Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 250: 1 person stands up, thousands of people bow their heads!


Countless **** stumps covered the sky and covered the ground, Gu Shaoshang was turbulent all over his body, and he rushed to Wuwei City in a black robe.

Gu Shaoshang's whole body was bubbling with blood, like a burning furnace emitting huge heat, and the surrounding snow instantly turned into steam.


Gu Shaoshang suddenly looked back, his feet exploded with a bang, and in the blast of the rolling wind, he went straight to the huge wolf flag of the Juezhong Army!


The ground within ten feet of Gu Shaoshang's feet suddenly rolled over, surging all around like a wave.

"Where did the madman come from?"

Bi Xuan's heart jumped wildly, and with a spear, Shi Wansui's vomiting blood was thrown upside down, and Yan Yang Dafa erupted, breaking the whistling sword energy with one finger and knocking Yuwen Tuo to the ground.

He was shaking in his heart, and with a roar, he broke through the sky, and the Moon Wolf Spear slid across the sky, heading straight for Gu Shaoshang.

"Go away!"

Shi Wansui shouted, although he did not know the person who came, but since he was an enemy of the Turks, he could not let Bi Xuan be satisfied.

call out! call out! call out!

At this moment, a series of shrill sounds of breaking through the air came, and several wolf-toothed arrows shot straight.


Shi Wansui's complexion changed, his figure pulled back, and he slashed the three incoming arrows with one knife.

But before he could stop Bi Xuan, he stretched out his arm and stopped in front of the pale-faced Yuwen Tuo, and the horizontal knife slashed back at the advancing Turkic cavalry.


Shi Wansui's arm was sore and numb, and he secretly screamed bad, and his energy was too much.

He picked up Yuwen Tuo with one arm, and the machete pulled up the billowing waves, rushing out with all his strength.

Gu Shaoshang rushed into the Turkic troops with a grim expression on his face.


Gu Shaoshang shouted loudly, and all the blood in his body erupted, and the golden light burst out, dyeing the sky!



sink your waist,

Punch! Blast out a style of "random arrows!"


Like countless thunders erupting under his feet!

The ground with a radius of 100 zhang shook violently, all the snow-covered stumps and other limbs were shaken up, and the air flow around the body burned fiercely.


"Ah! Ah!"

In the continuous sound of screams, countless fists suddenly shot out of Gu Shaoshang's body, as if countless artillery shells were shot at the same time, and it seemed as if countless mountain peaks rose from the ground and crashed!


The air trembled, and Gu Shaoshang rushed forward, breaking the sound barrier at the moment when countless fists broke through the air!

Whoa whoa whoa!

In the terrifying sonic boom, Gu Shaoshang was a hundred feet in one step, and the speed was so fast that even Bi Xuan couldn't catch up!

"Mad! Beast! I'm going to kill you!"

Bi Xuan's blood spurted out, his eyes cracked with a roar, and he chased after him.

But he could only watch helplessly, in the endless roar of sound waves, countless terrifying fist prints swept into the air, sweeping the entire army!

The screams of countless Turkic cavalry and the neighing of countless war horses!

In a short period of time, the sprayed blood and internal organs spread out a carpet of flesh and blood for dozens of miles behind him!


The blood mixed with the internal organs of countless stumps is flowing freely like a big river.


The entire battlefield suddenly fell silent, all the countless Turkic soldiers stopped, the frenzied killing intent on their faces disappeared, and morale was extremely low.


Gu Shaoshang let out a long breath lightly, and the air was blown away, blowing away the **** aura floating in the air.

He closed his fists and stood upright, surrounded by smoke, and glanced at the remaining Turkic soldiers indifferently. Even if he killed thousands of people in a short period of time, he seemed to be completely unconcerned.


Gu Shaoshang took a deep breath.

Even though his physical strength was incomparably strong, and he threw tens of thousands of punches in a row, his breath could not help but feel a little low.

However, with his breathing, the energy accumulated in the body's Yuan Python Tunxing Lu was released, and in a short period of time, it returned to its peak again.

This is why he dared to swept the Turkic Legion alone. His tyrannical physique, coupled with his terrifying resilience, was far more durable than anyone in this world.

If time is enough, even if there is an army of 400,000 people, he will be able to kill them all!

"Give me death!"

On the dead battlefield, Bi Xuan's murderous voice covered him.

Bi Xuan was extremely frightened in his heart, the means of coming was too cruel, and if he let him kill, I am afraid that all the Turkic soldiers present would die at his hands!

At that time, the Eastern Turks who have lost most of their prime-age men will disappear into the prairie. This is something that Bi Xuan, who claims to be the protector of the Eastern Turks, cannot accept it anyway!

Therefore, even though he knew that Gu Shaoshang's martial arts were unfathomable, Bi Xuan was still full of killing intent!


Bi Xuan's furious figure suddenly erupted with great strength, his feet whistled, raised his moon wolf spear and slid across the sky, heading straight for Gu Shaoshang in a **** field.

Yan Yang Dafa suddenly erupted in his body, and under the violent twisting of true qi, the temperature within a few dozen meters of his body rose sharply, and the momentum from breaking through the air was more like a falling sun, squeezing the air in front of him. Come on!

The momentum is so great that he will kill Gu Shaoshang in one fell swoop!

"Bi Xuan?"

Gu Shaoshang put his hands down, watching Bi Xuan's furious figure coming out of the sky, he didn't care.

Although Bi Xuan's self-named Wu Zun is a rare great master in the world today, in Gu Shaoshang's view, he is even worse than Xiang Yutian, who is Gu Shaoshang's opponent.


Bi Xuan stepped forward, his thin outer robe was torn, revealing the bones and muscles all over his body like a copper building, the red moon wolf spear in his palm stirred the animation weather, and whistled to point Gu Shaoshang's eyebrows!

At a distance of ten feet, Gu Shaoshang felt the scorching airflow overwhelming the sky and the ground, causing a slight tingling all over his body.

He was a little surprised, because he could feel the stinging pain in his body. If he were an ordinary martial artist, let alone a hands-on, the mission would not be able to be preserved.

"One punch!"

The rolling gust of wind swept through the explosion, Gu Shaoshang did not dodge or evade, and spoke lightly.

These two words, his voice is calm, and does not wear gold cracking stones, but the vast soup suppresses all the noise, covering dozens of miles, and everyone can hear it clearly.

"What is he going to do?"

Whether it was Yang Su who was watching the battle on the city wall, or the Turkic soldiers who were shocked by Bi Xuan's shot, they all buzzed in their minds, not knowing the meaning of Gu Shao's hurt words.


Gu Shaoshang's whole body burst out with blood and energy, and in the endless golden light, he stood upright like a **** and a demon.


He lowered the palm of his waist and suddenly raised it to his head. Immediately, his five fingers suddenly folded together, squeezed into a fist print, and pressed down towards Bi Xuangai!

It's amazing that his boxing technique is "continuous"!


Bi Xuan's tied hair suddenly stood up, feeling the power of terror.

It was as if the whole world turned upside down suddenly, and the starry sky was pressing down.

In a trance, I don't know where I am.

After all, Bi Xuan was a great master-level master who had been across the prairie for decades. He suddenly woke up and turned around, his pupils shrank suddenly, he had never seen such an amazing boxing technique!

Under his gaze, the air fluctuated like the surface of the water under the punch, and strands of black cracks split open at the moment the punch marks hit!


Bi Xuan let out a roar in his heart, and the moon wolf spear suddenly raised, stabbing Gu Shaoshang with a punch.


Gu Shaoshang looked indifferent, the pale golden fist mark pressed down, and suddenly smashed Bi Xuan's moon wolf spear, and smashed it on Bi Xuan's chest with all his strength!


In the huge sonic boom, the blood and water on the ground within a few dozen feet of the two people's bodies suddenly shook, and the sand and stones suddenly shook, like a huge wave set off on the sea, rising more than ten feet high!

Like a huge mushroom cloud, it spread out in the sky.


The whistling north wind blew away the huge dust that was raised, revealing two figures standing and kneeling in the dust.

"Ho ho!"

Bi Xuan's eyes widened in anger, and his stern face was full of shock that was unbelievable. His chest was in an exaggerated arc, almost piercing through his entire back!

His legs were broken, countless white stubble pierced his skin, and some even had internal organs and large intestines hanging on them!

"One punch...!"

Bi Xuan knelt down on the ground and rolled his throat, finally understanding the meaning of Gu Shaoshang's previous words, he smiled miserably in his heart, and he was instantly furious on the spot.

The great master Bi Xuan, who has been across the prairie for decades, die!


Dang bang!

As a certain Turkic soldier's machete fell, a series of weapons rang out.

Witnessing Gu Shaoshang's terrifying strength, even Bi Xuan, who was regarded as a **** in his heart, was beaten to death by his punch, and all the Turkic soldiers lost their fighting spirit immediately.

He fell to his knees one after another, tears streaming down his face.


At this time, the gate of Wuwei City suddenly opened, and Yang Su in black armor led tens of thousands of elite soldiers out of the city.

He saw that Gu Shao was standing alone, and countless Turkic soldiers fell to the ground.

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