Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1441: Four hundred and four lights!

"Tu Gu!"

Shi Hao, who came across the boundary, suddenly raised his head, his icy eyes spit out an extremely cold light of slaughter:

"Damn you!"

Jiuzhong Moyuan is the most evil place in the world. Every inch of the void is a sinful place that absorbs the origin of other worlds.

Be invaded by this darkness!

The Dark Immortal Emperor in the Realm Sea was by no means the first!

In fact, most of the countless demon gods in this endless demon abyss are from the peerless geniuses of other worlds.

Unfortunately, after failing to fight the darkness, it became a new darkness.

Tu Gu is one of the sources of darkness!


The next moment, the blood-stained butcher knife fell down!

The power of this knife is too terrifying, covering endless time and space, endless universe, and countless concepts.

It can be called the sure-kill knife prepared for Shi Hao!

There is no endless sword light shining, and no power to shake the world.

The vast universe, the boundless void, and the eternal and endless time and space seem to have been compressed into a piece of paper under an invisible force.

And the blood-stained butcher knife fell down like a paper-cutting knife, cutting the boundless space and time, countless concepts, illusory and real, possible and impossible, all in one knife!

All things in all worlds, all things in all things, all seem to be reduced to pigs and dogs waiting to be slaughtered under the butcher knife!


The endless demonic tide was cut off with one knife, and the countless demon gods were cut in two without even wailing, and at the same time their fleshly bodies and primordial spirits were cut off.

The sea of ​​blood is rising!

With a single sword fall, under the Primordial Primordial, there is absolutely no one who cannot be killed, and no one who can be stopped!

"Everything is a dog, how can you lift a butcher's knife?"

The sea of ​​blood rolled, and in the boiling time and space, Shi Hao's black hair was frantic, and the paranoia in his eyes seemed to have faded a lot, revealing a ray of clarity hidden within.

As early as thousands of years ago, Shi Hao had already reached the limit of Da Luo, and he was half a step closer to the threshold of Hunyuan.

For thousands of years, they have been thinking about how to get through this catastrophe all the time. Although they have achieved nothing, they have some eyebrows.

And after becoming one with his past, the experience taught by Gu Shaoshang finally turned into a last touch of inspiration, making him clearly understand his future!

Paranoia of good and evil, the intersection of myriads and me, for other big Luos, it is a death catastrophe.

But for him, it is not impossible to get through!

That is, with the method of Tahu Great Freedom, transforming myriad self!

The tide of magic was rolling in, and in the surging sea of ​​blood, Shi Hao's arms slammed open, and with the flick of his fingers, a trillion-billion seal was formed, and he swayed the boundless space-time light rain that filled the universe:

"He transforms into eternity! He transforms into time and space! He transforms into great freedom!"

"He turned me into everything!"

Boom! ! !

In the vibration of the rumbling sound, the magic abyss shook, setting off a boundless magic fog.

In the trillions of seals, thousands of weather evolved, and the boundless space and time seemed to be shaken.

Tens of millions of years ago, Shi Hao had already deduced the Great Law of Transforming Freedom and promoted him to Immortal Emperor, and in the tens of millions of years above the gods, he had deduced it to an indescribable level several times. high.

This time, with all his strength, Shi Hao's eyes suddenly glowed with the light of endless vicissitudes of life.

Time and space are shaking, time is flowing.

Behind him, endless rain of light fell, and one after another, the silhouettes that had been washed over the years, under the slaughtering knife, stepped out one after another!

I don't know if the figures come from the past or the future, the breath is tyrannical, or cold, or paranoid, or gentle, or violent

Aside from the fact that his face was the same as that of Shi Hao, everything else seemed to be completely different.

As soon as these "Shi Hao" stepped out, they were like moths to a flame, and they were greeted by the butcher knife that would cut the time and space of the ages and the universe in two.

Moreover, with the same flick of his fingers, he transformed into a free-spirited seal, and once again transformed into countless "Shi Hao".

Over and over again, over and over again!

It seems like an instant, and it seems like thousands of years.

The boundless void, countless dimensions, and countless dimensions of time and space have already been completely occupied and flooded by countless Shi Hao figures!

And when the butcher knife was swung down, thousands of billions of endless magical powers erupted!

Liu Divine Law, Kunpeng Law, Huangwu Sword Art, True Dragon Art, Grass Character Sword Art, countless magical powers of the hand of God slammed across time and space, and wherever they passed, the world was born and the world was destroyed!

The magical powers that burst out of any incarnation are beyond the scope of acquired, tyrannical and invincible!

"He becomes free?"

Above the Demon Abyss dimension, Tu Gu looked indifferent and his eyes were extremely cold:

"There is no invincible method in the world! Let this seat see whether it is your forbidden method that is strong, or this seat invincible!"


The next moment, the butcher's knife fell!

All living beings in the Eightfold Demon Abyss will be wiped out, and all realms will return to nothingness!

The tyrannical fist marks, the supernatural powers across all realms, the blood and energy like the boundless ocean are all cut off, completely shattered!

With one knife, all methods are destroyed, time and space are empty, and all spirits are dead!

Killed all the "Shi Hao" that covered the sky and covered everything!

One by one, "Shi Hao" was cut in half, turned into light rain and returned against the current, backtracking towards the birthplace.

"He turned into Hunyuan Road!"

After the immeasurable "Shi Hao", Huang was bathed in endless rain of light.

Every time a "Shi Hao" was beheaded, a stream of light rained back, as if it had never left, pouring into his body.

Every time a "Shi Hao" is beheaded, the vicissitudes in Huang's eyes will fade a little, and Qingming will have a little more.

After all the "Shi Hao" coefficients were killed by this sword, a supreme energy rippling through time and space.

After the endless time and space training, the glory and vicissitudes are gone!

After the endless rain of light dissipated, Shi Hao's body was spotless, and his aura was nothing but hazy.

He looked up at the knife that fell from the sky and smiled softly:

"There is no invincible method in the world, but you are not really invincible!"

As the words drifted, Shi Hao turned into nothingness and dissipated into the boundless demon abyss:

"When I return, I will send you to die!"


The butcher knife tore apart the universe of the world, but did not cut Shi Hao.

Because Shi Hao has turned into absolute nothingness, absolute emptiness!

That is the real Wu, where even the breath and traces of existence have disappeared!

That is because, there is no transformation, all traces of Shi Hao in this world have been completely beheaded by the slaughtering knife, completely disappearing.

"Leveraging this seat's hand to prove Dao's Primordial Primordial? You must underestimate me too much!"

The knife fell in the air, and Tu Gu carried the knife on his shoulders, but he did not have the anger of being played with, but became more and more ruthless.

Naturally, he can't interfere in the process of proving the Primordial Primordial Dao, but he still has the opportunity to make a move!

That is, just before Shi Hao can prove the Dao, he will send another knife!

Now that he has transformed into freedom, Shi Hao will never be able to take his second sword!


Tu Gu stepped into the Jiuzhong Demon Abyss, and he was about to step into the endless river of time and space.


At this moment, the sound of the bell shook Daqian, and a bronze bell pierced Daqian and covered him head-on!

The air of Xuanhuang was rippling for nine days, and a large cauldron slammed across the time and space of the ages, and rumbled.

At the same time, the willow tree is towering, the white clothes are peerless, the iron iron rod is in the sky, and the Dugu knife breaks through the world.

But it was Ye Fan and the others who came after Shi Hao. Seeing Shi Hao disappearing, they wanted to stop Tu Gu's footsteps.

"You can't stop me!"

Tu Gu looked indifferent and his eyes were cold.

These big Luos are also amazing and brilliant. However, even Huang Yuan, who is half a step, can only take him with a knife, and their cultivation base is even worse than Huang.

If you want to stop him, you are just courting death!


When Tu Gu stepped on his feet, the boundless void was completely flattened, and the space-time universe collapsed, shattering as if it could not carry his power.

Huang's breakthrough is imminent, and he has no patience to entangle with these people.

Between the steps, it was another slash across the sky!

Overwhelming the infinite in the ten directions, boundless time and space, and smashing away.


In an instant of a trillionth of a billion, the void of trillions of miles shattered, and the endless bell waves mixed with black and yellow shattered, breaking the big bell and the cauldron that came from the sky, turning it into a boundless rain of light.

And uncompromisingly slashed towards all the people who came!

There are no fancy changes, only the indifference and ruthlessness of being a goddess who is invincible and invincible!

At the same time as he slashed out, Tu Gu ripped apart the boundless time and space, and he had to set foot in the endless infinite multiverse.

Huang's breakthrough is imminent, and he has only a momentary opportunity to make a move. Once he misses it, he will add another enemy.

"This knife"

Outside the boundless void, Ye Fan and the others only felt the darkness in front of them and fell into the boundless darkness.

It seems that the world has turned into a boundless nothingness, and it seems that the boundless pressure has knocked him and others down from the dimension!

Unlike Shi Hao and Tu Gu several times, among the perfect emperors, only Ye Fan had seen this sword from a distance.

For a while, except for Ye Fan, the other great emperors only felt that their breathing was stagnant, and almost lost all perception of the outside world.

Only Ye Fan, after seeing Tu Gu's knife 100,000 years ago, has already analyzed it with the Primordial Primordial System in his body.

In an instant, the butcher's knife came across, Ye Fan Ye Fan called the Primordial System in his body, and once again displayed the second function of the Primordial System:

"Deprive Tugu of all things, the dog's knife!!"


For a moment, the world was stagnant, and all time and space were stagnant.

An indescribable indescribable divine light burst out from Ye Fan's body, illuminating the boundless space and time.

In an instant, the sky and the earth were torn apart, and the terrifying sword light that even the big thousand universe and the dimension dimension had to be cut in two sections disappeared in an instant.


Tu Gu, who was about to step out of the Jiuzhong Demon Abyss, jumped in his heart and couldn't help but jump:

"The Light of Purification of the Lord of the System?!"

Tu Gu immediately recognized the most terrifying divine light in the endless infinite multiverse.

This legend is enough to purify everything, and it is also the terrifying divine light that completely wiped out the record of the Primordial Giants!

"not good!"

After being shocked, Tu Gu's expression finally changed.

Because above the boundless time and space, the wilderness has already traced back to the ancient times, and is about to prove the Dao Primordial Primordial!

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