Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 182: Row? Or not? !

The howling north wind whipped up snowflakes flying all over the sky.

The moat outside the capital city has long been frozen into one piece under such cold weather.

The gates of Kyoto are already firmly closed.

On the city wall, the densely packed soldiers looked indifferent, swords in hand, arrows and bows.

A state of combat readiness as if facing an enemy.

Zhuge Zheng and Mi Youqiao stood side by side by the moat, behind them, the four famous arresters and the masters of the East and West factories lined up.

Since receiving the news, everyone has been waiting here for an hour or two, and the snowflakes flying in the sky have covered everyone's sleeves with a layer of silver.

"Uncle Shi, this time Dongfang Invincible is almost out of the nest, and almost all the experts of the Sun Moon God Sect are on the list! It's a good time for the handsome Yulin Army to catch him all at once! Why not only stay still, but also welcome him here?"

Zhuge was behind me, and an indifferent girl in a wheelchair suddenly spoke, breaking the atmosphere of Shen Ning.

"Yu Ya, things are not as simple as you think!"

Zhuge Zheng, I shook my head, in his spiritual sense, at the center of the team at this time, the momentum of Dongfang Invincible is as majestic and amazing as the rising sun!

Clearly a huge breakthrough has been made! Before its breakthrough, the siege and suppression of the army could not kill it, let alone the undefeated East at this time!

Once he is allowed to escape, with his martial arts skills that are unmatched in the world, who can resist his assassination except for a few people in the world?

If Dongfang Invincible were to find court officials or even the royal family, I am afraid the world would be in chaos.

These words, Zhuge Zheng, I have spoken to Zhu Houzhao once before, and it was only because of the Sun Moon God Cult that they were able to come out of the capital unimpeded.

"Hopefully, Gu Shaoxia can kill him in one fell swoop, otherwise, such a great master with a changeable temperament is alive, it really makes people sleepless!"

Zhuge Zheng sighed in my heart, a person who broke through the bottleneck

"Since Dongfang Invincible dares to come here with such a big fanfare, it must have considered the possibility of encirclement and suppression by the army!"

Mi Youqiao looked at the mighty and mighty fleet in the distance with a solemn look, holding a long stick and said lightly.

"When I wait for this trip, I will definitely intercept the undefeated Dongfang team outside the moat, and definitely not allow thousands of demon masters to enter the capital in one fell swoop!"

Mi Youqiao gritted his teeth, glanced at the masters behind him, and said, "The day of the decisive battle between Dongfang Invincible and Gu Shaoxia is imminent, and it is absolutely impossible to take action against me at this time! Therefore, this matter will definitely happen!"

The masters behind them were silent and nodded lightly.

The undefeated Dongfang is so mighty, if thousands of demon sect masters all enter the capital, once activated, how great the harm will be!

If you win this battle with Gu Shaoshang, and fight back with the momentum of the world's number one master, the entire capital will be overwhelmed!


Everyone's spirits were shaken, and one by one, their whole bodies were shaken, and the snow on their bodies was shaken away.

Amidst the sound of wheels crashing across the snow, the Sun Moon Sect's convoy stopped more than ten meters away from the crowd.

The mighty convoy was hundreds of feet long.

"Haha! I didn't expect that the Marquis of Zhuge would be here to greet you at this moment!"

After a long laugh, a stern man in a single coat stepped on the snow and led a group of experts from the Sun Moon God Sect to the crowd.

He glanced at Zhuge Zheng, me and others, and at the heavily guarded army on the city wall from a distance, he stopped his figure with a smile.


Zhuge was standing behind me, Leng Lingqi asked coldly, walked out of the crowd, held the long knife around his waist, and his chest was boiling with murderous aura!

This person is impressively Jiabu, the head of the Qinglong Hall of the Sun Moon God Sect who greeted the Six Gates and the God Hou Mansion at the foot of the black wood cliff!

"Ling Qi! Hall Master Jia is a guest from afar, so don't be rude!"

Zhuge Zheng I reprimanded him and took two steps forward. Although he was blind, he gave Jia Bu the feeling that he was looking directly at him.

"Where is the Eastern Sect Master?"

Zhuge Zheng I spoke lightly.

Jia Bu squinted at Leng Lingqi with a cold and murderous look on his face, and replied, "The sect leader and his old man are waiting in the carriage. I'm here to ask a question!"

"I waited for a long way to come, and refused to let me out. Is this the way of hospitality in the Ming Dynasty?"

Jia Bu sneered and opened his mouth, but in fact he was secretly complaining in his heart.

Zhuge Zheng, I and others made it clear that they would shut out their party.

Although the Sun Moon God Sect has many masters, it is impossible to capture the capital head-on. Even if Dongfang is unbeaten, it may not be possible to capture it!

Not to mention that Dongfang Invincible just noticed that a heavy fist like the sky locked it, making it clear that it was impossible to shoot!

"Haha! What Hall Master Jia said is very true! This is the way the court treats guests! I don't know, how should your sect master handle himself?"

Chief Mi Youqiao laughed and stepped forward with his stick, looking at Jia Bu with a gloomy expression, and the group of Sun and Moon Sect masters behind him who were suddenly discolored.

In fact, in his heart, he doesn't take anyone from the Sun Moon Divine Sect except Dongfang Invincible in his eyes.

"It turned out to be Father-in-law with a stick of rice in the sky!"

Behind Jia Bu, Tong Baixiong with a giant mace stepped forward and smiled coldly.

"It seems that the court is determined not to let me wait to enter the city?"

Tong Baixiong's giant mace slammed heavily on the ground.

Boom! With a sound, the snow on the ground rose up like a wave of water.


Mi Youqiao snorted coldly, and the long stick in his palm also slammed on the ground, but he didn't give in even an inch!


It is more than ten times bigger than Tong Baixiong's previous movements!

The ground shook, and the snow within a few feet of Mi Youqiao suddenly rose into the sky!

Together with the drifting snowflakes, many masters of the Sun and Moon Divine Sect were dyed silver.


"court death!"

"Old eunuch, you are tired of living!"

The masters of the Sun Moon Divine Sect shouted violently, and the sound of swords roared incessantly.

For a time, the chilling air was even colder than the weather in the middle of winter!

The convoy that was far away from ten meters rioted with a rumbling sound, and the countless experts of the Sun and Moon God sect pulled their swords out of their scabbards!

The terrifying murderous aura rose into the sky!

"In the end, will we be allowed to enter the city?"

When Jia Bu showed off his sleeves and robes, Sen Leng's eyes swept across a group of court masters who were suddenly discolored and had swords drawn out!


Mi Youqiao's expression changed greatly, he didn't expect that the experts of the Sun Moon God Sect would act if they disagreed.

But thinking about what Gu Shaoshang said before leaving the city, he still gritted his teeth and said word by word.

"Really? This sect master asks you again, yes, or no?"

An indifferent voice resounded for several miles.

Whether it was the imperial court, or the masters of all corners of the world, or the martial arts masters who were hiding in the surroundings, their expressions changed dramatically.

Under the attention of all the people, the masters of the Sun and Moon Divine Sect dispersed one after another.

Leaked out of one of the same body blood Even the snowflakes flying all over the sky have never been stained with its color!

A palm as white as jade pulled the curtain of the car, revealing a flawless beauty with absolutely no flaws!

Dongfang Invincible stood on the carriage, a red robe as red as blood roared in the whistling north wind.

His eyes were indifferent and ruthless, with an indifferent and cold smile on his flawless jade face, looking directly at Mi Youqiao, twenty or thirty feet away.


Mi Youqiao's face was full of blue veins, and Dou Da's sweat rolled down from his face.

I just felt that an unimaginably huge murderous intention enveloped it!

Even with all the strength, it is difficult to say even a single word!

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