Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1442: return to the vast

The difference is forever!

He was blocked by that purifying divine light, and was shocked that even a ten-thousandth of a moment could not stop the wasteland at the end of the origin of the endless infinite multiverse, which had already been traced back to the infinite time and space.

Hunyuan is a certificate, and ten thousand paths are shaken, and no one can intervene at this time.

Having gone through this process, Tu Gu naturally knew that there was no chance for him to take action at this time.

"Bad me, even if you have the light of purification in your body, you will surely die!"

Tu Gu screamed in the sky, and the majestic killing intent shook Daqian.

If you don't step out of this world again, you will cross the boundless time and space with your palm, and slap it towards Ye Fan!

But it was the light of purification that completely shielded everything from the dog's knife.

But for him, a mere Daluo can kill him with a flip of his hand!


The giant palms slammed down like covering the sky, and the ripples spread out in ten directions at the speed of light. In an instant, the boundless void was full of mottled cracks, and the chaotic air was unbridled, evolving into boundless fire and geomancy.

It seems that all realms have opened up, and it seems that all heavens have perished.

One palm of Hunyuan is enough to shatter a multiverse, shatter the trillions of time and space to which it belongs, and countless parallel universes.

Although this palm was aimed at Ye Fan, it covered the perfect emperors at the same time!

"It worked"

There was a hint of joy in Ye Fan's heart, and then he stepped out of the Heavenly Emperor Fist, and the void of the universe turned with him.

"Fight! Fight! Win!"

The immortal iron rod traverses all worlds, crushing endless time and space, sweeping away hundreds of millions of dust, and meeting the giant palm that covers the sky.

"Heaven and earth are dead, and all ages are empty!"

Chen Zhan's long sword struck the sky, and the fighting spirit was fierce in the madness of the divine light.

"Reverse the yin and yang!"

"Cut Heaven!"

"No beginning and no end!"

At this time, everyone did not dare to be careless, and they all burst out with the strongest force in the roar, and together with Ye Fan, they met the huge palm that covered the sky.


Time and space are overturned, everything is destroyed!

The giant palm of the sky hung down, and an unparalleled terrifying force erupted, instantly shattering the trillions of miles of void.

To wipe out many great emperors with one blow!


The immortal iron rod broke off, the emperor's blood splattered in the sky, and the fighting holy emperor flew upside down for trillions of miles, smashing into the void.

Qinglian was dim, Qingdi stumbled back trillions of miles, and his blue shirt was stained with blood.


A few people are still like this, and Ye Fan, who bears the brunt, is under indescribably huge pressure.

The Heavenly Emperor Fist was pale, the emperor's blood soaked his clothes, and it flowed down like a Taoist river. The tyrannical bones and bones erupted with a sound that could not be covered by the explosion of thousands of thunders.

Not long after he was promoted to Daluo, even though he had already reached the golden number, he could not accept the palm of Hunyuan.


Tu Gu's palm stagnated for a while, and then he erupted again with supreme power, falling down with a bang, completely erasing Ye Fan from the world!


The blood-stained female emperor in white crossed the boundless void, the light and rain were flying, and she embraced the treasure bottle of the avenue, and wanted to use the most forbidden technique to meet Ye Fan.

Several other great emperors also broke out in coughing up blood.

But Hun Yuan's shot was fast, and when everyone shot, he slapped Ye Fan with a bang!

"What about Hun Yuan?!"

Under the huge palm of the sky, Ye Fan's black hair flew wildly, his fighting spirit was fierce, his eyes were condensed, his arms pushed the universe, and he once again hit the great emperor's fist!

He has grown up in battle all his life, and he has become enlightened in battle.

The weak punch the weak, and the strong punch the stronger!

What about Hun Yuan? !

At this moment, Ye Fan only felt that his mind was erratic, and his realm seemed to have sublimated.

The operation of Tiandiquan is more satisfactory, as straight as the evolution of the Dao, all things breed, and it is indescribably free and easy to dominate.

"Breaking through? It's just a joke!"

A sneer appeared on Tu Gu's face.

He used to be the arrogance of the world, the invincible hand that pushed all the worlds across the ages.

If he wants to play any kind of breakthrough trick under his palm, it is impossible before he is born!

Let alone this time? !

How can Daluo achieve Hunyuan in one fell swoop!

In the indifferent sneer, Tu Gu's giant palm that covered the sky completely fell, and the hurricane wind had already stirred the trillions of miles of void into a cloudy color.


At this moment, Ye Fan, who stepped out of the fist, was shocked, and something jumped out of his chest, bursting with divine light, like a sky curtain in front of Ye Fan.


The bright yellow light illuminates the nine heavens, radiating endlessly in the ten directions and ten thousand worlds, sweeping away the endless chaos and nothingness, filling everything within sight!

In an instant, the vast, boundless and boundless human majesty sweeps away the six and eight wastelands, galloping to convey the boundless in the ten directions, and the boundless distance.

The eighth-layered demonic abyss, and even the entire ninth-layered demonic abyss, was swept away!

Shaking endless time and space, countless demon gods.

Countless tyrannical gazes swept the four poles and flowed down, only to see that the one that was standing in front of Ye Fan like the sky was an immeasurable token.

In the letter, there are four Dao Yun seal characters that contain the majesty of the endless imperial way and swallow hundreds of millions of miles like a tiger:

"As I come in person!"


Unfathomable and unfathomable, the majesty of the emperor sweeps away everything, sweeps everything down!

In the trance, countless eyes vibrated, as if seeing the endless distant and supreme time and space, a statue appeared across the nine layers and nine seclusions, suppressing all phenomena, meritorious deeds, three emperors, and five emperors of morality.

The unparalleled emperor who gathers endless humanistic energy!

"First the master of the system, and then Xian Qin Zulong, this is really interesting."

Under the Jiuzhong Demon Abyss, Ren Zhaoyi's fall without changing the color of the devil suddenly raised his eyebrows and laughed out loud.

It seems very happy.

It seems that the life and death of trillions of subordinates are more important than the joy brought by this scene.


In front of the token that spanned the space and time like a sky, Tu Gu screamed like a thunderbolt.

The big hand that slammed down to cover the sky was as if a mortal stretched his hand into the magma, and it was invisible to the naked eye!

"Immortal Qin Shidi! Immortal Qin Shidi! It's you!"

Tu Gu looked terrified and staggered.

Where did this Daluo come from? Not only does he possess the light of purification as the master of the system, but he also possesses the token of the Immortal Qin Shi Emperor "as if he were here in person"!

The unparalleled emperor who belongs to the Three Sovereigns and Five Sovereigns, who has the merits of humanism and virtue, and who overwhelms the ancestral dragon in the wild!


The sky shook, time and space overturned, and the ubiquitous radiance of humanity poured down instantly, covering the horrified Tu Gu!


The Eightfold Demon Abyss created by the origin of the billions of great realms shattered instantly, Tu Gu's body was stained with blood, and the sound of roar cut through the sky.

He knew that this humanistic brilliance was only triggered by his palm, not the immortal first emperor of Qin himself.

If it weren't for that, he would have been doomed by now.

Therefore, even if the body is broken and he vomits blood again and again, he can only flee in embarrassment, and there is no desire to shoot.

"The River of Time"

Under the washing of endless time, Shi Hao dressed in white went upstream.

In his deep eyes, the boundless time and space are all in it.

It was an indescribable stalwart creation, like a sea like a river, and like a bird's nest.

The endless river of time and space comes from ten directions, runs through the trillion-billion infinity world, and connects to the mother river.

The ten directions are endless, the boundless stalwarts.

And at this time, he has already traced back to the end of the origin of the endless infinite multiverse before the endless time and space from one of the endless tributaries.

Daoyin here, he is the source of Dao, the ancestor of Dao!

The master of the Tao who radiates all worlds!

"Hundred Yuan"

Shi Hao slightly muttered to himself and turned his gaze away.

In the endless and indescribable mother river of time and space, there are many figures with infinite stalwarts.

That is a stalwart figure with a sturdy body and a sacred body, the most powerful, the most powerful, and the most powerful figure, breaking all worlds with martial arts.

It was a great Buddha who fell into a deep sleep and did not know where he was, pointing to the sky with one hand and paddling the ground with the other

That is a chaotic evil, invading the boundless time and space, killing the lord of chaos, the supreme demon god

That is a towering, immortal, tyrannical and invincible leader of the Heavenly Dao.

It is a congenital fruit tree with thirty-three fruits hanging on it. The next person is sitting cross-legged, holding a book on the ground.

That is a round of bright moon hanging for nine days, standing in the west to the extreme, the unparalleled female emperor in the boundless palace tower

It was an infinite void, pitch black and formless, an indescribable palace

That is in the supreme time and space, the magnificent and unparalleled, the supreme heavenly deity who illuminates the trillions of three thousand worlds with candles

There are also four swords in the sky, the ultimate evolution, the big banner hunting occupies the origin, and the Taiji map slowly unfolds, showing that the great sun is shining in the sky.

A stalwart figure that is neither human nor dragon, neither immortal nor god, nor devil nor **** stands in the boundless space and time,

They are all supreme giants who grasp the operation of the Great Dao, dispatch legal principles, and can decide the fate of thousands of great worlds and countless living beings in the palm of their hands!

"It turns out that Uncle Gu is the master of martial arts, the honor of Hunyuan!"

Staring at the boundless space and time, Shi Hao's heart suddenly felt above the stalwart figure that broke through all worlds.

Knowing all this, Gu Shaoshang knew it, and immediately stopped worrying about Ye Fan and others.

During the steps, he smashed the source of ten thousand paths, and wanted to imprint his own path!

Achieve that Primordial Supreme!

"Someone is going to be promoted to Hunyuan? In just one calamity, three more Daluos have been promoted to Hunyuan!"

"Could it really be that the catastrophe is coming?"

"The calamity is permeating, and the immeasurable catastrophe may be coming soon!"

In the endless infinite multiverse, I don’t know how many great powers are shaking in their hearts.

Under the catastrophe, the luck of heaven and earth will be to give birth to a peerless talent. This principle is true in all worlds, and it is equally accurate in the endless sea of ​​chaos.

Infinite and immeasurable calamities is the only calamity that can affect all powers, all great realms, all time and space, and all living beings!

Somewhere in the boundless chaotic sea, the perfect world vibrated and stirred, swallowing the boundless chaotic airflow for the final promotion.

At a certain moment, the demon incarnation suddenly moved in his heart:

"Shi Hao has been promoted to Primordial Primordial, my ancestor, I have to hurry up"


In this unpredictable place with endless bizarreness, a wisp of purple gas strayed past.


Gu Shaoshang's eyes moved slightly, and a ripple appeared:

"There is a demon incarnate in the perfect world, Shi Hao stays in the Primordial Primordial Realm, but I don't need to take action anymore"

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