Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 257: Suicide!


After the three exclaimed, they chanted a Buddha's name in unison.

"Can't the old monk look down on life and death?"

Gu Shaoshang looked at Daoxin and said, ignoring the emperor's heart, who was breathing intermittently.

"The old monk is not a Buddha, so he can't see it after all."

Daoxin stepped forward and sighed slightly.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency, the old monk will give you an explanation."

Daoxin put one hand in front of his chest and stepped towards Gu Shaoshang.

Gu Shaoshang's eyes were deep and undecided.

I only saw the old monk walking forward with no sadness and no anger as usual, and came to Gu Shaoshang's side.

Bending down, the only remaining left arm was swung, and the zhenqi lifted the dying emperor's heart.

Immediately, the old monk held up the emperor's heart with one arm, sat down with his knees crossed, and the mellow True Qi all over his body poured out like a flood of open gates, instilling into the body of the emperor's heart.


Emperor Xin's body trembled slightly in the air, his muscles and bones vibrated slightly, making a low thunderous sound, the broken muscles and bones slowly trembled and stretched, and the messy wounds were healed.


Jiaxiang and Zhizhi smiled slightly at the same time, walked to Daoxin's side, and sat down with their knees crossed.

The three of them sat cross-legged in a triangle with their palms facing the sky, and the pure Buddhist zhenqi surged, one after another instilling the emperor's heart suspended in the air.

"The old monk has courage."

Gu Shaoshang was a little surprised and a little admired.

During his induction, Emperor Xin's muscles, meridians, dantian, and internal organs were almost all intact, and it was almost a water tank leaking everywhere.

And the three of Daoxin, even if they stimulated all their own essence, they slowly entered their body, repaired his broken body, and forcibly healed them.

And this, of course, comes at its own cost.


As the essence of Daoxin and the three people entered, Emperor Xin's ferocious wounds healed, and his pale and bloodless face gradually became rosy.

Tick ​​tock! Tick ​​tock!

Drops of sweat fell from Daoxin and the three of them, their faces gradually turned pale, their eyes became cloudy, and fine age spots appeared on their skin.


The three took a breath at the same time.

The unconscious emperor's heart slowly fell to the ground, completely unconscious.

"Junior Brother Emperor Xin is in a coma today, and the three old monks have taken advantage."

Daoxin looked at the unconscious Emperor Xin and smiled slightly.


Jiaxiang and Zhizhi nodded and said yes, with a smile on their faces.


Daoxin pressed his fingers down slightly and clicked on the Emperor's Heart Yintang.

", Senior Brother Daoxin!"

The emperor's heart returned to his senses, and he saw the pale faces of the three Daoxin three people, their expressions changed, and they stood up.

"Three old monks, let's go first."

Daoxin looked at him, nodded slightly, with a smile on his face, his vitality passed away.

"Senior Brother Emperor Xin! Junior Brother takes a step first."

Jiaxiang looked at each other wisely, chanted the Buddha's name in a low voice, and his vitality dissipated.


Emperor Xin folded his hands together, his long pale red eyebrows fell, and a single tear fell.

Gu Shaoshang put his hands behind his back, watched quietly, and said nothing.

Although the three of Daoxin were injured, it was not that they had no strength to fight, but he gave up resistance and rescued the Emperor Xin, who had already been knocked out by Gu Shaoshang, with his whole body of true qi and essence.

Gu Shaoshang naturally understood the meaning.

Buddhism gave up resistance, and there was only one martial arts left, an old monk who was only a little stronger than ordinary people, and had no resistance.

Everything is according to God's will.


Gu Shaoshang did not say a word, no matter how many scum of Buddhism, it can be passed down through the ages, and at the root, it is these old monks who practice with one heart.

"Senior brother! Junior brother! Let's go back."

Emperor Xin suddenly smiled slightly, raised his arms and carried the bodies of the three old monks on his back.

But he didn't want to, he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

"General Shi, send someone to send the four masters out of Daxing."

Gu Shaoshang's face was as usual, and he ordered Shi Wansui, who stepped into the door.

With the removal of these four old monks, Buddhism would no longer be a major threat, except for the unpopular forces such as Jingnian Temple and Cihang Jingzhai.

Forman is not a big threat.

If Gu Shaoshang is not bad, after Emperor Xin leaves, the monks will be dismissed and the land they occupy will be handed over.

Immediately, Gu Shaoshang glanced at You Chuhong and left.


Shi Wansui, who had just stepped into the door, was stunned for a moment, wondering why Gu Shaoshang suddenly changed his mind and let the emperor leave.

But he didn't dare to hesitate, and ordered the soldiers left and right to help the Emperor Xin, who was staggering away.


Emperor Xin shook his head, declined the help of the soldiers, and slowly, step by step, walked towards the city gate.

"This old monk."

Shi Wansui shook his head and ordered the soldiers to follow him. Otherwise, with his current state, how could he have left Daxing City.

"Mrs. You, at this time, what else do you have to say?"

Shi Wansui watched Emperor Xin exit the gate of the Dugu Clan, turned around and glanced at You Chuhong with a sneer.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

You Chuhong smiled like a frantic smile, and gave Shi Wansui a grim look: "Although my Dugu clan is gone, Yang Guang's child will never live in peace!"

"The power of the aristocratic family I am waiting for is not something he can imagine!"

You Chuhong glanced at the head in her arms and smiled grimly: "Maybe we will meet again soon!"

In Shi Wansui's sudden change of color, You Chuhong slashed the terrified Duguba to death with a backhand palm.

He then committed suicide on the spot.


Shi Wansui's face was gloomy, and he knew that besides the Dugu clan, there might be other clan clans making trouble in the dark.

At the moment, he did not dare to neglect, and ordered the lieutenant to seal up the Dugu clan Yiying's assets and goods, and kept going to find Yang Su.



In the night wind howling, Gu Shaoshang broke through the air.

It was just before dawn, when the sky was at its darkest.

Except for a few places in Daxing City, it was shrouded in darkness.

Gu Shaoshang naturally had no good or bad feelings for Buddhism, but since he dared to oppose him, he naturally had no reason to let it go.

"Perhaps? Can I go to Emperor Stepping Peak?"

Gu Shao changed his mind in sadness.

According to the information he found, the first person who contacted the aristocratic family to abolish the crown prince was Cihang Jingzhai.

As a result, in the end, these four old monks came up and couldn't hide themselves.

Gu Shaoshang went around Daxing to and found no one from Cihang Jingzhai.


Gu Shaoshang restrained the airflow around his body, landed near the imperial study, paced away, and entered the study.

With his skill, it is naturally impossible for these ordinary soldiers to discover.


The armored soldiers guarding the door looked around in all directions, but found no movement.

Gu Shaoshang clearly pushed the door to close it, but he couldn't even see it.


The sky was slightly bright, and Gu Shaoshang stepped out of the imperial study. He took a rest today and did not need to go to court, and the backlog of memorials had been processed overnight by his incarnation.

At this time, it is natural to go to take a look, the most precious thing in the palace.

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