Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 163: Do you really want to die?

A stick of rice in the sky! At this moment, the eighth-ranked master on the weapon spectrum changed dramatically!

Since the shot, it is necessary to subdue them all!

After killing Liu Sheng but Ma Shou with one punch, Gu Shaoshang didn't delay at all. He moved and his feet exploded again!

In the violent air vibration, the ground within five feet of Gu Shaoshang's feet sank by more than one foot!

Under the sudden burst of infinite power, the white jade-like slate suddenly cracked into small pebbles, and then flew out like hidden weapons in the violent air waves, making a sharp air-breaking sound.

All around, the experts from the factory who couldn't dodge could scream in agony.

The air was squeezed by Gu Shaoshang's tyrannical body as if it were real. In the eyes of the surrounding audience, it was as if the air had turned into water, and Gu Shaoshang was like a long dragon making waves in the water!

It seems slow, but it is incredibly fast.

In less than a breath of time, carrying the billowing airflow and violent sonic boom, he punched Mi Youqiao with a punch!

This punch! This punch!

Mi Youqiao's expression couldn't help but freeze for a moment. In a trance, it was as if the five mountains and mountains gathered in Gu Shaoshang's five fingers, and suddenly pressed down, it was like a sacred mountain collapsing!

It was as if the air was crying and the space was shaking!

In the fist wind that was comparable to a gust of wind, the masters who were surrounded by the wind were shoved by the air and retreated several dozen feet away.

All of them looked at this extremely terrifying punch with a terrifying expression.

"I'm really afraid that you won't succeed!"

Mi Youqiao roared amidst the roaring fist wind! All kinds of negative emotions were instantly cut off by him, the whole body was full of infuriating energy, and the clothes swelled up like air!

His long hair was suddenly withered and yellow, and his eyes turned strangely blue!

Then, the goose-egg-thick long stick in his palm protruded like a long dragon ascending to the sky, and in the violent whistling of the air current, the stick flower danced into the sky!


In an instant, it seemed that the air flow in the sky was swept into his stick wind, and a terrifying hurricane was pulled out in an instant!

In the mad screams of the sky, the stick shadow that covered the sky pulled out countless scorching waves like a falling meteor!

For a time, the surroundings seemed to be roaring like ten thousand beasts. It was Mi Youqiao Xue's "one stick to the sky" that summed up the thousand and one formulas of the wind sword and frost sword passed down by his mentor, Huaiyin Zhanghou, the chief hall of the Sutra Slashing Hall!

call out!

Mi Youqiao swung out his stick like a long dragon, and met Gu Shaoshang's terrifying punch!

This stick shows its strong, masculine and domineering contempt. It is hard to believe that this stick actually came from the hands of a eunuch!

"Nice stick!"

Mi Cangqiong's Chaotian stick is so domineering that even Gu Shaoshang couldn't help but praise it secretly. This stick is the most powerful move he has ever seen in the world of Daming!

But then, Gu Shaoshang smiled indifferently, and the "continuous" pinched with five fingers slammed down!

The next moment, the fists and sticks collided!


The terrifying strong wind violently lifted up with a terrifying sound like a huge thunder dragon roaring!

Within five feet of the two fighting, the ground suddenly sank three feet together, as if a huge deep pit suddenly appeared in the flat bottom!

Endless gravel, soil is like a huge wave raised on the sea, soaring into the sky!

Mi Youqiao's azure blue eyes suddenly turned red, and in the sound of cracking brocade, the thick innate innate energy all over her body suddenly burst out!

"How could there be such a punch!"

The despair in Mi Youqiao's heart is beyond words, and only when he really faces this punch will he know what it is called Divine Fist!

Under the unimaginable punching power, the innate qi that he always thought was fierce, melted like the snow covered by the sun!

All the muscles, bones, and membranes of the whole body let out an overwhelmed wailing sound, and the hands holding the stick were already dripping with blood, and they didn't know how many fingers were broken!

But even though Mi Youqiao used all his strength, he couldn't stop sinking to the ground!

The long stick in his palm was bent into a terrifying arc under the single fist of Gu Shaoshang!


With a crisp sound, Mi Youqiao was made of a special material, far stronger than steel, and the long stick, which was tougher than beef tendon, suddenly broke, and disappeared into the night sky with a whistling!

I don't know if it flew out to dozens or hundreds of feet.

Immediately, the fist mark minus five points of strength smashed into Mi Youqiao's head!

With Gu Shaoshang's punching power, even 50% of the power is enough to slap a solid iron ball into iron mud!

Not to mention a mere human head, under his fist, there is no difference between a human head and an egg.


Mi Youqiao laughed miserably in his heart and closed his **** eyes.

Close your eyes and wait to die.


Gu Shaoshang's fist mark suddenly stopped an inch in front of Mi Youqiao's head, and the fist wind tore the crown of his hair.

"Why didn't you kill me?"

With long gray hair fluttering under Gu Shaoshang's fist, Mi Youqiao opened his bloodshot eyes and asked with a bitter expression.

"You and I have no grudges, just beat you! Why kill you?"

Gu Shaoshang closed his fists and stood upright, and smiled lightly when he heard the words.

Although they are all eunuchs, Mi Youqiao is different from Cao Zhengchun.

He received the great favor of the former emperor, and for many years he was in command of Xichang, but he was only protecting the palace, and there was no bad deeds in his hands. Gu Shaoshang naturally did not have the idea of ​​killing him.

Although Gu Shaoshang had killed thousands of people, those people either came to hunt him down, or they were scumbags with evil deeds in their hands.

He never thought of himself as a bloodthirsty person, he had his own bottom line principles in mind.

Not wanton killing, but also not soft-hearted.

However, if Mi Youqiao still stepped forward to block it, Gu Shaoshang would not have kept his hand.


Gu Shaoshang put one hand on Mi Youqiao's exposed arm, raised his arm, and pulled him out of the deep underground.

Immediately, under his complicated and incomprehensible expression, he jumped out of the pit.

The little torches hid a few dozen feet away, not daring to approach.

But in Gu Shaoshang's spiritual sense, he could feel a look of fear, awe, or admiration.

Among them, there is a complex look with incomprehensible meaning.

"He's stronger!"

In the crowd, Shangguan Haitang looked at Gu Shaoshang with complicated eyes.

Gu Shaoshang's expression was indifferent, and his black robe was as clean as new, and there was no trace of battle at all.

Da da!

With his leather boots stepping on the steps, Gu Shaoshang ignored the crowd around him and walked slowly towards the hall of Hulong Villa.

"You just left?"

Gui Hai Yi Dao stood on the dragon head carved by Shi Long and spoke lightly.

His character is introverted and deep, and in the discoloration of the people around him, he is not afraid of Gu Shaoshang's evil spirit at all.

"What? You want to stop me too?"

Gu Shao could feel that Gui Hai Yidao resolutely blocked his thoughts of leaving, but strangely, there was no hostility.

"You are invincible in martial arts, how can I stop you, but she, what do you want to do?"

Gui Hai gritted his teeth and glanced at the crowd with a melancholy expression.

There Shangguan Haitang, dressed in white, bowed her head and said nothing.


Gu Shaoshang was a little inexplicable, shook his head and said lightly.

Shangguan Haitang was just an ordinary person who used to like him a little bit.

Even this good feeling is still brought by the previous life.

At the moment, no more words, and slowly set foot on the steps.

"Wait a moment!"

Gui Hai Yidao pressed his palm down and held the sword in his palm.

The atmosphere suddenly became stagnant, Gu Shaoshang slowly turned around, and the inexplicable expression in his eyes flowed.

"Do you really want to die?"

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