Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1444: Happy City Lord Gao Jinyang

After the Middle Ages, the demon clan dominated the vast expanse, even the human clan, the celestial clan, the Shura clan, the kamikaze clan and other big clans had to retreat.

Not to mention a small clan in the endless sea?

Niu Qingtian, who was born after the Middle Ages, is the strongest among the tens of billions of descendants of the Holy Bull King, and the nominal controller of this big demon country.

"Your Majesty is immeasurable. He killed the high priest of the human race in a battle. Many small clans do not completely rely on us, and they may not dare to rely on the human race. If we take action, we will force them to surrender to the human race."

The giant ox lay down, the ox's tail swayed, and the urn said in a loud voice:

"It's not good to shoot without authorization, it's not good."

The giant cow was lying on the edge of the cliff, overlooking the sea of ​​​​clouds, and did not agree with what Niu Qingtian said.

In the final analysis, the ownership of the vastness and the outcome of the war are definitely not controlled by three or two small clans. What really decides all this is the confrontation between the seventy-two great saints of the demon clan, His Majesty the demon emperor, and the princes and princes of the human clan.

"Niu Batian, you have returned from the realm of ten thousand demons, but you are becoming more and more timid."

Niu Qingtian snorted coldly, a gloom flashed in his eyes.

The Realm of Ten Thousand Demons is the collective name of the countless demon realms in the Emperor Que Immortal Monument. The time flow in it is different, and the practice in it is 10,000 years, but it is equivalent to a vast day.

Many geniuses of the demon clan, and even many great saints of the demon clan, also practiced in them.

In fact, many great clans also have similar caves and blessings, and use them to practice in future generations.

After all, the vast space and time can be touched but cannot be changed.

However, most of them are not as good as the human race that can traverse the heavens.

This Niu Batian returned from the realm of ten thousand demons this time, not only the cultivation base has greatly increased, but his personality has also undergone tremendous changes.

It's not easy to be able to use it like it used to be.

"Brother Qingtian, you haven't been to the realm of ten thousand demons for too long! It's so beautiful to be in control of a country, with trillions of life being killed, but it makes you forget that the reason why my demon clan can dominate the vast expanse is not because There are many people, but His Majesty's unparalleled divine power."

Niu Batian snorted, and the clouds scattered all over the sky:

"All great power is attributed to oneself, and that is the foundation of our standing!"

"Are you teaching me?!"

Niu Qingtian turned around suddenly, his eyes burst, and his voice was extremely cold.

The two cows looked at each other, and the atmosphere suddenly became solemn.

The holy cow king is old and strong, with tens of billions of descendants, and can stand out among the tens of billions of demons. Naturally, these two cows are not only because they are the oldest.

In fact, among the demon clan, there has never been a saying that the size is based on years.

"Little brother dare not."

After a while, Niu Batian shook his head slightly, exhaling like thunder: "It's just to persuade eldest brother."


Niu Qingtian suddenly laughed, with a sneering tone:

"Why don't I enter the realm of ten thousand demons?"

Niu Batian was stunned.

The places for cultivation in the Immortal Monument of Emperor Que are quite precious, and ordinary monsters are naturally not qualified to enter it, but Niu Qingtian is naturally not unqualified.

He just thought that his eldest brother was fascinated by the power, so he didn't care about cultivation.

Could it be that there are secrets in it?

"I was born at the end of the Middle Ages, and I entered the realm of ten thousand demons several times. I don't know if the years of cultivation are hundreds of millions or billions of years. , I never entered it again, you know why?"

Niu Qingtian didn't hide it, he spoke directly, the sound wave shook, and he uttered:

"How can there be any sacred achievement in the world?! The seventy-two great saints of my demon clan, and even His Majesty the supreme demon emperor, are all accomplished in the calamity and calamity! If there is no chance, in another billion years, Ten billion years, you and I will not be able to achieve innate!"

"In the Middle Ages, when all the tribes were fighting for the front, there were many sacred births. After the Middle Ages, even if my demon clan dominated the vast vastness, there was no sacred achievement, because it was too comfortable!"

"If there is no general trend, how can there be a day when we will achieve the sacred?"

Niu Qingtian was so powerful that it rushed into the sky, and the shaking sea of ​​clouds couldn't stop churning.

"The Great Calamity is Holy"

Niu Batian's body was shocked, he stood up, and his breathing became short: "What does the eldest brother mean?"

"I intend to stir up the situation, not only for the demon clan, but also for myself."

Niu Qingtian spoke slowly, his breath falling back down:

"You said that the small clan is not worthy of attention, but you don't know that when my demon clan dominated the human race, it was only a small clan!"

"Big Brother is the one who dares to be the first in the world"

Niu Batian sighed in admiration, as if he was sincerely convinced: "The younger brother will only follow the eldest brother."

His high head lowered, hiding a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

On the contrary, he underestimated this Niu Qingtian.

Niu Qingtian would never have said these words if he hadn't honed his temper in the Realm of Ten Thousand Demons and was no longer as reckless as he used to be.

"If not, how can you have a bright future?"

Niu Qingtian patted the giant ox on the shoulder lightly and said:

"If we grasp the general trend, maybe I will have a chance to wait."


Niu Batian nodded and asked, "What should I do?"

"The Sea Dragon Clan has a sacred position. Although it is a small clan, it cannot be neglected. Start with other small clans first, and gather sand into a tower. Even if the Sea Dragon Clan is sacred, they must bow their heads under the general trend."

Niu Qingtian's eyes were deep, and through the endless sea of ​​clouds, he looked at the vast continent at the end of the endless sea.

In other words, the territory of the human race defends several cities on the frontier.

Jinghai City, Sifang City, Delimited City, and Happy City

Xiaoyao City is located on the edge of the territory of the human race, adjacent to the endless sea, and it belongs to the original Shengwu kingdom. At this time, the human city of the Shengpan kingdom stands on the frontier together, and is opposed to the demon kingdom ruled by the holy cow king across the sea.

The original Xiaoyao City was not large, with a population of less than one billion and an army of only hundreds of thousands. Looking at the Huang Dynasty, it was very insignificant.

But after Gu Shaoshang became the Holy Pan King and succeeded the high priest, this city also skyrocketed, becoming a giant city with a population of tens of billions, an army of hundreds of millions, and the strong gathered.

Every day, countless warriors come to Xiaoyao City, make pilgrimages, and settle here.

Let the new Xiaoyao City Lord Gao Jinyang be very busy, and the banquet will last for 10,000 years!

"Close the door, close the door!"

On this day, after sending a certain Marquis away, the new city owner Gao Jinyang waved his hand in annoyance:

"From today onwards, this city is mainly in retreat, and there will be no more visitors!"

"I'm afraid it won't work."

Dressed in red, the graceful Yuhongyi responded unsmilingly:

"A few days later, the Duke of Sifang and his son, the Hou Fanglin, came to visit. Although the Duke of Sifang is not as famous as the Duke of Jinghai, he is one of two lords, and he cannot be neglected."

"Sifang Hou, Qingyi Hou!"

Gao Jinyang kneaded his temples, and there were two princes again.

Ten thousand years ago, after Gu Shaoshang was proclaimed King of Saint Pan and succeeded as High Priest, the name of Free and Easy City has already broken the sky!

In particular, the three dynasties united, Emperor Huang, and the princes of the two dynasties were also curious about this legendary high priest.

Over the past ten thousand years, Gao Jinyang has seen an unknown number of princes!

"These princes come to visit the elders"

Gao Jinyang sighed and opened his mouth.

But before he could finish speaking, Yu Hongyi categorically refused: "Sifang Hou, one family and two nobles are naturally amazing, but they are not qualified for the boss to meet!"

Today, Gu Shaoshang is in the ascendant in the Divine Desolate Dynasty, and his reputation is not inferior to that of the new emperor.

Gu Jiu's identity has naturally risen, not to mention the prince, it is the prince who is visiting, and if he doesn't like to see it, he will disappear.

Although the Sifang Hou has a respectable status, in the eyes of Yu Hongyi, it is not as noble as Gu Jiu.

"That's impossible."

Gao Jinyang had a headache, and secretly hated himself for taking on such a chore.

However, compared to the unbearable past, it is now much better.

"Able people should do more work."

There seemed to be a smile on Yuhong's stern face.

Gao Jinyang shook his head, ignored her, and walked towards the inner courtyard.

"I'm getting stronger"

Walking through the forested rockery and ponds, Gao Jinyang felt heavy.

Although he was far away from that person, the influence that that person exerted on him never dissipated.

In his body, the Great Sun Golden Sun, which used to be only a single dollar, has split countless times in the past ten thousand years. Even though he has never cultivated, his strength is stronger every day.

He just felt like a balloon that kept ballooning.

He doubted whether he would explode if the countless golden suns of the sun were split to the limit one day.

Now, under his black clothes, his body that seems to be no different from ordinary people contains unimaginable terrifying power.

That is the terrifying power that can shatter thousands of trillions of miles of sky and earth between raising a hand and raising a foot.

He is so strong now that he doesn't even know how strong he is.

He only knows that among the many princes he has seen in the past ten thousand years, no one is stronger than him!

He could faintly feel that he had reached an indescribable threshold, and it seemed that he might jump over it at any time.

Of course, it may also explode directly like a ball of fire.

And he doubted that he was the latter.

Darkness, anxiety, fear, countless emotions are rippling in Gao Jinyang's heart

In a flash, several days have passed.

On this day, Kowloon crossed the sky, pulled a Zhu Zi chariot, and landed in the Baiyu Square outside Xiaoyao City.

"I'm waiting to welcome the two Hou Ye!"

Gao Jinyang, Yu Hongyi, and a group of demon masters from Xiaoyao City bowed their hands to greet him.

"You don't have to be too polite."

The white palm lifted the beaded curtain in front of the chariot, and two tall figures in Hou robes walked out.

One side is The three-foot long beard under the jaw is a Sifang Hou.

A tall and valiant warrior, with a divine sword hanging around his waist, he is the Marquis of Love and Righteousness.

Behind the two of them, there was a frail boy in his teens.

"The Lord Laogao will greet you."

A smile appeared on Sifang Hou's old-fashioned face, pulling the weak boy behind him:

"This is my son Fang Yun, and here he is to pay his respects to the holy place where the high priest once sat."

"Hou Ye grows stronger when he is old"

Gao Jinyang was not surprised.

The Shenhuang Dynasty was vast and sparsely populated, and many warriors had no idea of ​​having children. Many princes naturally had to lead by example.

Therefore, every prince has many sons and grandsons, and can be called a walking seeder.

There are less than ten million descendants in the direct line of the princes of the Sifang, and among the princes, they can be regarded as very few.

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