Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 181: decisive battle!

Gu Shao was actually very curious about the yin and yang great sorrow of heaven and earth, which is called "the heaven and the earth cry, the ghosts and gods howl" after training.

After all, the benefits brought to him by the Heavenly Destroyer Great Soul Searcher were enormous!

But with his martial arts accomplishments at this time, as well as the countless Taoist Buddhist scriptures and martial arts secrets in his mind, it took a little time to deduce that it was no worse than his unique skills!

"Brother Gu, how did you catch this person?"

Gu Shaoshang got up from the rocking chair, and at a glance, the man in the green robe was broken by Gu Santong, and his muscles and bones were even tangled together. No matter what kind of dead man, he couldn't commit suicide.

Gu Santong glared at Cheng Right and wrong, and recounted the details of the battle with Qiu Xiaolou.

"That divine sword slash, although the power is extraordinary, it may not be able to do anything to me, but that strange machete has a strange aura that confuses people's hearts, and I can't help it even when I am on full alert. I was stunned! Otherwise, it would not be so easy for him to break my King Kong Indestructible Magic!"

Gu Santong put on the coat that was handed over and said solemnly.

Thinking of that weird machete, Gu Santong still couldn't help but feel a sigh in his heart.

For a warrior of their level, the time to be stunned is enough for an opponent to kill him a thousand times. Qiu Xiaolou beheaded!

"Xiaolou listens to the spring rain?"

Gu Shaoshang smiled lightly, not taking Qiu Xiaolou to heart.

According to Gu Santong, he already knew that the machete itself may be the saber of a master who is proficient in destroying the souls of heaven and earth, so it can have such a confusing effect.

As for Divine Sword Slash, only in the hands of a certain young man in the future will the name of its supreme sword technique be forged!

"I know everything about this, Brother Gu, don't take it to heart, but it's just a few clowns jumping on the beam."

Gu Shaoshang waved his hand slightly and said.

"Now, tell everything you know!"

Gu Shaoshang lowered his head slightly, looked at the green-robed man with anger mixed with fear in his eyes, and said lightly.

Following Gu Shaoshang's words, the green-robed man on the ground felt a shock all over his body, the meridians all over his body suddenly unblocked, and all the disorganized muscles and bones returned to their positions!

Before I could be surprised, I saw a pair of eyes that were as deep and vast as the stars.

For a moment, he was in a trance, and all his guards disappeared!

Dumbly said: "My name is Tongxiu, I come from the Western Demon Sect, this sect started in the Tang and Song Dynasties, and has been dormant in the world for hundreds of years... Chou Shengzi used a single sword to defeat all the people in the sect. The master...he wants to get his hands on the Daming Jiangshan, once a pseudonym "Bai Xiaosheng" arranged the weapon spectrum to cause disputes in the rivers and lakes......The Great Compassion Fu... has long been lost, the only remaining A great soul-searching hand of Heaven and Earth Destruction has been practiced for many years, and no one has mastered it..."

Cheng Zifei and the others looked at the man in green robe who, following Gu Shaoshang's inquiry, wished to sell the entire Western Demon Sect in silence.

A trembling terrifying emotion swept through my heart.

This kind of martial arts is simply too bizarre, it can be called witchcraft! Once it is applied, no one will have the slightest ** in front of Gu Shaoshang!

Even Gu Santong's face twisted, and he couldn't help substituting himself in his heart, but he found that he was not sure to resist Gu Shaoshang's "witchcraft"!

"Bai Xiaosheng?"

Gu Shaoshang smiled coldly, unexpectedly getting such information.

Originally, he was still thinking about how to catch Bai Xiaosheng, but he didn't expect that he couldn't help but jump out!


Gu Shaoshang snorted coldly, raised and pressed the palm of his hand, and under the strength, he directly killed the green-robed man who had no resistance under his feet, and gained 100 points of source power.

"I didn't expect that this Western Demon Sect was hidden so deeply!"

Gu Santong sighed with emotion, and couldn't help but sigh at the ambition of that Qiu Xiaolou.

It's not because he had been learning from Gu Shaoshang half a year ago, I'm afraid I'm going to fall into his hands this time!

"In today's world, only the Invincible East can make me a little interested! The mere Western Demon Sect, the poor **** who has been hiding his head and showing his tail for hundreds of years!"

Gu Shaoshang's eyes opened and closed, as if a flame was burning.

"Dare to come out, just press it to death!"

"I was overthinking it."

Gu Santong smiled dumbly, knowing in his heart that with Gu Shaoshang's martial arts cultivation at this time, even if Qiu Xiaolou made a sudden attack after his undefeated decisive battle with Dongfang, he probably wouldn't be able to hurt him.

The ancient three-way bowed hands and said goodbye.

He picked up the dead body on the ground and pulled up the right and wrong hand, and the family of three walked out the door.

"After you have won the undefeated battle with the East, I will go to the Tianxiang Kingdom in the Western Regions and bring you Tianxiang cardamom!"

In the distance, the majestic voice of Gu Santong came.

"Brother Gu will not be disappointed!"

Gu Shaoshang bowed his hands slightly, sat back on the rocking chair, closed his eyes, and polished his blood.

As for Gu Santong, although Gu Shaoshang felt that he was too pedantic, his behavior of being imprisoned for 20 years just because of a promise was extremely appreciated.


Gu Shaoshang glanced at the two girls and said.



The two girls responded in unison, took a stance, and started boxing from the courtyard.

Needless to say, Zhang Yizi, Yunluo seemed to be touched, and she became more serious during practice.


Day by day, Gu Shaoshang, in addition to polishing his blood, studying Buddhist scriptures, Taoist books and various magical secrets, every day, countless wisdom of his predecessors turned into his savings and deeply settled in his heart.

In every move, there is a more indifferent grand master attitude, and countless martial arts essences are taken and integrated into their own system.

With the thousand-year-old heritage of the entire Daming world, he embarked on the beginning of the road of his fists.

There may not be any explosive growth in his combat power, but after he was promoted and established his life, the heritage that was used up was re-accumulated.

Plant in spring and grow in summer, harvest in autumn and store in winter.

All things in the world are included in it, and martial arts practice is no exception.


Until the day of the decisive battle was approaching, on the 21st day of the twelfth lunar month, among the silver-white snowflakes in the sky, a convoy of thousands of people traveled like a long dragon thirty miles away from the capital.

All the people in the rivers and lakes who are closely watching this decisive battle are clever in their hearts, and the East is unbeaten!

The name of the the shadow of the tree!

Compared with the prestige that Gu Shaoshang has built with his iron and blood in the past year, the prestige of the undefeated East is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

Except for a few people in the martial arts present, none of them thought that Gu Shaoshang could defeat Dongfang Unbeaten.

Under the heavy snow, the entire capital was white, and the snow on the ground was more than a foot thick, making it difficult for people and horses to move.

And under everyone's attention, the caravan, like a long dragon, slowly and firmly approached the city gate.

Impressively want to enter, where the center of the Ming Dynasty is located, Beijing City!


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