Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 261: have not seen you for a long time! god!

It's not scary to be stronger than you, and it's not scary to be younger than you.

But someone who is stronger than you, younger than you, and progressing faster than you.

That feeling, with Xiang Yutian's state of mind, could not help but sigh.

"The fist shakes the mountains and rivers, and the fist shakes the void! As long as you are strong enough, one punch can wipe out the world and destroy the world!"

Gu Shaoshang flicked his fingers and said lightly.

At this time, he can slightly tear the space with a flick of his finger, although there is a reason for the low level of Datang World itself.

But as his physical body strengthened, his boxing skills improved again, and he could do this even in the vast continent!

"How is that possible? The human body has its own limits. Even if the emperor Yu and the first emperor of that year were enough to shatter their bodies, it is absolutely impossible to reach the realm you said!"

Xiang Yutian was startled at first, then sneered.

Although Gu Shaoshang seemed to break open the void with a flick of his fingers, but at that moment, he actually shot with all his strength.

With his tyrannical physical body, he can only achieve this level.

Xiang Yutian can't imagine what kind of tyrannical force is needed to destroy the world in an instant!

"Old Xiang, your vision is still too low."

Gu Shaoshang was dumbfounded, but he didn't say much.

The world is limited, in Xiang Yutian's eyes, Emperor Yu and Qin Shi Huang are the strongest.

And what is the world that Gu Shaoshang sees ten thousand times bigger than it?

Not to mention the power of the heavens and the world, the endless innate gods and demons, and the peerless powerhouse against the sky.

Even the tyrannical characters he had seen in the broken memories of the old man Chasing Dao were unmatched.

If it comes to the Tang Dynasty, it can also destroy the world with one blow.

In fact, it is a matter of vision, not because Xiang Yutian is too unbearable.

A strongman like him, who is in a world, after being broken, will definitely step into the cultivation base by a large margin.


Xiang Yutian smiled indifferently, turned around and left.

Having seen Gu Shao's injured finger, he naturally wouldn't come forward to ask for a beating.

"Don't go!"

Gu Shaoshang smiled slightly, the dragon robe suddenly moved without wind, and the hunting sounded.

Raise your toes and step lightly.


The martial arts field paved with white stones suddenly shook violently, and the gust of wind cracked within a few dozen feet.


Gu Shaoshang stepped down and lifted his palm lightly, his five fingers suddenly closed together, and the fist mark hit Xiang Yutian more than ten meters away.


The thunder that came out of nowhere was as muffled, directly overshadowing the sound of the wind blowing clothes.

The fist marks are in the air!

In the rolling air, the fist mark trembled, and the void shook violently like water waves.

One after another small cracks spread into the air, and the air seemed to be turned into a mirror and shattered.


How sensitive Xiang Yutian's spiritual sense is, Gu Shaoshang noticed when he lifted his hand.

Before he had time to speak, the air all over his body was bulging, and he raised his fist to meet him.


As soon as the fists touched, Xiang Yutian's complexion changed. From the place where the fists touched, in an instant, a tyrannical force shook the whole body!


Amidst the pain and numbness all over his body, he suddenly exerted force at Yutian's feet and retreated more than ten feet away.


The hot air gushes out from Yutian's nostrils, his body leans forward, and a series of afterimages are pulled out in the whistling, and the numb arm is beaten, and the air is blasted like a long whip.

Xiang Yutian was shocked, Gu Shaoshang naturally didn't use his full strength, but he was still injured in one move.

That peculiar vibrational force, ignoring his steel-like body, vibrated directly in his internal organs, bone marrow, and even his mind.

Unprepared, he was almost defeated by Gu Shaoshang with a punch!

"Ha ha!"

After a punch flew to Yutian, Gu Shaoshang couldn't help laughing.

The power of his punch was less than five points, but under the blessing of the power of shock, it exerted an effect close to a full-strength blow!

At this time, seeing Xiang Yutian annoyed, he rushed forward, not dodging or avoiding.

Card wipe!

In the violent bone friction, the body suddenly straightened.

A single fist swung in the air, and amid the fierce howling in the air, a fist imprinted the arm that hit Yutian.


With a tooth-stinging crash, Xiang Yutian was shaken by Gu Shaoshang's tremendous force and flew backwards.


Amidst the intense numbness all over his body, his right foot suddenly lifted, kicking Gu Shaoshang's crotch amidst the howling wind blowing over the air waves.

Gu Shaoshang raised his long eyebrows, revealing a trace of inexplicable smile, punched horizontally, and smashed heavily towards Yutian!

Completely disregarding the kick to Amida's crotch!

"This kid, isn't the whole body of King Kong not broken?"

Xiang Yutian jumped in his heart when he saw that Gu Shaoshang was neither dodging nor dodging.

Although his physical body has only been polished for a few years, its refined muscles are no less than that of an ordinary great master!

With one foot, even the city wall can be stepped on with one foot, let alone the most vulnerable crotch.

"The kick is broken, so I just happened to be a eunuch!"

Weird thoughts were fleeting, Xiang Yutian put on one foot on the ground, leaned back, and kicked Gu Shaoshang's crotch!


In the sound of a clash of gold and iron, Xiang Yutian felt as if his foot was on top of a bronze bell, and his foot was hit by Gu Shaoshang's trembling thigh muscles, which was extremely painful!

He only had time to raise his arms horizontally and forcefully received a punch from Shao Gu's injury!


With a loud vibration, Xiang Yutian's chest felt numb, and he whistled and mopped the ground with one foot, and pulled back several dozen feet!

Countless white stones were slashed by his foot and smashed into pieces.

"Dare to be ruthless?"

Gu Shao scolded with a smirk, closed his fists and stood upright.

"You kid is a monster!"

Xiang Yutian coughed several times and cursed through gritted teeth.

Even though his body was far from being polished to perfection, he couldn't resist even three punches and two moves, and he still felt his old face get hot.

"I'm going to hand over the God Emperor's sword you mentioned to Song Que. I'll be back before the Temple of War opens. Before that, I didn't want to see you!"

Xiang Yutian shook his head and stepped a little.

Whistling out, he pulled out the Gangfeng airflow and went straight to the Meridian Gate.

The voice is still echoing in the martial arts field, and the figure has disappeared.

"Maybe, next time we meet, you can't even take a punch from me?"

Gu Shaoshang looked at the back of Xiang Yutian who was walking away, with a smile that was not a smile.

The power of fluctuations and shocks, Gu Shaoshang has only just touched it at this time, and is far from fully grasping it.

If he can master it initially, even if he returns to his peak state, he may not be able to receive a punch from Shaoxing Gu.

"My way will be done!"

Gu Shaoshang walked towards the bedroom with his hands behind his back, and a faint voice echoed in the sky above the school grounds.


After initially comprehending the power of shock, Gu Shaoshang transformed into an incarnation with one person and three transformations, and went to court every day to handle government affairs.

In the bedroom, he silently deduced martial arts, learned the power of shock, accumulated true energy, and polished the newly opened acupoints.

Martial arts practice is not a step to the sky, but more of a daily savings, and finally it will come naturally.

If each realm is not overflowing with water, but is broken through by the stimulation of life and death in some battle, its foundation will naturally not be very good.

In the dark bedroom, Gu Shaoshang sat cross-legged on the bed.


Like a tiger and a leopard roaring, a low-pitched thunderous hum sounded on Gu Shaoshang's body.


The sound of blood flowing, resounded like a stream of water.

call! call!

In the spacious palace, Gu Shaoshang's breath pulled out a violent hurricane.

It wasn't that Gu Shaoshang deliberately exercised his powers, but the sound that came out naturally after he opened up the acupoints, his body slowly improved.

Gu Shaoshang closed his eyes and meditated.

From the acupuncture point that was lit up like a sky full of stars, he found the acupuncture point he had opened that looked like a big moon hanging high in the starry sky.

boom! With a bang, Gu Shaoshang's spiritual sense probed into the hole.

Red light!

Endless red light filled Gu Shaoshang's spiritual sense.

In the investigation of Gu Shaoshang's spiritual sense, the acupoints of this square are boundless, and they are all enveloped in red light and mist.

Under the feet, it seems to be a planet that is slowly rotating, and it is boundless!

"I see!"

Only then did Gu Shaoshang understand why only one acupoint was opened with the huge energy in He's jade that was comparable to its century-old infuriating energy.

He swept the martial arts of all the vast worlds of the Yanwu branch. Although he did not practice them one by one, he had memorized all the classics about the acupoints.

In the vast continent, the acupoints are divided into two types: the main acupoints and the auxiliary acupuncture points. The main acupuncture points are usually opened by a Qi Zong master, and the auxiliary acupoints are generally opened when they reach the peak of the Qi Zong.

There are a hundred times as many main acupoints!

Even though the auxiliary acupoints are far less powerful than the main acupoints, the huge number still makes the masters of the peak Qizong far stronger than the early and middle Qizong.

"My hole!"

Gu Shao muttered to himself in sadness, a little shocked.

From the books he obtained, after opening the acupoints, the acupoints will be nourished for more than a month.

People are different, and the acupoints are the difference between heaven and earth.

The size inside is very different.

It is recorded in the classics that the city lord of Xuanlong, a powerful master of the illusion world level, the acupuncture hole opened by his Qi Zong is a big star!

This is called, the foundation of power!


Gu Shaoshang's spiritual sense stirred the red mist, and in an instant it condensed into a long fine iron sword!


That crimson long knife was flying in the fog!

Ling Lie's knife light squeezed the fog in the sky, forming a huge vacuum zone. After the knife light flashed, the fog automatically closed.

Gu Shao took a closer look and found that this knife was exactly the same as the fine iron long knife he had seen in the outside world!

Why does Gu Shaoshang feel that Qi Zong is the beginning of cultivation?

Why is the concentration level called "God" level master?

Why did Gu Shaoshang use the Martial Dao cultivation of the vast continent as the master?

Everything is at ease in these red mists!


Gu Shaoshang's spiritual sense The power of sea consciousness unfolded, covering the whole body within a few meters!


The red mist fluctuated violently and gathered in front of Gu Shaoshang.

Then, a figure slowly solidified!

It was a young man in an inky black coat.

His forehead was high and shiny, his hair was bushy, his face was white and beardless, but his eyebrows were long and drooping at the corners of his eyes.

His face was indifferent, and his eyes were as deep as the sea.

This person is the God leader who calls himself "God" that Gu Shaoshang has seen in the Dragon and Snake World!

"Long time no see! God leader!"

Gu Shaoshang looked at the indifferent young man with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

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