless madness.

Countless demon gods heard the roar and killed each other, whether relatives or friends, all fell into chaos, fighting for the sake of demon gods.

Somewhere above the immortal mountain in the second layer of Demon Abyss, Emperor Huang Tian's eyes were full of divine light, and there was a faint expectation:

"Perhaps, Uncle Gu's move is really successful."

As the Huangtian Emperor's thoughts turned, he seemed to turn around.

I saw that above the endless Demon Abyss, a copper coffin drifted over, and a person stood on it with a sword, with a calm and domineering aura.

But it is his own past.

"Uncle Gu is good at calculating"

The Emperor Huang Tian sighed softly, and in his melancholy he carried the majestic fighting spirit that accumulated endless years:

"My way will be done"

The boundless void, in the era of the gods and demons of the sky.

A boundless continent hangs at the height of time and space, where all worlds meet.

Amidst the boundless chaotic air above it, trillions of immeasurable immortal mountains rise to the sky, connected to each other, gathering the luck of all worlds, and it is also logical.

Just when the divine sword was cast, among the guards of the trillions of immortal mountains, one was between the virtual and the real, as if together with the top of the divine mountain in endless dimensions, in the chaos of chaos.

The indifferent eyes of the two Dao Sen pierced through the boundless chaotic sky, bursting out with endless disgust:

"Humanity, humanity is the breath that disgusts me"

Everywhere in time and space, a respected strong man was shocked when Gu Shaoshang detected his hand and drew his sword.

The divine sword condensed by the boundless human qi fortune is already beyond the limit of Hunyuan, and it can even threaten the giants in the boundless realm of Hunyuan.


The divine sword was pulled out, and only a long sword sound was heard, and all visions disappeared, the trillions of voids were blurred, and the human breath was mixed into one.

This sword, with its breath swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger, swept across the eight deserts and six places, the imperial way of the three emperors and the five emperors as its handle, the countless small people and the changes of humanism as its bones, the ancient, modern and the future, the human race of the world and the heavens as its front, and hundreds of thousands of people. The sons of the family, the boundless essence and humanities are the jaws, and the heavens of the ages, the immeasurable heavens and the outstanding people are the tops.

Among all the worlds, this is the only one!

On top of the Xianyang City Imperial Palace where the highest time and space meet, under the banner of Hunting Black Dragon, Gu Shaoshang holds one hand behind him and the other with a red sword.

He could naturally feel a lot of powerful prying eyes, but he didn't care.

This knife is in his hand, although it only has the power of one blow, but before he swings the knife, it is Hunyuan Wuji, and he does not dare to stand in front of him.


Gu Shaoshang took the knife in front of him, his eyes swept away, and he couldn't help but praise:

"If it is a good knife, it may be the knife of humanity"

Woo-woo, woo-woo-woo~

As Gu Shaoshang's voice drifted, in the boundless time and space, there were ghosts and gods crying, and the wind sound like the whimpering of immortals and gods came out of nothingness.

The wisps of wind mingled together, and then turned into the indescribable thunderous sound of the heavens, which was indescribable for the collapse of thousands of universes, and cut through the boundless sea of ​​​​empty!

But it is the way of heaven in the Primordial Realm of Hunyuan, and felt the threat in the dark.

Although the Heavenly Dao of the Primordial Realm of Hunyuan is incomplete, but because of its high level, the Dao is derived, and its power is immeasurable, ordinary Primordial Primordial and even Primordial Primordial Promise cannot threaten him.

But Gu Shaoshang held the knife of humanity and shook the supreme heavenly way derived from the avenue!

"You are afraid of jealousy"

Under the banner of the Black Dragon, Gu Shaoshang smiled instead of startled:

"Fun, fun!"


Gu Shaoshang's voice came out, the words were as big as a thousand universes, and the endless divine light swayed, and the endless thunderclouds rolled over and overwhelmed. , all the tangible and intangible things, the universe, the big thousand, have completely faded away.

The essence of emptiness is revealed.

It is an endless, infinitely small avenue of particles swarming out of countless vertical and horizontal avenues textures.

Chaos, yin and yang, tai chi, cause and effect, reincarnation, time and space, five elements, wind and thunder, the endless avenue texture, outlines the essence of the Hengsha universe and the heavens of all realms!

In Gu Shaoshang's eyes, the texture of the Great Dao that constitutes the Primordial Realm of Primordial Primordial is like an evil beast that radiates all realms, has endless minions, and captures thousands of realms.

The texture of the avenues of the perfect world is entangled with the textures of the avenues of this world into an extremely complicated mass, like a mess.

"I have a sword, please taste it!"

The sound waves whistled, and the wind howled furiously. Gu Shaoshang was wearing his clothes and hunting, his fingers caressed the blade edge, and made a clanking blade sound:


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