Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 215: Gu Shao's heartache!


In the dull thundering sound of Astral Qi, the tumbling air current rolled the thick snow, forming an even larger dragon of sand and snow, which roared into the sky!

Gu Shaoshang looked indifferent and the golden blood around his body rose to the sky, and his feet suddenly exploded, and he flew up several dozen feet, pinched his fists with five fingers, and smashed into Yang Pan, who was suspended in the air.

Yang Pan's martial arts cultivation is not a threat to Gu Shaoshang, and his ghost immortal cultivation is nothing. Only the magic weapon that dances in the sky is what Gu Shaoshang has to consider.

I have fought against Yang Pan many times, and Gu Shaoshang has long since figured out his truth!

At the moment when the golden blood energy rose into the sky, the magic weapon surrounding Yang Pan suddenly froze, lost its agility, and was slammed by Gu Shaoshang's powerful blood energy comparable to a human fairy and lost any effect!


Yang Pan's projection looked indifferent, his eyes were empty, his five fingers pinched, and he pointed at Gu Shaoshang lightly!

The Emperor's Jade Seal hovering above his head twirled endlessly, squeezing out countless air waves, turning into a square foot one acre in size, rumbled like a hill and smashed towards Gu Shaoshang!


It was truly earth-shattering. In the sonic shock, the air seemed to be agitated with heavy ripples, spreading out in all directions.

Gu Shaoshang's blood energy soared again, and the heavy and masculine fists rose into the sky, and slammed straight into the emperor's jade seal that fell like a hill!


Under the impact of Gu Shaoshang's masculinity and heavy fisting, Yang's thoughts of ghosts and immortals circling above the emperor's jade seal suddenly dissipated. Overturn at once!

clang clang!

In the midst of a huge clamor of gold and iron, Gu Shaoshang slammed away the emperor's jade seal that looked like a mountain above his head, and went straight to Yang Pan with indifferent eyes!


In the blood-qi fist that is as amazing as the waves of the sea, Yang Pan's magic weapons and instruments fell one after another.

But he was naturally not afraid of the projection, he whistled and raised the Purdue Lei Emperor knife in his hand, and rumbled out a ten-zhang-long purple knife light like a thunderbolt!

Almost at the same time, the air space behind Yang Pan's head suddenly folded, as if it were real, forming a huge handprint, which was violently bombarded!

It is the Taoist technique of the Dachan Temple, the vacuum Mahamudra!

Under the two confrontations, even though Gu Shaoshang's figure couldn't help but tremble, Gu Shaoshang's complexion did not change. He had experienced such a scene for a long time. He swung his left fist, accompanied by the roar of golden blood. , blasting the air within a radius of several meters immediately, avoiding the Pudu Lei Di Dao, and heading straight for the vacuum big mudra!


The golden-yellow big fist print slammed down, the vacuum big thumb print as big as zhang Xu was defeated by Gu Shaoshang's fist print, and the rumbling went straight to Yang Pan without losing momentum!


Almost at the same time as Gu Shaoshang activated the vacuum mudra, his right hand suddenly pressed down, holding the hilt of the Moon in the Well at his waist, and in the endless cold wave, he pulled up a ruthless, violent, terrifying knife light that would cut everything, and Yang The purple knife light from the disk collided with a bang!


At the same time that Gu Shaoshang almost drew his sword, his body suspended in mid-air suddenly moved, and his tyrannical body suddenly squeezed the rolling air around him, facing the sword light that had not yet dissipated, and was about to retreat. The figure of Yang Pan walking away.

After fighting so many times, Gu Shaoshang still doesn't know. Although this Yang Pan projection only has the will to fight and doesn't know how to think, it will not confront Gu Shaoshang head-on. Artifact bombing!


Gu Shaoshang's flying silhouette pulled out a scorching wave in the air, ignoring the wounds all over his body cut by the purple knife light, and chasing after Yang Pan, who was soaring into the sky. From a distance of ten feet, Yang Pan's figure exploded into a purple light that filled the sky!


The space on the top of the snow mountain suddenly wrinkled, and in the buzzing sound, Gu Shaoshang's figure turned and returned to the world in the mirror.


Gu Shaoshang let out a sigh of relief. Although the battle with Yang Pan just now seemed to be a complete mess, in fact, Gu Shaoshang had already fought with him dozens of times before, and he had already figured out the truth of Yang Pan. beat and beat.


Gu Shaoshang didn't think he could drop anything good after defeating him once, but he didn't expect that his luck would be so bad.

But Gu Shaoshang smiled indifferently, UU reading www. Anyway, the projection can be brushed back and forth, and sooner or later it will be yours.

He took a step forward, took off the All-Heaven Mirror, stroked his palm lightly on the mirror surface, and looked at the All-Heaven Projection Pool.

"Randomly turn on projection... 20,000 times!"

Gu Shaoshang spoke lightly. At this time, his source power was sufficient, and he didn't care about the little source power required for each projection, and he opened his mouth 20,000 times.


The mirrors of the heavens came out of their hands and flew high in the air. A large swath of dense purple air shrouded the entire mirror space. Among them, Gu Shaoshang seemed to hear a rushing sound like a stream of water.

Gu Shaoshang suspects that it is the rapid consumption of the source power when the mirrors of the heavens are in operation!


Immediately, the celestial mirrors suddenly stopped shaking, and a large sphere of projection light of various colors poured down overwhelmingly.

"Include the projection light ball in the warehouse of the heavens!"

Gu Shaoshang raised his brows and spoke lightly.

Swish! With a bang, the projected light ball that was tilted down from the sky dissipated, avoiding the end of being buried.

"Hoo! Hope to have something good!"

Gu Shaoshang waved his hand and held the All-Heaven Mirror in his hands. Even in his state of mind, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

10,000 random projections, if there is no good thing, it will be a big loss.


Gu Shaoshang checked the projection results and couldn't help but laugh. Sure enough, the Mirrors of the Heavens are quite conscientious, not too pitiful.


Gu Shaoshang's heart was beating violently, and he wished he had infinite source power to manifest all these treasures!

"Unfortunately! It can only exist for one day!"

Gu Shaoshang gritted his teeth and felt heartache. He wondered if he would be able to project such good luck on such a treasure after he had so much power in the future!

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