Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 216: 1 person becomes 3!

Six-star immortality medicine, immortal art, and even the belt and gourd of a saint. Get any one, Gu Shaoshang feels that he can run amok in the vast continent, even if he wants to chase a five-star master like the old man, he will have to take a detour when he sees him.


Gu Shaoshang sat cross-legged on the ground and calmed down after a long time.

No matter how painful it is, it doesn't help.

"Is it true? Thunderbolt?"

Gu Shaoshang pondered, but he had very little memory of Su Huanzhen in his memory: "Would you like to challenge? Four-star, it is already equivalent to the power of the sky. I am afraid that even if you use the innate magical power, you will definitely not be an opponent."

Gu Shaoshang understands that even if it is a projection, a four-star power is by no means what he can handle now, but he still can't help but want to see it.

"It's only 10,000 source power!"

Gu Shaoshang stood up abruptly, and decided to try it out, even if it was worth 10,000 yuan in exchange for a chance to meet the four-star boss with all his strength.

"Challenge, Su is true, the top of the snow mountain!"


In the humming sound of the Mirrors of the Heavens, the dense purple air suddenly swayed and rolled, and then turned into a purple light, shrouding Gu Shaoshang inside.


The scene opened abruptly, Gu Shaoshang looked up, and in the desolate area of ​​ice and snow, a young man with a face like a crown jade and a mighty young man stood on the top of the snow-capped mountain.

Upon closer inspection, it was a handsome young man with white hair, dressed in a black Taoist robe, wearing a lotus crown, a sword cover on his back, and a whisk in one hand, standing indifferently, fluttering out of the dust.

What attracted Gu Shaoshang most was the little cinnabar mole between his eyebrows, which was like the finishing touch, making his aura suddenly come alive!

It's really the best-looking person Gu Shaoshang has seen in his life!

"Half god, half saint and half immortal, all Confucianism and Taoism are all sages, with thousands of volumes of real books in his mind, and he masters half of the sky in civil and military affairs."

Gu Shaoshang couldn't help but blurted out, staring at the white-haired young man on the top of the snow-capped mountain, tsk tsk.

"Su is true!"

Gu Shaoshang suddenly opened his mouth and shouted, and his feet suddenly exploded, a leap of several dozen meters, one hand pressed on the waist, the other arm stretched out, and the five fingers were pinched together, making a style of "continuous interruption"!


In the tremors of the entire snow-capped mountain, endless snow piled up into the sky, and on Gu Shaoshang, the golden blood energy was rising like a big sun, blooming with infinite light!

A tender white fist in the ray of light tore through the sky at a speed beyond imagination, traversing the world!

Gu Shaoshang understands that against such a four-star power, there is only one chance to make a move. Therefore, not only the blood energy of the whole body erupts, but at the same time, the innate supernatural power "Sparrow-tailed Mantis Shrimp" is activated!

The whole body's muscles and bones exploded with a force that exceeded the limit a hundred times, and bombarded it with a terrifying speed that Gu Shaoshang could not imagine at this time!

How powerful is this punch! How terrible!

The snow peaks within a few miles of Gu Shaoshang suddenly burst, collapsed, and tossed.

The entire huge snow peak trembled violently, and the rolling snow burst out like an avalanche, but behind Gu Shaoshang's body, he pulled out a huge dragon that was dozens of feet thick and inexplicably tall. Roll the snow column!

In this terrifying palm, the white-haired young man standing on the top of the snow peak turned around suddenly, a strange smile leaked from his delicate and handsome face.


"This is……!"

Gu Shaoshang's eyelids jumped wildly and couldn't help but let out a half-shouted exclamation, the whole body was shattered by the unimaginably terrifying force, and then gasified!

In the end, Gu Shaoshang only saw that, in the midst of the continuous burst of his full strength, the entire snow peak collapsed suddenly, shattered into snow and dust all over the sky!

In the scene as if the sky had collapsed, Su was really projecting, and a smile suddenly leaked from the indifferent face.

Then he closed his eyes, swung the whisk in his hand forward, and the long sword suddenly raised!


A noble lotus, which is even more holy than the white lotus flying in the sky, slowly unfolds...  



Gu Shaoshang suddenly opened his eyes, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably. This kind of huge pain seemed to be torn apart from the body to the soul, and his cultivation at this time was somewhat unbearable.

"How? How?"

Gu Shaoshang forcibly suppressed the terrible pain all over his body, lifted the last trace of his spirit, and entered the world in the mirror.


With a wave of his hand, he held the mirror of the heavens flying in the sky in the palm of his hand, Gu Shaoshang sat down on the ground trembling, his fingers brushing the mirror.

"That Su is really projected, how can he speak? Does he have a sense of thinking?"

Gu Shaoshang was deeply puzzled. All the projections he saw, apart from fighting rationality, never had any other humanized actions, and Su Huan really projected, it was too strange!

"No? Could it be that Su is really fighting, is this the reaction?"

When this thought flashed through Gu Shaoshang's mind, he breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't even have time to check the other things obtained by random projection, as well as the Samsung Cheats that Su Huanzhen had dropped, and he came out of the mirror world.

Then, in the midst of unimaginable fatigue and pain, Gu Shaoshang fell asleep.


After coming to the Hanging Temple, Gu Shaoshang found that these monks didn't seem to pay attention to the two of them. The professor takes care of practice.

Although Gu Shaoshang is only in the realm of life at this time, not higher than the realm of Gu Jian, but he has so many secrets and magical powers, he has chosen a few books at random, and Gu Gu is like a treasure.

Time flickered, and another few months passed. Gu Shaoshang counted the time. The year at the foot of the mountain has passed, and there are only a few days left before the next time to travel. At this time, Kun Xiang's master Gan Gang Not out yet.

And in the past few months, Gu Shaoshang has gained even more from the projection. Yang Panyi's magical treasures and secrets, which are above the three-star level, have almost been wiped out by Gu Shaoshang.

"Unfortunately! These monks are too dull!"

Gu Shaoshang shook his head and walked into the room. During this time, Kun Xiang seemed to have disappeared and no one could be seen.

In desperation, Gu Shaoshang wandered around the monastery and fought with a monk at random. Who would have thought that these monks all had drooping brows and beatings and scolding as you wished, which had hurt Gu Shaoshang for several months. , did not have the opportunity to explore the reality of the Hanging Temple.

In the blink of an eye, a few days passed, and Gu Shaoshang had almost exhausted all the source power. He had all kinds of ready-made resources and treasures, placed them in the Jiuding space, and was ready to travel through the next world at night to search for the source power.


At this moment, the bronze bell of the Hanging Temple rang suddenly! Dangdang bell rang thirty-six times in a row!

"This is? Thirty-six?"

Gu Shao was heartbroken, pushed open the door, went out, and saw Gu Gu with a surprised look pushing the door out at the same time.

"Don't get hurt! The bell rings thirty-six! This is a big event! Go and see!"

Taking a step forward, he grabbed Gu Shaoshang's palm and walked towards the hall.

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