Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1437: In the 1st battle of the sky, who wants to kill the famine? ! (4000…

The second level of the Jiuzhong Demon Abyss, standing on the immortal mountain in the endless devil land, the barren emperor in white, and Shi Hao who came with a sword, completely united!


Shi Hao looked up at the sky, and there were thousands of atmospheres in his deep eyes.

After fighting for tens of millions of years in the sky, his savings are long enough. The reason why he has not been proving the Tao is because he is afraid of the blocking of other lords of Jiuzhong Moyuan.

After all, if he loses, everything will be lost, and the perfect world will completely cease to exist.

At this moment, after Gu Shaoshang appeared, he completely let go of his worries about the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, many friends, relatives, and future generations.


Shi Hao's whole body burst out with dazzling divine light, penetrating the nine-day universe.

At this time, his entire human body is immeasurable, as thick and heavy as the superposition of thousands of great realms, but it is indeterminate, as if it is integrated into time and space, into the void, into the avenue, and it is everywhere!

"He transforms into freedom, he transforms into eternity, he transforms into time and space, he transforms into eternity, he transforms into Hunyuan!"

The sound of the vast soup has shaken the immeasurable Nine-layer Demon Abyss, the endless and countless great worlds, the immeasurable demon gods!

Xuanhe's dazzling rays of light crossed the barrier of the Jiuzhong Demon Abyss, illuminating the Nine Heavens of Immortal Dao, the Era of Immortal Qin and many other eras!

"It's Shi Hao! It's Shi Hao!"

Somewhere in the great realm under Xianyang City, Duan De suddenly stood up, trembling with excitement:

"My brother, I finally found you!"

With that said, Duan De suddenly got up and went straight to the Black Dragon Boat under Xianyang City.

In the past 100,000 years, in addition to restoring his cultivation, Duan De has done one thing, which is to tamper with the control of this black dragon ship!

"small stone?!"

The **** dog, who was unable to move under the pressure of the human air, also felt an extremely familiar aura, and couldn't help roaring:

"Great Emperor, it's Shi Hao, it's Shi Hao!"

Meng Qi, wielding both swords and swords, also saw the scene that was reflected in time and space from nowhere:

"Is this a sign of achieving Hunyuan?"

"Hahaha! It's actually a self-inflicted robbery, and it doesn't trigger the robbery?! It's interesting, it's even more interesting!"

Beneath the Nine-layer Demon Abyss, the Great Demon God Jidu let out a maniacal laugh, and the endless chaotic demonic energy escaped from every inch of the void in the Nine-layer Demon Abyss.

The sound of frenzy resounded in the hearts of all demons:

"Kill, die, fight!"

"The calamity of Hunyuan promotion? Huang, want to break through Hunyuan?! After practicing for tens of millions of years, is it actually about to be promoted?!

"Huang! You never want to be promoted!"

"You don't open the robbery, I will wait for the robbery! Enter the robbery and kill the wasteland, seize its good fortune, and occupy its Primordial Dao Fruit!"


In an instant, Jiuzhong Moyuan was completely boiled, endless demonic energy erupted, and countless demon gods let out an angry howl.

There was even a ferocious and terrifying stalwart demon **** who suddenly stirred up the boundless boiling calamity in the nine-fold demon abyss, triggering the killing calamity!

Demon Lord kills robbery!

The reason why killing robbery is killing robbery is that once he dies in it, the Dao Fruit will be completely captured by others!

Therefore, in all worlds, except for a few large universes such as the Westward Journey Great Universe, once the robbery starts, it will attract countless demons to compete for the Dao Fruit!

At this time, Shi Hao was trapped in the robbery of enlightenment, and he did not initiate the calamity. The other demon gods actually initiated the calamity, and they came rolling in, trying to lead Shi Hao into the calamity.

Capture its creation, Dao Fruit!

"Promotion of Primordial Yuan in the Demon Abyss, you are delusional!"

The void cracked, and a stalwart demon **** tore apart the universe, came from other great realms, and issued a cruel and cold demonic sound:

"The Demon Lord kills the robbery, if you want to become a Primordial Prisoner, let's break the robbery first!"




One after another, the void was torn apart, and the sound of one after another cracking the universe reverberated through the Demon Abyss.

One after another powerful demon gods came across the border.

Many demon gods in the second layer of demon abyss were all killed by Shi Hao and Ye Fan, but there were also many demon gods in the other layers of demon abyss.

There are more than thirty or forty demon gods in the Da Luo series!

And this is just above the bright side, the will to peep in the dark, but also exceeds this number!

There are so many demon gods in the Daluo series in the Jiuzhong Demon Abyss, and they have to surpass the Immortal Dao Jiutian and the sum of the Immortal Qin Empire!

wow wow wow

The endless screams of ghosts and gods surrounded the mountain of chaos.

Countless demon gods came across the border and made frantic demonic sounds, but they were attacked by robbery qi, and their minds were affected by the chaos of the great demon **** Jidu.

Completely reduced to a killing monster, wherever he went, the universe sank, and the mountains and rivers shattered.

Each of them will not be inferior to the quasi-immortal king who used to be among the nine heavens and ten earths!

The tyrannical person is even more comparable to the dark quasi-immortal emperor in the sea of ​​​​the world, Jiuyouyi!


On the top of the chaotic ancient mountain, Ye Fan, who was cross-legged and closed his eyes like a statue, suddenly opened his eyes and breathed out endless sharp energy, which was breathtaking.

It has been more than 100,000 years since he came to the Mountain of Chaos.

Over the past 100,000 years, he did not know how many demon gods he had fought against and how many demon gods he had killed.

At this time, seeing the demon gods that far surpassed the past countless times rolling in, his mind was not shaken in the slightest.

Many demon gods stood above the sky, and the radiating magic mist dyed the sky into darkness.



The aura of many demon gods seems to be tyrannical to tear the world apart, but at this time, there is still some fear.

In countless wars, the prestige of these two people has long been forged.

Especially Huang, who came to this world for thousands of years, fought many times, and even retreated calmly under the action of the demon **** of the Primordial Rank, which can be said to be famous.

Ye Fan's expression was indifferent, his eyes condensed, and he looked down at the surging tide of magic without the slightest worry.

Behind him, there are many followers of Shi Hao after stepping into the Nine-layer Demon Abyss.

The cultivation base is at least the quasi-immortal emperor level.

It is a pity that, apart from Ye Fan, several Immortal Emperors who had followed Shi Hao had fallen into the previous battles.

"I am amazed that I have accumulated such savings in less than a chaotic practice."

Just after the many demon gods of the Da Luo series came in droves, a celestial demon palm tore through the sky of a trillion li of sky, covering the immeasurable void.

He slammed towards the Mountain of Chaos:

"Unfortunately, I still have to die!"


The whistling of the devilish energy seemed to crack the sky and the earth, the boundless earth was completely shattered, and the countless restrictions on the Chaos Ancient Mountain were completely shattered.

Even the Mountain of Chaos that Shi Hao has occupied for tens of millions of years is on the verge of collapsing!

Lai Mo is a great demon **** in the Eightfold Demon Abyss, a demon lord who is infinitely approaching Hunyuan.


Seeing the magic hand covering the sky and chasing the ancient mountain top, Ye Fan suddenly stood up, his arm flicked like a spear breaking the world, and the Heavenly Emperor Fist shook the universe:

"Come and die!"


As the magic hand was dispatched, the seemingly endless demon gods slapped towards the top of the ancient mountain like a tide that covered the sky.

Endless killing intent and demonic intent are entangled, as if they are about to be transformed into reality!


Behind Ye Fan, many of Shi Hao's followers also roared in unison.

With a bang, he rushed towards the tide of the demon gods around him that was trillions of times larger than his own body!



In an instant, the void of the second layer of Demon Abyss was completely smashed into chaos, that is, the heaven and the earth, which were created by the essence of the origin of the great world, burst into huge gaps.

And the next moment, the countless gaps were filled with blood and debris!

The incomparably terrifying battle evolved into the most scorching state in the blink of an eye.

"The tide of magic is rising, killing robbery evolves, your opponents are countless demon gods, today, you will die without a doubt!"

Above the sky, a Da Luo series demon **** straddled the void, and its five fingers pierced the heads of Shi Hao's followers who were struggling to kill in the demon tide, tearing them apart.

Then, his endlessly greedy eyes fixed on Shi Hao who was illuminated by divine light.


In the endless divine light, Shi Hao's eyes were cold, and he uttered the sound of endless killing intent during his promotion:

"He is at ease!"



The magic fog collapsed, the void cracked, and the air of time and space rippled.

One after another silhouettes were born from nothingness, and in the course of their steps, they greeted dozens of Da Luo demon gods above the sky!

"During promotion, you still dare to use the forbidden method?!"

The Demon God looked terrifying, and instantly retreated thousands of miles, hiding in the endless tide of demons.

Actually, even Shi Hao didn't dare to confront the enemy with the figure he transformed into!

"If it is in the promotion, the incarnation is incomparably illusory, and there is no shortage of disasters!"

"It's just a phantom, why should you retreat?!"

"This battle kills the famine and seizes its dao fruit!"

Above the sky, there was a hint of ecstasy in the fear of many Da Luo series demon gods.

In the calamity of Hunyuan becoming Dao, if you don't kill the robbery, you will fall into the collision of thousands of ego, and you will be lost in the previous paranoid ego.

Shi Hao at this time must be in resistance!


In the next instant, many demon gods couldn't hold back any longer, and they all shot out to meet the many phantom incarnations that Shi Hao transformed.

"Who wants to kill Huang?!"

At this moment, above the Jiuzhong Demon Abyss, a copper bell as thick as the universe and as large as the multiverse smashed into the boundless dark vortex.

Directly tore the magic fog, and smashed into the endless magic tide.


The sound of the bell is mighty, the universe is brilliant, and all things are swaying.

With just a ringing of the bell, he killed trillions of demon gods, leaving the endless tide of demons vacant!


In the rippling sound of the bell, the endless folds of time and space were all smoothed out, and a middle-aged man in a green shirt came across the border:

"Who wants to kill Huang?"

The fist marks were in the sky, like green lotuses blooming, and the ground reached the sky. With just a shock, they strangled countless demon gods.

"Who wants to kill Huang?"

The blooming white light spread out throughout the years, and the bright light poured down, turned into a sky full of light and rain, and fell into the nine-layered demon abyss.

In the meantime, an empress in white stepped forward and pointed out:

"As soon as the flower blooms, the world reigns!"

"Who wants to kill Huang?!"

The fighting spirit is full of enthusiasm, and a sword smashes into the sky for three thousand worlds.

"Heaven and earth are dead, the eternity is in a hurry, the eternity is empty, only I am immortal!"


As a few people stepped out, the divine sword came alone from the sky, against the eight wilderness, the immortal iron rod came across the sky, crushing the time and space of the ancients, the Jiuli flag was hunting, the iron blood was smashing, and the Hengyu furnace was burning. Burning the big thousand, the mirror of the void illuminates time and space

In an instant, the perfect ten thousand emperors and thousand kings came in unison, killing intent fiercely.

Like tens of millions of meteors, it stepped into the endless dark vortex, sending out the fighting and killing intent accumulated over the years:

"Who wants to kill Huang?!!"


In the next instant, an unprecedentedly dazzling battle broke out!

"A group of ants are also here to die?!"

In a sea of ​​magic in the eighth level of the Nine-layer Demon Abyss, Tu Gu raised his eyes indifferently, Sen Han's eyes pierced through the abyss of magic.

Looking at the fierce battle in the second layer of Demon Abyss.


As soon as he turned his palm over, he started with the **** butcher's knife, and he was about to shoot!

At this moment, his heart suddenly froze:


Tu Gu's face sank, his eyes shifted, and he saw the stalwart figure standing above the Xianyang Emperor Palace of Xianqin, flicking his knife.


In an instant, the clanging sound of the knife radiated the endless void, rippling between the endless patterns of the avenue of laws.

The blade light that burst out for a while will illuminate the trillion-billion world, endless and endless, until eternity.

At this moment, anyone's eyes have lost their color, and all thoughts have been lost in their minds. Heaven, earth, human heart, time and space are all filled and occupied by this splendid sword light!



Xuan He,


To Yang Zhi Gang!

There is not the slightest dexterity change, there is no evolution of Dao aggregates, and no vision emerges.

Only that smear of the most refined and pure, condensed to the ultimate knife light, illuminates the thousand and fills everything.

My heart is the only one, and the knife is the same!

Just stroking the knife and flicking it, it has already shaken the whole world and the worlds of Hengsha!

So terrifying, so domineering!

Involuntarily, everyone's discoloration changed, even if the immortal Dao Jiutian, Jiuzhong Moyuan, and many powerhouses in the Cangzhi Continent were all shocked by endless time and space.

Everything in the world lost its color.

In the endless time and space, for a while, only the Xuanhe Daoguang that dominates the universe and the stalwart who is in charge of the divine sword are left.

The huge hearts of many Daluo series were terrified, only to feel that under the light of the knife, they were irresistible and could not escape.

It seems that as long as the master who holds the divine sword has a thought, no matter where they are and whoever protects them, there is only one way to die!

Even the Primordial Primordial giants in the several eras are still shaking in their hearts.

A knife is already so terrifying before it starts, if a knife is cut, who can resist it?

"This is the God Emperor's two swords?"

As the sword light swayed, Meng Qi recognized the sword light.

He naturally knew about this sword technique, but he never thought that this sword technique could be so it was just a flick of the sword, his mind was already swept away by the sword flooded.

"Good knife, good knife"

Tu Gu put down the butcher's knife raised, and spit out cold words from his clenched teeth.

He had a hunch that as long as he made his move, the knife might come at him!

And the long-sounding vibration in his heart told him that even if he was the Great Demon God of Hunyuan, the Lord of the Eightfold Demon Abyss, and the Demon King under the Great Demon God Jidu.

With this knife, you will die!

But what made him give up the shot was.

The existence of the Black Dragon's banner is not only a threat to him, but that person is threatening the vast space and time, the five-party era, and all the primordial giants at the same time!


Those supreme beings exist!

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