Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 195: Money help!

Gu Shaoshang sat on the top and remained silent.

Zhang Lao Dao is really a good old Dao, even if it is a broken void, he wants to pull himself.

However, Gu Shaoshang is not a person from this world. If he is directly broken into another world, he doesn't know what will happen. Even if the flow of time is different, he might be in turmoil when he returns to the vast continent.

"It seems that patron Gu has made a decision!"

Bodhidharma stood up, put his hands together, and said.

Although Bodhidharma is thin, in Gu Shaoshang's eyes, he has a perfect appearance, full of dragon and elephant power.

And in his voice, there is a full and full, full of power, the taste of broken gold and stone.


Zhang Sanfeng stood up, sighed, and while his sleeves danced, he stepped out of the hall with Bodhidharma. After a few steps, the two figures disappeared from Gu Shaoshang's sight.

The two of them only glanced at Gu Shaoshang in silence, turned around and left without any hesitation. Naturally, they understood in their hearts that it is difficult for people like Gu Shaoshang to make up their minds.

Gu Shaoshang put his hands down and watched the two leave. He had neither the idea of ​​shattering the void together, nor the idea of ​​going to watch it.

Although Zhang Sanfeng and Bodhidharma are both great masters, how dangerous the Shattered Void is. If there is a master like Gu Shaoshang on the side, it is inevitable to be distracted.

Not long after the two left, a young man with bright eyebrows walked out of the side hall, glanced at the silent Gu Shaoshang, and stood aside with his hands down.

This young man's thick black eyebrows slanted up to his temples, his deep eyes flashed with strange brilliance, and the bridge of his straight nose was a beautiful man, who was Gu Shaoshang's little disciple Li **.

"**, remember. When you can't make an inch in your cultivation, go to Kunlun Mountain and follow the footsteps of these two masters to shatter the void."

Gu Shao couldn't move, and suddenly said.

Speaking of his disciple, Gu Shao had to sigh in sadness, people are really different, if his aptitude is just an ordinary person, then his little disciple is simply a genius!

Not only did he sit on the crotch with Dan a few years ago, but he also practiced his pure yang qi to the point of innateness! The one-handed flying knife technique is even more unique in martial arts, but when it comes to flying knives, it is no longer under Gu Shaoshang!

If it is said that after Bodhidharma and Zhang Sanfeng, who can shatter the void, Gu Shaoshang thinks that it is only his disciple!

Perhaps, there is also Zhang Yi! Although Zhang Yi's aptitude is ordinary, he is only one line ahead of Gu Shaoshang in the past, but his mind is firm and his studies are hard. Although he is not as good as Li Tianzong's genius, he is more practical and stable.

"Master, aren't you going with Zhenren Zhang and the others?"

Li ** spoke in a low voice, her voice was magnetic and gentle.

"No! As a teacher, you have your own way to go!"

Gu Shaoshang turned around and glanced at his most proud apprentice.

Although Li ** was only eighteen years old at this time, he had already made a name for himself in the martial arts, and his martial arts skills were even better than his senior sister Zhang Yi.

"Inform your senior sister to come back, I have something to explain to you."

After Gu Shaoshang finished speaking, he sat back on the throne and closed his eyes.


Li ** replied respectfully, and had some guesses in her heart, but she still slowly exited the hall.


Li ** walked out of the hall, called his subordinates, and ordered him to call the two senior sisters back. As soon as he returned to his room, his subordinates came.

"Money Gang?! Shangguan Jinhong?"

After a while, Li ** shook the paper raft in his hand, turned it into flying smoke and disappeared into the air, frowning.

Although Gu Shaoshang is known as the King of Side by Side, who leads the world's martial arts, how can he be patient with these trivial matters? Because these things are managed by three disciples, and, under the shirk of the two senior sisters, Li ** is basically taking care of it.

"This Shangguan Jin Hong was one of the top 20 masters on the weapon list more than ten years ago. In the past ten years of seclusion, it seems that there has been a major breakthrough in martial arts. In a short period of time, he made a big name."

The subordinates in black armor bowed and brought the information one by one.

"Well, I see! You can step back for now!"

Li ** waved his hand and let him back down, thinking quietly.

As the disciple of the world's number one master, although Li ** is a peaceful person, he naturally has his own pride.

Even if he was the top 20 masters in the weapon spectrum that year, he would not be afraid.


A few days later, Zhang Yi and Yunluo came from the rivers and lakes, and after they met Gu Shaoshang in a chaotic manner, the four masters and apprentices sat at the table to eat and chat.

Yunluo and Zhang Yi from time to time shared some of their experiences in the arena and raised some martial arts questions.

Gu Shaoshang listened with a smile and explained one by one. He looked at his three disciples, not only Li ** had grown from a boy back then to a young man, but the two young girls back then had also grown up slim.

There is a touch of reluctance in Gu Shao's sadness. Compared with the lack of concern in the world of dragons and snakes, the fetters in Daming Jianghu are much deeper. He did not cut off his emotions, but slowly tasted the taste in his heart.

After eating, Gu Shaoshang took out three booklets from his sleeve robe and handed them to the three disciples.

"Among them, there is a little experience of practicing martial arts for the teacher, and a secret method. After the teacher leaves, you should be good students to practice."

Gu Shaoshang said lightly.

"Master, are you leaving?"


Except for Li ** who seemed to realize something, Yunluo and Zhang Yi were both shocked.

"You travel around the world, maybe you will leave this world directly later."

Gu Shaoshang spoke lightly, telling what happened to Bodhidharma and Zhang Sanfeng a few days ago.

"Master, take us with you!"

"Just like back then! Isn't it great that our master and apprentice walk the world together?"

Yun Luo and Zhang Yi were extremely reluctant, and the two world-famous heroines couldn't help but have tears in their eyes.

"Such a big girl, what are you doing to pester the master?"

Gu Shaoshang laughed dumbly, suppressed the throbbing in his heart, and patted the two girls on the shoulders.


A gust of wind whistled past, and Gu Shaoshang's figure had disappeared.




The three of them were shocked and shouted.

Even if Li ** had expected it earlier, she never expected that Gu Shaoshang would be so straightforward, not dragging its feet at all, saying that she would leave without a moment's delay.

The brothers and sisters shouted and ran out of the hall, but there was still Gu Shaoshang's figure, so they could only go away.


In the high sky where the turbulent air was floating, Gu Shaoshang looked at the three apprentices, feeling a little melancholy for no reason, but he was firm in the end, and after a change in his mind, the power of the sea of ​​consciousness stroked the air flow all over his body and ran quickly in the sky. go.


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