Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 164: Mysterious master!

Gu Shaoshang's expression was as usual, but his tone was somber, and he had no idea what Gui Hai Yi Dao was going to do.

He has been with Shangguan Haitang for less than a month in total, and he hasn't said a few words, so what kind of entanglement could there be? Gui Hai Yi Dao's reaction was as if he had abandoned Shangguan Haitang, which was unreasonable.

Gu Shaoshang wouldn't think that he had such a great charm, a woman would fall in love with him.

Otherwise, the previous life will not be single until death.

"One knife, let him go?"

Shangguan Haitang walked over as usual, glanced at Gu Shaoshang lightly, and said to Gui Hai with a knife.


Gui Hai looked back at Shangguan Haitang with a knife, and saw a hint of determination in her eyes, she couldn't help but softened, sighed, and let go of the palm that held the knife.


Gu Shaoshang silently looked at Shangguan Haitang and suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He turned around and stepped on, whistling across the steps, and stepped into the main hall of Hulong Villa in a few breaths.

In Shangguan Haitang's glance, he saw some strange things, and his mood could not help but fluctuate a little.

After all, he is just a human being, not a god. He has all the emotions and desires of ordinary people, but he is a little bit weaker.


Gu Shaoshang took a deep breath, and his heart suddenly became unresolved, and he had already settled this matter in his heart.

Whether it is Dragon Snake or Daming Jianghu World, he has never taken the initiative to provoke a woman, and he has never taken the initiative himself, so he has a clear conscience.


The moment Gu Shaoshang walked into the main hall, Gui Hai's sword suddenly burst into flames, rushing into the young masters of the Tiangang and Earthsha combination, making a ruthless attack, and stepping forward is a ruthless slash!


"Kill! Not one left!"


Immediately, the masters of the East-West Factory who surrounded him and the combination of Tiangang and Disha, which Zhu ignored secretly cultivated, fought together.

The screams of killing scattered, resounding in Hulong Villa.

Blood, residual value, flying heads......

Even though Mi Youqiao, who was standing on the side, was still injured and did not take action, but under the leadership of the crazy Gui Hai Yi Dao, in a short period of time, Tian Gang Di Sha and other young masters were completely defeated.


In the main hall, six tall golden dragon pillars support the main hall, and a dragon-carved red sandalwood throne is placed at the top. The main hall is surprisingly empty.

Gu Shao is sad to know that the intelligence operation of Hulong Villa should be in the underground of Hulong Villa, and there are countless secret passages all over the place.

"According to Bai Xiaosheng, this hall is the center of Hulong Villa, just like the leader of the six suns of the people. Zhu Ignore lives here all the year round, and there must be a secret room and passage!"

Gu Shao sadly recited the electricity, and the power of the sea of ​​​​consciousness covering the whole body spread out.

Since he was promoted to life, the power of sea consciousness has also increased by more than three times, and it can already cover the space within three feet of the whole body, including the underground.

However, during the tea time, Gu Shaoshang searched the hall again.

Ka Ka Ka Ka!

As the gears shook for a while, the door of a secret room rose from behind the dragon-carved red sandalwood throne, and there was faint light coming from it.

"Sure enough."

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly, the power of the sea of ​​consciousness covered his body, and he didn't care about the possible mechanisms, he strode in.

His vision dimmed slightly, and Gu Shaoshang stepped into this alleyway that was no more than ten feet high and five feet wide.

Only an oil lamp would come on every ten feet away, but Gu Shaoshang could see the night as day, and in a short while, he walked through the long alley and came to a huge gate.

This gate is three feet high and no more than four feet wide. There is a faint flash of gold and iron on the door. It is actually made of pure metal, which directly blocks the entire roadway and prevents anyone from taking a detour. .


Gu Shaoshang tapped lightly a few times and found that the door was at least three feet thick and extremely solid.

"No wonder there is no agency, so it is."

Gu Shaoshang was stunned, no wonder the road was unobstructed and there were no organs. This pure iron gate weighed tens of thousands of kilograms. The whole was smooth and there were no gaps.

Destruction by external force must at least be a top expert, and it cannot be done in a short period of time. Even a master of the Five Absolutes level, if there is no magic weapon, it is impossible to break it easily.

However, if there are five masters of this level, there are almost no traps that can hurt them.

Boom! A fierce burst of energy!

Gu Shaoshang stepped back half a step, then exhaled and stepped on his foot!

The poured and rammed ground in the roadway collapsed a full foot, and the roadway hundreds of feet trembled violently, and the dust rolled down.


In the violent boiling of blood, a white palm slammed out.

There was a thunderous whistle in the air, and the gust of wind that swept up violently raised the dust in the roadway.

Gu Shaoshang flattened his palm on the iron gate, and his energy surged out.


With a loud noise like the ringing of a brass bell in a temple, the entire iron door was under the tremendous force of Gu Shaoshang, and it fell backwards without a breath.

The entire lane, and even the entire underground palace trembled violently, making a roar that seemed to be overwhelmed.

"Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh!"

Gu Shaoshang strode through the iron door and walked into the secret room, facing a strange-looking old man with his mouth wide open, making a sound of unknown meaning, and a trace of fear in his eyes.

Gu Shaoshang glanced at him and saw that the old man was dressed as a servant, with long hair draped around, and his skin was a pale color that could not see the sun all the year round.

Mouth woo woo woo, like mute!

This secret room has a radius of several dozen feet, and there are bookshelves densely placed on it, with files all over it.

Gu Shaoshang glanced at him regretfully. The tongueless old man stepped forward to a row of bookshelves.

Looking around, there are "Qingcheng School Notes", "Shaolin School Notes" and so on, and similar items are posted on each bookshelf.

From the martial arts factions, to the border station, court officials, and even the inner courtyard of the palace are among them!

Gu Shaoshang couldn't help but click his tongue secretly, the intelligence system that Zhu ignored was terrible.

"Uh! Uh!"

The dumb old servant who was standing beside him saw that Gu Shaoshang was just watching the file quietly, ignoring him, and suddenly walked up to Gu Shaoshang with an excited expression, knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly.

An inexplicable sound came out of his mouth, and his fingers scribbled on the ground.

"What do you mean? You tell me where the baby is and let me save you out?"

Gu Shaoshang frowned and looked at the crooked words the old man wrote on the ground, and said.


The dumb old servant nodded again and again, got up and walked to a bookshelf in the corner, squeezed gently, and the wall of the secret room suddenly cracked, revealing another secret room.

"Hidden deep enough!"

Gu Shaoshang smiled. Although there was no mechanism to hide his power of the sea of ​​consciousness, since someone pointed it out, he didn't need to bother.

He got up and walked into another secret room.

The sight is a piece of golden shining full of neatly placed gold and silver, there are as many as ten million.

Gu Shaoshang raised his brows, walked to the center, and took out a wooden box from the pile of gold.

Click, open with a sound.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The moment Gu Shaoshang opened the wooden box, he was greeted by a burst of silver needles as thin as a hair!

The blue bark was smeared with poison!


The tongueless old servant, who had been silently following behind Gu Shaoshang, burst out at the same time. Under his loose hair, he rushed towards Gu Shaoshang like a wolf.

Between the palms of the fingers, there is a violent infuriating breath!

Impressively is a superb master!

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