Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 184: I am invincible in this world!


The whole carriage behind Dongfang Invincible smashed into pieces of mahogany, and was swept away by the hurricane wind.

The two horses pulling the cart didn't even have time to let out a scream, and they were torn into pieces of flesh and blood by Gu Shaoshang's fierce fist wind, staining a large area of ​​blood!


Dongfang Invincible fell heavily on the ground, pulling a gully several meters long in the snow like a plow.

horrible! Terrible! Dreadful!

Regardless of the enemy or the enemy, everyone's faces are all jumping wildly, not only are they shocked by the power of Gu Shaoshang's punch!

It is even more unexpected that the invincible Dongfang, who was still invincible just now, was punched by Gu Shao and flew more than ten feet in an instant.


Jia Bu and other Sun Moon God sect masters changed their faces, looking unbelievable.

"God Fist! Divine Fist!"

Mi Youqiao was full of admiration from the bottom of his heart. Only when he faced the momentum of Dongfang Invincible just now did he know how powerful Dongfang Invincible was.

As for Gu Shaoshang, who can knock him flying with one punch, how incredible his strength should be.

Zhuge is smiling on my face, and I am also amazed in my heart.

Under Gu Shaoshang's punch, he could clearly sense that although Dongfang Invincible was a little caught off guard, the sunflower infuriating energy already communicated with the power of heaven and earth within a radius of ten feet!

And Gu Shaoshang threw a punch, and the entire space where Dongfang Invincible was located seemed to be blown away by a punch!

Such a mighty force, such a punch!

The name of Divine Fist is well deserved!

Only Gu Shao was injured and his face remained unchanged. Although he understood that the punch did not seriously injure Dongfang Invincible, he did not take it seriously.

"very good!"

Dongfang Invincible spit out two words, and two scorching airflows spewed from his mouth and nose.

As soon as he shouted the slogan of invincibility, he was punched into the air. Even with the undefeated heart of the East, a demonic fire could not help but rise in his heart!

He lowered his head and looked at the pure red makeup on his body, and there was a gap torn apart by Gu Shaoshang's fierce fist.

Dongfang Invincible looked indifferent, looked up suddenly, and looked at Gu Shaoshang: "How dare you! How dare you hurt..."

"Too much nonsense!"

Gu Shaoshang spoke indifferently, interrupting Dongfang Unbeaten's words, and stomped hard again!


The ground that had been shattered for a long time shattered, and the frozen ground that was frozen like steel within 50 feet of Gu Shaoshang's feet suddenly sank!

The violent Gangfeng suddenly rose, and Gu Shaoshang's hurricane figure was faster than the sound!

The voice has not yet landed, but he has already stepped out more than 20 feet in one step, and his fist is raised straight through, as if the ancient gods raised a divine axe, and slammed down!

Under Gu Shaoshang's punch, the air really seemed to be split in half by the violent force, and the indescribable terrifying power suffocated Dongfang Invincible's words before he could speak!

A coldness like frost suddenly appeared on Dongfang Invincible's face. The red sleeves spread out like a red cloud. Under the wind of Gu Shaoshang's fist, it suddenly moved a foot horizontally!


It was as if a huge cannonball exploded on the ground, and the overwhelming rubble and soil roared and shot in all directions!


The gravel and soil that blasted away like a strong bow shot up, screaming screams from the Sun Moon God Sect who were about to step forward.

"Not bad! Come again!"

Gu Shaoshang's eyes lit up, this was the first person to dodge his fist after he came to Daming World!

Missing a punch, Gu Shaoshang raised his arm and received a silver needle from Dongfang Invincible!


Gu Shaoshang's arm suddenly turned golden, and the silver needle of Dongfang's invincibility bounced off!

It was Gu Shaoshang who studied the effect of the Vajra Indestructible Magic in the past year, but put a layer of golden film on any part of the body at will!

Its defensive power is nearly double that of Gu Shao's own injury!

If Gu Shaoshang activates the King Kong Indestructible Magic, even the large-caliber sniper bullets in the Dragon and Snake World don't want to shoot through his oily skin!

I don't know how much stronger than the ancient three links!


Dongfang Invincible missed a single move, and with Gu Shaoshang's anti-shock power, he bounced up to the water level of more than ten meters above the water level as if nothing.

The sunflower infuriating energy was fully activated, and the speed of the time was unbelievably fast. In the wind and snow that filled the sky, countless red shadows were drawn!

Dongfang Invincible's face is full of killing intent, and there are dozens of cold silver needles between his fingers!

Howling, sweeping the red shadows in the sky, blasting away from all directions!

Dongfang Invincible's heart was ruthless, the silver needles between the ten fingers were all red, not to mention the human body, even steel would have to pierce thousands of holes in an instant!

Gu Shaoshang stood in the snow, never pursued, looking at the red shadow in the sky with indifferent eyes, an inexplicable smile leaked on his face.

call! call!

In an instant, he only saw Gu Shaoshang standing in the snow, as if the red clouds in the sky were gathering around him!


In the countless symphony of gold and iron, a red shadow suddenly retreated.


Dongfang Invincible swept several dozen feet in the snow with a gloomy face, and between his fingers, there were dozens of broken silver needles.

"You actually! Take me for a try!"

Dongfang Invincible took a deep breath, suppressed the boiling anger in his heart, and finally turned into a cold killing intent, looked at Gu Shaoshang, and said lightly.

"Not bad! Unfortunately, you found out!"

Gu Shaoshang glanced at the tattered black robe all over his body, smiled lightly, and answered with a pity.

How many magic tricks has he learned these days? Even if it is slowly incorporated into its own system, it is not easy to do it!

It takes at least decades of grinding. If you have a whetstone, you can practice your own martial arts, and the natural speed is much faster.

And where in the world is there such a good sharpening stone as Dongfang Invincible? Therefore, before Gu Shaoshang, even the blood energy was not activated!

Otherwise, wouldn't it be a joke if he couldn't beat Dongfang Unbeaten, who was caught off guard, with a single punch?

"Never die!"

Dongfang Invincible's face suddenly calmed down, but the killing intent in his words was about to break through the sky! Since his debut, how has he suffered such humiliation!

This hatred can only be resolved by death!

Sunflower infuriating energy rises from Dongfang Invincible's body, as if the sun is rising, a violent high temperature rises!

Under the red glow of the sky, Dongfang Invincible seemed to have turned into a big fireball!

With him as the center, the snow within a radius of several dozen meters melted immediately, and near him, water vapor rose up in the sky!

Gu Shaoshang looked around, and with his eyesight, he could naturally see how huge the Sunflower True Qi in Dongfang Invincible was! In the sky full of clouds and mist, the air seems to be under high temperature, and violent folds have occurred!

This kind of infuriating is simply terrifying!

Under such terrifying infuriating energy, no matter whether it is to let me go, or Zhu ignores it, the skills of countless people he has absorbed in his life are not as good as the undefeated situation in the east at this time!

"Is this the power that can be exerted by borrowing the power of heaven and earth after breaking through the bottleneck?"

Amidst everyone's astonishment, Zhuge Zheng I murmured.

I can't help but yearn for it, this kind of power is no longer something mortals can resist!


"Amitabha! Unexpectedly, just a single thought at that time would raise this peerless great demon! The poor monk's sin, sin!"

In the woods in the distance, Fang Zheng sighed and said to Chong Xu with a shocked expression.

"No! Master Fangzheng's words are not true. The Zhu family started in the martial arts, but after taking power, they tried their best to clean up the martial arts and help puppets like the Sun Moon God Sect, with the intention of controlling the world's martial arts! I waited for a lot of planning. It's really helpless!"

Chong Xu came back to his senses, looked at Fang Zheng with a face of shame, and said with disapproval.

"In short, regardless of the outcome of this battle, the winner will endanger the martial arts, and I should inform the ancestors as soon as possible!"

Fang Zheng chanted a Buddha's name in a low voice and slowly opened his mouth.

"Unfortunately, the Patriarch lives in no fixed place all the year round, and it is very difficult to inform you!"

Chong Xu shook his head and smiled bitterly. His ancestor, Taoist Sanfeng, has traveled all over the world for many years. In his life, he was only above the ceremony of succession, and he had only heard from his master.

It is unknown if he is alive or not!

"For the longevity of my martial arts, I wait, I have to do it!"

Fang Zheng put his hands together, lowered his head, and stopped speaking.


call! call!

Gu Shaoshang stood indifferently, resisting the urge to shoot, and looked at Dongfang Invincible attentively.

In his induction, Dongfang Invincible's Sunflower True Qi in the heaven and earth, and its special vibration method, suddenly magnified thousands of times!

This is not just his power, but more, turning himself into a point to get more powerful power!

"But that's all!"

Gu Shaoshang suddenly sighed.

Under everyone's attention, he stepped suddenly, bowed, and shot out!


His tyrannical body suddenly burst out with all the strength, and suddenly, a pure red blood energy that was visible to the naked eye like a glass of glass rose to the sky for dozens of feet, like a dragon roaring up to the sky!


In the terrifying explosion sound like a group of thunders, the surrounding space fluctuated like the surface of the water. Within ten feet of Gu Shaoshang, it seemed like the sky was collapsing, the earth shook, and countless pieces of soil and gravel rose into the sky!

Stepping out dozens of feet in one step, the fist mark rushes straight, like a sacred mountain rising horizontally, smashing to the east without defeat!

"Impossible! Impossible!"

In the steam, the whole body was up and down, and even the hair pupils turned into bright red Dongfang Invincible. The moment Gu Shaoshang launched, he felt a huge death crisis enveloped him!

Seeing the power of Gu Shao's fist, he couldn't help shaking his whole body, and his red hair suddenly stood up!

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Dongfang Invincible let out a mournful howl that was like a dying The sunflower infuriating energy all over his body suddenly closed, his body bent down like a horse, his arms suddenly folded, and he pushed flat!

Parry to Gu Shaoshang's unbelievably violent and terrifying fist mark!


All parrying is futile!

Dongfang Invincible's proud Sunflower True Qi was smashed by a blow like a piece of paper before Gu Shaoshang's fist mark!

The gathering of the power of heaven and earth cannot be stopped!

The arm that parried was instantly shattered into a puddle of meat!

Almost without any cover, he was punched in the chest by Gu Shaoshang!

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