Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 183: Invincible! Invincible!

..the projection of the heavens

Tick ​​tock!

Tick ​​tock!

In the whistling cold wind, Mi Youqiao stood in the snow, and Dou Da's sweat dripped from his forehead into the snow.


In the field, there was silence, only the wind whistled between heaven and earth.

Dongfang Invincible stood on the carriage, like a big sun, exuding endless deterrence.

In the place where its aura is shrouded, no matter what the four famous arrests, the masters of the East and West Factory can't move!

Even if the experts from all corners of the world were far away from watching, no one would have thought of it.

Dongfang Invincible is just a whole body of momentum that will shock all the experts in the court!

You must know that the court has no weak hands, and the dozens of people who come here are all first-class masters!

Among them, the four famous arresters are experts at the top level, and there are even masters who are at the top of the weapon spectrum like Mi Youqiao!

One by one, they realized the tyrannical strength of Dongfang Invincible as the number one in the world!

"I'm afraid this person is already invincible!"

This thought couldn't be restrained and rose up in the hearts of all the masters who saw this scene at almost the same time!

creak! creak!

At this moment, a series of footsteps stomping on the snow sounded.

Zhuge Zheng walked out of the crowd step by step with no expression on his face, and walked to Mi Youqiao with his body trembling slightly.

Mi Youqiao breathed a sigh of relief, his body was shaky, never expected that Dongfang Invincible would be so tyrannical!

Only when Zhuge Zheng and I resisted the undefeated momentum of the East, all the court masters took up their swords with a look of astonishment.

But all the fighting spirit disappeared for a while, and his heart was depressed.


The strong wind whistled in the air, and Zhuge Zheng's neat little pigtails suddenly fluttered and danced.

"The sect leader of the East is truly amazing!"

He said lightly, even though he was enveloped by the invincible aura of the East, he had no worries or fears.

"Huh? Old man, you actually touched that step!"

Dongfang Invincible snorted, a little surprised.

Although Zhuge Zheng and I were trembling slightly, I was able to resist the oppression of his imposing manner, and I must have touched the threshold.

If he had a second realm a year ago, he might not have been blinded by himself.

"Unfortunately, it is far from the Eastern Sect Master!"

Zhuge Zheng I sighed, a short spear in the sleeve robe slipped into the palm of his hand, and he said without sadness and joy: "However, in exchange for the old man's life, in exchange for the defeat of the Eastern Sect Master! It is worth it!"

Zhuge Zheng's voice was condensed in the wind and snow, a short spear was raised, and the halberd pointed to the east, undefeated.

Although not as good as you, but also not afraid!

This old man who has been famous all over the world for decades, with long hair dancing, under the attention of countless masters in the world, step by step toward the East, undefeated.

"Uncle Shi!"

"Marquis God!"


The masters on the court side changed their expressions one after another and exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, Zhuge Zheng, I saw Dongfang Invincible is so terrifying, and even dared to come forward and hostile to it!

Leng Lingqi and the other four famous arresters looked at each other and followed Zhuge Zheng's footsteps fearlessly.

"The Lord of God...!"

Mi Youqiao murmured a few words, and his heart suddenly rose, holding a long stick and following the footsteps of the five people.


Behind him, a group of experts from the East and West factories looked extremely ugly.

But there are not many people with the kind of heart, bowing their heads in shame, and the sword in their hands is crumbling.

But in any case, it is difficult to overcome the fear of the undefeated East.

"Haha! I want to see the sect master! Pass us first!"

Jia Bu and other experts from the Sun and Moon Divine Sect immediately sneered again and again, holding up swords to block Zhuge Zheng and others from going.

"Want to test the reality of this seat? How much chance do you have for Gu Shaoshang?"

The corner of Dongfang Invincible's mouth twitched, revealing a sneer: "You don't know, this seat is already invincible in this world!"

Just at the moment when Zhuge Zheng and I stood up with a single gun, the sword was drawn.


A loud bang came!

The huge gate of Beijing City suddenly opened!


Everyone was startled, wondering who would dare to open the city gate!

Aren't you afraid that the Sun Moon God Cult will take the opportunity to attack the city?

Even Leng Lingqi and others couldn't help but be surprised and couldn't help but look back.

Tread! Tread!

A series of low footsteps were incomparably clear in the whistling north wind, and they did not disperse.

Even from a hundred meters away, it can be clearly heard!

In the eyes of everyone, in the dark city gate, Gu Shaoshang, who was shrouded in a black robe, stepped out.

Gu Shaoshang was sitting in the middle of the moon on his waist, his long hair was draped over his shoulders, he wore a black robe and moved without wind, and walked to the front of the city gate in silence.

A fist that was as vast as the sky and as thick as the ground rose up from him.

It's like it's all over the place!

It is as if the sky is above it, the earth is below it, and I am the only one in the center!

"Between the heavens and the earth, I am the only one! This is the Buddha's visit to the world?!"

Shaolin Fangzheng, who was far away from watching in the forest, couldn't help but chant a Buddha's name!

I can't stop such a terrible thought from popping up in my mind!

"It's Divine Fist Invincible Gu Shaoshang!"

"Why did he come out now? Isn't it the decisive battle on the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month?"

"Could the decisive battle be brought forward today?"

"Look! He came out!"

The crowd of onlookers could not help but boil over, and the secret drama began!

Since Gu Shaoshang made his debut, in just over a year, he has pushed countless opponents horizontally, and everyone doesn't believe that he came out just to say hello!


Mi Youqiao felt relieved, and when he saw this uncle, he felt an indescribable feeling of peace of mind.

Zhuge Zheng smiled at me.

Gu Shaoshang's indifferent eyes swept across, and glanced at Dongfang Invincible in red robes on the carriage at the high station.


The terrifying force that was unimaginable surged around his body, and finally gathered at his feet.

Tread hard!

Like a thunderstorm! A giant burst of force like the sky is falling and the earth is cracking!

The ground within five or six feet of Gu Shaoshang's body suddenly vibrated wildly, and snow more than a foot deep rose into the sky!


The endless astral wind ripped apart the snow and wind in the sky, and in the violent steps of Gu Shaoshang, the frozen moat suddenly broke!

Countless shattered ice cubes pulled out a giant ice and snow dragon behind Gu Shaoshang together with the hurricane wind and snowflakes!


Gu Shao's feet are like a thunderstorm! Violently squeeze the air in front of you!

The snow around him and the shattered slate soil pulled out a terrifying curtain on both sides!

Gu Shaoshang's eyes were faint, and in the endless blast of air, within a few breaths of time, a scorching wave of scorching air was pulled out in the air!

The five fingers were pinched into a terrifying fist print, in the tearing sound of the air.

Attack the East undefeated!

So domineering! so violent!


Except for the masters of the court who avoided far away the moment he saw Gu Shaoshang.

The rest, whether they are first-class masters or top-tier masters, rolled out dozens of meters like a scarecrow in the turbulent wind drawn by Gu Shaoshang's hurricane!




Countless screams were mixed with the tooth-crushing sound of bones bursting, and dozens of Sun Moon God sect masters were swept up in the sky by the astral energy!

Heavy casualties!

"What! He's shooting now!"

Dongfang Invincible is stunned for a I never imagined that Gu Shaoshang would be so casual and violent.


A sharp scream mixed with male and female voices spit out from Dongfang Invincible's mouth, tearing the air!

Before he had time to think about it, the mad Sunflower True Qi pulled out a wall of Qi that was several feet thick in front of him!

Immediately, Gu Shaoshang's fist print slammed into the air wall in front of Dongfang Invincible amidst the tearing sound of ghost crying and wolf howling in the air!


Dongfang Invincible's face changed, his body was like a cannonball, and Gu Shaoshang punched him more than ten meters away!

It was only then that Gu Shaoshang's voice echoed in the air.

"You said you were invincible?"

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