Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 192: The strongest punch! (Xie Shuyou, do you still want it? Rewards!)


A slight breeze blew through, bringing a wave of heat.

On the messy ground, Gu Shaoshang and Zhang Sanfeng stood a dozen feet apart.

For Zhang Sanfeng, Gu Shaoshang had to admire, a thousand punches!

A thousand punches, take them all!

Hot sweat steamed from Gu Shaoshang's body. After a fight, Gu Shaoshang already understood that Zhang Sanfeng's realm was beyond the Eastern Invincibility, and he was even stronger than himself at this time!

With the same mobilization of the power of heaven and earth, in Zhang Sanfeng's every move, heaven and earth follow each other. Although Gu Shaoshang's fist strength is great, he can't break the void in the end!

And if the blockade of heaven and earth is not broken, Zhang Sanfeng will not be injured!

Even if the blood energy was not stimulated before, Gu Shaoshang understood that even if the blood energy was stimulated, it might not be able to break the void and hurt Zhang Sanfeng.

His Tai Chi is so tyrannical, in a push, it is as if the surrounding space of ten meters is crushed!

It's as if you raised your fist to hit the sky, where did you hurt the world?

However, it does not mean that there is no way for Gu Shaoshang!

Gu Shaoshang's indifferent voice sounded in the sky above the official road.

Ten years of dragons and snakes, ten years of the world in the mirror, and two years in the world of Ming Dynasty, I have collected countless Buddhist scriptures and practiced countless magic tricks. He has comprehended the essence of his natal supernatural power "Sparrow-tailed Mantis Shrimp"!

Even if one percent of the power of the supernatural power cannot be exerted, there is no such terrifying sequelae!

"It's just a pity! I haven't been able to integrate this magical power into my continuous work!"

Gu Shao sighed sadly, but his eyes became brighter and brighter. In the end, it was like two little suns that made people dare not look directly at them!

The power of his magical power is already incredible, so even if Gu Shaoshang has realized a little of its essence, it is extremely difficult to integrate it into his strongest boxing technique!

Heaven and earth are strong! I will break it by myself!

Void is undefeated, I will break the void!

"Sure enough, you can afford the word "God Fist"! In the world of boxing, you are number one!"

The smile on Zhang Sanfeng's face disappeared, his expression was slightly solemn, Gu Shaoshang's punching power exceeded his imagination, no longer casual, but treated as a master of the same realm!

Gu Shaoshang punched a thousand punches constantly, no one in the whole world can follow without damage!

Even him, at this moment, can't help floating with blood! If it wasn't for the opening of the acupoints in the past 100 years, I'm afraid I would have been injured before!

"Take the punch!"

Gu Shaoshang exhaled, and two huge waves of air that were visible to the naked eye spit out from his mouth, turning into air masses of several meters in size and rising up!

In the thunderstorm-like loud noise, Gu Shaoshang's body suddenly fluctuated, and a mighty sacred aura rose up all over his body, containing his tyrannical fist.

Although it is a standing stand, it looks like a Buddha sitting on a lotus pedestal and smiling.

It is like the Taoist ancestor preaching in Jiuzhongtian all his life.

It is more like the Jade Emperor Datian Zun sitting in the Lingxiao Hall, and the gods worship!

This is exactly what Gu Shaoshang learned when he was recuperating from his injury for half a year, taking the spirit of his heart and summarizing it!

"God worship me!"

Amazingly, with its most fundamental frame, "God worships me", it accommodates the terrifying power of the "Sparrow-tailed Mantis Shrimp" supernatural power!


In the terrifying sound, it was like a group of thunders exploded!

Gu Shaoshang's face was neither happy nor sad, his whole body was flushed red like glass-like blood surging suddenly, like a roaring dragon, suddenly hovering above his right arm!

Afterwards, Gu Shaoshang's right arm rose from his waist up from his chest, and his five fingers suddenly folded together like five mountains, pinching out a fist mark, and the fist mark slammed towards Zhang Sanfeng from a distance of more than ten feet!

It turned out to be the simplest "punch punch"!

Whoa whoa whoa!

Whoa whoa whoa!

The moment Gu Shaoshang punched, bursts of air tearing like howls of ghosts and wolves resounded for miles around! Even the three Yunluo, who had retreated several dozen meters away, couldn't help but hugged each other and backed away in horror!


It's like a huge wave of hundreds of feet in the sea suddenly rushed down! All the big trees within a radius of dozens of feet were uprooted! The soil and stones within a few dozen feet of the earth roared into the sky!

So scary! So violent!

In the face of Gu Shaoshang's punch, even Zhang Sanfeng, who has been in the world for hundreds of years, can't help but change his face!

With his eyesight, he could see at a glance how terrifying Gu Shaoshang's punch was! But what shocked him even more was Gu Shaoshang's "God worships me" airs!

"Good boy! Good fist! Good air!"

"Good! Good! Good!"

Fist wind howls like this, Zhang Sanfeng suddenly shouted hello three times in a row! The silver-white beard and hair flew up, the large and tattered Taoist robe swelled up, and all over his body, a mellow and incomparably pure yang qi burst out!

At the same time as Gu Shaoshang's fist marks were blasted out, the whole body glowed with red light, and vaguely, under the red light that was stronger than the bright sun at noon in summer, there was seven o'clock, and the flickering light was on Its body lights up!

Like the Big Dipper in the night sky, it suddenly swayed down!

But under Gu Shaoshang's punch, he used the power of the acupoints he opened up!

Zhang Laodao's face suddenly calmed down, his eyes were as calm as the sea, his hands were lifted from the sides of his legs, the back of his hands were lifted lightly, and he pushed forward with his palms! Meet Gu Shaoshang's punch head-on!

It is actually in Tai Chi, the starting style!

A basic boxing punch! A Tai Chi starter!


The world suddenly lost its voice!

The air is like a water wave torn out a black gap so small that it is invisible!

Then, endless red light is released! The whole earth shook violently like an earthquake, and the ground where the two were fighting burst apart, opening countless huge cracks several feet wide and ten feet long!


Knowing that at this time, the mud and stones thrown up by Gu Shaoshang when he punched the sky fell to the ground with the loud noise of the air tearing!

Fluttering trees, like straw, fell from the sky to the ground.



Bang bang bang!

A piece of red light suddenly went out, Gu Shaoshang's long hair fluttered all over, and there were no strands all over his body. He stood naked in the crack of the ground, his fists and palms were facing each other, and a huge explosion sound like thunder sounded from Gu Shaoshang's body. !

tear it up! tear it up!

On Gu Shaoshang's naked body, UU reads www. suddenly tore out countless terrifying wounds! Immediately grow rapidly under his ** self-healing power!

Then it broke again! Grow again! It wasn't until dozens of times that Gu Shaoshang's face was pale and bloodless, and he couldn't help sitting on the ground, gasping for breath!

However, Zhang Sanfeng, whose Taoist robe was made of unknown material, was not torn too much under Gu Shaoshang's punch. However, after Gu Shaoshang sat on the ground, he remained motionless!


After a long time, Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but open his mouth and spit out a blood-red scorching white gas that shot several meters away!


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