Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 193: Laughed! (Xie Liuting's study room reward!)

Gu Shaoshang sat on the ground, his internal organs were in severe pain, and his muscles and bones were sore and weak. He knew in his heart that the pressure of this magical power on the body was too great. Scrap.


He gasped for breath, feeling vulnerable like never before.

[The Mirror Master defeated Zhang Sanfeng, the most powerful man in the Daming world, and obtained 5,000 source power points! 】

Gu Shaoshang looked at Zhang Sanfeng, who was standing on his own, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth.

I feel that this old Taoist is really speechless. If Gu Shaoshang was injured by the pressure of this fist, then Zhang Sanfeng, who had endured all the power of this fist, was definitely not as simple as it seemed on the surface.


With a long breath, Zhang Sanfeng only felt a buzzing sound in his mind, and it took a long while to relax: "What a sturdy boxing technique! It almost broke the bones of the old man!"

He spread out his hands slowly, and slowly began to play Tai Chi on the ruins. Each move was even slower than the old ladies Gu Shaoshang had seen in the Dragon and Snake World.


Threads of breath steamed up beside Zhang Sanfeng, and it wasn't until he repeated a set of Taijiquan three or four times that he sat on the ground without the slightest grandmaster's bearing.

"Shame! Shame!"

Zhang Sanfeng sat on the ground, his silver hair was broken, and his Taoist robe was no better than a beggar.

But he muttered, but his face didn't change at all.

Gu Shaoshang saw that he was in a state of embarrassment, but his demeanor was free and easy, and he was secretly amazed.

"The real person, I have something to ask for, and I also ask the real person to help me!"

Gu Shaoshang suddenly spoke.

"Huh? What's the matter, little friend, please speak."

Zhang Sanfeng was stunned for a moment, and his mind was still a little dizzy.

"Borrow a real Taoist robe for use."

Gu Shaoshangyao saw his three apprentices coming from a distance, his old face couldn't help blushing and said.

"What did you say before, little friend?"

Zhang Sanfeng asked as if he had just woken up from a dream.

"Borrow a real Taoist robe for use."

"Not this sentence, the previous sentence!"

"The real person, I have something to ask for, and I also ask the real person to help me!"

"The old man can't help you!"

Zhang Laodao laughed when he looked at Gu Shaoshang with a black face.


Seeing that Gu Shaoshang and the two did not move for a long time, Zhang Yicai and Yunluo walked over slowly, holding Li **'s hand.

Seeing the terrifying scene of dozens of feet like a dragon turning over, he couldn't help smacking his tongue.

After walking two steps, I saw the two people who had been fighting before, sitting on the ground, chatting happily.

"Master!......Real people!!"

Walking in, the three of them were dumbfounded.

I saw Gu Shaoshang wearing his upper body, with Zhang Sanfeng's Taoist robe wrapped around his waist, a bald head shining in the sun, reflecting a dazzling light, making the three of them dare not look directly.

And the land **** is also like Zhang Zhenren, wearing an inner robe, sitting on the ground without any image.

"Okay! Help Zhang Zhenren to the carriage."

Under the gaze of the three apprentices, Gu Shaoshang's face, which couldn't even shoot through a strong bow, became hot, and he quickly sank and shouted.

In fact, he was exhausted at this time, except for walking without hindrance, he didn't even have the strength to induce hair.

However, it was better than Zhang Sanfeng, who was sitting on the ground immobile after playing a few sets of Tai Chi!

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes Yes!"

Zhang Yi and the two held Zhang Sanfeng up in awe and looked back and forth, unable to help but be dumbfounded.

Only then did I discover that the horse pulling the cart had already disappeared!


The two girls supported an old Taoist priest who only wore an inner robe, and a young boy held a single knife and pulled a bald young man with a Taoist robe around his waist.

A group of people walked into Baoding City amid countless onlookers.

Baoding City, after night falls, a certain inn.

In the stunned eyes of the diners, Gu Shaoshang swept away the meat in the entire inn before walking to the guest room on the second floor.

On the couch, Laodao Zhang sat cross-legged, strands of air circulated in Kou Bijian, and it took a long time before he opened his eyes.

"How is Zhang Zhenren recovering!"

After entering the guest room, Gu Shaoshang said with a slight smile.

As he spoke, visible hair grew out, and in a short while it grew into a shawl.

"so far so good!"

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head. Most of the strength of Gu Shaoshang's punch was still removed by his Tai Chi strength, but with only some remaining strength, he suffered extremely serious internal injuries.

There is no recovery at all without a month or two.

"But I don't know, what exactly is Zhang Zhenren here to find me? Is it because I learned your Pure Yang Wuji Gong?"

Gu Shaoshang sat on the chair and raised his brows.

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head: "Since I escaped from suspended animation, I have traveled around to see the mysteries of heaven and earth. For many years, I have never returned to Wudang. As soon as I returned to the Central Plains this time, I heard that there was a young man who was invincible in boxing. Come!"

Speaking of this, Lao Dao smiled bitterly. He really did not expect that the young man in front of him was clearly not in the realm, but his punching power was in a mess, and he couldn't even catch the pure Yang Zhenqi he had accumulated for hundreds of years.

"I see!"

Gu Shaoshang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Even at his age, this old Taoist still had a pure heart, and he acted entirely by his own temperament. This old man fell to the ground.

"But I don't know, how many people in the world can compete with real people?"

Gu Shaoshang asked suddenly. With his eyesight, he could see that Zhang Sanfeng's whole body was at least able to survive under the nourishment of pure yang infuriating energy, especially the support of the seven acupoints in his body. Hundred and ten years of life.

Before Zhang Sanfeng, there might not have been such a person.

"This time around the world, I found some good players, but at most, they are not as good as you, my little friend!"

Zhang Sanfeng suddenly sighed lightly, and said: "Shaolin Back Mountain, Bodhidharma should still be there! After he created Shaolin, he sat in the dry meditation for hundreds of years, but even so, his lifespan has come to an end. !"

Zhang Sanfeng suddenly started talking, and some secret things in the martial arts came one by one.

Since the Southern and Northern Dynasties, there have been so many people who have practiced martial arts in the rivers and lakes, but no matter how talented they are, they will never reach the peak of the innate, and it is difficult to reach the number of hundred and fifty!

Until a little novice from Shaolin made his first shot, he defeated He Zudao, the three saints of Kunlun, but when he was weak, there were few enemies in the rivers and lakes! Already touched that layer of barrier!

Only to find out that this is the limit brought by the world! In the world, there is a lack of an indescribable thing in the pre-Qin period to practice Qi and Taoism. Later, a young man founded a school in Wudang Mountain and studied Taoist classics.

After sitting for more than a hundred years, I finally realized the way forward. I surpassed the number of lifespans of 150 years, and my lifespan reached 500!

A certain time when I went to Shaolin to remember my teacher, I found out that there was another ancestor who also broke through the limit.

"Bodhidharma is a real practitioner! In exchange for sitting in a dry position, he can live for nearly a thousand years in order to break through the barriers of the world!"

Zhang Sanfeng said here and sighed: "It's a pity, like the old way, I can hardly see the way forward!"

Lao Dao's tone is full of lonely sighs. After hundreds of years of hard pursuit, he has never seen the way forward. How unwilling and desperate is this?

"Why not change the world?"

Gu Shaoshang blurted out, only to realize that although Lao Dao is talented, he doesn't have his vision!

"Change the world? Change the world!"

Lao Dao muttered something in his mouth, and suddenly there was a ray of light in his eyes that made Gu Shaoshang Kaka!

The old Taoist suddenly stood up, wearing a brand-new Taoist robe, standing on the ground with bare feet, and bowed slightly to Gu Shaoshang: "Zhang Sanfeng will never forget the kindness of your little friend!"

After he finished speaking, he let out a long whistle, pushed open the door of the inn, whistled and disappeared.

An almighty like Zhang Sanfeng who is trapped in the world, once he attains enlightenment and gets rid of the shackles of the world, what kind of scene will it be?

Is there a time for goodbye?

Gu Shaoshang was slightly taken aback and smiled.



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