Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 251: Portable space!


Gu Shaoshang glanced around, and glanced at Yuwen Tuo, who had a terrified face, with a half-smile, and roared away into the sky, disappearing into the wind and snow.

"He! What about him!"

Yu Wentuo looked at Yang Su in shock, puzzled.

This person clearly died in his hands, how could he come back to life and become more powerful, killing Bi Xuan with one punch!

Tread! Tread!

At this time, the army of the Sui Dynasty in the distance was approaching the battlefield.

Yang Su ordered all the Turks to be captured.


In the city of Wuwei, the north wind was howling, and it was full of bleakness. All the soldiers stationed in the city had been slaughtered by the Turks.

Even after the previous battles, there were still as many as 200,000 Turkic soldiers left.

Just checking and detaining is a huge problem. Even if he is shocked by Gu Shao's injury and thunder at this time, if it cannot be properly placed, chaos will break out.

In Wuwei City, in the city guard's mansion, Gu Shaoshang discussed this with Yang Su and others.

"The 200,000 Turkic captives won't last long with the food and grass we carry."

Yang Su sat down and said with a frown.

"As I said, just kill them all!"

Shi Wansui glanced at the thoughtful Gu Shaoshang and said.


Yang Su stood up abruptly and scolded: "Since ancient times, the killing of prisoners is unknown, and all 200,000 prisoners were slaughtered. This name is spread all over the world, can you bear it?"

Yang Su glanced coldly at Shi Wansui, took a step forward, and cupped his hands: "Your Highness, you must not kill prisoners, but they can be escorted by the army and sent to Chang'an, please make your decision!"

"It's up to you to decide this matter, so you don't need to quarrel!"

Gu Shaoshang stood up, walked around the hall, and said lightly, "What is 200,000 yuan? Next, the solitary king will set foot on the grassland and capture more prisoners!"


Yang Su and Shi Wansui looked at each other, not knowing what Gu Shaoshang meant.

Gu Shaoshang understood their concerns. At this time, after defeating foreign captives, in addition to slaughtering them on the spot, they were generally recruited into the army slave team or built some large buildings, fortifications, and supplies as a strong man.

However, the killing of 200,000 prisoners is too appalling, and even if they are made up as prisoners of war, there are too many.

The most important point is that these Turks grew up on the prairie all their lives, and they didn’t know how to farm at all. Apart from building some fortifications, they were basically useless.

"Yes, the solitary king decided to build a grand canal that runs through the north and south. These Turkic prisoners will naturally have a place to use."

Gu Shaoshang said lightly, that's why he came with the army.

Accept these more than 200,000 Turkic soldiers who have been beaten and fear, and build that one, the Grand Canal.

The construction of the Grand Canal with prisoners naturally does not cause the people to waste money.

"There is another biggest difficulty in this matter, which Your Highness may not have considered."

Yang Su frowned, but interrupted Gu Shaoshang.

Immediately, Yang Su explained the difficulties one by one. He was the most imperial court teacher and knew more things.

It is not impossible to use prisoners to build canals and fortifications, but at this time of the Great Sui Dynasty, the founding of the country was only more than ten years old, and the most difficult thing in front of him was actually food.

"This matter is not in a hurry, and it will be carried out slowly. The matter of food will be solved by the lonely king."

Gu Shaoshang stroked Jiuding on his chest, smiled slightly, and didn't care.

The matter of food is a problem for Yang Su and others, or for anyone in the world, but for Gu Shaoshang, it is really nothing.

"Since His Highness has made a decision, Wei Chen will take the lead."

Yang Su saw that Gu Shao was hurt in his chest, and did not open his mouth, he bowed and retired with Shi Wansui.

Seeing Yang Su leaving, Gu Shaoshang turned back to his seat and closed his eyes.

The power of the sea of ​​consciousness lightly touched the Jiuding hanging on his chest.


Gu Shaoshang entered the space carried by Jiuding.

Only some faint light entered from the mouth of the cauldron. The ground in the entire Jiuding space was only more than 20 feet in diameter. The ground was covered with soil, and there were many green branches emerging from the faint light.

Entering the Jiuding space is not the same as the world in the mirror. Gu Shaoshang can only touch it mentally and cannot enter it in person.

As a three-star treasure, Jiuding can't only have the function of storage.

After refining it with the power of his sea-consciousness, he realized the pros and cons of it. Although the small space in Jiuding can't condense the time in it like a storage bag, it has only advantages to plant some Gu Shaoshang's place. Elixir needed.

Although there is only a little light from the mouth of the tripod, it is difficult to survive, but it is naturally difficult for Gu Shaoshang.

A bottle of divine spring water from the world that covers the sky has enough vitality to meet the needs of most elixir.

After Gu Shaoshang entered the Tang Dynasty, he planted some elixir in this small space, such as the inferior Longya rice obtained from Yang Pan, and some ordinary seeds, such as those obtained by projection. Potatoes, cucumbers, etc.

After Zhu Tianjing has repaired the two stars, they can bring objects connected to Gu Shaoshang's soul together, and Jiuding, after being refined by it, can naturally come together.

Although the growth cycle of Longya Rice does not know how long it will take, Gu Shaoshang can stay in the Tang Dynasty for fifty years. When he returns, he will naturally have enough Lingmi to take.


The power of the sea of ​​consciousness was gently touched, and a small bottle of divine spring water flew from the corner, and slowly lowered a little in the surrounding soil.

"It seems that the growth of Longya Rice will take some time."

Gu Shaoshang frowned.

Longya rice is different from ordinary spiritual rice. It directly grows a big tree, like a fruit, and its growth cycle is much longer than other spiritual medicines.

And whether Jiuding Space has the effect of accelerating time, he naturally can only wait patiently.


Gu Shaoshang exited Jiuding Space, stroked his palm from his chest, and took out a potato.

When he was in the vast continent before, he once randomly projected 20,000 times at one time. Among the many debris obtained by UU reading, there were many seeds. In order to test the Jiuding space, he realized many. There is a corner of Jiuding Space.

"Sometimes, these seemingly small things are more useful than many great things."

Gu Shaoshang looked at the small potato in his palm, thoughtfully.

This little thing is enough to solve the current predicament of the Great Sui, but the Dragon Tooth Rice, which is ten times stronger than it, and even the Immortal Medicine Fruit, which is ten thousand times stronger than it, can't do it.


In the days that followed, two old officials, Yang Su and Han Chuhu, escorted a mighty 200,000 captives to Daxing.

Outside Wuwei City, the Sui army defeated the Turks in the first battle, beheaded more than 100,000 people in the first battle, and captured more than 200,000 prisoners.

The world is shaking!

And Yang Jian, who was sitting in the capital, was overjoyed when he heard the great victory, and even sent his right servant to shoot Su Wei to receive the prisoners, and the reward was already ready.

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