Projection of the Heavens

Vol 3 Chapter 1445: variable?

"I heard that City Lord Gao hasn't married yet?"

Sifang Hou didn't care about Gao Jinyang's ridicule, and smiled slightly:

"The old man has many daughters, about the same age as City Lord Gao, and there are thousands who have not yet married."

"It's tens of thousands."

The Hou Qingyi, who had never spoken, interrupted his father's words and corrected his mistake.

"Master Hou is joking, Gao has no plans to marry yet."

Gao Jinyang's face froze, this old guy is not a good person, he actually wants to be his father-in-law.

In fact, it's not just Sifang Hou, the many princes who have been entertained in the past ten thousand years are almost all the same.

These old guys are really, too capable.

"That's a pity."

Sifang Hou shook his head, feeling really pity in his heart.

This Gao Jinyang can become the city lord of Xiaoyao City after the high priest. He must be the confidant of the high priest. Although he is not a prince, his cultivation is not inferior to him.

Really good match, unfortunately.

"Master Hou is exhausted by boat and car, please enter the city to rest for a while."

Gao Jinyang changed the subject and invited a few people into the city.

Yu Hongyi and others have long since seen it strange. In fact, the most worthless people in the vast human race are the children of the prince's family.

Not only Gao Jinyang, but also the masters of the gods and demons who were present, also married the sons and daughters of princes.

It is Yu Hongyi, who traces the source of the bloodline, and is also a descendant of a prince. However, after the 100th generation, the bloodline relationship is weak.

Immediately, a group of people stepped on Shenguang Avenue and walked towards Xiaoyao City in one step.

"Happy City"

Behind Sifang Hou, Fang Yun, a weak young man, blinked, looking at the endless city that was like a giant dragon lying on his back, wondering what he was thinking.

In the blink of an eye, the sun fell, and the sky was bleak.

In the Mansion of the City Lord of Xiaoyao, the banquet that had been lively for a day was withdrawn, and the Sifang Hou and others also temporarily stayed in the City of Xiaoyao.

Fang Yun fell into a deep sleep in a guest room of the City Lord's Mansion.

Suddenly at a certain moment, in the ripples of time and space, a sharp and restrained bronze bell pierced through the void and came silently into the guest room.

It dripped like water and melted into the sleeping boy's body.



do not want!

In a trance, Fang Yun felt as if he had fallen into a nightmare.

In the dream, an unprecedented catastrophe came, sweeping the world, everything was destroyed, and everyone died!

His father Sifang Marquis, his elder brother Qingyi Marquis, the Gao City Lord that I have seen today, and even a high-ranking prince, even the legendary emperor!

All died in a catastrophe!

In the end, a palm covered the sky and fell, obliterating everything with a bang.


Fang Yun sat up abruptly, only to feel that his forehead was cold, the corners of his eyes were wet, and the clothes and bedding on his body were wet with sweat.

His hands, feet, and muscles were twitching unconsciously due to excessive fear.

"This dream, this dream"

Fang Yun's lips were chapped, and there were tears in the corners of his eyes, and a sense of vicissitudes flashed in his eyes.

This dream is too real.

It was so real that it was as if he had lived for more than 100,000 years, seeing the catastrophe that enveloped all living beings, and the catastrophe that was destroyed in the world.

It's so real, it's not like a dream.

"Is this a dream?"

Fang Yun covered his pounding heart, and called out in a low voice with extremely rapid breathing:

"Chaos Clock!"


The low and melodious sound of the bell rippled in his heart, and a chaotic black-yellow color appeared in front of his eyes.

In a trance, he seemed to see an indescribable bronze bell.

That bronze bell was indescribable, the greatest creation he had ever seen in his life.

And this bronze bell exists in his heart, slowly transforming his origin.

He knows that this is a supreme treasure, capable of suppressing the luck of Hongmeng, suppressing the earth's fire and feng shui, and opening up countless heavens.

It can even distort the vast space and time, and reverse the yin and yang of the world.

It is the most powerful treasure in the world.

"The Chaos Clock really exists?!"

Thinking of the power of the bronze bell in the dream that could destroy the sky and the earth, Fang Yun was short of breath, shocking beyond words.

But then, a big terror came to my mind: If the Chaos Clock really exists, will everything I dream about be the future?

So, what can I do in the end of the endless darkness and endless horror?

Fang Yun's heart was cold, and he didn't even have the joy of getting the treasure.

Everything he saw was too desperate.

In the dream, he was still the favorite son of the Sifang Marquis and the most beloved younger brother of the Qingyi Marquis.

But at that time, the catastrophe was approaching.

The endless shadow shrouded in that side is about to fall, and the demon clan is ready to move. It once fell in the age of chaos, the age of mythology, and the ancient antiques of many epochs in the ancient era have returned in the calamity.

In the future, gods and demons will truly be inferior to dogs, and they will walk all over the land.

In the end, on the eve of the shadow, the catastrophe broke out completely, the boundless world collapsed, the heavens and the world were buried, and everything would be irreversible.

In the Godly Desolate Dynasty, many princes and nobles, even the three predecessors and the current emperors, will fall completely.

And the mastermind behind everything turned out to be the new high priest!

"Even if I see all that, what's the use?"

Fang Yun was a little confused for a while.

In such a big world, not to mention a prince, even the prince can't protect himself, he is working hard to cultivate, can he really change all this?

Even, he doesn't think he can change anything at all.

As tyrannical as the emperor will fall, who can change all this?

"Maybe I should give the Chaos Clock to the Emperor?"

Fang Yun's thoughts were scattered, and countless thoughts came to his mind.

"No, although the emperor is immeasurable, he can't pacify all of this, and he won't believe that the one who betrays the human race will be the human race high priest."

Fang Yun's heart was heavy, and he couldn't believe it:

"No, all this may not be true! Although the Chaos Clock is a treasure, it is impossible to predict all this!"


He rolled over and sat up, pushed open the door and walked out of the yard.

At this time, the night was dark, and in the high and distant night, the stars were dotted and scattered.

"If the future is true, then in the near future, Niu Qingtian, the prince of the holy cow, and Niu Batian will subdue a group of small clans, have friction with the human clan, and lay a shadow for the catastrophe, but before that, there will be Something big has happened. The ancestral temple of the human race will usher in a big change, and after the First World War, the returning Eight Emperors will have no choice but to reincarnate.”

"If all this happens, what I see is the real future"

Fang Yun felt melancholy, but he couldn't do anything.

Even if he knew something, there was nothing he could do.

How far away is Xiaoyao City from the Emperor of Heaven, not to mention him, even his father took hundreds of years to reach through the void passage.

He wanted to do something, but found he couldn't do anything at all.

"How should I do this?"

Under the night, Fang Yun was lost in thought.

Think about what benefits you can get from this revolution sweeping across the vast world.

Although he had experienced more than 100,000 years of life in his dreams, he had no intention of practicing and his status was not high.

At first glance, he had experienced more than 100,000 years in his dream, but when he thought about it at this time, he realized that there were only a handful of benefits he could get.

In other words, the benefits he can get are too few and too few.

"Chaos Bell can transform all things in the world, transform any treasure into anything that my cultivation base wants to do, at least I am qualified to be a prince."

Fang Yun clenched his fists:

"I want to become stronger! I will take back everything I lost. My father won't die, neither will my brother! I won't die either!"

"Even the high priest!"

Looking up at the starry sky, Fang Yun swears in his heart

The vastness of the ninety-nineth layer of heaven, the vastness and heights are endless, and mortals can only see the first layer of heaven when they look far into the distance.

Above the ninety-ninth layer of heaven, the endless chaotic airflow is boiling and stirring in the chaotic sky.

An immeasurably large, immeasurably large, immeasurably large, immeasurable mountain in the chaos is looming in the chaos.

That sacred mountain is unpredictable, like a sacred mountain in the shape of an infinite multiverse. It seems that there are bull demons running, monkey demons jumping, peng demons spreading their wings, tigers roaring in the world, and lions roaring into the sky.

It is impressively the Monument of the Demon Emperor Que Immortal, the treasure of the Demon Emperor.

It is connected to the boundless void and the world of ten thousand demons, where countless geniuses of the demon clan are hidden.

"What's the use of a small ant? It won't threaten that Martial Ancestor for thousands of years."

At a certain moment, an extremely dark and ethereal voice rippled in a certain void of the Dique Immortal Monument.

The voice was erratic, not real, but more like an illusion.

It rippling, and no one can feel it.

"Gathering sand into a tower may be useful, but I don't know."

Majestic and solemn, the bright and sacred voice also echoed:

"The fate of the robbery, the fate of the robbery, there must be great luck under the great calamity, and there are bound to be big variables in the vast 100,000 years! Gu Shaoshang may be the variable, but it is not the only variable!"

"You even sent the Chaos Bell and the fruit of the Tao of Taiyi in the previous life."

Misty voice with a hint of inexplicable words: "Aren't you afraid of backlash against yourself?"

The so-called variable is the life without a predetermined destiny.

Such existences may only be few in the world, but there are quite a few in the world

However, the reason why variables are variables is the real unknown.

Among the heavens and the world, there are quite a lot of great powers who have fallen above the variables.

"The mere variables can backfire on me, what avenues are we talking about in this seat?"

The majesty and sacredness is like a bright and infinite voice without fluctuation:

"Since I can capture their existence from the heavens of all worlds and endless time and space, and throw them into the vastness, I will naturally not be afraid of backlash!"

"Then I'm quite interested."

The voice of the ethereal "Jie Jie" gave a strange laugh and said:

"Unfortunately, the future you fabricated has too many loopholes! For example, who will attack the human ancestor temple at this time?"

Infinite light shines out, ripples in the emptiness:

"Of course it's me!".

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