Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 258: future?

After Gu Shaoshang came to Datang World, he discovered two or three artifacts, which obviously did not belong to this world.

One is the Xuanyuan Sword held by Yu Wentuo, its level is much stronger than that of this world, with a sword in hand, its power even makes Gu Shaoshang look at him.

Then there is the Heshibi!

According to legend, it was Bian He, a native of Chu State, who obtained a beautiful jade bi in the Chu Mountains. After three emperors and lost both feet, he finally released the jade and obtained this jade seal.

What is different from what Gu Shaoshang knows is that in this world, this Fang Yuxi is a heavenly seal, and it has not been touched at all!

Natural jade seal!

This Fang Yuxi was finally taken away by the Demon Gate during the first battle of Pingnan Chen. It was taken from the Demon Gate by Yutian several years ago and handed over to Gu Shaoshang.

A Xuanyuan sword, one side of the jade.

And that side, Xiang Yutian hid and tucked the Evil Emperor's relic that he refused to take out.

In Gu Shaoshang's view, it is very likely that it is not something from this world.

Perhaps, it has nothing to do with the demons that Xiang Yutian had seen before, and who fought with Ranmin, the king of Wu Miao.

The Evil Emperor's relic Gu Shaoshang was also a little interested, but in order to protect the Evil Emperor's relic, Xiang Yutian fetched this Fang He's jade from the Yingui School for Gu Shaoshang.

Therefore, it is not good for Gu Shaoshang to force Xiang Yutian to take out the Evil Emperor's relic.

"This time, we have to see what the mystery of Fang He's jade is!"

Gu Shao was heartbroken, and followed by a group of guards, he went to the palace where He's jade was in full bloom.

This Fang Yuxi radiates a kind of spiritual power almost all the time, covering a hundred zhang, and anyone who enters its range cannot use its true energy.

And it can't be placed in the Jiuding space and storage bags, so Gu Shaoshang didn't carry it with him, and kept it in the palace all the time.

And they only sent some ordinary armored soldiers who didn't have true energy to guard them.

"Don't let anyone come in and disturb me!"

Gu Shaoshang waved his hand, repelled the guards behind him and the guards guarding the hall, and pushed in the door.


The guards fell to their knees and replied respectfully.


Gu Shaoshang stepped into the hall one step at a time.

The hall was dark and empty, and nothing else existed. Only in the middle of the hall was a huge offering table with a pitch-black iron box on it.


Gu Shaoshang narrowed his eyes slightly.

He has been in possession of this Fang Yuxi for a long time, but he has never seen it. In fact, it is because he is slightly afraid of it.

Whenever he wants to check, there is always a sense of crisis in his heart, which makes him not dare to start easily.

Because as far as he knew, this Fang Yuxi contained strange powers, as well as the magical power of precognition, which was mysterious and unpredictable. Although it did not have the power of Xuanyuan Sword, it was even more terrifying.

At that time, he was promoted to Qi Zong, and his cultivation was unstable. If one accidentally hurt the soul, Gu Shaoshang would really regret it.

At this time, his cultivation base is stable, and his sea-consciousness has advanced greatly, so he should be confident to deal with it.


Gu Shaoshang stepped to the front of the desk, took out the key and opened the iron box.


The tin box opens.

On top of the plain yellow brocade, lies a pure white and flawless jade seal with shimmering jewels. The seal is engraved with the pattern of five dragons interlocking.

The unique priceless treasure in the world, which has been passed down through the ages, is the He's jade.

It is in the dark hall, with splendid splendor, making people have a kind of otherworldly and unpredictable strange feeling.

Gu Shaoshang took it in his hand, only to feel that it was cold, but there was a trace of heat, hot with cold, and cold with heat, which was amazing.

Looking closely, I saw eight bird-shaped seal inscriptions on it: "Ordered by the sky, longevity and prosperous."

"This is Fang He's jade!"

Gu Shaoshang narrowed his eyes slightly, and after a brief observation, he felt that he was holding a huge energy furnace in his palm. Compared with the infuriating energy he had accumulated for many years, it was hardly worth mentioning.


Just when Gu Shaoshang detected the power of the sea of ​​consciousness, and when he probed a little, an infinite huge spiritual power suddenly radiated from the He Clan's jade!

Gu Shaoshang's pupils shrank, only to feel a terrifyingly powerful force, drawn from his sea of ​​consciousness, only poured into his brain!

Immediately, all kinds of illusions in his mind disappeared one after another, and the strange scenes were endless, disturbing Gu Shaoshang's mind.


Without waiting for Gu Shaoshang's reaction, the He Shibi in his palm suddenly burst out with terrifying energy that Gu Shaoshang couldn't help but change color, and poured into the meridians around his body from his palm like a river pouring backwards.


Gu Shaoshang's whole body qi and blood swelled, and the meridians seemed to explode, and intense pain came from all over his body.

"How could the three of Xu Ziling endure such a powerful force?"

Gu Shaoshang's brows were slightly wrinkled, and he forced himself to endure the intense pain.

He naturally knew that as long as he let go, he would be harmless, but instead of letting go, he grabbed the jade seal and sat cross-legged on the ground.

Naturally, he doesn't need these unexplained infuriating energy to condense infuriating seeds, but it doesn't prevent Gu Shaoshang from using it for other purposes.

After he was promoted to Qi Zong, he had a shallow foundation and never condensed acupoints. At this time, he just used this energy to explore, condense and nurture acupoints.

It would be great if we could open up the twelve acupuncture points for the entrance to the golden bell jar.


Gu Shaoshang closed his eyes, the intense pain almost couldn't help crying out.

With his meridians that are hundreds of times stronger than ordinary people, he couldn't help but feel the pain. He hurriedly calmed down, while calming the mental power in his mind, while guiding the hot and cold energy flow in the meridians, hitting the acupoints. trick.

Gu Shaoshang focused on it, and the acupoints all over his body lit up like stars.

Since he broke the void, he can already see the acupoints all over his body. Compared with other Qi Zong masters, his advantages are self-evident.

Even though the acupoints in the whole body are uncertain, but Gu Shaoshang waits intently and guides this powerful energy flow to the starry sky in the body!


As if struck by a heavy hammer, Gu Shaoshang's soul was trembling, and his whole body was numb.

However, the acupuncture point that he was looking at has not yet been opened.


One blow failed, Gu Shaoshang resisted the impact of the infinite illusion in his mind, and launched the attack here.





I don't know how long ago, Gu Shao's muscles and bones couldn't help being sore and numb for a while.


A sound like the sound of the morning bell and the sound of a twilight drum sounded in his body!


Gu Shaoshang was shocked, and when he looked closely, there was a brighter and brighter "star" in the hole that seemed to be shining like stars in the sky!

The first hole is opened!

Gu Shaoshang's spirit was shaken, and he was about to open up all the twelve acupoints of the golden bell entrance door in one go.


Suddenly, this mighty and immeasurable energy boiled violently at the moment when the acupoints opened!

Then, under Gu Shao's jaw-dropping eyes, all the acupoints that had just been opened were swallowed!


The acupuncture point he opened, in the acupuncture point like a starry sky, lit up like a big moon!

"Actually! Actually, only one acupoint was opened!"

Gu Shaoshang felt the energy left in his body and smacked his tongue.

"How did the Qi Zong masters on the vast continent open up the acupuncture points?"

Gu Shao changed his mind in sadness.

Compared with the energy condensed by its own infuriating seeds, although the quality of He's jade's energy is much different, its quantity is comparable to Gu Shaoshang's savings of a hundred years!

Only one hole was opened!

How did the Qi Zong masters on the vast continent open up 365 acupoints and even more acupoints in the body?

Before he could think about Shaoshang, his body suddenly trembled violently.

The spirit immediately condensed into the sea of ​​​​knowledge!

The spiritual power conveyed by He Shibi demonstrated a series of bizarre and peculiar scenes, and suddenly pulled out a picture above Gu Shaoshang's golden sea of ​​consciousness!

A majestic city, the city wall is dozens of feet high, and a man wearing a dragon robe stands on the top of the city.

Behind him, Yang Su, Xiang Yutian, Xiang Yutian in golden armor, and many strangers stood.

In the darkness of the night, a huge meteorite burning with fierce flames swayed through the sky with a huge tail flame and fell to nowhere.

"this is me?"

Gu Shaoshang was shocked, the picture formed by that strange force, the man in the dragon robe, was himself!


Gu Shao was heartbroken, and recalled the demon Xiang Yutian once said.

Gu Shaoshang stared at and saw in the picture that after the meteorite disappeared into the night sky, the picture suddenly shook.

It seems to be due to the excessive consumption of the power in the He Shibi, and after only a few vague images remained, they disappeared from Gu Shaoshang's mind.


Gu Shaoshang opened his eyes, and the He Shibi, which he held tightly in his hand, had disappeared.

In addition to some unknown powdery substances in the palm of the hand, there is only a small piece of gold in the supplementary corner, which has been squeezed and changed its shape.

"Unfortunately, I couldn't see all the pictures."

Gu Shaoshang felt a little regretful, and flicked off the powder on his palm with a flick of his hand.

"Who are those people? Travelers? Reincarnation? Extraterrestrial demons?"

Gu Shaoshang recalled the pictures he had seen before, and faintly felt a huge crisis approaching in his heart.

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