Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 179: The magic knife cut magic!

It was a strange machete, with a black scabbard and a curved handle. At first glance, it seemed ordinary, but it had an indescribable deterrent power.

"Xiaqiu Xiaolou, the descendant of the Western Demon Sect, joined the WTO this time to challenge the world's masters."

The young man seemed to be in his twenties, looked at Gu Santong, and said lightly.

Qiu Xiaolou stood tall, the sword stance rose with a murderous aura, and the birds and beasts scattered around.

"Western magic?"

Gu Santong frowned, and had a vague understanding of this force that has been hidden in the dark.

According to rumors, this force is located somewhere in the West, and it has not appeared in front of people for many years. There are few followers, but many experts.

"Gu has quit the arena. If you want to challenge a master, please enter the city. There is a master in the southwest of the capital, who should be able to meet your requirements."

Gu Santong glanced at his wife behind him and said lightly.

Although the young man in front of him was imposing, but he had lived his entire life, how could he be afraid, if it wasn't for the fact that his wife was behind him at this time, he would have been violent and slapped her to death with one palm!

"Su Xin, I'll push you away in a moment. Remember, go to the southwest of the capital, where there is a great master who is invincible in the world. As long as you are in front of him, no matter how big the world is, no one can hurt you!"

Gu Santong's lips moved lightly, and a faint sound transmission sounded in Su Xin's ears.

Su Xin looked at Gu Santong with a worried face and remained silent.

"Unbeaten urchin really likes to lie, do you think I don't know where is Gu Shaoshang's residence? I'm here to kill you to raise my sword!"

Qiu Xiaolou's body trembled suddenly, the white light on his face flashed, and he said coldly: "Gu Shaoshang, I will naturally challenge, after he fights Dongfang Undefeated, after he thinks he is the best in the world, I will I will defeat it in front of the world!"

"Win the world number one in one fell swoop!"

Qiu Xiaolou's voice was agitated, and his right hand hung down to hold the handle of the machete.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Gu Santong stretched his arms and pushed his wife far away. He looked up to the sky and laughed, tears streaming out of his laughter. He pointed at Qiu Xiaolou with his fingers, and said, "It is true that the ignorant are fearless!"

Gu Santong had a short hand with Qiu Xiaolou before, and he couldn't even hold back the seven-success power left. How dare he say that he is the best in the world?

Simply ridiculous!

"Tee! You have to be careful!"

Su Xin fell to the ground far away, shouted, gritted her teeth and ran towards the capital.

She understands that staying here at this time can only distract her husband, and can only listen to what he has to say and go to the southwest of the capital.

"I hope that your King Kong is not bad and magic is as tough as your mouth!"

Qiu Xiaolou's face was calm, standing ten feet apart from Gu Santong, his fingers gently flicking on the handle of the knife.

"Haha! Are all the younger generation as arrogant as you?"

Gu Santong laughed twice. Seeing that his wife was already far away, he suddenly stepped on his feet and walked forward with a whistling.


Just three steps! In a burst of cracking sound, Gu Santong's body suddenly swelled, and in a burst of golden light, he turned into a golden man with a height of more than eight feet, like a golden paint brush! Muscle knots all over his body, wrapped around his body like a wild dragon, at first glance it seems to contain explosive power.

It's a little more violent than when you were in the prison!

Afterwards, Gu Santong's eyes were indifferent, his arms suddenly stretched out, his thick palms suddenly blasted the air, and in the hurricane wind, he slammed out with a palm!


Under the fierce force, the air made a shrill and piercing cracking sound, and the fierce hurricane scraped the surrounding vegetation, mud and stones, and flew upside down in the palm of the ancient three links like a giant dragon roaring!

"King Kong's Indestructible Magic is really fierce and unparalleled!"

Qiu Xiaolou smiled indifferently, not even moving under Gu Santong's palm.


Under Gu Santong's palm, Qiu Xiaolou's long hair fluttered, and suddenly, his stone-like palm suddenly pulled, and a blade of light burst out from his waist. !"


In a faint chirping sound, under the vast sun, there seemed to be a full moon emerging, and a blade of light flowed down like moonlight!

"This knife!"

Gu Santong's mind was shaken. This round seemed to be a crescent moon falling. In the flowing moonlight, infinite murderous intent burst forth. This knife did not seem to have changed, but it seemed to contain all changes, as if everything around him had been calculated.

Before Gu Santong's palm strength reached his body, the knife light without a trace of temperature just cut through his fierce palm strength, no difference!

At the same time, a demonic aura rose from the blade body, and Gu Santong's mind couldn't help but be in a trance, almost forgetting where he was!


Gu Santong suddenly let out a long howl, sweeping away the strange aura around him! The palm that was pushed out suddenly swayed in the air, and in a burst of tearing sound like a ghost crying and wolf howling in the air, the five fingers folded together, and suddenly hit a style of "continuous"!

Gu Shaoshang's "unceasing"!

Since he was beaten by Gu Shaoshang with a punch that day, he has studied hard, and even once asked Gu Shaoshang for advice in half a year, and what he has learned is "continuous".

Although Gu Shaoshang's "uninterrupted" "unceasing" of Gu Shaoshang did not have the vastness of Gu Shaoshang's vast fist like the sky and the earth, he has his own strong and domineering fist!

Gu Santong's bones and bones like a vajra made a tinkling sound, and the strength of the whole body is contained in this punch!


The wind howls, the thunder roars!

"What kind of boxing is this?!"

Qiu Xiaolou's eyes jumped wildly. With this punch, he only felt that Gu Santong's already violent aura had skyrocketed by three points again!

Before his boxing strength reached his body, the boxing style ripped apart his blue shirt!

But he couldn't avoid it, and he didn't believe that his all-encompassing "magic sword" would be inferior to a strange boxing technique!


The silver crescent moon that seemed to flow like moonlight, and the giant golden fist that Gu Santong suddenly pressed down.



A huge banging sound of gold and iron came from far away, and the air suddenly fluctuated like the surface of water!


The ground beneath the two of them suddenly rippled like water waves, and the endless soil mixed with grass clippings rose into the sky!

Gu Santong only felt an extremely strong sword intent pierced from his fist, and his diamond indestructible magic was broken!

"not good!"

Gu Santong suddenly retreated several dozen feet in the air, hula-la knocked over a dozen big trees, and stopped just now.


Gu Santong sighed, and stretched out his palm, and on the back of the golden-yellow hand, a silver knife mark with deep bones was pulled out five or six inches long!

He almost slashed his palm apart!


At the same time, Qiu Xiaolou's complexion suddenly changed, he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of black blood, and the white light on his face turned black!

The whole body seemed to be smashed by a giant battering hammer, sinking deep into the chest and abdomen!

"Good! Good! Good! I didn't expect it! You actually learned this one boxing technique!"

Qiu Xiaolou's face was blue and purple, and he resisted the numbness, jumped out from the ground, looked at Gu Santong, and said with a sneer.

"I didn't even expect that you actually broke my King Kong Indestructible Magic!"

Gu Santong's golden color faded, his face was a little pale, and between his chest and abdomen, a silver-white knife light could be seen wandering!

Gu Santong was stunned and doubtful. The King Kong Indestructible Magic is naturally not an invincible martial arts. It naturally has its own way to solve it. One is to let its internal strength run out and the golden body will fade away!

The other is that with more powerful power, UU Reading will destroy them all!

However, there is a more hidden method!

That is, with the sharpest sword energy, from the place where the immortality of the King Kong Indestructible Divine Art is most prosperous, it has continuously stabbed dozens or hundreds of times!

But this is not a weakness, not even the ancient three-way thinks it is a weakness!

But in the fight with Qiu Xiaolou just now, he was clearly rushing towards the "God Slash" launched at this point!

The sword light that spreads all over his body like moonlight, and even ignores the weaknesses of ordinary people such as the corners and eardrums of his eyes, and directly hits his fist mark!

It directly broke his King Kong Indestructible Magic!


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