Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 196: sigh! (End of this volume)


Above hundreds of feet in the sky, Gu Shaoshang stretched out his arms and whistled in the sky. In the roaring wind, Gu Shaoshang's figure was pale gold, and no matter how violent the wind was, it was like a breeze blowing across his face. .

In the past ten years, Gu Shaoshang has already practiced the three-star secret book "Golden Bell Cover" on his body to the entry level. The practice of this three-star secret book is really difficult!

The entrance to a magic art is actually fourteen methods for the head, throat, back, arms, shoulders, abdomen, palms, fists, elbows, fingers, legs, knees, crotch, internal organs, etc. Trick!

And the difficulty of practicing any one of the tricks is not under the peerless secrets of this world. If you want to cultivate this "Golden Bell Cover", you must start the fourteen tricks at the same time!

With Gu Shaoshang's comprehension at this time, and the help of King Kong's Indestructible Magic, it took nine years to get started, and the difficulty can be imagined! And the cultivation after that is not something that Gu Shaoshang can set foot on at the moment.

Only by cultivating to the realm of Qi Zong can one open the acupoints of the whole body and condense the magical power of golden bell to protect the body.

"Bye now!"

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly, overlooking the Forbidden City where he had lived for ten years, smiled and left in an instant.

His martial arts progress has touched the innate bottleneck, but he can't seek breakthroughs like Zhang Sanfeng for hundreds of years.

Like Bodhidharma, falling into a state of suspended animation and grinding the body unknowingly is even more unacceptable to Gu Shaoshang. Therefore, leaving is the best choice.

The heavens and the worlds are so vast, and Gu Shaoshang's journey naturally cannot stay here.

There is no endless banquet in life. Gu Shaoshang can't live in this world forever, long pain is worse than short pain, so it is the best choice.

Perhaps, there may not be a day when we meet.


Li ** and the other three watched Gu Shaoshang leave, and sat down in the hall with mixed feelings. They were speechless for a long time. Yunluo was okay. Zhang Yi and Li ** were almost brought up by Gu Shaoshang since childhood. This kind of feeling like a teacher and a father can't be easily given up.

After a long time, Li ** glanced at the two senior sisters: "Two senior sisters, where is the master going, I think I know, one day the void will be broken, and there will be a day to meet."

Li ** stood up, a small flying knife rolled endlessly at the fingertips, and said in a firm tone: "Before this, I will use this flying knife to take over the title of master in the world. After that, I will use this flying knife. I will bring two senior sisters to shatter the void together!"

The boy who was just eighteen was in high spirits and made his first promise to the two senior sisters.

Zhang Yi and Yunluo looked at each other, stood up, and said in unison, "Let Senior Sister take you to shatter the void together!"

The three siblings looked at each other and laughed at the same time, swept away the haze of Gu Shaoshang's departure.

At this point, Gu Shaoshang was no longer seen in the rivers and lakes, and the legend of a flying knife unfolded.

As for the legend of Gu Shaoshang, with the spread of the "Wu Jing" and the beginning of his disciple Li **'s **** of the world, it became higher and higher. After a few years, it was called a generation of martial arts ancestors.

Later generations respectfully called it, the first generation of Wuzu Gu Shaoshang!

The chapters of the world of Daming passed by, until a few years later, even Daming disappeared into the long river of history, and the name of Martial Ancestor is still circulating in the world.

Until one day, a young man named Xiao Chen was chased and killed after he passed the inheritance of Wuzu, and he flew up with a thigh in a hurry, and the story of Gu Shaoshang would start again.

The name of Martial Ancestor will reappear in the world again.


In the past few years, Gu Shaoshang has traveled all over the world and found that the whole world has undergone tremendous changes under his hands. Countless talented warriors and young masters have sprung up one after another, and countless children of poor families who have been buried in the common people. Take the opportunity to soar.

The direction of the whole world has completely changed! It has become a real, martial arts world!

The majestic Kunlun is magnificent and beautiful. Under the bright moonlight, it seems to be covered with a hazy veil, making this holy mountain as ethereal as a fairyland.


The sweeping airflow rolled in the starry sky and moonlight, and a figure came from the sky, pulling out a white airflow to the top of this holy mountain.


Gu Shaoshang stood on the top of the snow peak, a thin black robe whistled in the cold wind, he looked up at the starry sky, the stars in the sky were shining, and a bright moon hung high in the sky.


Gu Shaoshang exhaled a long breath, and his sleeves moved, sweeping away the snow all over his body, sitting cross-legged on the top of the snow peak.

Even though he knew that Zhang Sanfeng and Bodhidharma might have tried to shatter the void somewhere in the Kunlun Mountains, he never went to look for them, but just sat quietly cross-legged on top of the snow-capped mountains.

In the vast world, I am the only one here.

A faint loneliness flowed through his heart, but he did not deliberately erase it, but tasted it carefully.

After obtaining the mirrors of the heavens, Gu Shaoshang understood that he would never be mediocre in his life, and he was unwilling to not know all the powerhouses in the heavens and the world.

He tastes loneliness, but intoxicates and enjoys it. I walk alone in the heavens and the world.

If you can't stand loneliness, how can you talk about stepping into the heavens?

Afterwards, Gu Shao stood up, raised his fingers, and carved a line of characters on the boulder on the top of the Kunlun Peak, which has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

Gu Shao was hurt in this world!

"The journey of Daming Jianghu is over! It's time for me to go!"

He glanced at the world under his feet for the last time, calling for the mirrors of the heavens in his heart, and his figure suddenly turned into a purple light and disappeared!

In the pitch-black night, the space on the top of Kunlun Peak wrinkled like water, and then a small black hole cracked open, and the purple light transformed by Gu Shaoshang disappeared in the black hole!

"**, Yunluo, Yiyi, I hope to see you again one day!"

Gu Shaoshang dissipated in the world of Ming Dynasty, and only a faint melancholy echoed on the top of this eternal Kunlun Mountain, and it did not disappear for a long time.


Under the shroud of purple light, Gu Shaoshang only felt his whole body fluctuate slightly, passing through a layer of barriers like a diaphragm, and when he looked closely, he saw that the outside space was distorted and abstract, as if it was an indescribable river. It seems like an indescribable In this unpredictable place, Gu Shaoshang looked at it carefully. In the twisted and strange space around, there were countless strange bubbles of various colors.

In the rapid passing of the purple light, a huge world appeared in front of him, indescribably huge, and a continent lay across this huge and immeasurable space.

If it is said that the world of Daming that I went to is just a grain of dust in the sea of ​​sand, then the continent in front of me is the Milky Way across the starry sky!

so huge!

Gu Shao was heartbroken and deeply felt his own insignificance!

He understands that this continent is the vast continent!


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