Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 178: The small building listens to the spring rain for one night!


Gu Shaoshang abruptly stood up, full of confusion, not knowing what was going on.

In fact, he has long known that the acquisition of source power is not only a way of defeating and acquiring it alone, otherwise it would be too troublesome to repair the mirrors of the heavens or to manifest other resources in the later stage.

Just think about it, a six-star plant of Nine Wonders of Immortality, one-ninth of its rhizomes, and one of the fruits that bear, how much medicinal power can it have in itself?

One in ten thousand?

Or one in a million? even less?

And that one fruit requires 10,000 source power! What kind of terrifying source power does the real undead medicine need?

"I didn't expect it! I didn't expect it!"

Gu Shaoshang stood up and paced back and forth in the yard under Zhang Yi's puzzled eyes.

Although he didn't understand the source of the Mirror of the Heavens, this sudden surprise still made Gu Shao sad.


After a long while, Gu Shaoshang calmed down and lay down on the rocking chair again.

"Yiyi, go get your junior sister back!"

Suddenly, Gu Shaoshang opened his eyes, glanced at Zhang Yi, and said, "By the way, bring back all the people who are with him!"

"Yes! Master!"

Zhang Yi was also confused. He felt that the master's gaze contained something inexplicable. He turned around and walked out of the yard without thinking much.

"It seems! I also need to change my way of doing things!"

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly, and an inexplicable smile formed on the corner of his mouth.

Before, whether it was the Dragon and Snake World, the Daming Jianghu World, or even the Vast Continent World, Gu Shaoshang had never contacted anyone on purpose, except for a few people.

Whether you are the son of destiny or a peerless genius, it has nothing to do with me.

But now, Gu Shaoshang felt that he could change a little.


It was on the street several miles away from the courtyard where Gu Shaoshang lived.

Under the onlookers of a large group of people, screams were heard from time to time.

The crowd of onlookers were amazed and praised that the boy was really rough and fleshy!

"Help! Kill someone! Kill someone! Does anyone care!"

Cheng Zhengfei screamed again and again under Yunluo's fists, the screams became louder and louder, making Yunluo's pores stand up.

"To shut up!"

Yunluo kicked the right and wrong to the ground with a ruthless kick, and felt very depressed. Although she didn't use the dark energy of true qi, this kid was too rough-skinned.

With her strength after practicing Chinese martial arts, even if a cow would be beaten to death on the spot, I didn't expect this kid to be unscathed and screaming with rage.


Cheng Zifu rolled on the ground twice, stopped at the feet of a group of onlookers, and was almost kicked out of his back by Yunluo's dark and vigorous kick.

I was terrified in my heart. I didn't expect such a strange attack from such a little girl. Even the infuriating energy passed on by my father could not be resisted.

"Okay! Little girl, take a break when you're tired!"

"Yo! The boy's body is very tough!"

"Haha! The fists and feet are sharp, the little girl is a master! I don't know which way of boxing you have inherited?"

Most of the onlookers were from the old rivers and lakes. Where can't you see that Yunluo's fists and feet are clever, not a general inheritance, and naturally she will not make a rash move.

After Yunluo gave up her hand, she continued to persuade her.


Yunluo folded her hands and glanced at the crowd of onlookers, and said indifferently: "Teacher, Gu Shaoshang!"

The noisy crowd suddenly fell silent, and for a while, needles could be heard falling.

Even Cheng Zhengfei, who was about to step forward, suddenly stopped trembling and didn't dare to move.

Looking at the capital at this time, even the rivers and lakes at this time, the world at this time!

Including the current emperor, Gu Shaoshang is also a well-deserved horror figure!

"Disrespectful! Disrespectful! I didn't expect it to be Gu Daxia's greatness!"

"Haha! I'm waiting, I'm waiting to retire!"

"Take me and say hello to the old man!"

Not to mention the power of slaughtering a group of left-handed masters on Suzaku Street before, the crowd of onlookers were all shocked and all, and they bowed their hands and retreated.

After a while, there were only a few people left on the street that was full of people just now.

"Master is so powerful?"

Yun Luo muttered to herself, and the young man who always wore a black robe and had an indifferent expression appeared in her mind.

For the first time, I understood that Shenquan Invincible's illustrious reputation in the martial arts is even more awe-inspiring than the emperor and princess!

For a while, there was an inexplicable emotion in my heart.

"Yunluo! The master is looking for you to go back!"

After the crowd dispersed, Zhang Yicai saw Yunluo standing in the middle of the street and shouted loudly.

"Oh! Oh! Senior Sister, why did you come out?"

Only then did Yunluo come back to her senses and said a few steps forward.

"Master is looking for you!"

Zhang Yi walked to Yunluo and suddenly turned to look at Cheng Zheng, who was tiptoeing and wanted to walk away quietly. He frowned and said, "Stop! My master wants to see you!"

Cheng Zifei froze, turned his head slowly, and looked at Zhang Yi: "I...Shen Fist Invincible, the old man, want, want to see me?"

He was drenched in cold sweat, shouting "bad luck" in his heart, but he didn't dare to escape.

That is a terrifying figure who will beat the iron-court **** Houdu, who will defeat his father, with one punch. How dare he disobey his orders!


Zhang Yi nodded and said softly.

Although she was young and only reached Yunluo's shoulder, she had a cold temperament when she spoke, which made Yunluo feel a little scared in her heart.

"Master, what are you doing with this kid!"

Yunluo muttered a few words, but she didn't dare to disobey Gu Shaoshang's order, followed in Zhang Yi's footsteps, and didn't forget to glared at Cheng Zheng.

"It's miserable! It's miserable! It's miserable now! Why hasn't Dad come over this time? This is to kill me!"

Cheng Zheng wailed in his heart, and followed behind a few people in dejection.

It turned out that as early as half a year ago, Gu Santong, who learned of the whereabouts of his wife and children from Gu Shao’s wound, first found his son, and then used Tianxiang cardamom to rescue his wife Suxin, and the family lived in the capital.

Every day, the son is taught the right and wrong martial arts, and the family can be considered happy.

Gu Santong felt a lot of indebtedness to this son in his heart. Not only did he teach his eight major stunts, but he also taught him his own three successes.

But Cheng Zheng's bad habits are hard to change, and he always sneaks to the casino to gamble. Every time he is quickly taken back by the ancient three links, he never thought that his father didn't come this time.


In a small courtyard on the outskirts of Beijing.

His long gray hair turned black, and his shriveled body became strong. The whole person looked like an ancient Santong who was ten years younger. He protected his wife Su Xin with one hand and looked into the distance with a gloomy face.

"Who the **** are you?"

Gu Santong's face was extremely gloomy, but he was very puzzled in his heart, and he didn't know where the master came from.

After a fight was not much different from himself, even if he taught his son the power of three successes, he would not lose to the average master of the Five Absolutes.

And this person, unexpectedly unheard of, unseen.

"Xiaolou** listen to the spring rain, Shenxiang sells apricot flowers in the Ming Dynasty!"

As the indifferent and indifferent voice of the young man came, from the mountain forest, a young man dressed in a cyan official robe, like an official on a green trip, walked out.

The young man recited the poem number in his mouth, and there seemed to be a layer of jade light covering his white face, making it difficult to see his face, only the bloodthirsty light in his eyes was faintly exposed.

He looked at Gu Santong indifferently, with a strange machete on his waist.


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