Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 260: The most powerful fist in the world!

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Shi Zhixuan was silent for a moment, then bowed down.

My mind was confused and confused.

If this His Majesty knew his origins, it would be very bad.

In the battle to exterminate the Dugu clan, the whole world of martial arts people knew that there was a master of broken ranks in the Great Sui court.

In the battle, three of the four holy monks were killed and one wounded.

Shi Zhixuan thought to himself that he was definitely not an opponent.

The corners of his eyes swept across the imperial study, and his body tensed up tightly.

"Pei Qing can go by herself."

Gu Shaoshang pretended not to know and waved his hand.

Compared with the value of the Evil Emperor's relic, he was very happy to hand it over to Gu Shaoshang.

Although Gu Shaoshang had never practiced, he had memorized it in his heart, and it was his intention to hand it over to Shi Zhixuan at this time.

It is extremely difficult to cultivate this Dafa Dafa, which is very difficult to cultivate. As far as Gu Shaoshang knows, only Xiang Yutian has cultivated it in this world.

But I don't know how effective this evil king, who is a genius in the sky, can get this magic way supreme secret book.

"Wei Chen retire."

Shi Zhixuan bowed slightly, and didn't let out a long breath until he walked out of the imperial study in a trance.

Stepping out of the palace, behind him, the servant lifted two baskets of martial arts secrets and followed him.


Gu Shao was injured at the door of the imperial study, quietly looked at Shi Zhixuan's figure, and smiled.

Even if Gu Shaoshang chooses to use martial arts in the world, it is impossible to publish all the martial arts that are too advanced.

Like some advanced martial arts cheats, not beginners can dabble.

Therefore, it is naturally better for Shi Zhixuan to choose to distribute.

If it wasn't for the time it took for this matter to take too long, and the Temple of War was about to open, Gu Shaoshang would have been dispatched to Yutian.

"The Temple of War, the dragon."

Gu Shaoshang pondered.

He came to the world of Datang for only three purposes, to search for source power, to accumulate information, and to stimulate the blood of the golden-winged Dapeng, the golden-eyed eagle bird.

Since he sat on the throne of the emperor, Yuan Li has been continuously acquiring it, so Gu Shaoshang basically doesn't need to worry too much.

And the foundation of savings is what he has been doing.

The only thing about slaughtering the dragon to stimulate the blood of "anger" can only wait for the opportunity. If you miss this time, I am afraid that this trip to the Tang Dynasty will not have another chance.

He also sent people to the Ruma Plain to search, but in a short time, he found nothing.

Therefore, he naturally cannot miss the opening of the Temple of War.


Shi Zhixuan returned to the mansion with a solemn expression.

"Master Pei, I'm waiting to retire!"

The four guards put down the basket containing the martial arts secrets and bowed to leave.

"The Dao Heart Seeds the Magic Dafa!"

Shi Zhixuan repelled him left and right, took out the secret book from his sleeve robe, and watched it carefully.


Shi Zhixuan flipped through the book.

This Dao Dafa, also known as Seed Demons, consists of twelve chapters.

From the first article "Entering the Dao First", the second article "Second for Seeking Demons", and the third article "Establishing Demons Third"...until the eleventh article "The Realm of Magical Change" and even the final article "Magic Immortal" , all in the book!

There are even detailed annotations, which make Shi Zhixuan's mind shake.

At the same time, he only felt that His Majesty seemed to be covered with a mysterious veil, causing the pressure in his heart to rise sharply.


Taking a deep breath and forcibly restraining his own desires, Shi Zhixuan put away the Dao Heart Seed Magic Dafa.

He has already begun to integrate the martial arts of the flower world and the true inheritance of the Butian Pavilion, and now he is watching the Dao Heart Seed Magic Dafa.

Not only useless, but harmful.


With a random move, he summoned a cheat book from the basket and read it.

"If you want to practice this skill, you must first go to the palace?"

As soon as he turned the page, Shi Zhixuan couldn't help but twitch at the corners of his mouth, forcing himself to read on.


Shi Zhixuan was shocked. Although the cultivation conditions of this sunflower collection were harsh, the essence of martial arts in it really made Shi Zhixuan's eyes shine.

Sit down now and look carefully.

"Heaven's Metamorphosis!"

After a while, Shi Zhixuan put down the sunflower treasure book in his hand and looked at the secret books that were littered like straw paper in the basket.

After watching all the cheats again, I was immediately shocked.

"When will the magic tricks be calculated in batches?"

Shi Zhixuan's heart was shaken, and he only felt that he had never been as shocked as today in his life.

Among the secret books given by Gu Shaoshang, although there is no magic skill that is comparable to that of the Dao Heart Seed Demon, there are actually a large number of martial arts secret books that are comparable to his Butian Pavilion and Huajian Sect.

Historically, it was extremely rare in martial arts that he could be called a divine art.

In all of his studies, only the "immortal seal method" he created in his creation can vaguely surpass these secrets.

He can already imagine how many masters will emerge after these batches of cheats are spread out.


Haori slanted westward, and in the blink of an eye, it was already near dusk.

Daxing City, the Imperial Palace, in Gu Shaoshang's bedroom.

Surrounded by the smoke rising from the incense burner, Gu Shaoshang sat cross-legged on the bed.

call! Suck!

call! Suck!

Gu Shaoshang's body trembled rhythmically, and the gentle air flow between his nose and mouth was endless.

The Dao Heart Seed Demon Dafa is indeed worthy of the four god-level secret books in the world.

Gu Shaoshang was greatly touched by the essence of seeing all things as fluctuations.

One plant and one tree, all things in the world, innate qi, spiritual power......

various fluctuations.

"No wonder, once you make a move, it will shake the space. Learning this magical art is indeed better than all other martial arts when you open the "Xianmen"."

Gu Shaoshang slowly opened his eyes and looked at Xiang Yutian, who was standing quietly a few meters away.


Xiang Yutian nodded slightly and said, "After I cultivated to the realm of the devil, I naturally cater to the ubiquitous fluctuations between heaven and earth every time I make a move. In terms of breaking, I am much stronger than Yan Fei."

After cultivating to the completion of Demon Immortal, Xiang Yutian has been comprehending the fluctuations between heaven and earth almost all the time, almost instinctively.

As long as it makes a full effort, it will definitely shatter the void.

It was also because of this that he was persecuted by Daoxin and other four people before.


Gu Shaoshang was thoughtful.

In the eyes of Gu Shaoshang at this moment, all the practices in the Dao Heart Demons are nothing.

Similar to the magical use of the Heaven and Earth Destroyer Soul Searcher that inspired him to know the power of the sea, the way of comprehending fluctuations among the Dao-hearted demons also gave Gu Shaoshang a different kind of inspiration.

That is, the power of shock that can be extended by fluctuations!

This kind of power he already had a vague sense of in his heart!

A punch is thrown, shaking everything in the world, shaking space, shaking the ground, shaking everything in the world!

Once hit, nothing is unbreakable!

"Go! Let's practice!"

Gu Shaoshang drew the corners of his mouth and stood up.

"What do you get?"

Xiang Yutian said in surprise.

The cultivation of Dao Heart Seed Demon Dafa is very difficult, and only he has the most profound experience.

Hundreds of years and countless experiments, it was only with the help of Saint Relic that it was possible.

Could it be that he could complete his cultivation in a short period of time?


With his sleeves moving, Gu Shaoshang stepped out of the dormitory and headed for the Imperial Academy.

"I'd like to see what the **** are you doing."

Xiang Yutian snorted coldly and followed Gu Shaoshang.

Gu Shaoshang retreated from the guards who wanted to follow, and walked with Xiang Yutian.

In just a moment, he came to the forbidden military academy.

The school grounds in the imperial palace were the venues where the forbidden army practiced or competed every day. Every few months or a year, the emperor would parade troops on the school grounds to watch the martial arts.

At this time, it was almost dusk, except for the soldiers who occasionally passed by patrolling the palace, there were only two people on the huge school grounds that could accommodate 30,000 forbidden troops practicing martial arts.


Gu Shaoshang slowly stepped onto the huge battle arena paved with white stones.

On the competition arena with a radius of forty to fifty feet, there are dozens of weapon racks, on which are placed eighteen weapons such as swords, spears, swords and halberds.

There is also a wooden stake wrapped in iron armor in the middle, which is usually used by the soldiers of the forbidden army to train and compete on it.

"Lao Xiang, are you interested in trying my results?"

Gu Shaoshang suddenly turned around and looked at Xiang Yutian with a half-smile.

"Humph! I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

Xiang Yutian snorted coldly, roared onto the competition arena, and stepped on the white stone slab.

Although Gu Shaoshang's strength at this time is faintly stronger than his overall state.

But he asked himself, with his rebuilt martial arts and ghost immortal body, even if it was not as good, if Gu Shaoshang didn't make a full shot, he wouldn't be able to hurt him.

"The fluctuation between heaven and earth, rhythm!"

Gu Shaoshang slowly stretched out his palm and stretched it out in the air. Looking at Xiang Yutian, who was on guard, he said lightly: "Everything naturally has its own fluctuations, including space. If you touch it lightly, it will be enough to play a huge role."

The voice echoed continuously on the wide school grounds.

"Naturally, after completing the cultivation of Dao Heart Demons, you can naturally feel the fluctuations of heaven and earth."

Xiang Yutian nodded slightly in agreement.

Cultivating the Dao Heart Seed Magic Dafa can continuously inhale the essence of heaven and earth into the body through one's own pores, transforming it into the Qi of true essence, and the spiritual power can penetrate all things.

Relying on it is to perceive the fluctuations of all things in the world.

"If this fluctuation is destroyed, what will happen?"

Gu Shaoshang swiped his palm in the air.

Suddenly, with a flick of the finger,


In the low thunderous sound, Yu Tian's pupils shrank!

I saw that in the space, with a flick of Gu Shaoshang's finger, a small, black crack appeared!

Shatter the void!

"This! This is!"

Xiang Yutian's mind was could not help but say, "Destroy the wave! This, this power!"

What is broken void is to oscillate the fluctuations in the space to form a "Xianmen" that is enough to shatter and go away, not that its power is strong enough to destroy the space.

Destroying the fluctuations in space like Gu Shaoshang requires terrifying power!

"Shock! Destruction!"

"If it is enough to completely grasp the power of this shock!"

Gu Shaoshang lowered his hands and said calmly, "My fist is the most powerful fist in the world!"

Xiang Yutian was silent, thinking about the terrifying shock force between Gu Shaoshang's fingers just now, and had to admit it.

With such power, there is absolutely no one in the world that can resist!

"It is indeed a powerful punch!"

Xiang Yutian suddenly felt a little desolate, and really felt the terrifying potential of Gu Shaoshang.

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