Projection of the Heavens

Vol 2 Chapter 262: Grandmaster Shi Zhixuan!

The leader of **** didn't answer, just looked at Gu Shaoshang quietly.

Gu Shaoshang just felt it, and didn't think God could answer.

If you want to instill spiritual wisdom, it is far from Gu Shaoshang's power of sea of ​​consciousness at this time.

After being promoted to Qi Zong, after opening the acupuncture hole with the method of piercing the hole in the vast continent, the red mist inside the hole is called the Qi of Creation.

This creative energy can nurture a warrior's weapons and armor, making it more powerful than its own quality.

And Gu Shaoshang's power of sea-consciousness is only possessed by warriors in the contemplative realm, so he also possesses a part of the ability that can only be possessed by warriors in the contemplative realm.

Using fog to condense weapons, even people, is the ability that can only be possessed by concentrating warriors.

This red mist of creation energy, as long as you can deeply understand something and reflect it in the acupoints with the power of the sea of ​​consciousness, you can condense it as mist.

And with Gu Shaoshang's sea of ​​consciousness power at this time, it is not enough to pour spiritual wisdom into it.


The red fog that filled the sky condensed, and the figure of Gu Shaoshang evolved.

"It's not enough to instill intelligence, but it can instill some instinct."

Gu Shaoshang took a step forward, squeezed the red mist away, and pointed at the sluggish God's eyebrows.


With the influx of Gu Shaoshang's sea-conscious power, God's body trembled slightly, and the deep pupils in his eyes lit up slightly.


Gu Shaoshang retracted his fingers and sensed that the power of sea consciousness had consumed more than 70%.


As Gu Shaoshang retracted his fingers, God's body moved, stretched out his arm, held it quietly, and slowly started a set of punches.


In the endless red mist rolling, God's boxing from stiff to gradually smooth...

Congenital twelve entanglements!

What Gu Shaoshang instilled in him was God's own innate twelfth entanglement!

As if tirelessly, God played this boxing technique back and forth, and the surrounding red mist disappeared one by one.


With the reduction of Gu Shao's power of the sea of ​​consciousness, God's figure suddenly dissipated!


Gu Shaoshang opened his eyes, his face pale.

The power of the sea of ​​consciousness was exhausted, and suddenly I felt a burst of exhaustion in my body, and I forcibly endured the exhaustion.

Gu Shaoshang carefully comprehends the Twelve Innate entanglements from God.

"Sure enough!"

Gu Shaoshang's eyes lit up slightly.

For Gu Shaoshang, the innate twelfth entanglement that **** practiced was naturally nothing.

But this made Gu Shaoshang feel the power of the vast continent's cultivation system.

With his current sea-consciousness power, he can only evolve a figure, and the duration of maintenance is very short, so the harvest is naturally not much.

But the martial artist in the contemplative realm, with the power of the sea of ​​consciousness, is more than tens of hundreds of times stronger than Gu Shaoshang at this time?

In one fell swoop, hundreds of human figures were created, and the practice of martial arts in one day was more than a hundred times, a thousand times more than ordinary people!

Not to mention, if you cultivate to the illusion world, the world you practice in the world where the acupoints are drilled can almost be compared to the real world!

Not only can you practice martial arts, summon warriors in the illusion world to fight, but you can also surpass the limit of life expectancy in one fell swoop!

As long as the illusion world in the body is immortal, you can live forever!

Therefore, the Illusory Realm is called almighty!

Also, the acquired spirits of the human race and even the ten thousand worlds can counterattack the foundation of the innate spirit "Xi" clan!

If the way of cultivation is weak, why defeat a group of congenital beings who have stood on the top of the world since the beginning of the world?

You must know that there is almost no limit to the growth of the power of the Xi people, and there is no shackles!

Sleeping for a year, its progress is comparable to your ten years of practice!

"Only the advanced illusion world is the first step to stand in the heavens!"

The thought flashed through Gu Shao’s heart, and he forcibly endured the severe pain in his mind and closed his eyes to adjust his breath.

Thinking about this at this time is too far away.

The road of cultivation is long, and it is enough to walk slowly.

I don't know how long it took before Gu Shaoshang opened his eyes, and his sea-consciousness recovered.


Gu Shaoshang stood up, his muscles and bones throbbing, turning into Yang Guang's appearance.

Even if his strength at this time can be said to be invincible in the world, it is impossible to subdue the people of the world. Once exposed, the world will riot.

The aristocratic clansmen who are eager to make a move will not miss this opportunity.

At that time, even if Gu Shaoshang can sweep the world, it is not known how many people will die in the war.

Therefore, he has never exposed himself pretending to be Yang Guang.


As Gu Shaoshang got up, footsteps came from outside the palace gate.

"Weichen Yuwentuo, join your majesty!"

Yuwen Tuo's voice came.

"come in!"

Gu Shaoshang spoke lightly.


With the sound of the door being pushed, Yuwen Tuo, dressed in golden armor, walked into the bedroom.

"What's the matter with Yuwen?"

Gu Shaoshang waved Yuwentuo to sit down and said lightly.

Since Gu Shaoshang took the throne, Gu Shaoshang asked Yuwentuo to lead the more than 900 young masters to set up an intelligence system.

"His Majesty!"

After Yuwen Tuo sat down, he bowed slightly and said, "The intelligence system has already built a shelf, and then it can only be developed slowly."

Those teenagers that Gu Shaoshang had trained before were undoubtedly first-class players in the arena. They could wipe out the battle of Yuwen Clan, even without Yuwen Tuo's action.

Building the basic framework of an intelligence system is naturally not that difficult.

"There is no need to worry at this time. In ten years, it is enough to monitor all the territory of the Great Sui."

Gu Shaoshang nodded in satisfaction.

Naturally, he couldn't take it lightly from the picture he saw in the He Clan's jade. In addition to deploying the world, the establishment of an intelligence system was also intended.

"Weichen came here this time to report. Although Buddhism began to disband the temple under the order of Emperor Xin, it could not be done in a short time."

Yuwen Tuo frowned and said: "These monks are used to being domineering. Although Emperor Xin has a high prestige in Buddhism, there are always people who are unwilling and want to jump out."

"Anyone who stands in the way, kill them all!"

Gu Shaoshang said with indifferent eyes.

After he cut himself off because of Taoism and faith, he never attacked Buddhism.

"In Buddhism, for decades, there have been countless robbers from Jiangyang and foreign countries, and habitual murderers have been ordained to become monks. This time, the fall of Buddhism, in just over a month, hundreds of blood-stained robbers have been identified."

Yuwen Tuo took a deep breath, a little startled.

Gu Shaoshang didn't speak, and listened to Yuwen Tuo's story.

He mastered the intelligence system, and built a huge intelligence network on top of Yang Jian's previous intelligence system.

So, know more clearly.

Over the years, there have been too many such robbers in Buddhism.

"...That's the way it is. In Buddhism, only Cihang Jingzhai lives in seclusion on the Emperor Stepping Peak and does not ask about world affairs."

Yuwen Tuo will tell you everything you know.

Gu Shaoshang was not surprised, the women of Cihang Jingzhai were too shrewd.

As early as a few years ago, Fan Qinghui, who was traveling all over the world, had been behind closed doors after returning to the mountain, leaving everything to the four holy monks to handle.

"The few people already know about this matter. From now on, you must keep your eyes on the Li clan and the Taoist sect."

Gu Shaoshang nodded slightly.

In the world of Tang Dynasty, from beginning to end, it seems that there is only a dispute between Buddhism and Demon, as if no one jumped out of Daoism except for a soft head Ning Daoqi.

It seems that the power is far inferior to that of the Demon Sect and the Buddhist Sect.

But Gu Shaoshang knew that Taoism was the most local sect in the Central Plains, and its accumulation was not under Buddhism.

And it's not that there is no action. Among the Yuwen clan, there is a young man named Yuwen Chengdu. Since he was young, he was accepted as an apprentice by an old Taoist and taken to the mountains to learn art.

Even, in the future, a young master who dominates the world will be created.


Yuwentuo was stunned for a moment, wondering why Gu Shaoshang suddenly talked about Taoism.

The way of Taoism is completely different from that of Buddhism, and it rarely depends on the dynasty to survive.

Since the Heavenly Master Sun En was broken and gone, the only famous masters were Ning Daoqi, and Sun Simiao, a man who healed and saved people, walked the world, low-key and unbelievable.

"Keep an eye on Li Clan. If someone from the Taoist sect is born, let me know as soon as possible."

Gu Shaoshang stood up, put his hands behind him, and said lightly, "The sect is not that simple."

"Wei Chen takes orders!"

Yuwen Tuo gave a deep respect and agreed.


Time flashed, and another year of winter came, and the snow rustled down, putting silver clothes on the land of the North.


Amidst the whistling of the north wind, a carriage drove out of Daxing.

On the carriage, the charcoal stove was lit.

Shi Zhixuan held a cheat book in his hand and lay reclining in the carriage.

He was reclining on the carriage, surrounded by hazy energy, suddenly dark and cold, suddenly clear and mellow, and suddenly huge and masculine...

It is like the cycle of heaven, the yin is born from the positive pole, and the yin disappears and the yang is restored.

"Everything and everything is only yin and yang. The cathode is yang, and the anode is yin. There is endless life and death."

He whispered in his mouth, with a wicked smile on his face.

After he had been given countless secrets by Gu Shaoshang, he had been studying for more than a few months before he came out of Daxing, and his martial arts attainments became more and more profound.

The immortality seal method he created has also been completed.

With all the accomplishments of martial arts, he finally stepped on the threshold of a great master and entered the top of the world!

Compared with the original book, he has achieved great success with the help of the Evil Emperor's relic after decades, and it is not known how much faster.

Just thinking of the broken-level master who was sitting on Daxing and defeated the four holy monks with his own power, who was comparable to gods and demons, the little pride that rose in his heart disappeared again.

"Your Majesty, what do you want to do?"

Shi Zhixuan closed the secret book in his hand, bewildered.

What is he doing in the world, and what can he get?

"The road is long, I should go up and down and seek it out."

Shi Zhixuan sighed slightly, UU reading www. put down the doubts in his heart.

Unfolding the sunflower collection in his hand: "Perhaps, you can give it to the side to practice?"

A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


The carriage pushed through the snow and moved slowly.


In the whistling of the north wind, several figures appeared in front of dozens of meters like ghosts.

"who is it!"

The servant of the Pei family who was driving was suddenly startled.

"Should I call you Pei Ju, or the Evil King?"

The slightly angry voice drifted from far away, and it contained a hint of charm in its clearness.

The two servants who drove the car could not help but look dazed and stopped the carriage.

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