Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 191: Tai Chi master!

In the bubbling sweat, Gu Shaoshang took the red-faced Li ** out of the carriage, let go of his hand, and let the little guy walk to Zhang Yi's side.

"I don't know if Zhang Zhenren is here, what advice do you have?"

Seeing that Li ** went to help Zhang Yiyunluo, the three apprentices pushed them away, Gu Shaoshang said lightly.

Even if he knew for a long time that Zhang Sanfeng might still be alive, seeing him, even with Gu Shaoshang's heart, could not help but shake his heart.

Who is Zhang Sanfeng? In later generations, a great Confucian once said, "There are countless practitioners of Taoism in ancient and modern times, and Zhang Sanfeng is the one who has achieved the creation of heaven and earth!"

What kind of reverence is this?

Therefore, even with the strength of Gu Shaoshang's martial arts at this time, he did not dare to neglect the great master in front of him!

"I once heard the sons and daughters of the unfilial disciples say that there is a great person in this world. The old Taoist was so quiet that he couldn't help but come to see it."

Zhang Laodao stopped and looked carefully at the young man in front of him.

This young man looks like a boy of sixteen or seventeen years old, with a long knife on his waist, and under a black robe, on his delicate face, his expression is indifferent, only a pair of eyes reveals a shocking burst Divine light.

"How does that real Zhang look after Gu?"

Gu Shaoshang twitched the corner of his mouth, revealing a faint smile.

"It's really amazing! When the old man is your age, I'm afraid it's not as good as you!"

Zhang Sanfeng nodded in admiration.

He has a wealth of experience in his life, but he has never seen such an outstanding young man as Gu Shaoshang.

"Zhang Zhenzhen really just came to see Gu? No other ideas?"

Gu Shaoshang frowned, unable to detect any hostility in Zhang Sanfeng's body, but he really didn't believe it. Zhang Sanfeng came here just to look at himself.


Zhang Sanfeng laughed dumbly, and looked at Gu Shaoshang to restrain his smile: "I'm just going to see how amazing the young man's boxing skills are!"

Zhang Laodao threw it away, threw the magic knife in his hand, and with a whistle, it fell into the scabbard of Zhang Yi, who was standing more than ten meters away.

He didn't even put on his posture, and stood loosely all over, like an ordinary old man.

"I'm just about to see the Taijiquan that Zhang Zhenren has passed down through the ages!"

Gu Shaoshang raised his brows, and the intense fighting intent in his eyes burned like flames.

No matter what Zhang Sanfeng was here for, but since he came to him, Gu Shaoshang would definitely not miss the opportunity to ask this great master for lessons.


Gu Shaoshang restrained all his emotions, stepped forward with an indifferent expression, and with a loud bang, the air around him seemed to condense into a solid body, which was smashed by Gu Shaoshang with a collision!


Amidst the billowing sound, he stepped out ten feet in one step, clenched his fist on his waist with one hand, raised his fist straight up, and suddenly closed his five fingers together. With the sound of the air being crushed, the fist marks were pinched and rumbling towards Zhang Sanfeng. Press away!

In the face of a great master like Zhang Sanfeng, Gu Shaoshang did not dare to neglect him at all, except that his blood had not been stimulated yet, he had already used his full strength!

The shot is the "continuous" that it has polished for decades.

And at this time, it has absorbed the essence of countless magical martial arts, but not only is it not complicated, but it is much more streamlined than when this style was first established!

At first glance, it is as simple as a three-year-old child can imitate it!

But when it was used in Gu Shaoshang's hands, the power was incredible. At the moment when the fist print was pinched, the air within 50 feet of Gu Shaoshang's body seemed to be crushed by the whole body. Uprooted dozens of trees on both sides of the official road!

As early as when Gu Shaoshang made his move, Zhang Yi raised the sluggish Yunluo and Li **, retreated several dozen meters away, and fell to the ground by the violent wind!

At the moment, I was in awe, and my master's boxing skills have improved a lot compared to before!


The violent gang wind lifted Zhang Laodao's silver hair, and the broad robe on his body rattled in the strong wind. Seeing Gu Shaoshang's fist mark pressing down, there was a hint of amazement in his eyes, and his arms slowly lifted from his waist. rise.

"Not bad! Not bad!"

The corner of Zhang Laodao's mouth was smiling, and at the moment when Gu Shaoshang slammed his fist, he slowly raised his arms from his waist, gently as if brushing over the water, holding a lead and mercury in his arms. The big ball, pressing the two arms in front of each other and raising it obliquely, seems to be slow, but in fact it is approaching the extreme, and instantly recruits Gu Shaoshang's violent and violent "Continuous!"

"The wild horse splits its mane!"

Gu Shaoshang's eyelids twitched. Even though Zhang Sanfeng was raised indefinitely in his heart, he still underestimated the strength of the old Taoist. He is a Taijiquan master himself.

However, Zhang Sanfeng used this style under Zhang Sanfeng, and the gang wind that was almost visible to the naked eye gathered around his body under the caress of his arm, forming a Tai Chi map that was about ten feet in size!


Zhang Sanfeng's expression didn't change, the corner of his mouth was smiling, and he pressed his arm forward, parrying Gu Shaoshang's incessant interruption. The stone slabs within a few feet of his feet, together with the ground, sank more than a foot deep, but strangely there was not even a trace of cracking. !

At the moment when the fists clashed, Gu Shaoshang's complexion changed, and he only felt that under his punch, it was not Zhang Sanfeng who was attacking, but the space around him!


The strong wind whipped up the dust all over the sky, the space where Zhang Sanfeng was shaking slightly, and Gu Shao hurt the whole person and then leaned up, almost backing up!


Gu Shaoshang's face suddenly flushed red, and the sound of blood all over his body was like a tsunami in the sea, pouring out of his body!

His entire body made a sound of bone bursting like a cannonball, and his large tendons were like a strong bow being wound, making a series of loud "collapse" sounds!

In the midst of such a huge movement, Gu Shaoshang forced his backing body up, his fist marks bounced high, and the hurricane blasting airflow, slammed into Zhang Sanfeng again!

"What a fierce little guy!"

Zhang Sanfeng sighed, and suddenly his shoulders and hips were flat, his palms abruptly retracted from his armpits and protruded inwardly, without jumping forward, without leaning back, his raised palms once again met Gu Shaoshang's incessantness! It is the "like closed" of Taijiquan!


Gu Shaoshang's fist marks are unparalleled, and Zhang Sanfeng's Taijiquan is even more extreme. Under Gu Shaoshang's continuous and continuous smashing, he did not retreat half a step, and he made hard connections, neither dodging, nor evading, nor attacking!


Gu Shao was very happy in his sadness, he couldn't help shouting loudly, and he raised his arm again, sweating all over his body!

"Continuously"! "Continuously"! "Continuously"!

smash! smash! smash!

Taijiquan one after another resorted to Mustang split mane! "It's like it's closed, it's closed", "stop the sparrow's tail", "highly detect the horse", "cross hands"... One move and one style, forcibly take Gu Shaoshang a thousand punches, constantly!


With a loud bang, the two separated.

"Very good! Zhang Zhenzhen is indeed a master of Tai Chi! If you can take the next punch! Then I will let you handle it!"

The two stood ten feet apart, Gu Shaoshang's eyes were full of fighting intent, looked at Zhang Sanfeng, and said lightly.


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