Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 190: Sleeping fairy!

"Great master!"

The two looked at each other with a sense of crisis at the same time.

Before the two walked all the way, although there were some thieves who cut the diameter for the two to practice, but where have they seen such a master as Lao Dao!

If it was normal, with Gu Shaoshang by his side, even if the sky collapsed, both of them had confidence in their masters.

But at this time, Gu Shaoshang was still treating his little junior brother in the carriage. Just by looking at the white smoke, he knew that he had done a great job at this time, and he must not be disturbed!

"I don't know why seniors are blocking my way?"

Zhang Yi pressed down with the palm of his hand and held the magic knife "Xiaolou** listen to the spring rain" at his waist.

She knew in her heart how terrifying this magic knife was. Even the master said that although he had smelted it with blood, it was not foolproof.

Before her skill is fully developed, it is very likely that she will be controlled by the sword and become a sword slave! But in a critical moment, even if you become a sword slave, you must stop this enemy for a moment for your master!


Lao Dao's eyes were tightly closed, and the two air currents reciprocated between his mouth and nose like a dragon, setting off a gust of wind whistling like a hurricane!

horrible! horrible!

Even though Yunluo and Yunluo's martial arts are superficial, but with Gu Shaoshang's side, they can understand that the old Taoist in front of him is really no less than his own master, or even stronger!

Seeing that Lao Dao was silent, Zhang Yi and Yun Luo did not dare to step forward for a while.

At this time, the old man suddenly opened his eyes, stretched his waist, and recited a poem in his mouth: "Sleeping God, Sleeping God, Shigen is lying high and forgetting his years, Sanguang's sexuality is self-rounded... Sloppy Taoist Zhang Fengxian!"

The old Taoist priest was tall and slender, seven or eight feet tall, his complexion was as crystal clear as jade, ruddy and delicate like a baby, with a long silver beard more than a foot long under his jaw, and his silver hair was full of roots, although his Taoist robe was torn , Contaminated with soil, but has a free and easy indifference to the grand master.

"The little girl is so unreasonable, Lao Dao slept sweetly beside the road, when will you block your way?"

The old Taoist smiled slightly, revealing the fine teeth in his mouth.

"Forty teeth! Same as the master!"

Zhang Yi had a secret in her heart. She had heard from the master that when a person cultivated his muscles to the fullest level, he would have forty teeth in his mouth!

This is called "the tooth of the saint" in the Taoist Buddhist scriptures! According to legend, the World Honored Sakyamuni had forty teeth before he attained enlightenment!

The old Taoist just smiled, and Zhang Yi felt that his heart almost stopped beating, and his palms were cold.

"Sloppy Taoist Zhang Fengxian! you...the Patriarch of Sanfeng!"

Yunluo, who had been thinking hard since she heard the old Taoist poem number, suddenly exclaimed and almost fainted!

Zhang Sanfeng! Zhang sloppy! "Yulong Sixth Patriarch Hidden Immortal Fuhuaxuwei Pudu Tianzun"! "Through microscopic visualization of real people"!

Since the Ming Dynasty, many emperors have enshrined Zhang Sanfeng and respected his status! Even her elder brother, the emperor Zhu Houzhao of the dynasty, once decreed him as "Taoguang Shangzhi Zhenxian"!

Under the reflection of countless names, it is like a mythical existence!

This is not human! This is a land fairy!

All kinds of thoughts manifested in Yunluo's mind, and she almost fell to her knees!

"Zhang......Zhang Zhenren!!"

Zhang Yi shook his body and almost fell to the ground.

Even if she had never heard Zhang Sanfeng's poem number, as a citizen of Daming, how could she not understand the meaning of this name?

If Dongfang Invincible is the number one in the world for more than ten years, then the old Taoist priest in front of him has dominated the world for 120 to 30 years since his debut!

Until his suspended animation escaped, he was well-deserved number one in the world!

There are many great masters through the ages!

Even if they have confidence in Gu Shaoshang, at this moment, Zhang Yi and Yunluo's hearts are freezing to the bone!

"I don't know how many little girls know where Gu Shaoxia is in the world? The old man has been waiting here for a long time!"

Zhang Laodao got up from the slate and smiled faintly.

"Zhang Zushi, you...... What are you looking for my master?"

Zhang Yi gritted his teeth, tried to calm down the shock in his heart, and asked in a trembling voice.

Her cold palms regained the grip of the knife at her waist, almost exhausting all the courage in her life.

"The little girl wants to block the old way?"

There is a glimmer of admiration in Zhang Laodao's eyes. In the world, there are not many people who can use the courage to draw a sword after knowing his identity. Although the aptitude of this little girl in front of him is not good, she is really a Taoist and martial arts practitioner. good seedlings.

A hint of love for talent rose in his heart, but Zhang Sanfeng took a step forward instead.


Obviously Zhang Sanfeng only stepped out of the ground less than two feet, but Zhang Yi felt a huge pressure that turned the world upside down, like a mountain topple!


Zhang Yi's face was pale and bloodless. Under this unimaginable pressure, his body was under an unimaginable pressure!

"I don't... can't go back!"

She tried her best to suppress the fear in her heart. Under the huge pressure brought by Zhang Sanfeng, the blood vessels in her whole body suddenly protruded, her palms erupted vigorously, and inch by inch, the magic knife around her waist "Xiaolou listens to the spring rain" unplug!


At the moment when the machete was unsheathed, Zhang Yi only felt that his body was empty, and his eyes turned black, but he felt a sense of pleasure that he had never had before!

Scenes of the past flashed in front of her eyes. When she was a child, she was learning to walk, her parents died tragically at the hands of robbers, and she lived with her grandfather.... Grandpa died.... The master held his hand, Sweeping out the masters of the Sun Moon God Cult...Practice martial arts...Practice martial arts...Practice boxing!


A mysterious and mysterious feeling rises from the tail vertebra, crosses the spine, the back of the head, and the coolness repeatedly rushes to the Huining point on the top of the head!

Ka Ka Ka!

Her muscles and bones sounded like a cannonball, and the skin around her body was red as if on fire!


In the sound of air like boiling water, Zhang Yi's pores opened and closed, creating a mist of hot air!


Under the pressure of Zhang Sanfeng, she broke through the bottleneck that had not been broken for a long time, and was promoted to Hua Jin!

"Not bad! Not bad! Very good! Very good!"

Zhang Sanfeng stroked his beard with a smile and nodded, the majestic momentum in the air suddenly dissipated like a breeze.

The old Taoist stepped over Zhang Yi step by step, reached out and took the magic knife "Xiaolou ** Ting Chunyu" from her hand, shook his head and said, "Little girl, what are you doing with such a knife! Your master should be beaten? !"

Whether it's him walking or taking the magic knife from Zhang Yi's hand, whether it's Yunluo or Zhang Yi who has just broken through the transformation force, there is no response at all, even if he shouts in his heart I can't move my whole body!

Clearly awake, but like a dream!

This kind of martial arts is completely beyond the imagination of the two.

call! call!

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew up, and the perspiration like clouds and mist rose from the carriage, forming a huge mushroom cloud that was several feet high!

In the midst of this **, a faint voice came out: "Zhang Zhenren, her master is here, do you want to hit me?"


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